Each Past

By DreamerNation

117 7 0

Brooke Daniels was an outgoing, fierce girl with a terrible past. She relentlessly tries to escape her past b... More

Each Horror Movie
Each Foolish Kidnapper
Each Terrible Nightmare
Each Bathroom Break
Each Lonely Life
Each Lost Conversation

Each Broken Body

26 1 0
By DreamerNation

Chapter Five- Each Broken Body

Brooke followed the man to the end of the hallway, where a wooden door was sitting. It's hinges groaned as the man opened the door into the small room.

In the room, there were only the necessities. A small toilet planted on the back wall, sink on the left, and a bathtub rusting on the right side of the room. Brooke managed to shut the door behind her and do what she needed to do. She inspected the room, searching for anything that could inspire her for their escape. She sighed dejectedly, no windows, no air vents, nothing basically.

Before leaving she washed her hands eagerly, not caring if the soap smelled like molded cheese.

The leader of the two, knocked on the door, shouting incoherently through the thin walls.

Brooke gripped the loose handle and wedged the door open. "Shut up, will you? I'm done, and I'm out," she retorted, taking her time getting out of the bathroom and gingerly shutting the frail door behind her.

Without a seconds notice, she made a run for the kitchen, where she was positive a few kitchen knifes would be stored.

I'll get us out of here Aveline. If not me, then you. I promise.

Barging into a room, Brooke saw the knife precariously placed against the rusted wood, dangling close to the edge of the counter.

She jumped for it. The tips of her fingers glazed the edge of the handle when her feet were gripped tightly and pulled her back.

Brooke landed on the floor, her head thumping against the cold, hard ground. White hot pain rushed through her head, and moved throughout her body. Her breathing was labored, and her elbows dug into the floor, pushing against her captor holding her back.

The man removed one of his hands to reach for Brooke's other leg. She took the chance and kicked him hard in the stomach. He crippled in pain and dropped to his knees.

Getting up was a difficult task. With the searing pain in Brooke's head, she could barely see straight. She blindly grabbed the knife, seeing two instead of one. Something stung Brooke's palm and she noticed the blade digging into her skin.

She winced and grabbed the handle, turning to the man and kicking him once again. This time, knocking him unconscious. "Jerk," she hissed fiercely behind her as she walked out of the kitchen, the door swinging behind her.

"How do you know that my friend is in trouble? Maybe she is fine. What if you're having problems out there, hm?" Someone said in the background.

Brooke heard Aveline's snarky voice in the distance. It sounded farther, quieter than Brooke had thought. It was when she tripped on her own feet did she notice the pain in her was more than just a pain. Brooke winced and continued moving. That was until she reached the dining room.

Brooke presumed Aveline got sick of standing around, looking like a total fool in front of the two, and ran towards the man.

As Aveline took a few steps forward, a gasp escaping her heart shaped lips, Brooke felt a presence begin her. The air grew colder, stinging any skin that's shown. Her labored breaths struggled even more. Brooke wanted to do something, anything, but she didn't move, Brooke stood as straight as she could and refused to look around.

Like, I always say, I'm going crazy, she reminded. It's not him that's behind me. No one's behind me. You're just hearing things.

Brooke registered the exchange between the two and grinned, her hands dropping to her sides. Both of them were smeared in blood.

A slow clap resonated through the room, bouncing against the walls and ruining Brooke's sense of direction. Another one followed until they were a chorus of claps.

"What the-" Aveline whispered lowly, turning in Brooke's direction. The direct location where the mocking clapping was happening.

Brooke didn't want to look behind her, fear crawling into her veins. Goosebumps were rising on her arms. She tried to take a few steps forward to ease the fear. A hand against her arms stopped. The touch merely sent chills through Brooke's bones.

"How are ya' partner?" She whispered to the man behind her, venom lacing her tone.

"I'm doing dandy," Jett answered, his voice shaking throughout the house.

"Nice to see you again, Jett," Aveline replied as calmly as possible. Her eyes were glued shut, her hands clenched tightly.

"The sarcasm is just wonderful." He grinned playfully, his mischievous blue eyes twinkling in the dark of the house. The way is whole demeanor changed within half a hour or so made Brooke shiver in fear.

He breathed a low chuckle in her hair.

Aveline's light blue eyes opened to Jett's grinning ones.

Brooke bristled at the color that always seem to be haunting her. Blue used to be her favorite color because the man she loved had the same color. Now, it's just a constant reminder of who betrayed her.

"Well, sarcasm is one of my best qualities," Aveline replied snarkily, regret covering her features almost instantly.

In a matter of seconds, his playful facade was gone. It returned to that stone cold look Brooke had grown used to seeing in the span of a day or two.

"Look, you're going to listen to Jett, or you'll regret it. Do you understand?" He scowled and tightened is already tight grip on Brooke's bruising arm.

Brooke nodded, her throat dry and her head pounding as if she had a hangover. The stinging in her palm had subsided for the moment, not adding onto the pain Brooke was already feeling.

Aveline took a step forward. And then another. Until she was right in front of Jett and Brooke, failing at trying to unhinge the fierce grip. "Loosen your grip," she exclaimed.

"Listen to my orders and I will," he argued.

"Whatever, now let her go," was Aveline's reply. Brooke shook her head, warding off the throbbing in the back of her head.

Stupid people don't know how to treat woman. If you're going to kidnap me and not kill me, treat me better. I don't want equal, I want something at least better than the conditions we're in.

Jett's grin grew two times in size. "Good, I'll let her go when you follow me into the basement." He then proceeded to squeeze Brooke's arm, causing an involuntary whimper to arise from Brooke's cracked lips.

Jett chuckled darkly at her pain. "The door is through there and to the left. Time's a-waiting." He squeezed again.

"I've been through worse, you donkey. This is nothing," Brooke whispered, her dry throat protesting. Jett faltered him his step, the slight mistake a humorous thing in Brooke's eyes.

"Fine," Aveline replied, her head shooting up. Brooke watched her open a door and turn back around to face Jett. He moved his head to continue, moving ever so slowly.

She continued and Jett followed quickly behind, dragging Brooke behind him as he did so. She tripped and cursed as he tugged her, the pain flaring all around her.

Aveline turned to her left and saw another door. With a jolt, she opened the door. Brooke could see the stairs going down into the basement. A darkness covered the entire way down, as if there were monsters ready to strike at any moment.

Brooke trudged down the stairs behind Aveline and Jett. His vice-like grip never giving way, even when they had entered the molded basement. Fumes so disgustingly tart disturbed Brooke's senses.

"Alright. We are in here. Now let her go," the brunette growled, her teeth tense and gritted together.

Jett looked around and grinned that devilishly handsome grin of his.

Snap out of it, Brooke's voice reprimanded.

He threw Brooke against the ground and swiped his hands against eachother as if she was the trash he had just thrown out. One last grin was given to them before he retreated up the stairs and shut the door behind him, locking the door as well.

Brooke lay on her hands and knees, scowling at her tarnished pieces of clothes. She slowly took her time getting into a sitting position. Her disrupted hearing made Aveline's footsteps sound farther away than getting any closer.

"Are you okay?" Aveline questioned, wiping a piece of cloth against Brooke's ruined hands.

"I'm fine," she replied with a groan, taking the strip of clothing with gratitude and wrapping it around her numb palm where the blood stopped oozing from the wound.

Brooke rubbed at her head with her other hand. A wetness appeared on her her fingers and palm. Brooke sighed, running her bloody hand through her matted head.

"No, you aren't. Let me see your other hand. And what the heck were you doing?" Aveline asked, a faint ripping was heard in Brooke's ears.

"I was doing something stupid," she answered vaguely.

"Great answer," Aveline sarcastically replied as she wiped Brooke's hand. Brooke tightly clenched her eyes when a knot was being tied around her wound. Pain flashed before her when the knot was tightened.

"I actually had to pee, okay? But then I thought, 'Oh, wow, these people are stupid. I could easily escape.' I wasn't thinking right so I ran for the kitchen. I couldn't leave you so I grabbed a knife and went for you. The guy knocked me out and stuff."

"Yikes. And ouch. I told you not to try that. Trust me. It's stupid and pointless," Aveline reprimanded, her voice on the verge of anger and hopelessness.

Brooke shrugged and played with the loose ends of her shirt. "I just, wanted to see my father again, you know? I can't deal with this, not after all that I went through to get to him," she spoke, not registering anything she was saying.

Aveline smiled softly at Brooke, her blue eyes flashing in understanding. "I know what you mean. I'm sure he is worried about you. Everyone has someone who worries about them. Even if they don't know it," she said in response.

"I wish," Brooke snorted, standing up with a wince. A small pebble digging into her damaged palm. She shook her hands against her ruined jeans that she wore when she first was taken.

Brooke shivered the temperature, seeming to lower significantly.

"It's true. Even if it's hard to believe," Aveline retorted, picking at something on her hand. The blonde faced away.

Brooke's bones shifted as she stretched out her arms and moved her back. Suddenly, she saw a flicker of movement in the background.

She flashed around and saw the tiny screen of a camera zoom in on her face. "Holy shi-." Brooke stopped to look at Aveline's innocent face. She coughed. "-iz," she finished lamely, rubbing the back of her neck.

Brooke heard Aveline chuckle. "What's the matter?" She asked. Brooke could feel Aveline's gaze drilling holes through her head.

"It's a camera," Brooke said. She pointed to the small thing in the top of the corner.

Aveline looked at the camera Brooke was pointing at. "Hello," she greeted, waving to the camera as if it were a human itself. Considering the condition they are in, there was certainly a person looking behind that camera.

Brooke disregarded the camera, her eyes growing tired from the events of today. "Hey, will you wake me up when they call us for food?" She asked the girl waving at the camera, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"Okay, sure," she answered, turning back to Brooke. "That is, if we get any more food all day."

"True," Brooke mumbled, laying down on the cold basement floor. Within seconds she was out and nightmares were already starting to invade her mind.


A/N: Awe, poor Brooke. Surrounded by memories that will always haunt her sleep. I feel so bad for her. Hopefully, someone can save her. But who?

Hey, feel free to comment if you have any ideas about where the story should lead to. Tiffany and I always love the support.

There's not a lot to talk about today, I guess. Everything I had planned just flew from my brain. Yes, I plan my conversation ahead of time even though people barely read these. Like seriously, come on! You just read a whole chapter, this is nothing.

But anyway, yeah, hope you enjoyed. Vote, comment, share, the whole shebang. I think I already said that but whatever.

Oh, a Jett's POV might be happening soon too. I'm still thinking whether people like his one chapter.

(This is where you come in. In the comments tell me whether you want more.)

I'll probably do one anyway though but your approval is always appreciated.

Enough rambling. Next update soon. And always, keep reading!


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