Episode 8: Revenge of Formeleon

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Spyro was in a dark place with nothing. He wandered around trying to find a way out.

Spyro: "Where am I?" As he replied to himself. "What is this place?"

Before he could go further, he saw something. A bright light reflected him and he was in the middle of nowhere.

Spyro: "Okay? In the middle of nowhere. That's good, right?"

Then all of a sudden, a Cyber-Warrior's head landed beside Spyro as he jumped and back away from it. He looks up and sees an entire fleet of the Cyber-Empire going to every island.

Spyro: "What in the world?"

He looks around and sees all the Skylands citizens afraid and running around screaming. And saw the elite cyber-warriors destroying and capturing the creature.

Spyro: "Hey!!" As he yelled and charged at the machine.

But he went through it then realized he can't hurt it.

Spyro: "What the-?" As he looked at himself.

Then he saw the sky turning red and the mountain started to move. He sees the fortress of the Cyber-Empire as he hears something.

Jet-Vac: "Spyro..."

Spyro looked behind and saw Jet-Vac on the ground hurt.

Spyro: "Jet-Vac?" As he was nervous.

Jet-Vac: "Spyro.."

Spyro: "What's going on? What is happening to skylands?"

Jet-Vac: "Spyro, Wake Up!"

Just as he was awake, he saw Jet-Vac staring at him in class.

Jet-Vac: "Spyro, did you sleep off when I was talking about the parent's development?"

Spyro: "Well I... uh... I...."

Jet-Vac: "*Sighs* Please pay more attention if you get enough sleep at night."

Spyro: "Sorry, I was dreaming about-"

Jet-Vac: "We can discuss this later." As he pauses him. "Now Lesson 4, Parents Development, again. And Cynder has already finished her because you weren't paying attention."

Spyro: "*Sighs*" As he slammed his face to the desk.


Spyro was done finishing his Parents Class as he saw Stealth and Eruptor waiting for him.

Stealth Elf: "About time you finish your class, what happened back there?" Asking to Spyro.

Spyro: "Fell asleep, again."

Eruptor: "Did Jet-Vac repeat the Lesson again?"

Spyro: "Yes he did. And it was horrible. I have to study this page in order to get a highest grade. Why does this ever happen to me?"

Stealth Elf: "Well, you and Cynder are now mates, and need more time to become good parents."

Eruptor: "And that's why you shouldn't never mate her, cause when you mate a dragoness, you'll have-"

Spyro: "Okay, okay, I get it. Please just stop talking about it. Okay?"

And Eruptor and Stealth stop talking.

Spyro: "Good, cause I needed some rest." As he walked away from them.

Eruptor: "I hope he becomes a good father for his kids." Talking to Stealth.

Stealth Elf: "I hope so."

Spyro was walking to the grand library to learn about Parents Development, until he saw Expo was standing at the edge of the island.

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