
Von cocoa156

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Von cocoa156

When I get home I flop on the couch and flick on the TV to begin Chanel surfing. I hear my message tone so I grab my phone.

Derrick:Hey Ari da parties at George's tomoro at 8 ;)

Ariana:k cya then

I shove my phone back in my pocket and continue to Chanel surf. Now to think of ways to get past Denease.

I dig through my drawers to find something that looks party proof. I pull out a pair of my black jeans. these would be perfect. Now a top. I find a nice baby blue tank top that goes down past my hips. I pull the jeans and the top on and look at my self in the mirror. I look presentable. I put on a little mascara and lipstick then curl my long blond hair into loose ringlets. Ready to go. I tip toe downstairs trying to be completely silent and get to the door. Aparantly not scilent enough.
"Where do you think you, are going?" Denise's voice makes me jump.
"uuuum... to the movies." I say quickly
She looks at me suspiciously but smiles "Ok, but don't stay out too late."
I groan, "I'm seventeen I should be able to stay out as long as I like."
"Ok, well have fun." She smiles. I slip out the door and head to my car. That was close.
As soon as I get to the party I can smell booze and there are crowds of people. The loud music blasts against my ear drums and as I walk through the crowd people are bumping into me. some guy runs straight into me spilling bear on his shirt and we both stumble.
"Hey watch we're you're..." He trails of as he looks up at me. His eyes change from frustration to charm as he begins running his eyes over every inch of my body. He licks his lips which sends an uncomfortable shiver down my spine.
"Sorry about that." His voice is as sooth as silk and one word is running through my mind. Sleaze.
"That's ok." I say on guard because the way he is looking at me makes me feel sick.
"Heeeey Ari," I turn to see Derrick and relief floods me, "I was starting to think you wouldn't show." He slurs. He reeks of alcohol.
"Yea I was nearly caught out by my mum." I say looking around. At least that other creep has left.
"Ah I see, mums aye. Come with me to get a drink." he says pulling me by the wrist.
"Uuum, maybe I shouldn't." I hesitate.
"Come oooon what have you got to loose?" He says pulling me Again. I could, I mean what have I got to loose I lost everything that I cared about eight years ago. I nod my head and we walk through a crowd of people wich is where I assume the chiller is. He reaches his hand into the box and pulls out two beers
throwing one to me. I hesitate before saying to my self, "What have I got to loose?" I take a swing of it. ---------------------------------------------------------
I'm dancing wildly along with all the other drunkards every thing is a crazy blur. I'm only a bit tipsy but I'm getting more drunk by the minuet.
I feel an arm snake around my waist. I tense and look around only to come face to face with that creep again. He is seriously drunk.
"Dance with me." He demands more than asks.
"What?!" I say gobsmacked.
"You heard me. Dance with me!" He says getting frustrated.
"No, I would rather not." I say calmly. I turn around but he grips my arm. Now talking I can tolerate, but when someone restrains me, that is something I cannot take.
"Let go of my arm." I say lowly.
He pulls me over to him, "Not gonna happen girly." I try to yank my arm away but he is stronger than me. He attempts to push me against a wall but I dive under his arm. I begin to run through the crowd before my anger completely devours me. But before I can get to where I parked my car I am twisted round and something hard connects with my face. I topple to the ground in complete shock.
"I bet you are regretting that." The creep says yanking me up.
I can't take it I am burning with fury and when I spot a piece of broken glass laying in the dirt I can't control myself. I grab it and in an instant I have pressed him against a wall and I am pressing the glass against his neck.
"You crazy bitch!" He cries. I press harder. It takes all my will not to just cut his wind pipe out and feed it to the bulldog across the road from my place, but the anger that had been bottled up is exploding. I realise he still has a grip of my arm.
"I am going to give you three seconds to let go every second I will just push deeper.... 1..." He doesn't let go
"You wouldn't." He challenges. I push it into the skin on the side of his face and he helps in pain, "... 2....." He still doesn't let go I begin to push deeper and I feel his blood run over my hand and down my wrist. Finally he lets go and I push him away dropping the now blood covered piece of glass. There is quite a crowd now people give no sympathy to the jerk on the ground. People are trying to comfort me which isn't making things any better. I push through the crowd for some sort of fresh air.
"Hey Ariana, are you ok?" I hear Jasmines voice over the crowd. I walk to wards her remembering that she lives on my street.
"Hey Jasmine can you drive me home in my car?" I ask knowing she's sober.
"Oh, yea sure." She says in a friendly tone. I begin to walk to my car.
We get to my car and I hand her the keys before getting in the passenger seat. When we arrive at my house I hop out and walk to the door.
"are you sure you will be all right from here?" she asks concerned.
"Yea I will be fine" I say opening the front door. I tip toe inside.
"The movies aye? Do i smell alcohol? Oh my god what happened to your face?!Ariana Bella jones you have a lot of explaining to do!" Denise makes me jump. I do have a lot of explaining to do. I sigh and flop onto the couch to explain everything.
"Oh my god," Denise says after I explain resting her head in her hands, "What would make you do something like that?"
"I-I" I start.
"No I don't want to hear it go upstairs and sleep it off. In the morning we need to have a talk." she signals for me to go up stairs. I get up and go to my room. I walk in and look in the mirror. The side of my face is red and puffy from the creeps punch. It just makes me more glad I left a scar on his face. I look down and relies I still have his blood on my hand. I walk to the bathroom to wash it off. I am about to get into bed but before I can I collapse on the ground. Tears start spilling from my eyes. I only did what I did tonight because of what happened to my family. I wanted him to suffer, I wanted him to die for crying out loud! I climb into bed and my exhaustion takes over sending me into a deep sleep.
Hey guys. Long chapter yaaaaay! I hope you like it. Oh and just so you know I am writing two other books at the moment "Run" and "Lost Hope" (I would be really happy if you read them) so sorry if the chapters take a while but I will try to update as soon as possible.
Please vote comment follow I love hearing what you guys think. thanks :)
