Music Lovers~ (A Jailey Fan...

By Fimadabunny

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Jake and the rest of the club are doing fine, until a new member joins in, putting Jake off the edge. New mem... More

Chapter 1: Average Day.
Chapter 2: New Member
Chapter 3: Practise Makes Perfect
Chapter 4: Evening
Chapter 5: Schemes And Dreams
Chapter 6: Growing Together
Chapter 7: Warriors Of Love
Chapter 8: Back To School
Chapter 10: Music competition
Chapter 11: Friends Forever

Chapter 9: Forgive Or Forget

1.8K 48 143
By Fimadabunny

This chapter is a bit messy, since I stayed up all night trying to do it... Haha...

If there any spellings mistakes then ya lol.

¤Sean's Pov¤

After I cleaned the music room, I headed home.

To be honest, I have family problems... Which is why I don't like going home, stalling as much as I can. It's a shame, but I got what I got.

That night, I was going to bed... But I got a notification on my phone last minute, so I got up and checked it.

It was from Jake's social media thingy. So I clicked on it.

It was a short sentence... Talking about...


"Sean has family problems yall... Don't bother him..." It read.

I dropped my phone out of total shock.

Why would Jake say anything about something so personal?

How'd he even find out?

Either way, I was so disappointed, and I even started to cry.

I'm gonna confront him tomorrow about it.

But now everyone's gonna know... I don't even want to show my face.

What am I going to do...?

♧Milly's Pov♧

Ok, you know what!?

Jake is an idiot! He posted some VERY personal info about me and I'm MAD.

So, I was coming home from practice, all that, then, at around nine, Jake posted some stupid comments about all of us!

Mine went like this: "Did you know Millicent has a crush on Elliott? Haha!"

That is SO embarrassing on so many levels!

He promised he wouldn't tell anyone.

I get that I accidentally said Daisy and all... But that was only to the club! NOT THE WHOLE SCHOOL!!!

Grrrrr. I'm gonna kick his butt tomorrow!

◇Zander's Pov◇

Now I don't know whether to trust Jake or not... I really thought we were okay with each other.

Apparently Not!

This fool has the audacity to tell whole school I'm Gay!

Usually, I wouldn't care, because that's just people opinions and stuff.

But he judged me for it too....

"Did you know that Zander is gay? Not a homphobe, but gross!" It read.

I threw my phone to the wall when I read that!

Okay not really... But still...

I guess I was wrong about him. But... I feel like he didn't do it... But I also feel like he did.

I just don't know what to believe. Also... He released some about the other members... None of them shocked me more than... Luke.

♤Luke's Pov♤

I'm totally freaking out, to the point of wanting anything else.

Jake... Told everyone... That... I have... A crush... On...


I can't believe it! I don't beleive it! I never told him!

Didn't he also say he lost his phone as well? I-

I don't know what to beleive...

I'm way too scared, Zander probably read it as well-

Oh no... I feel like digging a hole and staying in there.

I can't face Zander after this! No, No I can't...

I'm gonna scream-

It was a day like any other then some notification pops saying: "Haha! Luke likes Zander! What a bunch of lovebirds!"


♡Hailey's Pov♡


I don't even know where to start...

So, apparently Jake was posting stupid comments about everyone on his social media... There was none about me though...

Zander and Milly are angry. And Luke and Sean are disappointed.

But I don't beleive it... Why would he just randomly gossip about them?

He's just too nice to do that!

I hope...

♧Milly's Pov♧

Me and Sean stood by Jake's locker this morning, until he finally showed up.

He even had a stupid smile on his face.

"Hey guys, do you need anythin-"

He gets cut off by my punch his stomach.

He gasps before holding it in pain.

"W-why'd you do that?" He groaned.

"Why? Because you posted some personal stuff about us!" I yelled.

"What are you talking about... I didn't post anything." He responded.

"You didn't?" Sean asked.

"No... I lost my phone... I can't find it anywhere..." He said.

"Yeah, right!" I grumble, patting him down.

"I'm telling you it's not in my pockets-"

"Ahah! Your phone!" I yelled, trying to open it.

"That was NOT in my pocket before!" He assured.

"Looking at your social media, you did post them!" I screamed, throwing his phone at him.

"Jake... I just want to know why you would want to do this..." Sean said.

"But I didn't... You guys are my friends!" He responded.

"Sorry Jake, we're leaving..." I grumble, grabbing Sean with me.

"But-" Then he gave up.

"Do you think we've been too hard on him?" Sean asked, slightly sympathetic.

"Don't go feeling sympathy for him, Sean! He released stuff... We didn't want released..." I respond, feeling my cheeks trun pink. I feel so ashamed.

Sean probably read the one about me, but he didn't say anything about at all, not as a clue to even know about it.

"You know, I feel especially bad for Luke..." Sean says.

"Yeah... Hailey said he didn't even come to school today..." I sigh.

"Poor guy... I hope it's not awkward between him and Zander."

"Maybe, but doesn't Zander like him back?"

"Maybe, I dunno."

We head into the music room. Hailey looks distressed as well.

"Hailey, are you okay...?" I ask.

She looks at me.

"Yeah, I'm okay... There's just a lot going on... Right now..." She sighs.

"Yeah... What a jerk..." I grumble. How am I supposed to talk to Elliott now!?

Hailey continues be silent.

"You really think he did it?" She asked.

I forgot about the whole romancy things with them.

"I- maybe..., I don't know... He had his phone, and they were posted on there."

Hailey looks back down.

"Why didn't he release anything about me?" She asked.

"Maybe he liked you?" I mean, do you still like him, even after this?" Tyler asked. He probably expecting a no.

Hailey thought for a moment.


She runs out of the room, toward Jake's locker.

"Wait!? What!?" Tyler yelled, chasing after her once more.

"Wow... Hailey really does like Jake..." Sean said to me.

"What did I tell you?" I sigh.

"This is gonna be hard on her, huh?" Sean asked.


<Tyler's Pov>

It... Didn't work... What the heck? That is so not fair... At all...

She really likes him, even though they think he said all those things...

Maybe she's a bad friend.

Who does this guy think he is, stealing girls and all.

I peek from around the locker. Jake and Hailey are talking.

I need to interfere... Without seeming like a jerk.

I get closer till I can hear them.

"Jake? Did you really do this?" Hailey asked.

"No! I swear, Hailey... I didn't." He says.

"Then... Who did?" She asked.

"I don't know... Someone stole it... Then did that!"

"Well... I never thought you did anyways..." She tells him.

I can feel my anger rise up.

"Thanks Hailey, I really appreciate it." He sighs.

I run in.

"Hailey are oka- Oh hey... Jake..." I say, pretending to not notice anything.

"Hey... Dude..." Jake says to me, frowning.

I think he knows it was me.

"Oh sorry, Tyler... I just needed to talk to Jake." She responds.

"Yeah... Of course..."

We all head back to the music room. Jake looks really freaked out as well.

Zander looks at him.

"Jake... Why would you do something like that?" He asked, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Zander! I'm telling you I didn't do it!" He sighed.

"Hailey... We have two days till the music competition... We can't have him." Zander told her.

"We might as well kick him out."

Jake looked appalled.

"No! Please don't!" He begged.

"Hailey? What do you think?" Zander asked.

Hailey looked around.

"I- Um... Well..."

We all awaited for her answer.

"I need to go..." She says, running away.

"Hailey wait!" Milly calls, chasing after her.

We all stare at Jake.

Then he looks at me.

"This was all your fault!? Wasn't it!?" He screamed at me.

"Jake, calm down..." Zander muttered.

"No! I can't beleive you!" He yelled once more.

"Dude, calm down..." I say.

He grumbles as he walks out the music room.

"Emotional..." I scoff, sitting back down.

☆Jake's Pov☆

What a heck of a day...

Obviously I wasn't earning their trust anytime soon... I mean... I think...

Though, I felt so bad...

And sad. (Hey that rhymes...)

I kinda sat down by my locker, and just sat there.

"What am I gonna do now...?"

Out of all reactions, I just decided to cry.

I cried for about a minute before someone walked up to me.

They also kicked my leg.

"Hey there nerd..."

"What do you want, Tyler...?" I mutter.

"I told you to stay away."

"Yeah, you did." I respond.

"Did you listen?"


"Did you deserve it?"

"Definitely not."

"Maybe don't leave your phone out so openly." He said.

"I'll remember that."

"Alright... I'll talk to later... When you're kicked out of the club..." He laughed.

He continues to walk down the hallway. 

I continued to sit there. Until more footsteps walked up.

"Hey Jake... Get up!"

I look up.


"Yeah, yeah... I'm sorry, cut to the chase, that guy is lying!" He grumbled.

"I told you that already-"

"No, get up! We have to kick him out!"


"I knew we both had a bad feeling about him... You were right... Sorry... Also, get up, already!" He yells.

"What? You heard all that?" I ask.



"So, he stole your phone, huh?"

"Yeah... Around the weekend..." I respond.

"Hmm... Alright... Let's go get him kicked out!" Zander yelled excitingly.

"You sound excited..." I say.

"Yeah, the guy is such a fake! And a goody goody two-shoes."

"Haha..." I laugh, though I'm not sure how the rest of the club will forgive me so quickly.

"Jake, don't worry... They'll beleive me!" Zander says.

"Yeah, I really hope so..."


Heh... Kinda rushed through this a bit... so their might be spelling errors lol... Thanks tor reading tho.

Next one will have lots of Jailey as well haha.


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