Skylanders Academy Season 5 A...

Por Arkogon

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After destroying Overtron, the Skylanders were still preparing against Doom Raiders, Silther, and the Upgrade... Más

Episode 1: The Quiet Dragon
Episode 2: Shocking Discovery
Episode 3: Back to the Cadaverous Crypts
Episode 4: It came from the delivery
Episode 5: Gonna need Ghost Machine
Episode 6: Home, Aurora
Episode 8: Revenge of Formeleon
Episode 9: The Mad Machine
Episode 10: Dance with the Sky
Episode 11: The Fear at the Academy
Episode 12: Day of the Formassic Period
Episode 13: Sky Wars: The Cyber-Empire Strikes Back
Episode 14: Till All For Sacrifice

Episode 7: Brother of Expo (Expomeleon)

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Por Arkogon

Expo was at the ledge of the island, waiting for something. He looks at the skies and sees the clouds forming into something. Then Blades surprise behind him.

Blades: "Hey dad."

Expo: "Oh, hello. What are you doing here?"

Blades: "My sister told me where you are. Why are you standing here doing nothing?"

Expo looks away from his son.

Expo: "I'm here cause I'm thinking of how you will react about me of what I should have told you."

Blades: "What do you mean?"

Expo: "Blades." As he looked at him. "Imagine if I told you the real truth about something that you were found and adopted by me. How will you react?"

Blades thinks and hasn't a clue what he says.

Blades: "I don't know. Why do you think we should know the truth?"

Expo: "Cause everyone has to tell the truth of what happened, what you are, where you come from, or something dark secret that lies ahead of us to reveal my true self of what I was or who I work for."

Blades: "Dad, you're a Cyber-dragon. And you always helped my new friends to defeat the Cyber-Empire. And you're eon years old. That doesn't mean you can die."

Expo: "True. But we all died from death that tried to make things right. Even if I told you the truth, then I have to sacrifice myself to make things right for everyone. And for you and your sister."

Blades lean closer to his father to make him feel better.

Expo: "Leaning closer on me may make me feel better. And makes me feel nothing but just parts of my body."

Blades: "I know. Just don't wanna lose you."

Expo smiles at his son just as a shadow swoop on top of them. Blades was surprised and prepared to defend Expo. He looked around and saw something landed in front of them. Blades watches as the figure reveals itself. A green dragon with a blue stripes on its head to bottom. Expo walks up to the green dragon and Blades doesn't know what's going on.

Expo: "Blades, there's something I haven't told you before. Something I haven't told you and your sister."

Blades then pause as Expo introduces the green dragon.

Expo: "This is my friend. Aquanetta, a Life elemental dragon."


Formeleon was researching on the computer to find something. The Golden Queen wanted to know why he's researching.

Golden Queen: "Excuse me, just what are you doing?"

Formeleon ignored her and kept researching.

Golden Queen: "Hello? Can you understand what I'm saying?"

Fomreleon still ignored her.

Golden Queen: "Argh!" As she was angry and talked to Silther who was reading a spell book. "Your assistant is ignoring me. Why can't he listen to me?"

Silther: "Because Formeleon is the second creation I upgrade him. He understands what I say to him. It makes him perfect."

Then the Golden Queen looks at Formeleon.

Golden Queen: "Why is he perfect?"

Silther stops reading and slither to Formeleon.

Silther: "Formeleon serves me as his rightful apprentice. He does not need to be stopped, does not feel anything, does not have feelings with others, and does not fail his objectives. Formeleon will succeed what we all have to do. Ruling, fighting, and patience."

Formeleon stops researching and begins to walk to Silther to show him something.

Silther: "Hmmm." As he knows what Formeleon found.

Golden Queen: "What is it he found?"

Silther: "The Skylanders have a new unknown alley. An unknown alley we never seen before." As he looks at Formeleon. "You will go to the academy and learn anything about this unknown alley they have."

Formeleon nodded to Silther and opened the portals and started to walk toward the portal.

Golden Queen: "Does he ever listen to you?"

Silther: "Sometimes. And always know what he must do."

Formeleon enters the portal as he closes it behind.

Meanwhile at the Academy, Expo introduces Aquanetta to his new friends.

Eruptor: "I never knew he had a dragon friend all this time."

Stealth Elf: "He does now." As she crossed her arm. "Seems to me that everything is gonna be fine."

Then Beeple flew around Aquanetta as she was a new friend.

Aquanetta: "Wow." As she was surprised. "This drone likes me."

Expo: "He loves to be friends with grateful feelings."

Master Eon: "So Aquanetta, you're a friend of Expo right?"

Aquanetta: "Yes I am. Me and Expo were friends a long time ago."

Whirlwind: "Long time ago?"

Aquanetta: "Yes, Expo was nice, silent, a good listener, and also funny."

And Expo smiles at her.

Expo: "I thought that was our secret?" As he was making himself funny.

Aquanetta: "Well it was our secret. Cause you call me."

Expo: "Maybe I called the wrong number. Or wait, it is your number."

Everyone laughed and went silent.

Blades: "Dad, why didn't you tell us that you have a friend? I thought you lost all your memories."

Expo: "I was. But not during the Great War, after the war." As he explains to them. "I was woken on the island from my system and didn't remember if anything. Only seeing myself as a machine. I wander around for a bit, trying to know who I am. Until she arrived and found me."

Whirlwind: "Wait, wait." As she pauses him. "She found you?"

Aquanetta: "Well I did find him. Staring at me."

Expo: "I was curious about you. Now, back to the story." As he explained again. "I was curious and scared but she helped me to learn the basic ways of life. So I did. She shows me the Skylands that are home to every living creature that lives here. The world makes me happy and she taught me to fly with my wings. And I didn't know what I have is Light element I had. The Light element that I have never seen before."

Blades: "Wait." As he pauses him. "So you didn't know you had a Light element?"

Expo: "Well, mostly. But as soon I finally get hold of my element, I thank her for showing me life and I will start to find a new life out there that can help me understand."

Eruptor: "And that's how you adopted these dragons right?"

Expo: "Yes."

Master Eon: "Great story Expo. I never knew I ever saw a Cyber-dragon lose his memories and find a new life. But why is she here?"

Expo: "To help us defeat the Cyber-Empire. She's the only friend that can help us."

Aquanetta: "Yeah, I'm just glad that you finally made new friends." As she lowered to look at Blades and Whirlwind. "And sees that you have a family."

Blades and Whirlwind were staring at her and she was staring back at them.

Whirlwind: "Uhh, do we know you?"

Aquanetta then backed away.

Aquanetta: "No. I'm just seeing your Expo father."

Blades: "Sure we are. He adopted us when he found us. And teaches us the air elementally."

Then Aquanetta smiles at Expo, who was kinda smiling.

Aquanetta: "I see."

As they were happy, Jet-vac came in with Spyro and Cynder.

Spyro: "Sorry for being late you guys, we were-" As he saw everyone talking to the Life dragon. "Another dragon?"

Master Eon: "Spyro. I want you to meet Aquanetta, Expo's friend."

Spyro went to her and greeted her.

Spyro: "Welcome to Skylanders Academy. I'm Spyro. And this is my friend, Cynder." As he introduces Cynder to her.

Cynder: "Hi. And I am more as a friend." As she leaned closer to him. "I'm his mate."

Aquanetta: "Mate?"

Spyro: "Well, it's kinda a short story." As he scratches the back of his head.

Aquanetta: "Well you can tell me later. Right now, Expo and I need to talk."

Master Eon: "Talk about what?"

Expo: "It's kinda our privacy."

Aquanetta and Expo left the Grand Library as everyone wanted to know this privacy.

Eruptor: "What kind of privacy they have?"

Stealth Elf: "Yeah, and what's with her looking at Blades and Whirlwind? Did she know them?"

Spyro: "Don't know. But she is a friend of Expo."

Master Eon: "Your right Spyro. At least they're back together again."

Whirlwind: "Yeah." As she thinks about Aquanetta. "Back together again."

Expo and Aquanetta were alone as she told him something.

Aquanetta: "So why did you call me here for?"

Expo: "Because, there's something I have to tell you. An old enemy has returned from the dead. And he's now more powerful than me."

As he explained to her, Razor Claw was already formed into eons beard statue and listened to what they say. He transmitted to Formeleon as he listens. Then his face grows bright red and knowing what they say and begins to contact Silther.

At the Underworld, Silther got a contact and listened to what Formeleon found.

Silther: "So that's where they are. Very clever, Expo. You can't keep a secret from us."

Golden Queen: "What secret?"

Silther turns around and she was suspeciuos.

Golden Queen: "Did you know this Cyber-Dragon?"

Silther: "Of course not, why do you think I will know. Formeleon has found what I had lost from a long time ago. And finally know what happened to them?"

Golden Queen: "And who's them?"

Silther: "You will see." As he contacted Formeleon. "Formeleon, it's time for your revenge."

Then back to Formeleon and was ready to target someone.

The next day, Blades and Whirlwind sees Expo and Aquanetta back together again.

Blades: "Looks like dad is happy to see her again."

Whirlwind: "Yeah, I wonder why he didn't mention her."

He looked at his sister.

Blades: "What do you mean?"

Whirlwind: "He never told us about her. He told us about his story of how he was awakened from his program and was lost. He didn't tell us he met her."

Blades: "It's probably because he must've forgotten that part. You know our dad, he's very old."

Whirlwind: "Yeah but he seems weird every time. Do you remember he tried to ignore us from telling him about his past?"

Blades thinks about it and remembers the time Expo ignored them.

Blades: "Yeah, he was busy looking at his system. That explains why he's ignoring us."

Whirlwind: "I don't know." As she looks at them. "Aquanetta looked at us and she knew something about us."

Blades: "Oh come on sis, she's just happy to see that we are his kids."

Whirlwind: "But did you ever notice that look. She might know about us, somehow."

Blades: "Maybe she wanted to be part of the family. Now please don't talk about them cause you're making me get a headache." As he shakes his head to get rid of the headache.

Whirlwind was curious why their father hadn't told them about her. So she went to find Stealth and found her training herself in the arena.

Whirlwind: "Hey Stealth." As she waved to her.

Stealth sees Whirlwind coming to her.

Stealth Elf: "Hey Whirlwind, what do you need?"

Whirlwind: "Well I need you to do something for me. And it's kinda like a mystery."

Stealth Elf: "Okay." As she listens.

Whirlwind: "Do you remember that she was staring at Spyro and Master Eon?"

Stealth Elf: "Who?"

Whirlwind: "Aquanetta. She was staring at me and my brother as she knew us. So I guess maybe you can spy on them to see any evidence that she knows about us."

Stealth thinks about it and doesn't know if she spies on them.

Stealth Elf: "Are you sure you want me to spy them?"

Whirlwind: "Please Stealth, I need to know everything if he is not gonna tell me."

Stealth knows her feelings and understands.

Stealth Elf: "Okay, I'll try to get more info from them."

Back with Expo and Aquanetta, they were still talking about something.

Aquanetta: "Are you sure it was him?"

Expo: "Yes." As he lowered his head. "It was him."

She was shocked because he told her about the other Cyber-dragon.

Expo: "My maker must have kept him alive and made him stronger than I saw before. Now our threats have become stronger from my past."

Aquanetta believes his words but she doesn't want him to feel bad.

Aquanetta: "Don't feel bad, you still have Blades and Whirlwind with you."

Expo: "But I didn't tell them the truth. If I tell them, then they will decline me for not telling them the truth."

Aquanetta: "Then make them believe that you have changed your appearance. Everyone will understand you."

Expo: "I know. Everything will trust me. But not them. Telling them will make my progress distrustful. Ten percent for telling the real truth to my kids and ninety percent for telling Master Eon and the others. I'm not ready to tell them all."

Aquanetta: "Then we'll have to-" Then she pauses for a second.

Expo sees her face notice something else. He scanned around and used his thermal vision and spotted Stealth hiding behind the rock. Aquanetta noticed what he was looking at so she dashed and caught Stealth behind the rock.

Aquanetta: "I knew someone was here." As she looks at her.

Stealth look at Expo who was not happy and came closer.

Expo: "Stealth, were you spying on us?"

Stealth Elf: "No, I wasn't." As she tried not to tell him.

Expo: "I analyzed your emotion that you're hiding something that we don't know. Did someone send you here?"

Stealth gives up cause he knew it.

Stealth Elf: "It's your daughter. She told me to spy on you two."

Expo looks at Aquanetta and she then wants to know.

Expo: "*Sigh* I think I need discussion with her."

As they went to find Whirlwind so he could talk to her.

Back with Blades and Whirlwind, they were at the Academy and walking with their books.

Blades: "Could Professor Jet-Vac give us an easy test or a short book, cause my brain is getting dizzy."

Whirlwind: "Maybe because your brain is getting bigger from reading those books."

Blades: "Really?" As he thinks his brain is getting bigger.

Whirlwind: "No, I just say that so you can read more books."

Blades: "Haha. Nice one."

As they were walking, they heard a sound.

Whirlwind: "What was that?"

Blades: "It's just those sheep. I'm sure there's nothing wrong."

Then a cry came from the other side of the island.

Whirlwind: "More like in trouble." As she drops her books and flies off.

Blades: "Hey, you drop your books!" As he tries to tell her.

But she was paying attention to the cries. So Blades put his book down and flew after her. When they arrived, there were no sheep around here.

Whirlwind: "I could have sworn that sound came from here." As she looks around.

Blades: "It's probably just your hearing problem. It's not like nothing is here."

While she was looking, Formeleon was camouflaging on the tree and began to walk towards them without alerting them.

Blades: "Sis. There are no sheep around here alright, I'm serious." As he tries to get his sister to understand.

Whirlwind: "Well sound don't stop. Maybe someone was here and then left in the hurry." While searching.

Formeleon was right behind him as he used his own tentacles and was ready to grab him. Whirlwind looks at Blades and sees something right behind him and notices it.

Whirlwind: "Blades!!!" As she cried to him.

Before Formeleon could make a strike, he heard something and looked to his right then got blasted to the chest and landed to the ground. Blades was surprised that Expo was the one who shot him.

Expo: "Blades! Get away from him!" As he told him.

Blades steps away from Formeleon as he gets up and looks at Expo.

Whirlwind: "Dad?" As she sees them both staring at each other from distance.

Stealth and Aquanetta arrived and saw Expo was about to fight.

Blades: "Dad!" As he was trying to help but Aquanetta and stopped him.

Aquanetta: "Blades, don't."

Blades: "But he needs-"

Expo: "Blades, stay with Aquanetta." As he told him.

Blades stop and Formeleon begins to make a move and starts to attack Expo. Expo blocked his attack using his wings to cover himself and managed to punch Formeleon's jaw. Formeleon looks at him and forms its right hand into a jackhammer and strikes his chest to break his armor. But Expo managed to stop it and back flip Formeleon. Formeleon switches his back into his front and forms his chest into a pulse cannon pointed at him. Expo shields himself as Formeleon blasts him and then Expo blasts right back at him.

Expo: "You could have remembered that move." As he reminded him.

Formeleon looks at Stealth, Blades, Whirlwind, and Aquanetta and back at Expo. And then his chestplate transformed into Razor Claw and started to attack them.

Expo tries to help them but Formeleon tackles him and they both fly to the skies. Aquanetta and Stealth defend Blades and Whirlwind as Razor Claw attacks them.

Aquanetta: "Duck!"

As they dodge when Razor swoops down and Aquanetta manages to strike with her sting tail but doesn't affect his armor. He then started to mini blast at Aquanetta as she dash and breath blue fire at Razor. Razor spins around and clears himself as he stares at her. Then Blades threw his blade shard at Razor to get its attention.

Blades: "Pick someone your own element!"

Razor Claw shrieks and begins to attack as Whirlwind fires her rainbow energy at it. It got hit and fell as Stealth teleported and managed to kick it and hit the ground hard. But Razor Claw got up and then flew straight at them and started to spin around. Aquanetta dash and grab both of them and fly up as Razor Claw misses them.

Aquanetta: "Stay close behind me!" As she reminded them.

Blades: "But we got this outta control."

Aquanetta: "And you're gonna get yourself killed."

Razor Claw flew and began to attack them but got hit by a fireball. Blades, Stealth, and Whirlwind look where the fireball came from and Spyro was in the air looking at Razor Claw.

Stealth Elf: "Spyro!" As she was surprised.

Spyro: "I heard a battle around here, so I brought the whole team."

Jet-Vac, Eruptor, and Pop appeared and began attacking Razor Claw.

Jet-Vac: "No metal birds attack my cadets!" As he kept firing his gun.

Razor Claw was taking too much damage then began to flap its wings hard creating a gust of wind and blow them to the ground.

Eruptor: "Yow, can't believe we got blown by a bird."

Before Razor Claw was gonna finish them, Beeple came and mini blast at him.

Pop Fizz: "Is that, Beeple?"

Beeple charge and hit Razor Claw as it fell to the ground.

Blades: "Yeah, go get him Beeple!"

Razor Claw got up and flew away fleeing from Beeple.

Spyro: "Never mess with a Cyber-drone." As he patted him.

Beeple made a happy expression to Spyro.

Whirlwind: "Wait, what about our dad? He's still fighting Formeleon."

Eruptor: "You mean the Quiet dragon again?"

Blades: "Yeah, we got to find him. He could get hurt."

Back with Formeleon and Expo, they were still fighting and crashed in front of the cadets at the academy. Formeleon tentacles grab Expo back and throw him to the Eon beard statue. Expo got up and formed his tail into a blade. He charges at Formeleon as he blocks his attack and forms his own left hand into a blade and stab Expo through his right arm and rip it off. Formeleon used Expo's arm and swung it at Expo face as he fell to the ground. Formeleon then formed his own tail into a drill and was about to drill through Expo head then suddenly a tail whipped his face as he backed away and saw Aquanetta and the team arrive and the cadets gathered to defend Expo.

Aquanetta: "Get Away From Him You Psycho!"

Formeleon looks at them and notices he is outnumbered. So Razor Claw came back and started to spin around creating a dust cloud to cover their eyes as Formeleon opened the portal and went through as Razor Claw followed him through. The portal closes as the dust clears and they notice Formeleon escape again.

Pop Fizz: "That's one strong bird I've ever seen."

Blades and Whirlwind look back and see Expo arm was cut.

Whirlwind: "Oh my gosh, dad!" As she reacted to his missing arm.

The team helped Expo as he got onto his feet.

Aquanetta: "Dear god, you need to be repaired right away."

Expo: "I'm fine. My right arm is broken and I need Sprocket to repair it. Even Beeple help as well."

Jet-Vac: "Okay." As he turns toward Stealth and Spyro. "You two find Sprocket and bring her here. Hurry."

They agreed and went to find Sprocket.

Blades: "Don't worry dad, we got you. Just hang on tight."

Every cadet watches as Aquanetta and Blades bring Expo to the academy and Pop and Eruptor bring his broken arm with them. Whirlwind was nervous about Expo being hurt and then she saw a sparkling piece of metal on the ground. She picks it up and recognizes it belongs to Expo.

Whirlwind: "Uh, Professor Jet-Vac."

Jet-Vac: "Hm?" As he looked at her.

Whirlwind: "Can you uh, identify this metal?" As she shows him the piece's metal.

Jet-Vac looks at it and recognizes the metal.

Jet-Vac: "That Expo skin."

Whirlwind: "Yeah, and I need you to identify."

Jet-Vac: "Why?"

Whirlwind: "Just please?" As he begs to him.

Jet-Vac looked at her because she was begging for him.

Jet-Vac: "Okay, I will scan his metal." As he takes out his gun and scans the metal that Whirlwind is holding.

As he finally did the scanning, he checked and was shocked to see what his scanner just said.

Whirlwind: "What is it?" As she asked him.

Jet-Vac didn't say anything but give her the look.

Whirlwind: "Is something right?"

Jet-Vac: "Much worse."

Whirlwind was confused as he told her.

Inside the Grand Library, everyone including Master Eon watch Sprocket repairs Expo's arm as Beeple attends, showing her the projection of Expo's body.

Sprocket: "Okay, that should do it." As she finishes fixing. "Okay, try your arm."

Expo moved his right arm for a bit and got up.

Sprocket: "Whoa, whoa, you need to rest." As she tries to pause him.

Expo: "I'm okay. I don't need to rest for a bit."

Spyro: "Well he almost drills through your head. You saw that right?"

Expo: "I did. He was trying to plant a virus inside my head. And I'm glad you all have saved my life."

Blades hugged his dad.

Blades: "And good thing you didn't turn evil."

As everything was silent, Jet-Vac and Whirlwind dash in and he pointed his gun at Expo.

Jet-Vac: "Blades, get away from him!"

Blades: "What?" As he was confused.

The others confront Jet-Vac to put his gun down.

Stealth Elf: "Whoa, Jet-Vac." As she tries to calm him down. "What's the matter?"

Jet-Vac: "He needs to tell the truth! Right Now!"

Spyro: "Tell us what?"

Jet-Vac: "The truth. We identify this piece of metal parts rip from Expo skin. And he's not what we all think."

Eruptor: "What do you mean?"

Jet-Vac looks at Whirlwind.

Jet-Vac : "Tell them what we know."

Whirlwind looks at everyone and even her brother.

Whirlwind: "Jet-Vac analyzes his metal part and he's..." As she looks at her father who looks afraid. "He's made out of impenetrable scale."

Everyone reacts and looks at Expo and Blades steps away from him frightened.

Spyro: "Is that true, Expo?"

Expo looks at everyone and doesn't know what to do. He looked at Aquanetta and she nodded to him.

Expo: "Everything I did for you all, and everything friend who needed to trust me, yes. It's true. I'm more than something else. But not born from somewhere. Built from my maker."

They all look at each other rather than Master Eon asking him a question.

Master Eon: "Is Silther your maker, just like the other one?"

Expo: "Yes. Everything is true. The other one, he's my twin brother."

They all gasp except Aquanetta as she tries to explain.

Aquanetta: "But he's not working with him anymore. He's changed. And he won't betray us."

Spyro: "Wait, you knew about this? You knew he was Silther's creation?"

Aquanetta: "Well yes. And that means you have to trust him."

Eruptor: "Trust him? He's like his brother."

Pop Fizz: "And even look like him. But not with that face."

Stealth Elf: "You guys." As she tries to calm them down. "Expo no longer serves him anymore. We can give him a chance."

Jet-Vac: "A chance that he's one of those Upgraders? Not sure."

Beeple made a worried expression.

Sprocket: "Beeple trust Expo. And so do I."

Spyro: "But he-"

Master Eon: "Everyone, silence!"

They all stop for a few seconds.

Master Eon: "Expo may tell the truth, and that means we all need to trust him. I felt the same way as he did and we all must listen to how his appearance changed." As he looked at Expo. "Please Expo, if you can tell us your past that you remember, we can all trust you."

Expo looks at them and at Master Eon.

Expo: "Secret must be revealed like you told them about the Great War, then I will tell you everything about me."

As Expo explains his past of being Silther creation.

Expo: "My name isn't Expo. My real true name is Expomeleon."

Then it shows flashback when he was awoken from Silther.

Expo: "It began when my system was online and seeing a bright light. There I saw Silther, looking at me."

Silther: "Welcome. And don't be shy. I am Silther, your maker. You are Expomeleon, a Cyber-dragon."

Expomeleon looks around and sees himself connected to the cables.

Expomeleon: "I am Expomeleon, a Cyber-Dragon."

Silther: "Indeed. You are a machine. Machine that are program to serve."

Expomeleon: "Program to serve."

Silther: "Good. Now I'm gonna test you and see if you know everything. For my first commands, I want you to follow my finger where I pointed." As he pointed another direction.

Expomeleon looks and follows Silther's finger as he pointed to another different direction.

Silther: "See? Watch it where I pointed." As he pointed another direction. "Very good. Now, I'm gonna release you from those cables and you will try and stand up and see if you can balance yourself with those legs."

Expomeleon nodded as he ejected the cables as Expomeleon fell to the ground.

Silther: "As commands, stand up."

Expomeleon began to stand on his feet and balance himself.

Silther: "Second commands, walk."

Expomeleon walked very slowly and his legs were wiggling and finally standing up without falling.

Silther: "Excellent. You have done well Expomeleon. You're the first creation I have ever built."

Expomeleon looks at him.

Expomeleon: "Thank you, my maker."

Silther: "Now, we will wake up the other one."

Expomeleon: "Other one?"

Silther: "The second creation I made." As he shows him another Cyber-Dragon that is attached to the cable. "This is Formeleon, another Cyber-Dragon. And your twin brother."

Expomeleon looks at Formeleon as his face is the same as his.

Silther: "As commands, I want you to teach him what I told you while I power him up."

Expomeleon: "Yes, my maker."

Silther uses dark magic and powers up Formeleon as he looks around and sees Expomeleon in front of him.

Formeleon: "Who are you?" Asking to Expomeleon.

Expomeleon: "My name is Expomeleon, a Cyber-dragon. You are Formeleon, a Cyber-dragon like me. We are twin brothers."

Expo: "We learn how to use our powers and use them to destroy what our maker commands us."

As it shows them terrorizing the village from islands to islands.

Expo: "By the time, he commanded us to retrieve something that he had found from those greebles who were trying to eat the two blue element eggs. We understood and went to retrieve those eggs and brought it back to him. He was grateful that we had succeeded in our mission. I was understanding his words but not knowing what he'll do to them. The next week, my maker sent me and my brother to bring the supplies of coal to him so he can work on something. Formeleon and I went separate ways as I went to another island to look for some coals. While I was looking, I heard a cry coming from the other side. I checked and saw a life element dragon stuck in vines. I was gonna leave her and continue my mission, but seeing someone trap in vines, I couldn't leave. She cried for help very loudly, so I decided to help and free her from those vines."

Life dragon: "Thank you. I thought I could never get out of those vines."

Expomeleon: "Your cries alert me. I found you, trapped in those vines."

Life dragon: "Well, thanks. So, who are you?"

Expomeleon: "I am Expomeleon, a Cyber-dragon. Who are you strange creatures?"

Life dragon: "Creature?" As she giggled with smiles. "Actually, my name is Aquanetta, I'm a Leaf Stinger."

Expo: "That's how I met her. She led me to her home and I was curious about her home."

Aquanetta shows him her home. It was a cave she lives in covered in moss and it was closer to the waterfalls.

Expomeleon: "You live here?"

Aquanetta: "Yup. A perfect home for me to live in." As she drinks from the river that flows to the waterfall.

Expomeleon looks at her and asks.

Expomeleon: "Do you ever have someone with you?"

Aquanetta: "Well no actually. I live here by myself."

Expomeleon: "Really? Organic life form lives as a family."

Aquanetta: "Well everyone lives with family and some don't. And I guess you have a family, do you?"

Expomeleon: "Yes. I have a family. One brother and my master."

Aquanetta pause for a second and look at him.

Aquanetta: "One brother and your maker? That's your family?"

Expomeleon: "I was built by my maker. And so did my brother."

Aquanetta: "Okay, so what's their name?"

Expomeleon: "My brother's name is Formeleon, he's a Cyber-dragon like me. And my maker is Silther, organic life form."

Aquanetta: "Silther? Your maker's name is Silther?"

Expomeleon: "Yes. Do you know him?"

Aquanetta: "Not heard of him, but I did hear some creature or you called organic life form just said something about Silther. But I don't remember."

Expomeleon looks at her as if she does know about his maker.

Expomeleon: "Can you tell me about him?"

Aquanetta: "Well, if I could remember, then I will know. But until then, I need to rest for now so I can owe you back."

Expomeleon: "Owe me back?"

Aquanetta: "Yeah, when you save someone, you owe someone for saving. And now I have to owe you so we can both be even."

Expomeleon calculates and doesn't know if she could owe him back.

Expomeleon: "Owing back to me will be seventh percent to owe me."

Aquanetta: "Don't worry, I know I will owe you. By showing you the Life."

Expomeleon: "Life?"

Aquanetta: "Life is the deepest depths of the ocean. It survives in the fiery hearts of volcanoes. Even in the most inhospitable of conditions. Life clings on, and this makes it a very powerful Element. So I'm gonna train you to learn life and you get to know about life."

Expomeleon: "But my program must listen to my maker. Not to learn from anything."

Aquanetta: "Listening orders from your maker? Oh please, he doesn't give you anything to learn. But I can help you learn about life, I can train you to understand the feeling. You saved me from those fines because you were worrying."

Expomeleon: "Well, that is true."

Aquanetta: "Which means, you can still learn. And you can owe me and be even again. So, agreed?"

Expomeleon thinks about it and agrees.

Expomeleon: "Permission, accepted."

Aquanetta: "Great, and I thought that you're going to say agreed but who cares."

Before he could owe her back, he got a contact from his brother.

Formeleon: "Brother, return to base. Our maker wants us back."

Expomeleon: "I'm on it. Expomeleon, out." As he turned off his radio. "Aquanetta, I must return to my maker. He will be angry if he finds out I'm gone too early."

Aquanetta: "Oh, okay. We'll see you around. Come back so I can owe you back. See ya." As she waves at him.

Expomeleon spread his wings and began to fly back to Silther base.

Expo: "I was curious about the "owe you back" and she says that she will owe me. After I returned, I totally forgot about collecting the coals."

Formeleon: "Why haven't you brought coals for our maker?"

Expomeleon: "Sorry, I met an organic Life element dragon that was trapped in the vines."

Formeleon: "An organic Life element dragon? Brother, we don't meet those creatures. We are programmed to follow orders."

Expomeleon: "I am sorry. She needed help. Her expression was that she was crying for help."

Formeleon: "They can do it alone. No one has to help them. Including that creature."

Expomeleon: "She is not a creature. She is a dragon like us."

Formeleon: "She does not look like us. We are machines, Cyber-Dragon. And we follow orders."

They both stare at each other until Silther appears.

Silther: "Enough you two, this is not a staring contest." As he slither towards them. "We all just focus on what we will do. Formeleon, take those coals to the furnace."

Formeleon: "Yes, my maker." As he nodded and took the coal to the furnace.

Silther and Expomeleon alone until he asks him something.

Expomeleon: "My maker, can I ask you something?"

Silther: "Yes, go ahead. I'm listening."

Expomeleon: "Do you think machines can learn anything from other creatures about Life."

Silther looks at him for nothing.

Silther: "Life? Machines can't learn from anyone. Machines were programmed to listen to someone. Like building, obey, and do something what they told you to do."

Expomeleon: "But, we can all learn from things."

Silther: "Only creatures can learn, not machines. I built you to follow orders and obey, not to learn from anyone or anything."

Expomeleon: "And I was built to serve you?"

Silther: "Yes. Remember, you were made by me to serve me. Got it?"

Expomeleon nodded.

Silther: "Good, now help your brother. I'll be at my study room." As he slither away.

Expomeleon: "What is it in there anyway?"

Silther: "Private. And don't ask me what's in there again."

Expo: "I don't know what he was doing, including the eggs he had with him. I was thinking about feelings that Aquanetta told me. If I could learn that, maybe I can understand the feeling from Silther. The next day, I was sneaking out to go and see Aquanetta, cause she still needed to owe me back. By the time I arrived at the cave, she was waiting for me."

Aquanetta: "What took you so long, did your maker ask you to clean his room?"

Expomeleon was confused.

Expomeleon: "Cleaning his room? Why would I-?"

Then she laughed.

Aquanetta: "Just joking." As she continued to laugh.

Expomeleon doesn't understand why she laughs.

Expomeleon: "Is it that funny when you tell a joke?"

Aquanetta slowly stops laughing.

Aquanetta: "Well, jokes are funny, and some are not funny cause you don't fully understand what it means. Okay, now time to owe you back. First start, a smile."

Expomeleon didn't really understand what a smile is.

Aquanetta: "A smile, like this." As she shows a smile she made.

Expomeleon analysis her smile as he un-smile creepy.

Aquanetta: "I think we should work on that."

Expo: "She started to train me for understanding about everything. And I don't fully understand."

As it shows him that he didn't fully understand what she was trying to explain. Aquanetta shows him her the other creature with a smile as Expo analyzes it and un-smile still. She shows him how to talk, speak to others and fully understand. She trained him until they did the smiles again and he was still doing the un-smile. Full train for Expomeleon and concentrate to understand. Aquanetta watches as he sees a beautiful butterfly. He let it land on his nose as he stared at it. She concluded that he was starting to learn it. Expomeleon hears the birds chirping, watching the caterpillar moving, and understanding the culture, emotion, and feelings of every creature he sees. When she tested to see if he could smile, he smiled in a normal smile.

Expo: "At last, I finally understand."

Aquanetta: "You did very good. Now you can fully understand the feeling with others."

Expomeleon: "And I will keep it in my program. So I can understand my maker's emotion."

Aquanetta: "Yeah, and I'm still learning about the name of your maker you told me yesterday. I am still researching through some books from history. Come back anytime if you really wanted to know about him."

Expomeleon: "I will. And love that. Thank you."

He left her home and returned without knowing Formeleon was watching. As he returned, he was walking until Formeleon asked him.

Formeleon: "Brother, where have you been?"

Expomeleon: "The same place where I save the Life dragon."

Formeleon: "And she taught you didn't she?"

Expomeleon: "Yes she did."

Formeleon: "Brother, didn't you forget. We were made from our maker, not being born. Your mind is corrupted with that organic life from words."

Expomeleon: "Her words make me realize that I need to understand the feelings. And I understand. Don't make me feel that way."

Formeleon growls at him.

Formeleon: "If you learn anything from her, I will come over there and talk to her."

Expomeleon: "Don't." As he begins to argue to him. "Do not think about talking to her. If you do, I will have to stop you."

They both stare at each other for a second and Formeleon begins to walk away.

Formeleon: "You will never listen to those words." As he disappeared.

Expomeleon begins to look back at the skies and sees the clouds moving past.

Expo: "Formeleon emotion has a grudge on me. I figured if he's mad at me for learning. The next day, Silther begins to give us the new mission."

Silther: "Cyber-dragon, I have a mission for you. The mubu's are mining minerals from the other island. I want you two to go there and collect those minerals."

Formeleon nodded except Expomeleon.

Expomeleon: "But do you think it's stealing? Stealing from others could leave them poor."

Silther look and tell him something.

Silther: "Stealing is part of your program Expomeleon. Including listening to me. So don't get over with those words from that dragon that you save yesterday."

Expomeleon nodded and flew with Formeleon to steal minerals. By the time they get there, they see mabu caring minerals to others.

Formeleon: "With a bunch of minerals, we'll be able to save enough for our maker. Do you understand?"

Expomeleon wasn't listening but attention to the mabu with the family they had.

Formeleon: "Expomeleon!"

Expomeleon snapped out of it and looked at him.

Formeleon: "Are you listening to me?"

Expomeleon: "Sorry, I got too distracted."

Formeleon: "Then pay attention next time. Now, let's steal some minerals."

They approach the mubu and attack them. Every mabu was terrified and surrendered to them.

Formeleon: "All organic creatures, bring us your minerals so we won't have to destroy your home."

The mabu gave them the minerals as they backed away.

Formeleon check as Expomeleon watches him check the bags.

Formeleon: "We'll be taking all the minerals from you."

Mabu villager: "Y-you can't. We need those minerals for our home. We need to rebuild our home."

Formeleon: "And I don't care." As he walked towards the mabu.

Mabu villager: "Listen, we can make a deal-"

Formeleon grabs his throat and lifts him.

Formeleon: "I don't want a deal. All we wanted was minerals. And I have enough words from you." As he formed his left arm into a drill and was about to use it.

The mabu were terrified until Expomeleon interfered with him.

Expomeleon: "Don't!" As he stopped him. "Do not hurt the mabu. This is not how you treated them." As he made Formeleon to let go of the mubu.

Expomeleon let the mabu have minerals for their home while they have half of the minerals for themselves. The mabu were happy and thanked Expomeleon for letting them have the mineral for their home. He nodded and took some minerals with him and Formeleon. As they returned, Formeleon was mad at him for collecting some minerals.

Formeleon: "You shouldn't never give every mineral to them except we only have some minerals."

Expomeleon: "They need those minerals for their home. Without it, they are poor."

Formeleon: "And we are poor because we didn't collect enough minerals for him."

Silther: "What enough minerals?" As he asked them.

Formeleon and Expomeleon look at Silther who was questioning them.

Formeleon: "Expomeleon gave every mineral that we stole and only brought some with us."

Silther then looks at Expomeleon and sees only some minerals.

Silther: "Expomeleon." As he was angry at him. "Tell me one reason you and your brother brought this, small minerals for me?"

Expomeleon: "The mabu needed it for their home. We can't steal anything that is important from them."

Silther: "And it's important to me. Without those minerals, I won't be able to finish building my weapon."

Expomeleon analyzes his emotions.

Expomeleon: "You are angry and frustrated."

Silther: "What?! No, I'm... Grrr! Stop analyzing my emotion. You learn too much from that dragon. You need to delete everything from your program."

Expomeleon: "I rather keep it."

Silther was getting angry at Expomeleon for not listening to his commands.

Silther: "Didn't you forget, I'm your maker, and I get to control you whatever I want, with this." As he shows him the device. "This device connects to you and your brother chips. If I press your button, it will shut you down and you won't be able to wake up from your system. Which means you have to obey my rules and follow your program. Do you understand?"

Expomeleon looks at the device that Silther has in his hand and can't do anything.

Expomeleon: "Yes, my maker."

Silther: "Good. And make sure you delete everything from your system. I don't want anything in your program." As he slither away.

Formeleon walks away, leaving Expomeleon alone.

Expo: "Silther doesn't want me to learn anything from her. So I follow Silther as he types the code from the door and I analyze it before he can finish it. He enter the room and close it behind. I wonder what was it inside he been doing. The only one who know about him is Aquanetta. So I return to the cave and look for her."

Expomeleon: "Aquanetta, I need to speak with you."

Before he could say it, he heard something and knew who it was.

Expomeleon: "Aquanetta?"

She appeared from her camouflage and wasn't happy for him to return.

Aquanetta: "You need to explain, everything."

Expomeleon: "Everything?"

Aquanetta: "Don't lie to me. I know who you really are. You're Silther's apprentice."

Expomeleon: "Apprentice?" As he was confused. "Why do you think that I'm his apprentice?"

Aquanetta: "Cause you were made by him, the dark sorcerer."

Expomeleon: "Dark Sorcerer? What are you talking about?"

She soon realizes he doesn't know about Silther's appearance.

Aquanetta: "You don't really know he's Strykore's apprentice, do you?"

Expomeleon: "No. And who is Strykore?"

Aquanetta: "Strykore is the dark master that caused the Great War, and Silther is part of this. He's the apprentice of Strykore."

Expomeleon: "But, I was built to serve him."

Aquanetta: "He built you to serve and strike fear around the Skylands. Whatever his plan is to do with you and your brother, it might be bad for the Skylands."

Expomeleon looks away and figures that he was built to strike fear into every creature. Everything he learns, causes his system to feel fear of what he now knows.

Aquanetta: "Expomeleon?"

Expomeleon: "This... my.... My maker was right. I should've deleted everything I learned. Everything in my program must not remember what I discover."

Aquanetta: "You can't! You can't delete your program because we finally knew what Silther up to."

Expomeleon: "Knowing this has brought me to this. My system must be deleted. Now."

Aquanetta: "If you delete your program, we won't have a chance to weaken him."

Expomeleon: "Weaken him won't be easy, my analysis tells me that he's more powerful than me and my brother."

Aquanetta: "Then we weaken him. Try and find his weakness so he won't finish what Strykore started. Unless you want to give up?"

Expomeleon: "Give up?"

Aquanetta: "It means you are willing to quit and never succeed anymore."

Then he got angry at her.

Expomeleon: "I never quit. I'm programmed to succeed."

Aquanetta: "And serve Silther ways. Your program needs to understand what you have learned, not to be erased. I taught you to understand others and emotions. You see, every skylands was in peace when we were saved by one wise wizard, Master Eon."

Expomeleon: "Master Eon?"

Aquanetta: "He is possessor of mystical knowledge and prophecies, and protector of the Core of Light. He saved our world with the help of new heroes, Skylanders. He trained them for years and saved our world against evil threats. If he trains them to become a hero, then I teach you to become a hero. So, what do you choose, join Silther who was Strykore's apprentice, or join me who taught you to learn everything? Which should it be?"

Expomeleon thinks about it and couldn't decide.

At night, he returned home and saw Formeleon who was still awake.

Formeleon: "You were with that organic dragon were you?" As he asked him.

Expomeleon: "Yes, and now I'm coming back here, where I was built, and never return to her home."

Formeleon: "At least you follow your program." As he walked away.

Expomeleon waited until he wasn't around.

Expo: "After my brother wasn't around, I went to check and see Silther was asleep from his work. I check the room and type the same code from the door and it opens for me. I check and see something I discovered. He was keeping two blue eggs in this room and was researching them. I saw books on the ground and started to research. I analyze the pages and figures about something to do with the dragon that's says impenetrable scale. And then I found another book that's says "Dark Magic." I read it, and sees the spells of "How to consume their Light." I analyze it through my system and figures that he will try and consume the eggs Light and turn them into his Dark Warriors. I fear Silther will take control of the skylands if he uses the dragons for the next war. So I began to take the eggs and flew away to Aquanetta home. As I arrived at her home, I told her everything."

Aquanetta: "He gonna consume their Light?"

Expomeleon: "He was, I searched his library room and saw every evidence that he is planning to create an army of dark dragons and use it again to destroy what protects us."

Aquanetta was getting too worried. She looks at the eggs and thinks about it.

Aquanetta: "We need to keep them safe. No matter how much he wants them to be his dark dragon."

Expomeleon: "It won't happen. My maker will never find out about this."

Aquanetta: "And what he did? He might know what happened and knew it was you. He might send your brother to find us and kill us."

Expomeleon thought about that and knew what to do.

Expomeleon: "Then we leave. Leave everything behind."

Aquanetta was shocked and didn't know if it was a good idea.

Aquanetta: "We can't. This is my home. I can't-"

Expomeleon: "We have to, he may know where you are and try to consume your Light as well. I cannot let that happen to you too. You must understand Aquanetta, you need to survive."

Aquanetta tears flows from her eyes as she then agrees with him.

Aquanetta: "Okay." As she nodded.

She began to gather her stuff that she needed and he kept watch to see if his brother knew where he was. Aquanetta put the eggs in her bag and walked up to him.

Aquanetta: "I'm ready." As she told him.

Expomeleon: "Good, everything is clear outside. Now we just have to-" As he pauses and looks outside and sees something flying in the skies.

He looked closely and soon, his brother Formeleon was looking around.

Aquanetta: "How did he find this place?" Asking him.

Expomeleon: "He saw me coming here. He knew where I might be."

And then he began to come out of the cave.

Aquanetta: "No, don't." As she tries to stop him.

But he went forward and stood confront Formeleon now spotted him and flew down to land on the ground.

Formeleon: "Brother, what have you done with it?"

Expomeleon: "Explain what "it" is."

Formeleon: "The eggs. What did you do to them?"

Expomeleon: "I'm protecting them, against our maker. He can't be trusted."

Formeleon: "You weren't programmed to protect. You serve him. We serve him. We were programmed to follow his order."

Expomeleon: "And that's what happened to us. He used us to destroy skylands and homes from other creatures. He made us like this brother, you must understand that we cannot serve the maker."

Formeleon: "It's you who is not serving the maker. You went to this dragon and learned about emotions, you're supposed to delete it from your program. Everything you learn from that dragon. Delete It Now!"

Expomeleon: "Never brother. I won't delete it. My emotion was gifted by her. She taught me that way. And I'm no longer serving Silther anymore, I already found a life."

Formeleon was angry and targeted him.

Formeleon: "If you wish to learn that way, then you will be terminated. Including the Life element dragon." As he spread his wings and was ready to battle.

Expomeleon: "Don't do this brother."

Formeleon: "It's part of my program."

Expomeleon to spread his wings and they both circle around slowly to make their first move. He watches closely as Formeleon engages as he did too. They both charge and attack each other. Formeleon claws his wings and Expomeleon blocks his attack. He activated his blaster shoulder and shot Formelon as he backed away and flew to the skies. Expomeleon follows him and they both attack into the skies. Aquanetta watches and watches them killing each other. Formeleon grabbed his wings and spun round fast and threw him to the ground very hard. He charged towards Expomeleon and shot two blasters at him. Expomeleon blocks his firepower and charges at him. They both slam into each other and Expomeleon put him on the ground and began punching him. Formeleon grabs his fist and forms his own right hand into a blade and stabs through his chest. Expomeleon felt it and then jumped back and saw himself hurt. Formeleon got up and saw his brother was damaged.

Formeleon: "Do you see? You're a machine. Machine built by the maker, maker who made us like this. This is who we are. We were not born in this skylands, we were built by him. Built to destroy and to frighten other creatures that aren't like us." As he charged at him.

Expomeleon forms his right hand into a blade and blocks Formeleon attack. They both struggle as they kept pushing their blades very hard and Formeleon's tail form into a blade and stab Expomeleon left body part and pull out his gear parts out causing him to lose his block as Formeleon blast him with his plasma blast from his mouth as Expomeleon fling and landed hard to the ground.

Formeleon: "I always wonder what it was like when we fought. And I did, I beat you easily and you don't have the strength to protect her because it's not in your program." As he walked towards him. "I can finish you off here very quickly or wait until your system shuts down. And I'll be taking the eggs back and harming that dragon or I could bring her to my maker and he'll consume her Light and he will soon reprogram you and delete everything you remember and no longer learn anything."

Expomeleon slowly got up but fell down as his gears weren't stable.

Formeleon: "I think I will end you here. I calculate that I'll kill you and you won't remember a thing that happened to. And for the final moment, you.... are...... Terminated." As he swung his blades at him.

But Expomeleon caught it and then began to get up.

Expomeleon: "I.... will..... not...... be..... Terminated." While holding Formeleon blades. "I finally see who you are. Your emotion with anger and hatred against those creatures, you were rude to them, and a fool who feared them."

Formeleon: "And what will that be?" While trying to kill him.

Expomeleon's body began to light up and his mouth was glowing brighter.

Expomeleon: "I won't let you win." As he blasts his own plasma at him very hard.

Formeleon falls to the ground as Expomeleon charge and hit his body part to the all and punch Formeleon very hard and threw him to the ground. Formeleon tries to get up but Expomeleon grab his head and slam his face on the ground very hard five times. And then threw him to the side of the waterfall and punched him very hard. Formeleon face was badly damage as Expomeleon form his right hand into a blade and was ready to kill him.

Formeleon: "Heh.. heh... heh. So this is where you gonna end me. Killing your twin brother. Is that part of your program? You can't kill me if you had that in you, right?"

Expomeleon pauses and knows what he was talking about.

Formeleon: "Your program is to save your brother, not to kill. Which means you have to do what your program tells you to do. What do you choose brother? Kill me or help me?"

Expomeleon closes his own eyes and knows what to choose.

Expomeleon: "Your right, I cannot kill you."

As Formeleon thinks he can't do it.

Expomeleon: "But to spare you." As he raised his blades and slash his eyes out.

Formeleon screamed as he was now blind. Expomeleon backs away from him and watches him screaming about his eyes.

Expomeleon: "I'm sorry brother." As he turns around and walks away.

Before he can return to Aquanetta, Formeleon makes a strike at him but then something stabs through his front throat. Expomeleon turns around and sees it was Aquanetta with her sting tail straight to Formeleon front throat. As she pulled her tail out, Formeleon was holding his throat and noticed he couldn't speak any words and fell backward down into a waterfall as his body disappeared. Expomeleon and Aquanetta watch as they return to the cave.

Expomeleon: "Aquanetta."

As she looks at him.

Expomeleon: "I need you to do something."

After she repaired him, they both were ready to leave everything behind.

Aquanetta: "Expomeleon. I'm sorry, about your brother. I wish you could do anything for him to understand."

Expomeleon: "He chose his path. And now, his death has come to an end."

Aquanetta felt sorry and they were both about to leave but then, she stopped for a few seconds. He notices her actions and he turns around and sees Silther watching them leaving.

Silther: "Expomeleon, you discard my orders, murder your brother, and stolen my eggs."

Expomeleon: "There not your eggs, you made me steal them. Were you planning to use them to destroy the Skylanders?"

Silther: "It's not your concern, I want them now. Give It To Me!" As he commands him.

Expomeleon refuses and stands in front of Aquanetta.

Expomeleon: "I refuse your order. I no longer serve you anymore. That's my final order."

Silther shook his head and looked at him.

Silther: "Wish you shouldn't say that, cause now.'' As he pulls out the device. "I have to turn you off, for now."

And he presses the button, then notices that Expomeleon didn't shut down. He pressed it again, and nothing happened.

Expomeleon: "You can't shut me down anymore." As he shows him the chip. "I asked her to take it out after she repaired me."

Silther was surprised and tried to blast him with dark magic but Expomeleon managed to stop him by blasting his chest as he fell to the ground lying dead. Aquanetta and Expomeleon flew and left the islands. Knowing, Silther gasped and got up from the ground to see his chest that was clean with no scratch.

The next day, Expomeleon and Aquanetta arrive at the small island. They stopped for a rest and he wasn't smiling. Aquanetta knows that look and tries to cheer him.

Aquanetta: "It's over, he's dead. You don't have to worry about it now."

Expomeleon: "He's not." As he told her.

Aquanetta: "But you shot him. I saw you kill him."

Expomeleon: "Did, yes. Dead, no. I remember he told me and my brother about how we were made. How he built us. These parts." As he shows his hands to her. "They're not made from minerals. They're made from his scales."

Aquanetta reacts and is confused by what he says.

Aquanetta: "Scales?"

Expomeleon: "He used it to make us. Tearing and molting his scale to make us invincible. That's why he's not dead. And you must leave and take good care of them, I must hide somewhere, where he can never find me."

Aquanetta: "But we're in this together, we can still find someone to help or stay together."

Expomeleon: "It won't work. He'll still find us. You have to take the eggs. It's their only survival."

Aquanetta look at the eggs for a minute and look at him.

Aquanetta: "No. I won't let you go out there alone. But with them." As she gave two blue eggs to him.

Expomeleon: "Aquanetta, I-"

Aquanetta: "You can. You learn everything from me, now it's time for you to teach them. You go find a new life with them now."

Expomeleon looked at the eggs and was afraid.

Aquanetta: "It's okay to be afraid. It may strike your fear, but it won't take your life away. Promise me you take care of them?"

Expomeleon looked at her a second and nodded.

Expomeleon: "I promise that I'll take care of them."

She smiled and hugged him softly.

Expomeleon: "And I will not be named Expomeleon, my new name, Expo."

Aquanetta: "I kinda love that name." While still hugging.

Expo took two blue eggs with him as they spread their wings and were ready to go separate ways. She looks back as she sees Expo was ready to leave. She smiles at him and smiles back. They flew and went in different directions.

Expo: "That's how our story ends. Went separate ways and never looked back. I haven't spoken to her for a year ever since, we found life."

As he was done explaining to everyone.

Expo: "Now you all know who I am, what I am, I am the creation of Silther."

Master Eon, Spyro, and everyone were stunned knowing his dark secret.

Stealth Elf: "So which means your part of them, the Upgraders."

Eruptor: "And part of his brother."

Spyro: "And Silther's creation."

Jet-Vac: "And made from his scale."

Pop Fizz: "And keeping the secret from us."

Everyone looks at Pop.

Pop Fizz: "He had a dark secret. And didn't tell us."

Expo looks at Blades and he was terrified of what he really was.

Expo: "Blades, please forgive me."

Blades: "I can't. You're just like your brother, you didn't even tell me your part of your brother all this year. You didn't adopt me from somewhere. You stole me."

Expo: "Blades please."

Blades: "No!" As he backed away from him. "Don't come any closer. You're not my dad anymore. You're one of them." As he ran away.

Whirlwind watches and looks at Expo as she notices he only wants to help. Expo knows and Whirlwind walks away from him and goes look for Blades without looking back. Aquanetta looked at Expo who was now disappointed.

Aquanetta: "Expo, there is still-"

Expo: "No there isn't. My calculation was right. Ten percent for them to not trust me anymore." As he felt sad.

After he told everyone, Razor Claw was listening to everything and Formeleon was at Underworld listening to everything for Silther and Golden Queen.

Golden Queen: "So Expo is his brother, unbelievable."

Silther: "And a way to weaken their team. Now they know the truth, we can finally get back to the mission.

Golden Queen: "And what the mission?"

Silther: "He is already on it. Formeleon, I want you to locate the second piece. Find it, then we won't have to be bothered by those Skylanders anymore."

Formeleon nodded as he began researching to find the second piece through the network.

(End Credits)

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