The Missing Mikaelson's ~Kla...

By naoaya

164K 2K 448

What if Klaus didn't only have hope? What if he had twins that he didn't know how? And a son who he loved so... More

Mikealson Masions
Mikealson kids room's
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4K 57 27
By naoaya

•next day•

Klaus pov

'I need to get her back, I need to get them back.' I thought while pacing around my living room. 'Maybe I could get threw hunter first? Yea' I nodded my head  and was about to head out when I saw the kids come into the house with huge smiles. "Where have y'all been?" I questioned. "We became friends with the starlights" Harry said. I nodded my head a little. Maybe they can help me? "What happened?" I asked.
"Well uncle Nik, if you must know. We had lunch with them, then we went to there pack doctor to with them and found out that jadas having triplets!" Daisy said excitedly. That shattered my heart. And yes I have one, rude of you to think differently. I hid my sadness with a smirk. "Maybe y'all could help me with something" they looked at me suspiciously. "Help me try to get the starlights back?"
"Dad, I don't think that's a good idea. I mean they look happy, and when we showed up it's like we broke them. And we finally got on their good side, I don't what to change that. Please, I'm begging you don't mess with them." Hope told me. I thought about it. "For me?" She added.
I'll do anything for her but I finally got the rest of my family back I don't want to lose them again. "Ok, how bout you help me get to my other children and I'll leave Jada alone" I told them. Hope looked relieved but still nervous. "We'll help you to a point. Once they show us those eyes with fire in it" stiles started "yea those creepy ones, we're out" Scott finished. Those two are like two peas in a pod.
I nodded my head.

•Next morning•


I woke up with Lizzie literally on top of me cuddling me. I started tracing shapes on her thigh to wake up up.
I heard a little yawn come from her. "Morning princesa" I whispered. She smiled "morning" 'damn I love her morning voice.' I heard her thoughts I even smelled a little arousal. Turning over so that I'm now on top over her I kissed her. It started to get heat, she was try to take off my shirt but I stopped her. "What you don't want me" she said with tears. "No no no no baby. I do, I really, really do. But you deserve better, lemme take you on a date first ok?" I whispered kissing the top of her head and wiping her tear away. 'Dang I got a emotional one, Yelp at least I get to take care of her more' I thought.
"Ok" she said smiling which made me smile. Getting up from the bed I went to my dresser and took out one my old outfits for Lizzie ⬇️

And got me ⬇️

"Here baby, the restroom right there" I gave her her outfit and pointed at the white door. She got up and started to walk to the restroom. I slapped he ass and she giggled but kept walking. I put my out fit on and got on my phone waiting for her.
She finally came out looking fine as hell. Imma be honest with you I kinda regretted not fucking her but I still took her hand and started walking out my room. We made to the dining area where everyone was making breakfast well except mom and the girls, including Chloe and Mazikeen who both got here last night, and MG. Lizzie let go of my hand and sat with them. I walked to the kitchen to help.
Hunter looked up from cutting fruit and smirked. "You know I never thought I would've saw the day where someone told Nikki what to do, but then last night happened. What did happen?" He said teasingly. The boys laughed while I flipped them the bird smiling.
"What y'all need me to do?" Dad pointed me to the oranges. Rolling my eyes I walked to them and started squeezing them letting the juice fall into a mug. "Mann, even though I ask if y'all need help, it doesn't mean I actually want to help" dad chuckled.


"So what I want to know is how you got Nikki tamed" I told Lizzie. She blushed and looked at Jada who smiled at her. "I don't know, she just does what I tell her to do, like shake hopes hand." I looked at MG and Josie. "And you? Are they treating you right?" I asked. They both looked down blushing and shook their head 'yes'. "Good, cause I would kick their ass" everyone started to laugh.
Finally what took then like forever the food came, oh, and hunter. Hehe.
We all dove in and started talking. Of course, they all were talking with their mouth full well except for me, mama Jada, Josie, MG, Lizzie, and Nova because apparently we are the only ones who know about manners. 'They are pigs' I mind linked the respectful ones with a disgusted face. They all giggled. "Wait, what's funny?" Dean asked. I smirked and kept eating my pancakes. They gave me a confused glare, but continued with their breakfast.

*knock, knock*

"I got it" hunter got up and headed towards the door. "The fuck do you want?" We heard him say.


I opened the door to check who it was, and saw klaus and siblings. I'm going to be honest with you I was broken me and mom left them. They were my family, it felt like losing Marcel, my brother, all over again. He was my best friend, but know he's nothing just like the Mikealson's except uncle Kol because he was the actual one who cared about us.
They walked in like they owned the place. " the fuck do you want?" "Family time!" Uncle Kol said raising his hands. They walked to the hallway. I was about to close the door when the kids showed I don't of it. I left them "sorry" they muttered but still walked in. I started to walk to the dining area them following behind me.
"Oh here we go again" Sam muttered to nova. I shook my head and sat back down next to Haven. "Come sit" my dad, dean, said. He snapped his fingers and a table with chairs and food one top appeared connected to ours. They all sat down.
"And we couldn't do that from that start?" Nikolas said annoyed. Mg hit him to shut up "ow" he groaned. I rolled eyes at him. "We can we do for you?" Mom asked the Mikaelson's as we ate.
" I want to get to know my kids" Klaus said. We choked, when I say "we" I mean his 'children'. Nikki laughed, I sighed, and Nikolas rolled his eyes. The children got up and started walking to the door, "we have school to get to" Jarad announced. "Let's go Mikaelson's" Nikki yelled walking out the door, the Mikaelson kids got up and started walking out the door.


We walked out and looked at Nikki, Nikolas, and jarad. They got into some cars, but let me tell you they had many, and many more cars to chose from. They didn't have enough space so they let some Mikaelson's have a car. We were about to pull out when some more kids came. Hope pulled up next to us in a jeep, "hey I need to go because I have a new student to get" Nikki nodded understanding. Hope drove off.
The kids got into different cars, but these two girls got into ours, I think there names were Natalee and Navie. 'Pretty names' I thought. They Nikki's best friends, and really supportive when they saw us together. Then finally we all drove off.

>>at that Salvatore Boarding School<<

We got out and made it to the front of the school. Someone opened the door but I couldn't see who it was. "Lizzie, Josie!" They screamed.
"Mommy!" We screamed back and jumped on her. The rest of them walked inside. *cough, cough* we turned around to see Nikki and Jarad. "Mommy this Nikki and Jarad, guys this is our mom." I looked at mom and moved to stand by Nikki. "These are ouf mates, I'm Jarad's and Lizzie is Nikki's" Josie in formed her. "Well, I'm Caroline" she said with a smile. Nikki and Jarad looked at each other then at mom. "Caroline Forbes?" Mom shook her head yes. They busted out laughing, "you're the one who rejected uncle kol?" Jarad said trying to not laugh. Mom looked down trying not to laugh.
"Well I'm jadas child well I do have a twin but I don't know he went, but this is my nephew, hunters child. I think you know them?" "Know them? I was jadas best friend and hunter had a crush on me or course know them, come in before you miss your class. We'll talk later." We walked off to our classrooms.

>>skip to footbal game<<


"So you're the girl that's dating Lizzie" some girl sat next to me. I was watching Lizzie play, making sure no one hurts her. I shook my head at her. "Hmm, Penelope" sticking her hand out for me to shake. I looked at her "germophobe" I gave her fake smile.
Lizzie told me about her, how she broke josies heart, and picks on Lizzie. I don't like her I could I would kill her right here but I promised my mom I'm not going to start trouble. She took her hand back.
The game ended and we took a L. They were doing the "good game" line when all of a sudden lizzie punched a girl that was hitting on me. I ran to Lizzie, in human space. She tried to punch Lizzie back but caught her fist and punched her in the face. I think she knocked out, to be honest I don't care. I turned around and faced Lizzie she was fighting some other chick. Someone punched me in my face, I was about to kill the person when Jarad stepped in front of me. "Calm down, you need to calm down. Close your eyes and breath. Think about Lizzie our family" I loosened up and walked back to the house.
I walk into My room and started pacing. 'How the hell can I do this? How am I supposed to change? They want me to change. I've been like this my whole life, how the fuck am I supposed to change!?" I turned around and punched the mirror, shattering it. I looked into the mirror and saw dad standing there leaning on the door. "This is stupid, I can't do this. I can't change. Not for me, not for mom, not for her" I whispered looking down.
"That's exactly what I said, I was not good for your mom. That I couldn't and wouldn't change for her. But look where I'm at now, with Jada by my side. She showed my that I was perfect for her. That I don't need to change a thing about me. She also showed me how to make pie" I smiled at his last comment . "It sounds like y'all were made for each other" I replied "just like you and Lizzie" he walked out. "Oh and better get that mirror fixed before Jada sees" he yelled down the hallway.
My eyes widened "shit, shit, shit" I muttered under my breath. I put hand on the glass and closed eyes. Focusing on fixing the mirror I opened my eyes and boom good as new.
"You are perfect for me, you fix broken things. Maybe you could fix me too." I heard Lizzie behind me. "Lizzie your not broken" I said to her. "That's what you say" she said walking towards me. I turned around and made her look at me "you not broken" I said again. She shook her head 'ok'.
I kissed her forehead and leaned my head on top of hers. "Let's finally go on that date, how does that sound?" I asked. She shook her head softly and got out of my embrace walked out the door. I turned around and changed into a black bottom up shirt with long sleeves with a pair of ripped black pants and some black converse. 'Simple, it'll do'

I ran around the house looking for someone to help me with a outfit when I ran into Jada and haven. "Oh thank god I found y'all" "we don't really saw the man upstairs' name here" Jada said giggling. I mentally face pled myself "I'm so sorry" "it's ok, what do you need?" She asked. I looked at them and blushed "Nikki she umm...she's taking me on a date" they looked at me shocked. But then in a flash I was in a pretty huge room with lots of cute baby pictures. They finally came out of the closet. "Ok so first you'll try this on, then this, oh this one too. The restroom is right here. Go, go, go!" Have. Said pushing me.

2193 words

Nikki's room

Starlights House tour? Oh and IM BACK BITCHES!🤪

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