Red Empress Kylo Ren//Read...

By PapaIV_

55K 1.1K 101

An arranged marriage between you and the Supreme Leader of the First Order has been arranged by your father... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 19

1.3K 34 3
By PapaIV_

"Come on, wake up." I felt a hand smack my face. I opened my eyes to see Finn smiling back at me. "Good. You passed out for a second." I looked down to see I'm chained to a chair. I had been stripped to my underwear and bra.

"Where is my clothes?" I tried to cover myself but failed. I started to panic.

"It ripped. Don't worry I won't touch you." He smiled. "Well not in that way. But I will do this...." Finn smacked me. "What are the First Orders plans?"

"I- I don't know." I sucked in a breath as he smacked me again. He yanked my head back and leaned closer to my face.

"Tell the truth bitch." I flinched as he pulled my head back more.

"You should know, Kylo locked me in my room I only left to go to his library. I wouldn't know about any plan, I swear!" Tears started to fall as he repeatedly punched me. I felt weak and cold, if only I could use the force.

"Your lying. He would of told you something, your the Empress. You slept with him, he would of told you."

"Kylo always said my place isn't with him at his meetings. That I must obey him, he didn't tell me!" I lifted my head up slowly.

"Whore!" Finn yelled, he punched me a couple more times before in shackling me from the chair. Blood poured from my nose and mouth, everything was dizzy. I lazily screamed out as he dragged me by my hair again, he threw me onto the hard floor next to Chris. Finn left and slammed the door.

"Empress? Can you hear me!" I could hear Chris's faint voice, I tried to focus on it.

"Where are you? Y/N?" I heard Kylo's voice say in my head. I started to cry and curled up in Chris's lap. I felt something lay on top of me as I drifted off to sleep. I dreamed of being in Kylo's arms again, in my soft bed.

I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes. My eyes widened when I realized where I was. I was still in this hellhole. I had been laying in Chris's lap, I moved away and smiled at him. "How long was I out?"

"3 days." Chris looked away. I noticed a jacket was laid on top of me, I assumed was Chris's

"Here." I give it to him but he pushes it back to me.

"He gave me clothes since he took my armor, I don't need a jacket. But you don't have anything so of course I would give it to you. It gets cold down here."

"Thank you."

"What did he do to you?" Chris tilts his head and looks my face over, I see a few tears slip his eyes.

"Hit me. A lot." I look away.  Finn came inside of the room and walked right towards me, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and started to drag me out. "Chris!" I yelped. I again was shackled to a chair, he sat close in front of me and looked me over.

"What are your plans with the Resistance?" He asked.

"I told you I don't know. They wouldn't let me." Finn raises his hand high and brought it down against my cheek.

"Tell me!" He hit me again. This went on for what seemed like hours. I again felt weak and dizzy. "You know out of the many people you killed, one of them was my girlfriend. You slaughtered her."

"Just like you guys killed my mother, who was unarmed." I spat blood out. Finn kicked me in the chest, making me fall back. He kicked my chest once more, making me suck in a huge amount of air. I gasped as I felt the wind knocked out of me.

"She was my world, the kindest person. And you slaughtered her! You don't deserve to live, everyone of you in the First Order!" He kicked me again. Finn started to drag me out of the small room and back to Chris. He watched me gasp for air, Chris rubbing my back. I started to shake because of how cold it was, Finn just spit towards me and left.

Chris pulled me on his lap, I laid against his chest and sobbed. Chris laid the jacket over my body, the sides draping over him keeping us warm. "We will find a way out of this Y/N, I promise." This was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

Chris always gave me hope.

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