Mob In Khr

By anime7105

198K 7.4K 765

You know, I would think reincarnation to be something fun or relaxing But NO When you're reincarnated into a... More

Chapter 1: Stuck in Khr
Chapter 2: Childhood
Chapter 3: Staying away
Chapter 4: Fuuta
Chapter 5: Survived
Chapter 6: Being Lazy
Chapter 7: Mission
Chapter 8: Alex's Rage
Chapter 9: Bullies
Chapter 10: Stupid Cliche!
Chapter 11: This is BULLSH*T
Chapter 12:*snore*
Chapter 13: When they met
Chapter 14: About to start
Chapter 15: Casually watching
Chapter 16: Date
Chapter 17: Marshmallows
Chapter 18: Story
Chapter 19: Store
Chapter 20: Leaving
Chapter 21: Meeting
Chapter 22: Building
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Scared
Chapter 25: Past
Chapter 27: Demetri
Chapter 28: Kill
Chapter 29: Hacking
Chapter 30: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 31: Mini
Chapter 32: Birth
Chapter 33: Cielo
Chapter 34: Fun
Chapter 35: Teaching
Chapter 36: Demon Baby
Chapter 37: Spying
Chapter 38: Chameleon
Chapter 39: Rose
Chapter 40: Phynx
Chapter 41: Why?
Chapter 42: Aftermath
Chapter 43: Anger
Chapter 44: Announcement
Chapter 45: Finally Meet
Chapter 46: Bonding
Chapter 47: Proposal
Chapter 48: Epilogue

Chapter 26: Meeting ??

2.7K 113 10
By anime7105

I woke up the next day and put on a smile

"You can do this" I told myself

I went downstairs to open my cafe


When I looked up I was shocked

'What the fuck!' I thought

Standing at the door was Timoteo surrounded by men in black suits and none other than

Iemitsu Sawada

I stared for awhile but quickly changed to my waiter mode

"Good morning what can I get you sirs?" I asked politely

They sit down and look at the menu while I wait patiently

"Alex, no need to be so formal" Timoteo laughed friendly

"Timoteo they arn't my regulars I have to be professional" I chatted away with him

"*sigh* Such a good child. Alex I want you to meet one of my collegues, Iemitsu Sawada" Timoteo gestured to him

Iemitsu looked up and smiled goofily at me

"Nice to meet you"


'Should I act?fufu~ I guess it could be fun!' I chuckled evily inside

I tilted my head and tapped my chin questionaly


'CUTE' All the men thought

"hm....Sawada?" I repeated the name

"ye-yes" Iemitsu said confused and kinda nervous

She looked him over a couple of times

'I feel like I'm being judged' He thought slightly nervous

"I feel like I heard that name before" I said aloud

Iemitsu became alert and glanced at Timoteo who was watching Alex closely. The other men listening in just in case.

"Do you have a son?" I questioned

They all stiffened and became more aware. Timoteo was studing me closely to see what I'm doing.

'Pfft, their faces are priceless. Ha Ha this is so much fun' I thought without noticing my whole mood became more lively

[A/N Alex didn't notice that she ws putting on an act the whole time. She was sad and talking with them cheered her up]

"yes, his name is Tsuna" Iemitsu narrowed his eyed dangerously

'Ohhh~scary!' I teasd inwardly

I pretended not to notice the KI and clapped my hands together in mock understanding I made my eyes brighten and put on a huge smile.

"Yes! Tsuna. I know him he was in my class. I hanged out with him a few times. Mostly because of nana's coooking*drools*, It was so good!" I explained cheerfully

'Too bright' They all thought blinded by my flower image

They all seemed to relax a little bit and let out a relieved sigh




I couldn't handle it anymore and laughed so hard clutching my sides.


They were all confussed by my sudden action except Timoteo. He also chuckled a little.

"Ha ha ha! You should have seen your faces. It was priceless" I chuckled more softley and wiped away a tear

"Ha? I'm confused" Iemitsu put on the most confused face and it made me start laughing again

He looked frantically at his boss for help, who just sat quietly drinking his tea smiling behind his cup.

"Bo-,Timoteo why is she laughing~" Iemitsu whined looking like a lost puppy.

Only causung me to laugh harder and fall on the ground


A couple minutes later I picked myself up and sat next to Timoteo. Switching back to my lazy mode, leaving everyone stunned at my fast mood change.

"You kinda of look like Tsuna" I commented with a lazy smirk

Iemitsu puffed out his chest proudly

"Of course, my little Tuna is my cute little boy"

He seemed to remember and asked me,

"How come I didn't see you when I visited?"

"I was avoiding the whole group. Know one would allow me to sleep. Well~ except for my handsome pillow. Oh! I also met a unique marshmallow loving idiot" I explained while falling asleep


They all stiffened thinking about someone who loves marshmallows

Timoteo grew concerned at this point and asked slowly,

"Did he have white hair and named Byakuran"

"hm" nodding my head obiediantly

They all shared a glance and agreed to discuss this later

Iemitsu changed the topic

"Whats this pillow you were talking about?" He questioned

I grew excited at this and explained with enthusiasm

"He's handsome and comfortable to sleep on, so I call him pillow. His real name is Murkuro though. He hangs out with Tsuna and the rest".

Iemitsu realizes who she is talking about and thinks of something

"How close are you with him" He asked slowly

"hm? Enough to be pregnant with his child" I said without much care

They all were shocked at this information

"pre-pregnant" Iemitsu repeated

"Yes? I just said that. Are you stupid?" I rolled my eyes on the outside but laughing on the inside

"You look about 14" He says concerned

I look at him blankly not letting any emotion be shone

'I can't tell what she's thinking' Iemitsu thinks shocked

'hm...She's good' Timoteo thinks watching Alex closely

"I'm 17" I tell him flatly before standing up and leaving

'Do I really look that young' I internally cried

Iemitsu P.O.V.

After Alex was out of site I turned to my boss

"I remember Tsuna telling me bout one of his classmates that Reborn is trying to recruit" I told him seriouly

"You think it's her?" Timoteo asked also being serious. He cares for Alex like a daughter.

"Yes, He said she can change moods quickly, loves sweets, lazy, extremely strong, and a demon when mad". I said remembering Tsuna's words

"That means she knows about the mafia" Boss said

"No, Tsuna said she only thinks it's a game and never went to any of the battles. What concerns me though is that he mentioned Reborn trying hard to get her in the Vongola" I looked at him seriously

Boss just hums. He looks down at his empty cup beofre paying. we all leave curious about Alex.

Alex P.O.V.

"Pfft, ha ha. My acting is amazing. It went exactly how I imagined. Well except the new information. Seems like Tsuna is talking about me" I said laughing peaking out the staircase

'I kinda miss them' I thought becoming sad


"No. Don't get involved with the plot. It will cause more trouble" I reminded myself


'These new emotions are troublesome' I thought dissapearing upstairs

[A/N I realized they never ordered but whatever. They don't diserve Alex's amazing deserts.

1. She masked her presence so they coudn't detect her

2. She never had these feelings before in he past so she's confused on what to do]

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