Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

17.2K 909 1.5K

One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
War of hearts
Beautiful Evening
First date
Heartbreak and misery
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Melodious Escape ~ 5
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 4
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 7
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9

My innocent Fiancé.

550 29 21
By piadreamer

Credits to SleeepDeprived. Hope you'll like my take on this. Enjoy.

egurerk hope you'll like this.


"Fucking paparazzi! Is this a thing to publish! I'll sue those bastards!" Magnus seethed and slammed the newspaper on the table making his staff startle and Alec let out an audible sigh.

"Calm down, babe!" Alec slowly limped towards his Fiancé and placed a soft kiss on the creases forming on the bridge of his nose making the man lean into his touch, then held those shaking hands and rubbed his thumb gently over them. "Deep breaths, okay? Deep breaths!" Magnus nodded and obliged to his Fiancé.

They both were polar opposites, Magnus was the top choreographer and actor while Alec was the professor at the biggest University of New York and also runs his own podcasts. Though they had differences in their profession, they both were best friends since childhood and were in a relationship since college, and recently, they clashed each other's proposal, laughed it off then exchanged the rings.


"Yes, but that doesn't mean I won't sue the person who did this! Are you seeing this!? They published it like I'm not a human! Fucking-"

"Jeez! Calm down! We will sue them, okay? But you need to calm down now!" He sighed as he kept rubbing his thumb over the back of his hands and glanced a look at the heading, shaking his head in disbelief at how low can these media people go.

Famous celebrity Magnus Bane caught disrespecting the nature

Below that heading was a picture of Magnus urinating between the woods of Arizona. They went to Arizona for camping as the celebration after they announced their engagement to their family. They decided to camp using tents and bonfire, the old fashioned way, so where else were they supposed to go, carry their own portable toilets as these media wanted!? They had no idea that they were being followed else whoever did this would have been sued already. [A/N: No offense to any journalist here, if anyone of you is, please don't take it to heart.]

There was also the fact that Magnus was the only person who was famous in their whole group of friends and family. Others were well known but not famous, so obviously those fucking paparazzi will always go after Magnus, but this was a new low because below that picture was literally an article about how disrespectful was Magnus being, how he can be so shameless, blah, blah... all the negatives about him, trying to bring him down when in reality Magnus was the kindest and down to earth person despite being a famous actor.

Magnus let out an audible sigh and buried his face in his Fiancé's chest. "Just why!?"

Alec rubbed his hand over Magnus' back while signalling the staff to leave and the cook to start preparing their dinner. They lived together for years and after getting engaged, his sister Isabelle Lightwood who was already a wedding planner, took it upon herself to plan everything while they continued with their jobs.

"You know the answer to that, love."

"Unfortunately, yes." Magnus sighed and sat down on the couch, pulling down his fiance with him making him yelp, who landed on top of him.

"Careful, love, I'm still injured." Alec laid down on Magnus' lap as Magnus ran his fingers through his silky raven black hairs. While camping, he got his leg injured so when they got back, he took a leave from his uni, but because of his students who didn't want any substitute teacher and went on protest to have him back, the university requested him to take online classes to calm their students.

"Sorry." Magnus mumbled, still frustrated from the baseless news. "Should we make us official?" He asked out of the blue making Alec snap open his eyes and look up at him who was cherishing the feeling of being caressed.

Alec bit his lip as he took his other hand, intertwined it, and started playing with his fiance's fingers. "You mean holding a press conference?"

"Yes, are you comfortable with that?"

"Honestly, no. Don't take it in the wrong way, but telling the world feels too much right now. We're not married yet, and if the word reaches out to wrong people, they'll ruin everything we have, especially your ex Camille Belcourt. I don't mean that we're not strong enough but you know well how they'll literally dig out the graves and shove it on our faces wherever we'll go. They'll keep asking you about marriage, the details about it, hell, they'll even reach our wedding destination without our knowledge. You know I don't want that, I want a peaceful happy wedding without any hurry. And the world won't let us do that."

After a long thoughtful silence, Magnus finally spoke. "So what are you suggesting?"

"Let's just tell the people who already know we're dating about our engagement personally. Like my university or a few of your directors or fellow choreographers. As for the big announcement, they'll know the day itself when we'll get married or after our honeymoon. At least that bitch of your ex will stop stalking you then."

"So only the people close to us will know. I'm okay with that." Magnus leaned down to kiss his fiance when a bright smile appeared on his face. "Though I still have a question for you."

"Mmm..." Alec leaned forward to grab those lips again when Magnus broke the kiss, forming a cute pout on his face. "That is?" He finally asked when Magnus went reluctant.

"Why do you have to work tomorrow? It's Sunday! Can't your students live one day without you?" He whined.

"It's not that Magnus, it's kind of a revision session as there are few late entries for this batch. They are new, so I need to introduce them to the class and let them know what they missed so that the classes can run smoothly from Monday."

Magnus sighed and shook his head. "No doubt all your students love you so much. You're way too lenient."

"Nope, I'm strict but in my own way."

"You mean in your sassy way. I remember when you brought one of your full of attitude students here just to make him eat Isabelle's cooking as a punishment. Damn, I can never forget his face." Both men burst into laughter but it died down from a clearing of throat.

"Mr. Lightwood Banes, the dinner is ready."

"Coming, Mrs. Williams." Magnus said, picked up his fiance bridal style, and left for the dining room.


*Next day*

*Alec's online class*

"Good morning, class. Dean, don't eat burger first thing in the morning. Put that down. Finn, you too, put the coke away." Alec sighed while adjusting the iPad.

"Sorry, sir." They both said in unison while the other kids suppressed their laugh and there was a yell of 'thank you Mr. Lightwood' in the background making everyone crack a laugh and Finn groaned in his seat.

"Okay, stop it. Back to the class." Alec spoke in his usual stern professor's voice. "I was informed there's a new entry. Can you introduce yourself and tell us the reason why you got a lateral entry?"

One of the girls on the meeting screen rose her hand and Alec nodded her to continue.

"I'm Genilia Frankstein. I shifted to New York because of my dad's transfer. He's a navy officer. I got here yesterday morning and it was my first day here yesterday. I was transferred from my previous University to here because of the same studying structure. It was another branch of this same University."

"Okay, Genilia. Welcome to New York and in my class. Nice meeting you. Hope you'll enjoy living in this city. I'll revise everything for you today, and class, help her to settle with us and with everything she needs. And Genilia, whenever you need my help with any queries you're free to contact me. I'm hoping not to hear any kind of bully towards her, am I understood, class?" When there was an echo of 'yes sir's' he continued further. "Now before I start, is there anything you want to ask?"

One of the students rose her hand. "Yes, Katelyn?"

"How are you now, Mr. Lightwood? When are you coming back to the university? We all miss you, Hitler started bullying everyone again in your absence." Genilia's eyes widened as she looked at everyone on the screen who was looking at Mr. Lightwood with the same pleading expressions.

"Umm... Katelyn, right? Hitler?"

"Our gym coach, Gen. He's a sadist. Is it okay if I'll call you Gen? I'm Sandra, by the way." One of the other girls in that class spoke.

"Y-Yea..." Genilia stuttered as she kept gulping while looking at Mr. Lightwood.

"Calm down, Genilia. Be yourself in this class." Dean spoke. "Mr. Lightwood is the coolest and friendliest teacher at this university. We ever share our daily struggles with him and he always helps us, even if it's stupid sometimes. You can always listen to his podcasts if you don't want to have one to one conversation."


"Oh, you don't know?" Finn said. "He releases his podcasts twice a month. I'll share you his link."

"Oh, wow."

"Mr. Lightwood, you didn't answer. When are you returning?" Katelyn asked again.

Alec was a deep shade of red from his students' compliments but he quickly composed himself when their focus came back on him. "I'm fine, K. It will still take a week or two but don't worry, I'll take care of Hitler when I'll be back, and meanwhile, you can always go to Mr. Herondale if Hitler crosses his limit. Now let's get back to our revision."

1 1/2 hour later•

"Do you have any doubts till now, Gen?"

"No, Mr. Lightwood."

"Okay, we'll take a fifteen minutes break then we'll continue, okay?"

"Okay, sir." Everyone said in unison and started stretching in their seats and Alec as well who forgot to pause the video. Few students noticed that but didn't say a word because 90% of the class enjoyed staring at Alec's abs. Genilia too noticed but didn't gave much thought to it.

Alec cracked his neck and rubbed his eyes while leaning back on his seat. He was tired and hungry as hell but he still had his class to finish. As of reading his mind, Magnus appeared beside his working desk with a tray full of food and coffee in his hand.

"Phisss! Your food at your service, Mr. Lightwood." Magnus teased and Alec smiled warmly. The students noticed and covered their mouths to stop themselves from interrupting, grinning behind their hands as they loved watching their sappy romance. Genilia kept looking at the screen with shock, confusion, and curiosity. She had no idea how her new professor would be, she was scared earlier but this was far better than her expectations.

"You're the best, Love!" Alec grinned and picked up the bacon from the tray and started eating, oblivious that the video was still running. "Wow, this is different than usual. This is... just wow."

"Why wouldn't it? I made it for the love of my life." Magnus smirked when Alec's jaw dropped.

"You and cooking? Did the sun rose from the west today?"

"Shut up you sassy man!" Magnus was about to snatch the tray when Alec quickly grabbed it and shoved the bacon.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! This is great! You should cook more often."

The students keep looking at the couple with awe while Genilia was getting more curious because of the expressions of her friends and also because the other voice whose face was out of frame seemed familiar.

"Nope, I'm taking this away!" Magnus said, and before Alec tried to stop again, he held the tray high up in the air and started walking backwards just to tease his fiance making Alec pout.

"Love, no please!" Alec pleaded while still sitting in his place and trying to reach out towards his fiance who kept backing off resulting in accidentally putting force on his injured leg. "AAAAAAHHHH!" He scrunched his eyes in pain as his hands automatically reached towards the injured area.

"Alexander!" Magnus quickly put the tray on the table and ran towards his fiance. "Oh god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, love. It's just, I put force on it. Ahh... A painkiller will do. No need to freak out."

"Here," He pulled the tray towards Alec. "Eat, I'll bring the painkiller." Magnus ran towards the bathroom and brought the medicine while Alec ate the omelet, still holding his leg. When Magnus came back, he gave the medicine to him and kept looking at his fiance with worried eyes while he swallowed it.

Alec closed his eyes and sighed, adjusting himself on his seat while Magnus kept running his fingers through his hairs. "You scared me."

"Sorry!" Alec pouted his lips and slowly tilted his head towards Magnus making him chuckle at his antics. The students kept looking at their professor with complete awe, shock, and adoration.

"You're adorable!" Magnus grinned and leaned down to peck over those pink lips, tasting salt and pepper from the omelet.

As soon as Magnus' face came into the frame, Genilia's eyes widened to it's fullest. "WHAT THE FUCK!? THAT'S THE MAGNUS BANE! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! MR. LIGHTWOOD, YOU'RE... OH MY GOD!"

Alec's head snapped towards the screen with panic filled in his eyes. "Fuck! I thought I pause the video!" A beetroot colored blush crept on his face while everyone except Alec and Genilia burst into laughter.

Magnus pecked those redding cheeks then carefully sat on Alec's uninjured leg and waved at the screen as the students waved him back except for Genilia.


Magnus burst into laughter once again. "Well, thank you, dear. Is that the new one, Alexander?"

Alec finally composed himself and shook his head at his own stupidity. "Yeah, that's Genilia Frankstein."

"Oh, hi Genny." Magnus smiled and started laughing again when she started jumping on her chair.

"Calm down, Gen." Alec chuckled and wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist. Exchanging a look with his fiance he turned towards the screen with a grin. "Okay guys, I decided to tell you all at the end of this class, but..." he bit his lip and the couple flashed their engagement rings in front of the screen resulting in everyone's jaw-dropping on the floor, literally.







"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! AM I DREAMING!? OH MY GOD!" Genilia kept jumping up and down on her seat and Alec and Magnus couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter at their reactions.

"Guys, calm down!" Alec said between his laughs and everyone's parents and siblings came into the view including Genilia's father.

"Lia, what's the problem here? I thought you had your class?" A heavy built man with a good height entered her room and asked in his deep, stern voice.


"What's the prob- Magnus?"

"Mr. Edward Frankstein? Oh my god, it's been a long time."

Genilia's jaw dropped as she looked between her dad and the screen. " You know... you know him personally?"

Alec had a frown on his face too as he looked at his fiance. "Magnus?"

"Remember our last year of college, when I went to the Pacific Ocean with my family so that I can cut it off from my bucket list and our ship got stuck in the centre of it? Well, he was the one who helped us else we would have never made it out alive. It's nice seeing you again, Mr. Frankstein."

"Same here, Magnus. Though what was all the chaos was about? And why is everyone's parents on the screen too?"

"We want the answer to that too." One of the parents spoke.

Alec and Magnus exchanged a look and with a smile, they showed their engagement rings once again making all the families gasp.

"This is my fiance, Mr. Frankstein. Alexander Lightwood, also, Genny's professor. Remember I told you about him back then. We recently got engaged and broke the news to his students and thus, the chaos."

"Oh, congratulations boy." Edward cracked a smile while Genilia kept glancing between her father and Magnus.

"Thank you, Mr. Frankstein. Though, I think if you're here, we should meet. How about tonight at dinner?"

"Sure. My number is still the same which I shared with you. Send me your address. I'll be there with my family."

"Wait, dad are we actually... oh my god! I'll tease Diana forever with this, oh my god!"

"We'll wait for you, then." Magnus beamed.

"Okay, class, attention here." Alec commanded in his professor mode making Magnus frown. "Since Giselle asked for party, there's a get together with our family and friends tomorrow evening, so I'm inviting all of you with your families. Do come. And as for the remaining session of this class, I'll take that at 3 in the evening today. Don't miss that, especially you Gen. Goodbye and have a nice weekend."

The whole class said goodbye in unison then Alec finally turned off the conference call, shut down his laptop, and sighed.

"That was something!"

"Your whole class is crazy, darling. No doubt you enjoy teaching them."

Alec chuckled and pecked his fiance's cheek. "I'm hungry again. Make something for me?" He looked at him through his lashes innocently making Magnus melt at the sight.

Magnus stood up, picked up his cute and innocent idiot bridal style, laid him down on the bed then removed his shirt and short pants, leaving him just in boxers and vest, then tucked him under the blanket and pecked his forehead, looking deeply into his soft honey hazel eyes he pecked his lips and intertwined their fingers.

"You, no moving from here. I'll make something for you and ask Mrs. Williams to order the best take out for us and to make continental food for tonight as we're having guests. I'm coming, okay?"

As he was about to get up, Alec held his hand and pecked the back of it, looking into his golden-brown eyes adoringly. "I love you, Magnus."

"I love you too, my innocent Fiancé."

Reviews and feedbacks are welcomed. ❤️❤️

Prompts are welcomed too.

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