Pride and Punishment

بواسطة Cici050710

421K 7.3K 23.4K

You've been with the BAU for a few months but your temper and constant defiance of authority drives Aaron Hot... المزيد

Read This First Please
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

14.1K 236 1K
بواسطة Cici050710

Author's Note: Firstly, I'm so sorry y'all had to wait so long for an update. I took a last-minute vacation to the beach but I'm finally home and will start posting updates regularly again. 

Also, I didn't proofread this before posting, so if you notice any errors I apologize! If you point them out I'll correct them as I go.

Also, the sex-thing they do in this chapter: if you decide to try this, full disclosure: it can cause UTI's for both partners, and sometimes the menthol in the mints will sting your lady parts.

Happy reading!

You know before you even climb out of the bed that the person responsible for banging on your door at 6:35 in the morning is Hotch. You had finally turned your phone back on before bed but made it a point to screen his call and texts to ignore them.

If you could drown out his incessantly knocking you'd go back to sleep, but instead, you stomp down the hall and fling it open with a menacing scowl.

"What are you doing here? The sun isn't even fully up." You snap.

"I told you to be at the park at six. You weren't even awake?" He pushes past you into the entryway.

"Welcome, do come in." You mumble under your breath, shutting the door and turning to face him. "I told you I couldn't make it this morning."

"Yes, and then you cut your phone off without an explanation. Do you think that sort of behavior is acceptable?"

"Hotch, I'm exhausted. I'm still on Vegas time so it's like what, 2 am, for me? I'M TIRED. I don't want to go running this morning, I want to sleep in."

He blinks, startled. "You called me Hotch. You're angry with me."

"Don't be ridiculous, I just want some sleep and I'm annoyed you barged over here after I told you I wasn't coming." You cross your arms across your chest. "If it's okay with you, I'm going back to bed. You can see yourself out."

"Is this about Officer Vargas?"

Oh my God, he has GOT to be kidding me.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"I assume that now that you two are involved, you want to end this and don't know how, so you're picking a fight with me."

You pinch the bridge of your nose and attempt to mentally will your annoyance away.

"It's fine if that's what's happening but at least be honest with me about it." He continues. "I told you before, there will be no reprisals. This will simply end."

"Are you deliberately being obtuse, Hotch?"

"If I'm being obtuse it's because you haven't told me what you're so angry about." He retorts. "I'm a profiler, not a mind-reader. You can't expect me to just know what's wrong."

Man's got a point.

"Fine. I'm upset because you didn't speak to me for three days." You admit. "I called you twice and both times you acted cold and distant."

He looks stunned. "Y/N-"

"Stack that on top of ordering me to come workout today and then barging into my apartment to yell at me at 7 am."


"Don't ask me what's wrong and keep interrupting when I try to tell you. I'm not done."

He opens his mouth, closes it, and leans against the wall with his arms crossed.

"The icing on the cake is you telling me just now it wouldn't bother or affect you at all if I ended this to see someone else. "

"Do I get to talk now, or are you just going to cut me off every time I try to defend myself?"

Did this asshole just throw my own words back at me?

Before you can say anything, he launches into his explanation. "Y/N, you were on a vacation. I assumed you wanted space from work and from me. The first time you called me I was with Rossi at a jazz bar. I had to speak to you as if it were a professional call. The second time you called, I was in my office with the door open. Anyone could have walked by and heard our conversation."


"I apologize if I came off cold towards you. It was not my intention." He runs a hand through his hair. For the first time since he's barged in, you take a moment to look him up and down.

Your mouth goes dry. He's wearing a white t-shirt that accentuates his biceps and a pair of loose grey sweats that are doing their part to display the bulge in his pants.

Don't look at it, don't look at it, don't look at it.

"I'm still mad. You could have shot me a text and told me why you were so cavalier on the phone. You could have checked up on me."

"Y/N, I did. I spoke to Spencer several times and each time I asked how you were enjoying your vacation. I was casual about it so he wouldn't suspect anything, but I did ask."

You go silent, mulling over his words.

He checked in with Spencer. He had to be distant on the phone so the others wouldn't suspect anything. He was giving me space. He just has an answer for everything, doesn't he?

Aaron sighs and steps toward you, cupping your elbows gently. "How can I make this up to you?" He murmurs, his voice husky and inviting. "What do you want me to do, Y/N?"

A million ideas run through your mind. It takes you less than ten seconds to settle on one.

"Go get in my bed. Take off your clothes first."

He cocks his head to the side, studying you. "Are you serious?"

"Deadly. You want to make this up to me, then you let me be in charge for a little while." You meet his gaze with a steely look of your own. "Or you can leave. Up to you."

He turns and strides down the hall, tugging his shirt over his head and dropping it on the floor. You can't take your eyes off him as he peels off his sweats and turns, smirking at your expression. He palms his cock and winks at you. "Don't make me wait too long."

I've got him right where I want him.

You quickly riffle through your fridge, pulling out a half-empty bottle of champagne and tucking it under your arm before filling a bowl with ice.

Mints. Mints. I know I have some fucking mints here somewhere.

"A-ha!" You snag them out of a drawer triumphantly and hurry to the bedroom, coming to a halt when you lay your eyes on Aaron.

He's laying in the middle of your bed, stroking himself lazily. "Ah, there you are. I'm getting impatient."

You roll your eyes and set your supplies on your nightstand, turning to the end of the bed and pulling the sash out of your robe. "Hands by the headboard, please."

He chuckles. "Really?"

You raise an eyebrow at him. "Yes, really."

He does as you ask, and you lean over the bed, deliberately letting your breasts brush against his face. He flicks his tongue out and easily snags your nipple through the thin material of your tank top. You almost lose your balance when he bites down, but manage to loop the sash through the rails and around his wrists, knotting them multiple times.

"Too tight?"

He wiggles his wrists. "They're fine."

You give him a knowing smile and straddle his waist, dropping your lips to his. He returns your kiss greedily, sucking your bottom lip between his teeth. You pull away and drop a kiss to his chest before reaching into the bowl beside you and grabbing a piece of ice.

"Have you ever used ice in the bedroom, Aaron?"

He doesn't respond, just stares holes into you as you suck the cube between your lips. You bend to kiss him once more, tracing his lips before pushing it into his mouth with your tongue. You take another piece and run it down his neck, earning you a shiver. Your tongue follows the trail and you hear him gasp at the cold-then-hot sensation. When you run your hand lower and gently trace his nipple, you feel his cock twitch and he involuntarily tugs against his restraint.

You dip lower, letting your tongue graze over his chest, and then drop the ice cube into his navel.

"Fuck." he hisses. His hips flex upward and you squeeze your thighs on him to keep your balance.

"Not yet." You tease. You reach for another piece of ice and slip it between your lips before sliding down the bed and kissing up his thigh. You suck a hickey on his inner thigh and he lets out a low moan.

"Do you want some champagne?" You pull your tank top over your head and grab the bottle.

He nods. "Yes."

"Yes what, Aaron?"

He scowls but answers. "Yes, please."
You lean forward so that your breasts are above his mouth, and slowly let some liquid drop onto your chest and run downward. He leans up and licks the rivet between your tits, making a slurping motion to plant a sloppy kiss.

"Do you like it?"

He grins. "It's delicious. More, please."

You oblige him and this time angle the bottle so that the champagne runs down your left boob and over the nipple. He laves it with his tongue, catching the peak between his teeth and then nipping the underside of your tit. He bites down roughly, sucking a dark spot while your stomach muscles clench from the pleasure-pain sensation.

"If you'd untie me I'd already be buried in you." He mumbles. "You'd be halfway to cumming for me."

This time it's not your stomach muscles that clench.

You kiss him once more, both hands resting on either side of his face. "Are you ready?"

He cocks his head curiously. "For what?"

You smirk before popping a mint in your mouth followed by a swig of champagne.

"Y/N, what are you- Jesus!" He comes up off the bed as you quickly take his cock between your lips."Oh, fuck, Y/N, what are you doing to me?"

The menthol from the mint causes the champagne to bubble rapidly, creating a rather unique sensation for him. You suck his dick until the champagne fizz dies down, then swallow it and the mint before reaching for the bottle and a mint once more.

Aaron is a bundle of nerves above you, withering and practically mewing as you reclaim his cock, this time taking him as far down your throat as you can.

"Y/N, I wanna touch you. Untie me, please."

You don't respond, sucking in the inside of your cheeks and bobbing your head up and down on him.

"Fuck, I need to be inside you." He groans. "Y/N, I don't wanna come in your mouth."

You finally pull away. "You can't fuck me like this Aaron. Your cock is all sticky."

His eyes darken and he tugs against the headboard. "If you don't let me up right now I'm going to spank you so hard you won't be able to sit on your ass for a week."

As if on cue your cell phone rings. You grab it from beside where he'd placed his on the nightstand and see that Emily is calling.

You grin at Aaron and watch his face as realization dawns.

"Don't you dare-"

"Hey Em, what's up?" You slide off the bed and put a finger to your lips. "No, I'm not busy right now." You step out into the hall, shutting the door behind you.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" She asks. "I feel like I haven't seen you in days."

"That's because you haven't." You laugh. "Who's going and where?"

"To whatever club or bar we want! I think I'll invite everyone but you know Hotch and Rossi probably won't come."

"I wouldn't put money on Spencer either."

"Maybe if he could bring a book." she kids. "So, I'll pick you up at eightish?"

"Sounds good, see ya then!"

You both hang up and you giggle to yourself, picturing Hotch in your bed, literally fit to be tied.

Should I let him stew a few more minutes? I mean he did leave me stewing for three days. He's gonna be so pissed.

You waltz back into the room, stopping in your tracks when your eyes fall on the empty bed.

What the-

You shriek as Hotch tackles you from behind, diving onto the bed with you in his arms.

"Aaron Hotchner! You scared the fuck out of me!" You push at his chest.

He snags your arms effortlessly and pins them above your head. "Hopefully not all the fucks out of you."

"I may have one or two reserved under your name. I definitely have five orgasms filed under Hotchner, IOU."

He chuckles. "I should spank the shit out of you for leaving me like that."

You raise an eyebrow. "Aren't you the one that always ties a sexual aspect into your lessons?"

"As in?"

"You left me waiting for three days, you could definitely handle waiting for ten minutes."

"Ah, so now you're teaching me? When did this happen?"

You smile coyly. "I definitely have some things I could show you. That is if you're willing to do what I say and put in the work. How did you get loose?"

"That's something I'll teach you another day."

"I think you're running out of lesson material."

He rolls his eyes and grips your wrist before sitting up, tugging your sideways across his lap, and landing a resounding slap on your asscheek.

You groan and wiggle against him. "More, sir."

You can hear his grin in his voice. "You like that, huh? I knew you were a glutton for punishment. I called it on the first day."

"Only if you're the one punishing me." You murmur and he pauses.

Fuck me, I said that out loud didn't I?

If your comment bothered him, he doesn't acknowledge it, just pops your ass again and then flips you over, yanking your shorts down.

"I missed this pretty pussy." He repositions himself over you and lets his tongue delve down, instantly finding your clit. "Did you miss my cock, Y/N?"

Yep, along with the man attached to it. You nod, earning you a wide smile.

"I believe I'm indebted to you. Allow me to make a payment."

It takes him mere minutes to make you come. You cry out as your orgasm hits you, clutching Aaron's shoulders and writhing beneath him. He continues sucking your clit and fingering you rapidly, not even remotely slowing his pace.

"What are you doing?" You manage to get out between gasps. "I just came."

He doesn't stop. Instead, he starts writing something against your clit with his tongue and moving his fingers faster, curling them in that come hither motion that always hits your sweet spot.

"Oh God Aaron, please, yes, please." Your whole body stiffens and you hold your breath without realizing it. Then the muscles start to unwind and you're crying out once more, this orgasm much more intense than the first, pleasurable almost to the point of pain. He uses his other hand to still your bucking hips as you jerk upward off the bed. He still hasn't stopped, instead, he adds a third finger and stretches you even more, never once letting up on your clit. You sink back on the bed and try to give yourself a moment to relax and breathe.

No sooner than you start to catch your breath does your body tighten up once more and you let out an actual scream as you come this time, unable to control your body as your legs start shaking wildly and your hips arch higher. Your eyes roll back in your head and you grip the sheet beneath you with both hands, wanting the sensations to stop and continue at the same time.

"I can't. Aaron. I can't come again. Please, I can't." You whimper. He looks up at you with a concerned expression.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just don't...don't touch me for a minute. My whole body feels likes pins and needles."

"Do you want some water?" He offers, backing off the bed.


He hurries from the room and quickly returns with a glass of ice water. "Here baby, sit up." He pulls you upward and sits behind you, letting you fall back on his chest. You gulp it down hastily.

"Slow down sweetheart, you'll make yourself sick." He cautions. You hand him back the glass and turn your body, burying yourself in his chest. He sits it on the nightstand before wrapping his arms around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"I didn't mean to get so carried away." He murmurs. "I missed you."

"You did?"

"Of course I did."

"I had no idea. I missed you too though." You admit.

"We're gonna talk this out when you're not in a post-orgasm haze." He promises.

"You haven't got to come yet. Let me-"

"I don't have to come every time, Y/N." He assures you. "I'm fine."

"You didn't come last time we were together and I'm not letting that become routine." You push him back onto the bed and slide on top of him.

"Baby, you don't have to-"

"I want to."

He tugs you to his side, turning you so that you're facing away from him. Before you can ask what he's doing, his chest is against your back and his cock is pushing against you. He slides a finger inside you and you wince slightly.

"You okay?"

"I'm good, Aaron. Fuck me, please."

He removes his hand and lines himself up before slowly easing into you. "That's alright?"

"I'm okay, promise. Keep going."

He starts a deliciously lazy pace, taking his time, and making sure you aren't too sore to continue. When you start to thrust back against him, he pulls your top leg back over his and locks an arm around your waist, holding you against him tightly and speeding up his thrusts.

"I missed this." He moans into your shoulder before biting down. He releases your waist and slips his arms through yours, bringing his hands up to grab your shoulders. You kiss his fingers and open your legs wider for him.

"I'm not gonna last much longer." He grunts."God, you feel incredible."

Your own body starts to tighten up and you mentally will yourself not to come again.

If I come again I'm going to pass the fuck out. I can't. I can't.

You squeeze your pussy muscles as tightly as you can and start a persistent grind against him, hoping to hurry him along.

"Fuck baby, yes." He encourages you between his little moans and gasps.

He picks up the pace, his hipbones slamming into your ass so hard you wonder if you'll be bruised the next day. He bites your shoulder in a new spot, then again in another, before clamping down on your neck. He shudders once, twice, and finds his release, groaning your name. After a few moments, he slowly eases out of you and rolls onto his back, pulling you with him.

"I'm so tired." You admit. "Can we please take a nap?"

"I thought we were going to work out this morning." He teases.

"What do you think we just did?" You giggle.

"Oh damn, Y/N, your neck." He tilts your head and surveys the damage.

"I like it."

He grins. "Of course you do. You like it when I bite you. You like it when I spank you. You like it when I tie you up. How's a guy supposed to punish you, Y/N?"

"Ignoring me for three days felt like a punishment." You admit and then mentally face-palm when his smile is replaced with a frown.

He already apologized. Why can't I let it go?

"I really am sorry." He murmurs. "I promise I won't do it again."

"Aaron, I know that we aren't sure what we're doing at this point or where this is going, but either way, I can't deal with this hot-cold stuff anymore. You can't tell me that you'd stay with me if you could and then not speak to me for days. I can't handle mixed signals like that, and I'd like to think I deserve better than that."

"You do, one hundred percent you do. It will never happen again."

"I mean, even if we decide that all we want is friendship, I want us to have the kind of friendship where we talk regularly."

He lifts his head and looks down at you. "Is that what you want from me? Friendship?"

You hesitate. "I don't know. I mean no matter what we decide, we agree to be friends, right?"

He frowns. "You made it seem like you want more than that. Have you changed your mind?"

"I'm just saying that we should be respectful of each other's feelings in any and all aspects of our relationships."

"That's not what I asked you."

"Do you even know what you want this to be, Aaron?"

"Don't answer a question with a question. Answer me directly." He demands.

I can't. I'm scared. Why am I suddenly so terrified to tell this man how I feel? And why is he talking to me like I'm an unsub?

Aaron stares down at you, waiting for your response. Before you can come up with one, his phone starts to ring. He slips out of the bed and answers it.

"Yes, JJ?"

You sit up in bed and draw your knees to your chest.


"How long?"

"Alright, reach out to the team. I want everyone at the round table in the next thirty minutes. Yes, Spencer and Y/N, too."

He hangs up.

"A case?"

"Three victims in Louisiana. Sorry to cut your vacation short."

"It's fine, Aaron. Do you want to finish our discussion on the way or-"

"I've got to run home and change. I'll see you there."

You scramble off the bed and watch as he gathers his clothes from the small trail he made in the hallway, throwing them on as he goes.

"Aaron, I-"

He turns suddenly and drops a kiss to your lips. When he pulls away, you lean in closer and kiss him again.


"I know. We'll talk later."

And once more, he's out the door before you can respond.

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