Rainbow Six Siege OC Book

By Ronin141

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Title pretty much speaks for itself, this book is about my R6 OC's and their bios, my friend devoncruz19 said... More

Justin "Panther" Bennett
Angela "Fantoom" Wolfe
Kyle "Kelpie" Ferguson
Logan "Otter" Pierre
Richard "Delta" Murdock
Scott "Mirage" Murdock
Naomi "Athena" Espinoza
Emil "Bruin" Wagner
Sebastian "Lucifer" Butler
Ramil "Fury" Villanueva
Cedric "Scorch" McIntyre

Anthony "Oni" Riley

193 3 3
By Ronin141

"if you run, I'll chase, if you hide, I'll find you, if you scream, I'll silence you."

Name: Anthony Riley

Unit: Fourth Echelon

Callsign: Oni

Nationality: American

Birthdate: 12-03-83

Birthplace: San Diego CA USA

Age: 38

Height: 6ft2

Weight: 165

Blood type: B+

John Riley: father
Skyler Riley: mother
Becky Miller: sister
Carlos Miller: brother-in-law

Role: attack

Voice actor:
Chad Michael Collins

Romance options:
Valkyrie or Ying




FNX 45


Secondary gadgets
Frag grenades
Hard breach device

Krav maga
Muay Thai
Combat shooting
Center Axis relock
Halo jumping
Direct action
Counter terrorism
Night raids
Unconventional warfare
Guerilla warfare

Anthony on break 4-24-17

Operation Blazing Resolve 8-05-14 (Japan)

Gadget evaluation

Device: Healing Dart

User: Anthony "Oni" Riley

Lead specialist:
Lera "Finka" Melnikova

Description: "I'll admit I was surprised that Oni had a gadget like the Healing Dart cause he doesn't give that vibe of wanting to save your life. Anyhow the Healing Dart is comprised of Epinephrine doing about the same as the stim pistol but I was surprised to find a bit of adrenaline in the dart and if I were to guess the reason it would that Oni wants him or his teammates to be stronger for a short period of time while being devoid of any injuries and have more energy, the Healing Dart is fired from a mini crossbow allowing to heal his teammates from a greater distance."

San Diego native Anthony Riley is the son of former CIA operative John Riley as he was well respected for his work, Anthony growing up grew accustomed to the phrase "blacker than black." Which made Anthony curious about his father's life but his father encouraged many hobbies into Anthony such as surfing, sports and even combat sports. Anthony was a fairly social child and got along with most people with the exception of those who insulted his younger sister Becky cause of her mild autism and the more older Anthony got, the more protective he became over Becky as he thought those picking on his sister were nothing but pricks and threatened them on multiple occasions. Anthony turning eighteen would try to have a career in MMA as he was a bit fan of the sport but after the tragedy that was 9/11, Anthony would drop his MMA and enlist in the marines as he felt he had an obligation to protect his family and country.

Anthony would mostly work in Iraq securing villages and gathering Intel from the locals as his Arabic and Farsi would improve significantly with the occasional firefight and Reconnaissance mission. Anthony's first large scale Operation was the first battle of Fallujah or better known as Operation Vigilant Resolve which would effect Anthony for the rest of his life as he and his squadron entered a home as Anthony seen a little girl strapped with explosives. Anthony was ordered to eliminate but he froze and just couldn't as he said the little girl reminded him of his sister, someone would shoot the girl dead and Anthony afterwards was heavily criticized and disrespected for not being able to make the hard choice as they would call Anthony soft.

Anthony in 2006 would be offered to tryout for the newly formed Marine Raiders or the Navy SEALS, Anthony opted for the SEALS as he was tired of being a laughing stock in the marines and over all just couldn't stand how childish some were. Anthony would go through BUDS but be disappointed as he found out there was more training to do, he would go through the grueling training process and eventually became a Navy Seal being assigned to Seal Team 6 otherwise known as DEVGRU. Anthony now being a Seal was now much stronger physically and mentally speaking specializing in marksmanship, underwater demolitions, Reconnaissance, counter terrorism and counter narcotics and grew a very impressive list of accomplishments and was going to attend the mission to eliminate Osama bin laden but would have to sit out to an injury while preparing the op.

2013 would come around and Anthony was selected the blacker than black clandestine unit known as Fourth Echelon being under the wing of Sam Fisher who definitely whipped Anthony into being the operative he is today, Anthony described Sam as the biggest hardass but the best mentor anyone could ask for. In 2014 Anthony would have his first assignment for Fourth Echelon relating to a bunch of kidnappings of Americans in Japan. Anthony displayed his excellent skill in gathering intel and executing on that and would eventually rescue the hostages but he would stay to finish off the group as he discovered plans of them planning a trap of a SAT squad. He would unknowingly rescue Hibana or Yumiko Imagawa and many of the SAT operatives called him Oni which is a Japanese demon but Yumiko didn't as she tried learning his name but Anthony refused to give it as he thought it was better if she didn't know as Fourth Echelon would rather his name not be known to people outside of Fourth Echelon.

"I won't lie, I had high expectations for Anthony Riley being that Sam or Zero brought him in and I wasn't disappointed. Anthony was incredibly upbeat and social and it honestly felt like an old friend was catching up with me, he caught me off guard with how modest he was and he jokingly said that him being modest is an effect from Zero's training which honestly baffled me as I never expected Zero teaching another person manners but despite all that I could Anthony carries a lot of guilt and he said it came from Operation Vigilant Resolve as I noticed that he felt traumatized.

He said the little girl he couldn't kill haunts him every night and sometimes imagine Becky is in the girl's place and always imagines the consequences of if that event were to open cause he wants his sister to live a long good life and he expressed that if Becky's life was at stake, he would stop at nothing to make sure she was safe which is to be expected as Zero told me that Anthony is very protective to the point of being animalistic. Anthony also expresses that it feels weird living two different lives, one being him and the other being Oni, I told him that it's good to separate the military life from civilian life and Anthony agreed but he ponders if people would still trust him if he were to show what he can do if he reached his breaking point. Being that Anthony is highly sociable, it doesn't surprise me that he gets along with most of his American co-workers, the most obvious being Thermite, Pulse, Castle, and Warden who funny enough said he sort of looked up to Anthony's father as an example of an agent. Surprisingly he tends to avoid the female operatives as he expresses that it isn't out of disrespect, he just doesn't know how to talk to them but Valkyrie and Ying seem to be trying to socialize with him so that should be interesting to see develop."
~ Harishva "Harry" Pandey

Author's note
If you wish to use this guy then just ask for my permission to use him, but my first OC... Not really sure what to expect.

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