good girl

mel-345 által

31.5K 607 180

"i cant stand you. you're such a good girl all the time. be bad for once" he almost seethes, stepping closer... Több



3.3K 62 12
mel-345 által

(picked this song bc its like Eva's vibe??? idk shes just like chill and cool and this song is chill and cool. enjoy bbys <3)

i dont care

"Eva! Now!" I roll my eyes, letting out a groan. "What are we going to do now, Mouse," I whisper to my tan and white kitten, her vibrant green eyes meeting mine as I place a kiss between her eyes. "I don't want to leave yet. I haven't gotten to see Summer!" I yell back to my mother.

Summer, my best friend since we were 4, hasn't come to see me before we leave to head to the "world famous Hogwarts", as my over dramatic mother loves to put it.

"Just sit together on the train!" she yelled back, "We're going to be late if we don't leave now, Evangelina!" I let out another frustrated groan, there's no use in trying to reason with a Hufflepuff.

As in Alexis Hufflepuff, my mother. One of the richest, if not THE richest, families in town, the last descendants of the original Hufflepuff family and direct descendants of Helga Hufflepuff. My great great great, and what seems like a thousand more greats, grandmother.

Although, everyone loves to insist how it seems I should belong in any other house than Hufflepuff. Which is infuriating. It isn't my fault that my mother taught me not to take any kind of vile behavior from anybody.

Because of my family's reputation, it is often surprising to people that I am only now attending Hogwarts in what would be my second year, starting early like my mother, and father, and grandparents get the point.

But, my father's death kind of prevented me from attending last year, which was the original plan. His death was sudden and heart wrenching, especially for my mother.

That is honestly what is really making me stall on leaving. This is going to be the first time in 15 years that my mom has been alone. The manor is huge and now, empty, besides our house elf and the occasional others who are employed at the manor. The entire reason my parents decided to buy the manor, was because they planned on having tons, and I mean TONS, of children. An unfortunate accident weeks after I was born made that impossible for my mother. To this day, I still have yet to learn what happened or how, just my mother can no longer bear children. I can't bring myself to ask and I try my best to not ponder on the idea too, for my mouth may get the best of me and I may question my mother.

But that's a depressing story for another day.

Today, I was finally going to Hogwarts. This was my dream, to become a master witch and defeat enemies. Many people just had power for no reason whatsoever. I planned to fix that.

"Eva! Now!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my mother's voice once more. As I close my trunk I start to drag it out of my room. I yell a quick reply as I start down the stairs.

"Need help miss?" I turn to see Horpey, our house elf sitting on my trunk. We had freed him last year when my father died but he's become a sort of family for myself and my mother.

"I'm okay Horpey. Thank you," I offered a gentle smile which he quickly returned and snapped his fingers, disregarding my words and disapparating us from the staircase to the living room. I gave Horpey a teasing push and he returns my smile.

"Come on Eva, we still need to get your supplies and books before we board the train." my mother groans as She grabs my hand and in an instant, we are in Diagon Alley. I immediately head to Ollivanders in search of a wand and to greet an old family friend.

"Ollivander!" I exclaim, bot even noticing he was talking to another inquiring upcoming student. "E!" He exclaimed quickly embracing me as I ran into his arms. We both let out a series of chuckles as he pulls away.

"Finally heading to Hogwarts, eh?" he nudged me as he heads towards the back of the little shop to grab a series of wands.

"Finally." I call after him, firmly, turning my attention to the other student in the shop. "Hi," I offer my hand politely. He takes it eagerly giving a firm shake and giving me a warm smile.

"Hi, My name's Harry," he says, waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Hi Harry! I'm-" I am cut off by Ollivander returning with three different boxes.

"Harry, I believe this could be perfect for you," he offers a box and Harry slowly opens it. The wand claims him. It's obvious. It reacts perfectly to his energy and body.

Ollivander explains how the wand has a twin. And the other wand that contains the phoenix feather gave him his scar. That's when it hit me.

"Wait a minute! You're Harry! As in Harry Potter!" I can't contain my excitement and Harry gives me a shy smile. "Apparently. That's what I have been hearing all day," he laughs and I return the laugh.

Ollivander turns to me as Harry offers him money but Ollivander gently refused. He was being called off by a burly man holding an owl before we could say much else to each other. He waved at me quickly before walking out the door.

"As for you, Eva, lets see," His words drift off as he look between two wands and hands me one shorter wand, around 10" made of Hawthorne wood. It didn't match, it didn't even remotely feel correct.

"I don't think so Ollivander," I say, pulling a face and he chuckles, offering me a hazelwood wand with unicorn hair, about 14" long.

"This is perfect," I exclaim as I swing the wand and it moves perfectly in my hand. I am interrupted by the bell at the front ringing and my mother's soft voice.

"Alright Eva. Have you bothered Ollivander enough today?" I turn to see her warm smile and armful of books as her eyes meet Ollivander's. I take the books from her as she walks towards us. She embraces him in a friendly hug, paying for my wand, although he refused, and we were heading to the train station.

Once we were on Platform 9 3/4, I finally met my mother's eyes. They began to glass over but I couldn't help the smile on my face. Although I did not want to leave my mom, I knew this was what my future had in store for me.

"I love you, mom. It'll be okay," I say as I pull her in for another hug, lingering for a while. I feel Mouse in between my mother and me, nuzzling my mom. She leans down petting her gently.

"I know, I know Eva. I'm just not ready," she stands and places both hands on my cheeks. "Remember, although you were meant to start classes last year, you're the same age as the first years,"

"Right," I say as I start to grip on to my belongings, picking up Mouse. Her eyes cast away from mine as she begins rambling, tucking stray hairs that had fallen from my bun behind my ears.

"Make sure to owl me every night no matter what, Zora will be there everyday with a letter from me. I don't want you to think you can't write me because-"

"Mom." I interrupt with a laugh, placing my hand on her arm.

"Yes?" she turns to me finally, meeting my eyes, hers were filled with worry.

"Stop worrying about me. I'll be okay! I promise. If I'm not, you will be the first to know," I pull her in for another hug. We release and I wipe the tear that had fallen from her eye. I stuff Mouse into my jacket and start onto the train.

"E!" I turn quickly to meet my mother's gaze. "I love you!" I blow her one last kiss and mouth 'I love you' back before stepping onto the train, excited to finally find Summer.


Almost every compartment was completely full by the time I had gotten my trunk into the cargo bin. I kept my eyes peeled for Summer, hoping to have been able to sit with her, but still no sign of her. I turned once when I thought I saw an empty one, almost tripping over a toad, and am met with some familiar green eyes.

"Harry!" I exclaim and he smiles back. I look over when Mouse hisses, seeing a rat sitting on the boy across from Harry.

"Keep that thing away from Scabbers!" The boy exclaims, pulling his rat closer to his chest and I let out a laugh. Harry begins talking once again, disregarding the boy's comment.

"I was just talking about you! You never told me your name," he scooted over in the compartment, patting the seat next to him, signaling me to sit down next to him, across from the redhead boy.

Seems like a Weasley. My father was friend with his father but I had only heard stories and seen him in passing, never stopping to talk.

I sit down as I begin talking, closing the compartment door behind me.

"Oh! I almost forgot I'm-" I am cut off once again by the redhead boy across from me.

"Evangelina Hufflepuff," his jaw drops as he stares at me and I laugh, my cheeks heating slightly.

"It's just Eva," I chuckle, tucking my hair behind my ear. Turning to Harry, I reiterate, "Please just call me Eva," Harry smiles back, his eyes only darting away from mine when someone opens the compartment door. A girl with brown almost red hair meets all our gazes as the boy across from me pulls out a wand.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one," I chuckle and look over to the boys to see what they have to say. "I almost tripped over one earlier," I say turning back to the girl, smiling, but she dismissed my smile and turned her attention to the the boy with his wand out across from me.

"Doing magic? Let's see then," she says, suddenly intrigued by what the red haired boy is doing.

"Sunshines daisy butter mellow, turn this stupid rat right yellow," when nothing happens, we all let out a laugh. I pull Mouse out of my jacket and stroke her in my lap.

"My brothers told me that would work," he frowns, realizing he got played, which makes us all laugh harder.

The girl speaks up finally once we have all calmed down. "I'm Hermione Granger. And you all are?" She sits herself down and I let my mind wander to where in the world could Summer be. She was always on time and would have told me if plans changed.

"My names Ron Weasley," I knew it. I patted myself on the back internally for that one.

"I am-"

"Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I would recognize that scar any where!" he chuckled and moved his bangs over his forehead, covering his scar.

"Eva," I greet politely and she stuck her hand out for me to shake, which I shake niecly. I turned toward Harry, "Have any of you seen a girl with curly blonde hair? Pretty blue eyes, kind of short?" I asked projecting my question from just Harry to the whole lot of them.

"I think I would've remembered someone like that," Ron mumbled under his breath. I chuckled because it's true. You would remember her. She is stunning, definitely not someone you would miss. They would know exactly who she was. I just wish I knew where my best friend was.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by the train coming to a hault. Finally here after what felt like hours. I push Mouse back into my jacket as I stand and lead the way out of the train compartment, towards all of our luggage.

We all start gathering our things but I realized the my last trunk was stuck behind someone's belongings. There was a trunk and a suitcase, both looking very expensive. The leather was shining, even in the the dimming dusk light.

"Move out of my way," I turn quickly to meet grey eyes and slick back blonde hair. I turn back around toward the luggage, crossing my arms, standing my ground.

"Are you deaf? I said move. Do I need to spell it out m-o-"

"Oh I heard you. Trust me. I heard you. I'm just waiting for you to ask. Maybe even a please. But I won't push it," I turn towards him again, giving him a once over. I scoff once I meet his eyes again, he opens his mouth to reply, but I add on.

"I'd recognize that blonde hair and huge ego any where. You must be a Malfoy," I reach up and pull his luggage down, letting it fall to the floor, before grabbing my own trunk and pulling Mouse out of my jacket, laying her on top of the trunk. I look up at the boy and he has a smug smirk on his face.

"My name is-"

"I don't care." I reply quickly as I leave the cart, leaving the boy dumbfounded.

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