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"Ariana, hurry up its already seven forty." I hear Denise(my foster mum) yell from down stairs. I roll my eyes and slip my purple and white high tops on before going to the mirror to make sure my appearance isn't as bad as my mood. I tie my light blond hair into a tight pony tail and add a small amount of mascara to compliment my bright blue eyes. I put on a little lip gloss to add to it and sling my bag onto my shoulder and walk down stairs. I glare at Denise 'great' I think 'another fantastic day at school'
"Can we go?" I complain pacing up and down the hall.
"Yes, just let me grab my keys." She rummages around in her purse before pulling out her keys.
"Ok, let's go." She said smiling at me. I don't smile back I never smile any more I just get through agonizing day after agonizing day. We walk into our beat down old garage and I climb into her ute. As usual we sit in scilence for the drive. We arrive at my dump of a school.
"Have a good day sweetie." Denise chirps in a sickeningly happy tone as I slide out. I roll my eyes at this
"I'll try my best." I say bluntly before slamming the door and walking off to my first class.
I sit in math class resting my chin on the palm of my hand. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look around to see that it's Derrick.
"What's up?" I ask. Derrick is one of the popular people who hangs out in the 'cool' group but he's nice unlike all his friends.
"Oh I just wanted to tell you about a party that's coming up its meant to be a really good one. You should come." He flashes me a charming smile. I've never been invited to a party before, it would be pretty cool I mean everyone will be going.
"I guess I can go." I shrug.
"Awesome! I'll text you when and where it is-" He is cut off by a very put out Mr Bulls Well.
"Excuse me, would you two like to share with the class your important conversation?" Derrick shakes his head but I just stare at him. The teacher stares back at me in a challenge.
"And you miss jones?" He asks expectantly. Suddenly an idea flings into my head.
"Actually," I say, "there is something I would like to say."
He looks wary but he nods. I stand up and walk to the front. The class is silent as they look at me with expectant eyes.
"Me and Derrick were just talking about a party. Is that a problem for anyone?" I ask looking around the class, know one answers, "I didn't think so. What about you Mr Bulls Well?" I wait expectantly, "Huh? What could you possibly have to say to me? Just because everything in my life is ruined doesn't mean I have to listen to everything anyone ever tells me. Or should I just act like the perfect angel? 'Yes Mr Bulls Well I will do everything you tell me and won't even question'. Is that what you expect me to do? We'll think again, because you do not own me." I'm right up in his face now, "You have no power over me. And if you think I am ever going to respect you you have another thing coming." I turn away from his shocked face and take my seat again as if nothing ever happened. Everyones eyes are on me. The teacher knows not to mess with me because he knows just how far I would go and he decides to drop the subject. Smart move.
He clears his throat, "Well, class if you will just carry on working and I will give you the next homework assignment."
I sit at one of the benches near the cafeteria. I have to figure out a plan to sneak out of the house on the night of the party I can drive myself there because I have my restricted license but how am I going to sneak past Denise?
My thoughts come to an end when I hear an annoying shrill voice behind me.
"Hey Ariana sitting alone... again? Where are all of your friends oh wait you don't have any." Emilies squeaky little girly voice makes me want to rip those perfect teeth out one by one.
"Was that meant to be hurtful? Well hate to break it to you but it's not really working out." Emily falters slightly thinking of what to say and I smirk back. She regains her composure and looks at me in the eye.
"you better watch your self girl." Emily says through gritted teeth.
"Oh I'm sorry was that meant to be a threat?" I say putting a pretend scared look on my face, "because I think we both know that you would have no chance going up against me." and it is quite true she would probably freak out and run screaming if I even stood up. She glares at me and turns on her heels then stomps off in a huff with her little possy following along behind. I smirk triumphantly and bite into my peanut butter sandwich.
Hey guys Merry Christmas!!! I hope you like the chapter please vote comment follow thanks! :)

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