Avatar's love ( Korra x male...

By TurkeyFics

14.1K 194 52

What can I say? Being the avatars boyfriend is hard. I'm also changing ages of the beifong siblings. Baatar... More

A new beginning

Skeletons in the Closet

2.9K 45 7
By TurkeyFics

A/N: There will be a time skip in the time line and ( skeletons in the closet episode) episode. This is after Avatar Korra saved General Iroh from drowning or something. Also i don't know anything about the military and how it works, so forgive me if i get the terms or something else wrong.


After Korra saved General Iroh, they brought him back to their hideout so that Korra could heal him and they could come up with a plan to stop the Equalists.

Iroh: I was prepared to deal with Sato's Mecha Tanks, but not these new high speed aircraft.

Korra: I know, everytime we think we have an advantage, Amon outsmarts us.

Bolin: No matter what our plan is, he always has a better one.

Iroh: Amon is winning so far, we're not out of the fight yet.

Bolin: I like this mans confidence! So, how are we not out of the fight?

Iroh: A second and third wave of reinforcements is on the way. But i need to warn them, do you still have a way to get a message out?

Korra: I know just the man for this job.


Gommu: And who is the recipient of this top secret message?

Iroh: General [Y/N], Second division of the United Forces. And Commander Bumi, third division of the united forces.

Korra: General who?

Iroh: General [Y/N], he's a new General, he got promoted this year. He's also the youngest General.

Korra: And Commander Bumi, Tenzin's brother?

Iroh: Yes, a bit of a wild man, but the bravest Commander you'll ever meet.

Gommu: Ready sir.

as General Iroh starts talking, Gommu starts sending Iroh's message to Bumi and [Y/N].

Iroh: Fleet ambushed and destroyed by Equalists aircraft. Retreat to Red Sand Island until my signal. Do not approach city until you receive the all clear.


(on General [Y/N]'s ship)

Soldier: Sir! We have received a message from General Iroh and Avatar Korra.

[Y/N]: What does it say?

Soldier: It says that General Iroh's fleet has been ambushed and destroyed by Equalist aircraft. They also asked us to retreat to Red Sand Island until General Iroh gives the all clear signal.

[Y/N]: Hmmm. I see.

Soldier: How do I respond to them sir?

[Y/N]: Tell them it's too late, we have arrived.

[Y/N] could see shadows of Repulic City, it was only a matter of time before they reached.


Everyone, team Avatar and General Iroh were all thinking of a plan. They had to take down these aircrafts so that reinforcements could reach Republic City as soon as possible. Iroh's thinking was interrupted by Gommu calling for him.

Gommu: Sir! You need to come listen to this!

Iroh ran over to Gommu as he played the message from General [Y/N].

Radio: beep bep beep beeep bep beep bep boop bep. (Translation: We are close to the shores of Republic City. Equalist aircrafts have been spotted all around the city. We will reach in an estimated time of 5 minutes.)

Iroh: Oh no.

Korra: What? What does it say?

Iroh: we don't have time. Reinforcements have already arrived.

Bolin: Wait what?

Mako: I thought you asked them to go to Red Sand Island?

Iroh: General [Y/N] has arrived earlier than expected. We don't have time to think of a plan, we need to take action now.

Asami: Lets go outside and wait for them.


When they reached outside, they could see General [Y/N]'s ships getting closer. As they got closer, The Equalist aircrafts had spotted them. The Equalist aircrafts started attacking the ships, Korra was ready to dive in to help them but stopped.

Korra: It....looks like they have everything......under control....

Iroh: General [Y/N] may be the youngest, and the least experienced, but General [Y/N] and his fleet is the strongest amongst all of United Forces.

Mako: Really?

Iroh: Even stronger than mine.

Bolin: Wait, you said he was the youngest?

Iroh: Yes, he is the youngest General in all of United Forces.

Asami: How old is he?

Iroh: 21.

Team Avatar: 21?!

Korra: That young?

Mako: That's impossible!

Bolin: Is he related to Lin Beifong?

Mako: What part of him makes you think he's related to Lin?

Bolin: I mean, look at him, he looks a bit like Lin don't you think?

Iroh: No one knows who his relatives are.

Asami: Guys! He's reached, let's get him and his fleet inside, quick.

They all rushed towards [Y/N] planning on getting him and his crew safe in their secret hideout as soon as possible before Amon's followers spot them.

Bolin: Hey!

Mako: Quiet Bo! We don't need to draw attention to ourselves.

Bolin: Oh...right.

Iroh: Good to see you again General [Y/N].

[Y/N]: Good to see you too General Iroh.

Just then, an Equalist aircraft dropped a bomb on [Y/N]'s ship, blowing it up.

Bolin: Oh no your ship!

[Y/N]: Let's get inside before we get blown up like that ship.


Team Avatar brought  [Y/N] and his fleet back to the hideout in a hurry where Team Avatar introduced themselves to [Y/N].

Bolin: Hey! My name's Bolin!

[Y/N]: (shakes Bolin's hand) General [Y/N], nice to meet you.

Bolin: Nice to meet you too, I have a question, are you related to Lin Beifong?

[Y/N]: Uh.. me? I-

Mako: Bolin! Don't ask personal questions. (Pulls Bolin back)

Bolin: Sorry, I had to know!

Mako: I'm sorry about my brother, he just gets too excited sometimes. My name's Mako.

[Y/N] (shakes Mako's hand) Good to meet you Mako.

Asami: Hi, my name's Asami.

[Y/N]: Hello Asami.

Korra: *That's General [Y/N]? He's so.......handsome. Korra! You just met him.* Uh.. Hey! I'm Avatar Korra.

[Y/N]: *That's the Avatar She's......beautiful.....*

Korra: Umm...Hello?

[Y/N]: *Come on! Pull yourself together        [Y/N], you just met her!* Oh, uhhh... hi, General [Y/N], it's an honour to meet you Avatar Korra.

Korra: Please, call me Korra.

[Y/N]: Right, Korra.....

Iroh: We need to come up with a plan and quick.

Iroh pulls out a map of Republic City.

Iroh: Now comes the hard part, we need to ground those aircraft, otherwise we will never be able to retake the city.

[Y/N]: If we can go to their air field, we should be able to reduce the number of plane

Mako: They flew in from this direction, their air field must be somewhere over this mountain range.

Iroh: Everyone get ready, we leave at dawn.

Mako nodded and they went to get ready for the mission.

Asami: It's time to take down my father.

Korra walked out of the room, she thought over her decision and decided to speak up.

Korra: Wait.

Everyone turned around to face Korra.

Korra: I'm sorry but....... I'm not going with you tomorrow.

Mako: What?

Asami: Why not?

Korra: I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon. It's time I face him.

Iroh: That's not a good plan. We need to stick together.

Korra: I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down. My gut's telling me it's time to end this, on my terms.

Iroh: Korra, this is not a mission you should be handling alone.

[Y/N]: Amon is very dangerous, if you lose your bending to Amon, we might never be able to retake Republic City.

Mako: She won't be going alone. I'm going with you.

Korra: You don't have to do that.

Mako: Yes, I do.

Asami looked on with shock and sadness as she glances to the side. Iroh had his hand on his chin, deep in thought

[Y/N]: We can split off into 3 teams. Korra and Mako will take on Amon, Asami and Bolin can go to the air field while me and General Iroh will take down as many planes as we can.

Mako: Sounds good to me.

[Y/N]: Then it's settled.


Mako was wearing Equalist clothing in their hideout. Bolin walks up to Mako and they hug.

Mako: Love you little bro.

Gommu was in the background, sniffing and crying at the scene.

Bolin: Love you back big bro. (Walks up to Korra, who is standing next to Naga) Korra, Amon is a nasty dude. Be careful.

Korra: I will (hugs Bolin) Good luck, If you're going into the mountains, you should bring Naga. (hugs Naga) Take good care of Bolin for me. (Naga licks Bolin)

Mako: Asami. (Asami turns around to face him) I'm sorry things got so messed up between us, but whatever happens today, I want you to know how much I care about you.

Asami: I care about you too. (Asami kisses him on the cheek and runs to Bolin and Iroh)

Korra walks next to Mako and they walk away. Asami jumps onto Naga's back, joining Pabu, Bolin, and Iroh.

Gommu: Good fortune and success to you, valiant heroes.


Korra and Mako were walking out of the large sewage pipe that led to their base. They continue walking into the sea and Korra waterbends a large bubble so they can breathe underwater. At the shores of Air Temple Island. Korra and Mako walk out of the sea and Korra stops waterbending the bubble. They put on their Equalist masks and climb up the rocky shores. They hid behind a few bushes seeing Amon board an Equalist airship.

Korra: There's Amon.

Mako: We need to get into the temple. Then, when he returns ...

Korra: We ambush him.

They started walking toward the temple, but stop when they heard a voice from behind them.

Lieutenant: What are you two doing here?

Mako: Uh, we were just transferred.

Lieutenant: Well, you're getting transferred again. Amon wants extra security at the arena today.

Mako: The arena? For what?

Lieutenant: The rally. You should've been briefed about this

Korra: (Bows) We'll be there, sir. I know another way in.

Korra lifts a wooden panel on a wall on the other part of Air Temple Island and they climb in.

Korra: Let's hide in the attic.

They climb up through the attic's trapdoor.

Mako: Uh, we're not alone up here.

They see Tarrlok sitting on the floor, locked behind bars.

Korra: Tarrlok?

Korra and Mako take off their Equalist masks.

Tarrlok: I don't suppose you're here to rescue me.

Korra: (Walks up to the cell) We had no idea you were here. Are there other prisoners on the island?

Tarrlok: No, I'm the only one.

Korra: And what makes you so special?

Tarrlok: I'm Amon's brother. Amon is from the Northern Water Tribe. He's a waterbender and a bloodbender, (Tarrlok lifts his head up) just like I was.

Korra: What?

Korra and an equally shocked Mako glance at each other and back at Tarrlok. Mako takes a step forward to Tarrlok's cell.

Mako: Did you know this all along?

Tarrlok: No, not until after he captured me.

Korra: How did your brother end up becoming Amon?

Tarrlok: It all began with my father, Yakone. With the help of his former gang, he escaped prison and underwent surgery to change his appearance. He assumed a new identity, and settled down in the Northern Water Tribe. That's where he met my mother, a warm, caring woman. Before long, they started a family together. Amon was the firstborn, under the name Noatak. I was born three years later. Noatak was a good-natured kid, always looking out for me. Those were the good years. Before my brother and I discovered we were waterbenders. At first we were excited by our new abilities, but our training brought out a different side of my father.


Yakone: Tarrlok, you'd better shape up or you'll be out here in the cold all night until you get it right.

Tarrlok: I'm trying but-

Yakone: Try harder! (Tarrlok drops his glob of water) Your brother was never this sloppy. (Tarrlok rubs his eyes as he tears up)

Noatak: Dad, he'll get it. He just needs time.

Yakone: Don't talk back to me, son! Ever!

Tarrlok (voice over):  Even back then, my brother wanted everyone to be treated fairly and equally. When I was seven, my father took me and Noatak on a hunting trip far away from our home. He told us his true identity was Yakone, Republic City's most notorious crime boss, and that he was once a bloodbender of rare skill.

Tarrlok (back to flashback): What's bloodbending?

Yakone: The most powerful and feared form of bending in the world. It was declared illegal thanks to that coward, Katara. Our family has the strongest line of bloodbenders in history. You boys have this power inside of you, and I will teach you to master it.

Noatak: What happened to your bending, Dad?

Yakone: The Avatar stole it from me. (Stands up)That's why I brought you out here, to learn your destiny. You two will become bloodbenders of the highest order. When the time is right, you will claim Republic City and you will destroy the Avatar. You must avenge me. That is your purpose in life.

Tarrlok (voice over): The good days were behind us. Every full moon, our father took us on another supposed "hunting trip," where he secretly trained us in bloodbending. We kept the truth from my mother.

Noatak bloodbends the yak, making it stand up, and forces its head back. The yak groans in pain.

Tarrlok (back to flashback): Stop! You're hurting it!

Yakone: Toughen up, Tarrlok! You'll need a thicker skin for this. ( Noatak lets the yak down and it runs away along with rest of the herd) Very good, son, very good.

Tarrlok (voice over): A few years later, my father taught us to bloodbend anytime, without the need of the full moon. We practiced constantly, and I hated every minute of it. I had no stomach for manipulating helpless animals. My brother, however, seemed to revel in this newfound power. He was a prodigy, mastering my father's psychic bloodbending technique by the time he was fourteen.

Noatak concentrates and the wolves turn around in unison. Noatak lifts his head, making the wolves rise in the air. Tarrlok, who gasps, was terrified. Yakone, who was surprised at first, smiled excitedly. Noatak lowers the wolves, making each one bow to him.

Yakone: That's the way it's done. That's what you need to strive for.

Tarrlok (voice over): Even though Noatak was my father's favorite, it wasn't any easier for him. He carried the burden of all Yakone's expectations and demands. Something changed in Noatak over the years, the loving brother I once knew became cold and detached. Our father pushed us to extremes, and one day, he made us bloodbend each other.

Yakone: Noatak, go! (Noatak inhales, and Tarrlok falls to his knees. Noatak narrows his eyes, making him lean back) Excellent. (Noatak bows to his father and frees Tarrlok) Tarrlok, your turn.

Tarrlok: No, I won't do it.

Yakone: Bloodbend your brother, Tarrlok!

Tarrlok: That felt awful. I don't want to do that to anyone. I never want to bloodbend again.

Yakone: You're a disgrace, a weakling. I'll teach you a lesson, you insubordinate- (struggles against Noatak's bloodbending)

Noatak: Stay away from him.

Yakone: How dare you bloodbend me!

Noatak: What're you gonna do about it? You're the weak one. You always say bloodbending is the most powerful thing in the world, but it isn't. The Avatar is. He took your bending away. What could be more powerful than that?

Yakone: I made you what you are. You're mine.

Noatak: We're your sons, not your tools of revenge. Let's go. We can run away from him. Forever.

Tarrlok: Run away? But what about Mom? We can't just leave her.

Noatak: He was right about you. You are a weakling. (runs off into the blizzard)

Tarrlok: Noatak! Don't leave! Please! Noatak!

Tarrlok (voice over): My father and I searched for days, but we never found a sign of Noatak. We thought he perished in that storm. My mother was never the same after the loss of my brother. My father stopped training me. With Noatak gone, his hopes for revenge withered. And he passed away, a few years later.

Korra: That's one of the saddest stories i've ever heard.

Tarrlok: Avatar Korra. I am truly sorry for all that I did to you. I thought I was better than my father, but his ghost still shaped me. I became a soldier of revenge, just like he wanted me to be. And so did my brother. The revolution may be built on a lie, but I think Amon truly believes bending is the source of all evil in the world.

Mako: How did you figure out Amon is your brother?

Tarrlok: When he took my bending, the sensation was somehow familiar. I later recognized it as my brother's bloodbending grip.

Korra: So, he somehow uses bloodbending to take people's bending.

Tarrlok: I don't know how he does it, but then again, I've never encountered a bender as strong as Noatak.

Korra: This whole time, Amon has been one step ahead of us. But finally we have the advantage. We know the truth about him. If we expose him as a bender in front of all his supporters.

Mako: At the rally.

Korra: We could take away his true power!

Mako: And undermine this whole revolution!

Korra: Thank you, for your help. (Mako starts to leave, but Korra stops him) We can't just leave him here. 

Tarrlok: Go. Amon can't know anyone spoke with me. Defeat him. Put an end to this sad story. (Korra nods).

Korra and Mako ran towards the trapdoor and climbed down.

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