
By mercyAlazigha

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Lade, a young and vibrant twenty-one-year-old, has always dreamt of finding love and experiencing a romantic... More



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By mercyAlazigha

"I  love you lade" he whispers into my ears..slowly planting a kiss on my forehead .....I lay on his mattress speechless...it's how he makes me feel; he takes me to more intense levels of ecstasy...Driving his fingers down my spine as he turns me face down,me laying on my stomach....He unhooks my bra so slowly that I could feel every individual hook loose it's hold....Calculating every move he makes on my skin like a wild predator...He takes me further away from reality. And then my phone rang..Waking me up from one of those dreams. And what's worse it was airtel calling my line."Do they actually know that no one cares about the things they call to say?.
Well, it's been a month and joe is still on tour. And his been extremely busy lately...Sometimes even too busy to pick up my calls,I decided to do the right thing and give him a little bit of space and try new things,
And as far as I can tell I am doing great.... Well...

LADE:I am dying!!!!!

TEMI:Call him na.

LADE:Haven't you been listening to me? I can't just call him...I will seem so desperate.

TEMI:But you are desperate.

LADE:Temi I'm serious here..

TEMI:(LAUGHS)Okay Look,lade if you miss joe so much just call him already.. you are both adults.if he is too busy to pick up your calls,which I doubt he'd be... leave him a message or something okay?


TEMI:Now let me be...I'll talk to you later.

The only time I get to be with Joseph is in my dreams,literally.i really miss him,
Wonder if he misses me just as much.

ESTHER:(EXCITEDLY)How excited are you today?!

LADE: (sarcastically) Yaaay???......But remind me again why we're so excited?

ESTHER:Your joking lade?How could you forget? It's Aisha's first day at school today!

"OMG!" I exclaimed....I guess I was so depressed about joe's absence, thinking about him I actually forgot to think.It's Aisha's first day in junior secondary School one. "what time is it?" I asked esther as I jumped out of bed, moving around hastily....It was 6:31am I had no time to shower and get ready...
"Come on I'll go in my pajamas....it's just a bunch of little children" I said to esther picking up my feminine body spray running out of my bedroom.

We finally got to Aisha's new school... and luckily on time."Everybody look over there! It's lade Jackson joeboy's baby mama!!!!! Some annoying looking kid yells out, calling everyone's attention....everyone brought out their phones to take pictures...I wasn't even a student there,yet I learnt a valuable lesson from school........

"Come on lade it doesn't look that bad" Esther said trying to talk me out of my present shameful state as she looks at the pictures online,captioned "lade Jackson forgot to look good"...."How did these pictures get out so fast?" I asked esther with both my palm covering my eyes as we approached our neighborhood. I felt so bad for Aisha, her first day in school and I stole all the attention from her. I'm sure she hates me now.


Joe: "Where's my phone?"

Manager: "It's in safe hands at the moment."

Joeboy: "I'll need it for a minute... need to talk to..."

Manager: "Lade? (laughs) Yo, Joe, this girl is gonna be a huge problem here if you don't cut it at this point."

Joeboy: "Problem?"

Manager: "You know I will never advise you on what's wrong for your career. I'm all about the music man, and that's what's important to me. Someone like Lade will never stop being a liability, man. She needs to go."

Joe: "She's not a liability...just hand over my phone."

Manager: "Look, Joe, sometimes I look at you and ask myself where that smart, focused, and talented young man is... do you know where I can find him?"

Joe: "I'm right here...Haven't gone anywhere."

Manager: "You sure? Because I'm not too sure about that...You're just a shell of who you used to be. This whole freaking love shit is pathetic, least of all with such a person? You've forgotten the rules?"

Joeboy: "I remember them."

MANAGER:Nah I don't think you do, because if you really remember you'd be focused...I don't mean to be a jerk here but you'd have to pick between lade and your career which involves me man....

JOEBOY:(CHUCKLES)You're joking right?

MANAGER:...Which would it be?Me or the liability?
MANAGER:Smart choice.

As soon as I got home, I took a deep breath and savored the feeling of being alone. I remembered Temi's advice to call Joseph, so I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. I waited anxiously as the phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. I tried again and again, but still no response. It felt like I had called a thousand times, but just as I was about to give up, the phone was finally answered. However, to my dismay, it wasn't Joseph's voice on the other end. Instead, it was a woman's voice that I didn't recognize. My heart sank as I tried to figure out who she could be. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and worry, wondering what was going on with Joseph and who this mystery woman could be.

LADE: Hello? Hi Joe, you're probably busy right now but I just wanted to...

FEMALE VOICE: Hi, Joe is really busy right now but you could drop a message.

LADE: Oh... It's really nothing. I'll just call again. Hold on, who is this?

FEMALE VOICE: I'm sorry, you shouldn't be calling Joe. It's a bit inappropriate, don't you think?

LADE: I don't understand you...

FEMALE VOICE: You shouldn't be calling Joseph. I mean, his career means so much to him right now, and he really does not need some loose hoe ruining that. He had his fun with you; why can't you let go? Or because of his whole internet post, you think you and Joe are now what? (laughs) Betrothed?

(Lade, feeling humiliated and hurt, hangs up the phone)

As soon as I heard those hurtful and humiliating words from the female voice on the phone, I hung up immediately. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt so stupid for ever believing that Joseph would come back to me. I fell to my bedroom floor, feeling defeated and ashamed.

I realized that I had been living in a fantasy world and that it was time to face reality. Why would Joseph, a big superstar, want to be with me, a boring university undergraduate? I couldn't believe I had fooled myself with such an illusion.

But then, I made a decision. I would choose myself, Lade Johnson, above all. It wasn't too late to start something for myself. It was time to let go of Joseph and all the drama that came with him. Maybe the whole "JOEBOY" thing wasn't really a bad thing, I thought to myself. Maybe I could look at the positive aspect of it and use that part to my advantage. It was time for me to make my own dreams come true, and I was ready to do it.

LADE: Yes, I really am.

TEMI: My girl, I support you all the way, but are you sure?

LADE: I just said that I am, didn't I?

TEMI: (laughs) Okay, okay, I'm just saying, getting picked as a video vixen is a tough job. Those girls who audition are hot, hot, hot! You have to be on your A-game.

LADE: Temi, your mouth is not helping me right now.

TEMI: (laughs) Okay, okay, fine. But let's be real, it's not just about the looks. You need to have some talent, too.

LADE: (sarcastically) Oh, great. So, not only do I need to get a nose job and an ass job, but I also need talent? Thanks, Temi, you're a real pal.

TEMI: (laughs) Hey, I'm just keeping it real. But, you know what? Maybe your association with Joe could help you out.

LADE: (hopeful) Really?

TEMI: (laughs) Girl, that was ages ago. Nobody cares about that anymore.

LADE: (deflated) Oh.

TEMI: (laughs) But hey, you never know. Maybe you'll get discovered and become the next big thing. Stranger things have happened in the industry.

I'm not saying temi is the bad guy, but honestly in life people will try to project their own fears upon you... you'd be the one to fuck up if you listen to their talk downs. I basically blanked out of whatever it was Temi kept babbling about and i had my mind set on the goal; to achieve maybe even just a moment of fame. I just wanted to make a statement I guess. Or maybe i still cared about joe realizing I'm so much more than just the girl in sweats.

TEMI:...so that is all I'm trying to help you avoid.

LADE: (ZONED OUT) Ehen yes...Thank you temi.

TEMI: (ROLLS HER EYES AT LADE) You weren't listening,were you?

That very same evening, I found myself endlessly scrolling through my computer screen, searching for any openings for music video auditions. The prospect of getting my big break in the music industry was exhilarating, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and hope for the future.

Suddenly, my phone rang, displaying an unknown number on the screen. My heart raced as I answered the call with trembling hands, my voice shaky as I spoke. "Hello, who am I speaking with?" I asked, my nerves on edge.

And then, I heard his voice. It was Joe. Every inch of my being was overcome with emotion at the sound of his voice. I couldn't believe it was him. We had never really spoken on the phone before, to think about it...but this moment felt like a turning point. I knew deep down that it was time to let go and move on from him, even though it was painful.

But then, the lady who picked up his phone uttered some words that I didn't want to hear. I had to toughen up, to stop letting my emotions get the best of me. As Joe spoke, confusion and turmoil swirled within me. "You shouldn't be calling me, honestly. I'm tired and don't want any part in this anymore," I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

Joe's tone was pleading, but I knew what I had to do. It was time to let go, to move on from the past, no matter how much it hurt. With tears streaming down my face, I hung up the phone, allowing myself to feel the pain and sadness of the moment.

Part of me felt for him, but isn't it how these men are? They try to fool you with their false innocence... I really was done being some little fool in sweat pants.


JOE: (angrily) You asked Angie to do what???

JOE'S MANAGER: (smugly) To keep that girl away from you. I mean, after I collected your phone, she had the nerve to call you?... I mean, how crazy is that bitch, honestly? (laughs)

JOE: (sternly) I told you to let this be. What the hell? (storms out of the room)

"I found the perfect Audition Aunty lade!!!" Aisha screamed excitedly as she jumped on top my mattress...

AISHA: So In school, my friends....

LADE:(SMIRK) Your friends? You made friends already?

AISHA: After all you did in my school how could I not make friends?

"What Aisha told me was mind-blowing! Apparently, her friends were all talking about a video that was breaking the internet. You know how early teens are, they get news faster than Channels TV," I said excitedly to Temi on the phone.

TEMI: "And what's the video about?"

LADE: "It's a competition that could make you the next video vixen in a very popular celebrity's music video! And guess what? I made a video and I'm going to audition!"

TEMI: (laughs) "Aisha thought you should try out?"

LADE: "Yes, exactly!"

TEMI: "Well, Aisha is just a kid. Of course, she wants her sister to audition. You should hear the things my own younger sister tries to make me do."

LADE: "Well, I've already made the video. I'm sending it to you first to tell me what you think..." (hangs up)

I was so eager to hear Temi's opinion that I stayed up all night waiting for her reply. But exhaustion took over, and I fell into a deep sleep the second I sent her the video.


ESTHER:Lade?!... I'm kinda late to dropping Aisha off so just pick up your phone you did great by the way!!!
"What the hell is she about this darling morning?" I said to myself as I walked towards my laptop table to pick up my phone. "Oh no"! I exclaimed, realizing the video had been uploaded,thinking I was sharing to temi on whatssap I must have also sent it to the whatssap number I saved from IG which was pinned alongside temi's name.

TEMI:(SHAKING HER HEAD) The issue now is not that you sent out the video ...it's that you sent out an unedited clip. You should have just done the editing before sending to me na.

LADE: (UNEASILY)I didn't know if you'd approve it how could I have wasted strength editing? Ah God, am good at making a fool of myself.

TEMI: The thing is you don't use your head... By the way, they said make a video not narrate your life story, na film be this??(LAUGHS) Just know you're not getting picked sha sorry guy.

LADE: Arrrrrghh (Falls on mattress)

Well,there goes my statement.......

TEMI: Well, don't kill yourself over it... it's not the end of the world.

LADE: You don't get it do you?

TEMI: No, no i really don't...make me understand.

LADE: (SIGH) Just never mind I'll talk to you later.



Lade is sitting on her bed staring at her phone. She takes a deep breath and dials Joe's number. After a few rings, Joe answers.

JOE: Hello?

LADE: (stammering) Oh, Joe, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called.

JOE: No, it's okay. What's up?

LADE: (sighs) I just wanted to talk to you. But it's okay, I'll just hang up.

JOE: Wait, Lade. Please. Just hear me out.

LADE: (reluctantly)Okay.

JOE: I'm sorry I didn't call you back. I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk to me.

LADE: (with frustration)
Y ou should have tried, Joe. I've been sitting here missing you so much. It's like a needy child. And you don't seem to understand or relate to my feelings. I think you and I were just a coincidence, and I should have never taken it so seriously. But then again, you make me feel crazy, and you make me feel like it's my fault.

JOE: (sighs)Lade, I think this isn't working out. Let's both just focus on ourselves.

(Lade is frozen and doesn't say anything. Tears roll down her cheeks, but she forgets to end the call. After a few minutes of silence, Joe ends the call.)

My heart lay shattered into a thousand fragments, each piece a painful reminder of my foolishness. I berated myself for calling him, for revealing my neediness and desperation so quickly. How could I have been so stupid? I felt like a jobless, worthless person, consumed by daydreams of a man who had far more important things to think about. Joseph, with his successful career and unwavering focus, seemed like a world apart from me. I couldn't help but wonder if he truly loved me, or if I was the only one who was hopelessly smitten.

The tears flowed freely down my cheeks, and I was exhausted from the constant weeping. I yearned for something, anything, to happen to make this pain go away. It felt like my heart was bleeding out, and no amount of tears could staunch the flow. I had thought that he was my fairytale, a dream that wasn't meant for sleeping, like a wish upon a star finally coming true. I was willing to do anything to make us work, to save our love from crumbling.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that perhaps Joseph wasn't worth all this pain and heartache. Did he even see me as a priority in his life? I couldn't help but feel like I was the only one who was truly invested in this relationship. The thought of letting go, of giving up on this dream, was almost too much to bear. But I knew deep down that I deserved better, that I deserved someone who loved me just as fiercely as I loved them. If there was anything I could do to make us work, I would have done it in a heartbeat. But I couldn't force someone to love me, no matter how much I wanted it. It was time to face reality, to let go of my fairytale and move on.

(Setting: Joe's hotel room. Joe is pacing around angrily, throwing his phone on the bed)

Joe: (screaming) What the hell?! What is wrong with me?!

(Suddenly, the door to the room bursts open, and in walks Divine, accompanied by Joe's manager, without knocking)

Divine: (mocking Joe's manager) Bro, you don't know how to use doors, yeah? You should have knocked. (turns to Joe) Anyways, hey Joe!

Joe: (shocked at the sight of Divine) Rema! What's up, man?

Divine: (grinning widely) Not much. Just hanging out with your manager here. (gestures to Joe's manager)

Joe: (trying to compose himself) Yeah, what brings you guys here?

Joe's manager: Rema is in town for a big music video shoot, and he wanted to stop by the studio today.

Joe: (nodding) Ah, I see. That's cool.

Divine: (playfully) Come on, man. Don't act like you're not excited to see me.

Joe: (smiling) Of course, I'm excited. It's just been a crazy day, that's all.

Divine: (noticing Joe's tension) You good, bro?

JOE: I'm okay bro

Divine: (smiling) Let's go hang out at the studio and forget about all this drama.... Sensing there could be some.

(Rema drops his phone on a nearby table and starts testing a beat)

Divine : (noticing Joe's down mood) You good?

Joe: Yeah, I'm good. Just stressed out with all the work i have to do.

Divine: (not convinced) You sure that's all?

Joe : (sighs) Alright, fine. I just got some personal stuff going on.

Divine: (curious) Like what?

Joe: (hesitates) It's nothing, forget about it.
(changing the subject) how's Diana by the way? You two a thing?

Divine: (irritated) Bro, you're about to change the subject knowing for a fact that Diana and I aren't together.

Joe: (laughs) I know, I know. I'm just messing with you.

Divine: (serious) Look, I know there's only one thing that could get a guy showing his feelings all over his face like this. And let me tell you, I want that feeling to stay far away from me. It's fucking lethal, gosh.

Joe: (smiling) You're crazy, bro. But it's not even like that. It's just that I've never taken anyone so seriously in my life. And to fall so deeply...

Divine: (interrupts) Oooh my days, no way... Is it that girl on the media?

Joe: (surprised) How did you know?

Divine: (knowingly) like I said it's on the media bro. So, what's the deal? Have you asked her out yet?

Joe: (nervous) we ended things.

Divine: (encouraging) I'm so sorry about that she's fucking hot though, like in such a no effort sort of way.... Well just shake it off, shit never lasts.
JOE: I just feel like I messed things up so much for her, would do anything to just make it up to her I'm not even kidding.
MANGER: Rems you have work to do..

DIVINE: What's up?

MANGER: Your management just called, half the video will be shot by L.A we need to get you to Lagos,A.S.A.P!... you need a personal assistant so you'll pick one of the girls on your management's list.. let's go!

How could I ever forget the way he touched me in those places, rendering my existence meaningless and trapping me in a trance? Was he sculpted by the Greek gods, or was he just that perfect? I'm not the fangirl type, so that couldn't be it. I had fallen in love, but not with the right guy. I couldn't confide in anyone about what had transpired. Even if I were dying on the inside, sharing with anyone would only make things worse. If only Mercy were here, she'd see how much of a waste it was to betray me over him. I wasn't worth her jealousy, which she squandered on me. Since Esther put my name in that MTV nonsense, I've been plagued by constant bad luck. I didn't ask for any of this. I wanted to blame Esther a little, but honestly, it wasn't her fault. Everything was almost fairytale perfect until he shattered me into tiny pieces and scattered them to the wind.

Lade's phone rings.

Lade: (uninterested) Who is it now, abeg?

(Lade picks up the call reluctantly.)

Lade: (angrily) How can I help you?

Woman: Hi, am I speaking with Lade Jackson?

Lade: (confused) Yes? And you are?

Woman: You got the PA job. I will send the address to your inbox right after this call. Congratulations!

Lade: (unsure) Sorry, what job?

(The call ends.)

Lade: Which job again now? You people should leave me alone, abeg! (At the top of her voice) Who registered my name for a job?!!!!!

"I wasn't prepared for this," I thought to myself, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. Everyone around me seemed to be pushing my buttons, making me feel like I was on the brink of losing control. "Can't I just have a moment of peace?" I asked myself, feeling frustrated and fed up. My anger boiled over, and I couldn't help but think that if Esther had signed me up for this stupid job, I would let her have it, no matter what the consequences were. I was still reeling from the mess she had made of my life, and the idea of taking on a job was the last thing I wanted. But as I calmed down, I realized that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. It could be a way to relieve some stress and take my mind off Joe. Just the thought of him was enough to make my heart race, and I wondered if I was going crazy.


My phone beeped, signaling a new message. I opened it to find the address where I was supposed to report for my new job as a personal assistant to someone named Divine. I couldn't help but wonder why anyone in Nigeria would need a personal assistant for a non-office job. It seemed strange to me. I shook my head in disbelief before picking up the phone to call Temi and update her on my chaotic life but to my surprise Aisha called my attention from downstairs that Temi was coming up the stairs to me.

As I saw Temi, it occurred to me that I had been so self-absorbed that I never really paid attention to her life. I felt guilty for not being a better friend, and I decided to make it right by letting her talk about herself for once. However, when I asked her about her life, she seemed hesitant to open up.

I could tell that she was mainly there to listen to me, and I felt even worse for being so oblivious to her needs. I decided to change the subject and asked her if she was dating anyone. It was a random question, but I wanted to know more about her life and show her that I was genuinely interested in her.

(Setting: Lade's room)

Temi: (sarcastically) What's wrong with this one? Aunty, abeg get out.

Lade: (laughs) Okay, because I decided to show interest today, you're raising shoulders.

Temi: I came to borrow an outfit, actually. (proceeds to open Lade's wardrobe)

Lade: (anxiously) Where is this one going?

Temi: (excitedly) I have a date with destiny! Someone you very well know messaged me on Instagram, and well, we're going on a date. Your fame is finally benefiting me.

Lade: (teasingly) Are you sure you're not being scammed?

Temi: (rolls her eyes) Shut up and bye. (Temi walks out with a smile on her face)

(Lade smiles to herself)

I woke up to a missed call from Joe, I felt a pang of guilt for not answering. But I quickly pushed it aside, determined to focus on my new venture. I carefully chose a professional outfit, wanting to make the best impression. After all, first impressions are crucial in these situations. As I left my house, I realized that the address was in a wealthy and prestigious neighborhood. I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated, but I pressed on, determined to succeed.

During the Uber ride, I suddenly recognized the area. "I know this place," I muttered to myself. As we got closer, I realized that the address was that of someone incredibly important. My nerves began to get the best of me, but I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But just as I was about to knock on the door, something made me stop in my tracks. I realized that I had forgotten something important. "Wait!" I called out to my Uber driver, who had already started to pull away. I tapped on his window, hoping he would hear me.... However sadly I couldn't catch up him carrying my bag driving away, I was only thankful I had my phone in hand. I couldn't waste another second running after my bad so I thought to deal with that later... I was not about to let any distraction get to me.

I had finally arrived right in front of the address and then I realized, it was joe's Neighborhood estate, his house was few houses away.
"( Out of nowhere)... " you must be the PA?.
LADE: (CONFUSED AND SHOCKED) Errrmmm yes, yess ... that's me sorry

UNKNOWN LADY: Alright come on in.

As I stepped into the luxurious home, my eyes widened in amazement at the grandeur surrounding me. I couldn't help but be struck by the lady's flawless appearance - her skin was radiant and her fragrance was divine. It was clear that she was a woman of wealth and sophistication.

As I followed her through the house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and intimidation. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was out of my depth. But, I was determined to make the most of this opportunity. I couldn't help but wonder if the lady was the owner of the house - she exuded an air of elegance and refinement that was unmistakable.

Despite my nerves, I followed her lead, letting her guide me through the opulent home. I knew that this was a crucial moment and that I needed to make a good impression. As I walked behind her like a trained dog, I felt a sense of determination rising within me. I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And then I met him...


UNKNOWN LADY: So I will leave you to it, I'm sure you already know what to do..

Was I dreaming, or was I finally crazy?!! Who signed me up for this.... I was trying so hard to contain myself! My goodness it was rema! This is Rema!!! I'm never one to fan girl but everyone fan girl's rema... I didn't think I was this lucky, was I a part of someone's play or some fairytale novel I thought to myself.

Rema: (looks at Lade closely) You good? You seem a bit nervous.

Lade: (whispers) You're...you're him!

Rema: (mockingly) Him? Who?

Lade: (mumbles) You're Rem...(shouting) Rema!! Oh my goodness!

Rema: (irritated) Jeez, your voice is crazy....Don't shout like that.

Lade: (apologetic) I'm so sorry. (Stammers) I didn't...Never mind. I'm sorry.

Rema: (calming down) Nah, it's cool. So, this is you, yeah?

Lade: (confused) Me?

Rema: (smiling) The lips that spoke to my soul.

Lade: (even more confused) I don't understand. Lips?

Rema: (laughing) Hmm, don't worry about that. Just know that I'm a fan of yours, by the way.

LADE: What? That's unreal... how's that's even possible. Oh no wait... you know about the whole Instagram, 24hour thing don't you (HOLDS FACD IN EMBARRASSMENT)

REMA: (LAUGHS) That......
LADE: Aren't you getting that?
REMA: Find out what they want..

As I gazed into Rema's warm, inviting eyes, I felt my worries melt away. Was this the glimmer of hope I had been searching for? Perhaps this was the much-needed distraction I craved. In just a few fleeting moments with Rema, the sharp sting of heartache dissipated like fog in the sun.

Lost in the moment, I reveled in the joy of Rema's company. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I felt lighter than I had in weeks. As we talked and laughed, I couldn't help but think to myself, "This is exactly what I needed." The simple pleasure of being in Rema's presence was like a balm to my wounded soul. It was my first day, and there wasn't much to do, it was the time of the day for me to get back home...And then I remembered..

LADE:(Exclaimed) My bag!

I hastily made my way out of his large house, feeling a little lost in the vast premises. As I approached the exit gate, I heard him calling out to me. "LADE!" Rema's voice echoed through the hallway, and I turned back to face him. I tried to think fast if I had forgotten anything at his place, but he surprised me with a question. "Do you know a nice place to sit out? Not somewhere crowded. You understand the situation, so somewhere I could quietly sit and just be?"

I was dumbfounded, and my heart started beating faster than usual. I tried to convince myself that he wasn't asking me on a date, but I couldn't help the excitement building up inside me. Despite my internal battle, I found myself suggesting a small park nearby. "There's a small park nearby," I said, trying to sound casual. "It's not too crowded, and it's pretty peaceful. Would you like me to show you the way?" I couldn't believe I was actually going to spend more time with him, and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. I mean I needed a friend..

(Rema and lade walk slowly together into the park)

LADE: (CURIOUSLY) You live here how come you've never been around this park ?

REMA: I relocated to the United States a while ago... so I'm constantly in and out, but who says I haven't been here?

LADE: (SOFTLY) Oh, I see. I guess I just assumed since you're you...( clears throat) never mind me.

REMA: (NOTICING LADE'S SHYNESS) Is everything okay?

LADE: (NERVOUSLY) Yeah, I'm fine.

REMA: (looks around) This actually is a nice place..

LADE: (SMILING) Really? I was worried it might be too simple.

REMA: (ASSURINGLY) Sometimes, the simple things are the best things.

Oh my goodness... is he flirting with me? Snap out of it lade you're riding yourself fast down heart break lane.
(Lade gets up hastily)
LADE: I should go...

REMA: What's wrong?... you have somewhere to be???...

LADE: Yes... I forgot my bag in an Uber today and I have to call the number to get it back. I will see you at work tomorrow sir, bye..

He sat on the park bench with his hands both in his pocket and watched me with no stress in the world as I moved away trying to punch the number on my phone screen. I knew it , I was basically being extremely delusional about this he wasn't in any way at all into me, Joe had just messed me up so much that I'm craving so much of a distraction...

REMA: (AT THE TOP OF HIS VOICE) Don't dress so officially tomorrow Miss,Lade... you look like a 30 year old secretary.....

Oh my goodness! No!!! I looked terrible and he probably just felt sorry for me because he laughed at me on first sight.... ARRRGGGHHHH lade!. But then again it was my church blazer and I had no idea who I was coming to work for... not that I care.

To be continued...

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|ROSES AND CIGARETTES Book-I| She was someone who likes to be in her shell and He was someone who likes to break all the shells. "Junoon ban chuki ho...
31.3K 13.1K 36