All for you

Per britishhessa

116K 6.2K 1.2K

After their two worlds collided in 2018, Hero and Josephine found themselves captivated by a love they could... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Final authors note

Chapter 18

3.1K 201 31
Per britishhessa

Two days. Two long, torturous, tear-filled twenty four hour periods since he took off running and failed to turn back.

No matter how prepared I pictured I once was, how ready I'd been to tell my reasoning to the man with the dazzling green eyes, the truth was nothing could have possibly composed me for this.

"Jo, they had a cancellation, is 2:30 okay?" Kath asked me from my position on the couch with the phone glued tight to her left ear.

With a quick nod from me, she walked back into the kitchen mumbling words I couldn't quite hear as Hallie made herself known moving in from the bathroom.

"One stinky bathroom clean, one Hallie exhausted and wanting her Oreos, and one very pregnant cranky woman" she spoke sarcastically earning a glare straight from me.

"Number one, I'm cranky because my stomach seems to wanna throw itself back up every five seconds and every fucking bone in my body hurts" I started referring to the repercussions of both the crash and morning sickness which seems to have returned, "and two, never tell a pregnant woman she looks fat"

"Now Jo, I never called you fat I ju-"

"Zip it" I stated simply causing a smirk to dance across her cheeks whilst my eyes gave her a look which could quite possibly kill.

"Right, they luckily had someone cancel this morning so the appointments yours," Kath said referring the call she'd just made to the doctor's office.

Since the crash, I'd found myself worried at every possible matter revolving my baby. From the strength of the kicks to the size of my bump, I'd felt something was wrong despite the many people swearing there wasn't.

"Yeah that's good with me thanks Kath" I replied as Hallie began obnoxiously chewing on her Oreos which my sister was practically beaten up for.

"Do you think" she started up again looking at the ground, "maybe you should try and call him?"

"You know I blocked his number months ago. Besides, I can guarantee you now he doesn't want to be anywhere near me right now" I stated, reminding myself for the hundredth time of the events that happened over 48 hours ago.

"He's fucking angry right now Jo, yeah, but you really need to stop excluding him from shit. The least you can do is tell the man. This isn't about whatever crap is going on between the two of you, this is about your baby" Hallie spoke up surprising both me and the other woman in the room as she wiped her mouth dry of any oreo crumbs and scrunched up the empty packet.

Knowing that her brutally honest words were truthful, I grabbed the phone I'd replaced months ago and rang straight through to Anna knowing if anyone, she'd be the only one currently aware of his presence.

"Hey Jo, is everything alright?" She instantly asked picking up after the first ring.

"Yeah, Anna sorry to bother you. I don't know if you know where he is but if by any chance you hear from him, could you tell him I have an appointment at the hospital at 2:30" I rushed out, scared at the possibility of forgetting my rehearsed words.

"Oh gosh, are you alright?" She frantically asked as if positive something was wrong.

"Yeah, I think, I just wanted to triple check everything after the crash," I said blinking at the terrible memories flooding my mind of the night I most wanted to forget.

"Erm okay, I'll be honest with you Jo." She started taking a breath leaving me exceptionally curious, "I've let him stay with me for a few nights"

"Okay," I stated, happy despite his words to know he was safe yet disappointed over the fact he'd chosen to go elsewhere rather than have a full-on conversation with me.

"Now I know what he did was shit and I am in no way defending him, he needed a place to stay a-"

"Anna, it's fine. I'm glad he's alright" I spoke ignoring the fact he questioned the paternity of the baby he and I created.

"Anyways, just do me a favour and tell him. He doesn't have to come but I'm giving him the option" I said keeping my composure despite his muffled tone beginning to play in the background.

"Yeah that's no problem, I'll talk to you later sweetie. Tell me how everything goes" she finished before saying a quick goodbye.

"So miss Langford, what are we going to do to keep you occupied for the day, huh?" Hallie asked strangely whilst raising both of her eyebrows in a matter which seemed both sarcastic and questioning.

"Well, I'm in pain so my plans revolve around eating, sleeping and repeating but you", I pointed straight in her direction, " are entitled to do whatever pleases that little mind of yours"

"Ahhhhh now that you mention it, Kathy darling nip to the shops and grab me more of my favourite chocolaty treat" she said trying to imitate one of Katherines most recent roles only earning the deadliest look in return.

"Numero uno Hallie rose Johnson if you didn't notice, my car is currently smashed into a million pieces. Numero dos, even if it was in pristine fucking condition, I wouldn't move a muscle of this couch. And if you ever try to imitate me like that again, you'll never get around to tasting another fucking oreo"

As Hallie gulped at my sisters change in tone, I lay there trying my hardest to keep the pain of my laughter to a minimum.

Hours later after many more catfights between the pair I've quarantined with for far too long, I was sat in the doctor's office waiting for her to enter.

The moment the door opened, the face of doctor Charles, the woman I'd become used to seeing every visit, was replaced by a man who seems to be only a few years older than me. The attractive male took me off guard, suddenly causing me to start choking on my breath.

"Miss Langford are you alright," the man with dirty blonde hair with a set of blue eyes asked approaching me. He was gorgeous, there was no doubt about it, but he was no match to the man fathering my child.

"Yes sorry, I just wasn't expecting you" 

"No worries, I'm Dr Miller ill be filling in for Dr Charles today but no need to be concerned, I have filled myself in on everything revolving around your pregnancy. I heard you were in an accident is that right?" He questioned through his surgical mask.

"Ye-yeah, I was hit by a drunk driver but they said at the hospital everything was good with the baby"

"Okay, we shall just take a look to be 100% sure then if that's alright with you"

With a nod, I moved straight to the bed having the blue covering placed over my lower half whilst he grabbed the small device I'd come to love after seeing my little ones body each time.

Whilst he was rubbing the gel across my belly, the sound of my baby's heartbeat began ringing through my ears simultaneous to the sound of the door breaking through.

My eyes tearing from the darkened image displaying my child, my already glossed over orbs met the forest green colour I loved more than anything.

He was here, to my complete surprise he'd actually come. His eyes stayed glued on the screen, a look of dazzlement crossing his features as a nurse made her self known.

"Sir, I told you that you aren't allowed in here without the patient's consent," she said, his look of astonishment never once fading whilst his face didn't even attempt to move.

"It's fine nurse, he's with me" I responded for him, his gaze finally meeting mine for the first time before shooting back to the screen.

It was that moment that I noticed the switch on his face. He seemed transfixed by such a small view, his dimples prominent through his thin face covering as his smile only grew. A new sense of pride seemed to have already taken over.

This, this right here was a man excited about a new beginning.

Continua llegint

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