A Dance of Lions and Snakes (...

By ninaalvarez37

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Davina Lannister is the youngest child of Tywin Lannister. She is very loved by her father, which is why he l... More

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Main Characters
Part I
Part II
Part III


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By ninaalvarez37

Daario was gone the next morning, left me a note besides our bed, -- my dear, I couldn't say goodbye, our story is not over, one day I will see you again, I will take you away from your sandcastle and back here to where we can be free, think of me and our last night of passion as the perfect moment, not goodbye but... goodnight--

That was two days ago, now Brienne along with Morgana and the rest of the crew is here in Lys. All waiting for me to break fast together.

"Men, I'm as displeased as you all that our wonderful journey is going to be cut short by almost two years. As you may already know, Lord John Arry is dead... and with his death I fear for Westeros and the plans from the devious furies that make up its high court." This isn't how it was supposed to happen.

"However, I will not ask you to return with me. You are my crew and as I said when we left Lannisport, you are free. So, if you so wish, I will grant your payment for the next two years so you may continue your adventure in Volantis, our final destination" enjoy and finish what I can't.

Half of my men did as I expected and took their money with a promise to one day serve under me again. With the help of Lord Sexn they have a one way ticket to Volantis. The other half misses home so they will come back, and we will part ways in Lannisport.


Now in Daario's and I... my chambers Elyn is putting away the last of our belongings in the trunks. However, I don't for one second miss the glances she is getting from tayta, but these are different from the wishful ones they gave each other in Tyrosh... these glances are full of lust.

With one glance at Brienne we both new it to be true "So you finally gave into your feeling for one another, guess that extra coin I gave Lord Sexn wasn't waisted" the moment those words left my lips tayta almost choked on her wine and Elyn dropped on f my dresses.

Brienne and Morgana got lost in a fit of laughter while I made direct eye contact with Tayta "You sent that woman to tease us didn't you? Of course you did, only you would make another woman flirt with Elyn to make me confess my feelings" oh my, he really didn't disappoint.

"My dear Tayta I would love to take credit for that strategy but I only paid Lord Sexn to by any means get you two to confess and accept who you are. The flirting woman was his idea... I might just pay him a little more for his efficiency."

"Davi!" Elyn was as red as a tomato, nevertheless she continued "But what are we to do now, we might have come to terms with our love we will have to hide, as Westeros would have us hang" yes I know.

"Elyn, Tayta... I have known about you for years, trust me when I tell you that you will never have to hide your love from me. Believe me as I promise you this: I will protect you against all narrow minded people that dare bring you two harm" form anyone, always

After packing everything away we were just talking about what we will miss most of this intoxicating freedom when Henry and Mordred requested entry... and they stood by the doorway completely still. I raised from the window seat "What? Don't tell me it is more bad news, I swear to the good Cersei I can not leave you alone for one bloody minute"

Henry stood directly in front of me and with puffed chest spoke "My Lady... you have earned my utmost respect and admiration, if you shall grant me the honor, I will swear my sword and follow you to the ends of the world" Mordred came right by his side "As will I, my Lady" *gasp* by the gods. Such was my shock that all I could do was nod at my trusted knights.

Both got down on one knee, sword exposed and together said; "I will shield your back, and keep your counsel, and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the old gods and the new." This is my first oath but I knew exactly what to answer "And I vow that you shall always have a place at my table, and will ask nothing that may bring you dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new... Arise, Ser Mordred .... Arise, Ser Henry... my friends" 


"Lord Sexn I appreciate your hospitality maybe one day we will meet again in Sunspear for business" he looked surprised at my statement "You don't look Dornish my Lady"

"It is because I am not, I am leaving in an hour so might as well tell you myself... I am Lady Davina of House Lannister, daughter to the Warden of the West, and the future wife of Lord Oberyn Martell, prince of Dorne."

He got down on one knee and kissed my hand "Then we will certainly see each other again, Dorne has always been good to business. See you again, Wild Lioness" oh I sure hope so. "And remember to tell those five wich I bought that if they wish they will meet me in Sunspear in a year's time."

"This is it, the last time we will break fast together... Lord Sexn has informed me that your ship to Volantis will set sail tomorrow, however, I leave today... Every man and woman in this crew has earned my undying favor, respect our two rules even if we are apart, and if you ever need help, I will come to your aid, against anyone and always" how I will miss this every morning.

Those my last words to half of my crew... the pain I felt as Lys and Essos got lost in the horizon is overwhelming... going back before time to the life I was always meant to have but never wanted is hard, I feel as if I'm not ready.

I will forever treasure my 57 journals that hold all the adventures we had and the people I met and never will forget, the journals that have a dragon and a lover in its pages... Daario I really do hope to see you again my love...


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Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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