Hi //: n.h (COMPLETED)

By LilacPurple

373K 7.5K 5.6K

"Hi." -It's a short, simple word. But it's how love starts. --- Book 1: Five Dirty Little Secrets --- All cop... More

-Chapter 1- ✔️
-Chapter 2- ✔️
-Chapter 3- ✔️
-Chapter 4- ✔️
-Chapter 5- ✔️
-Chapter 6- ✔️
-Chapter 7- ✔️
-Chapter 8- ✔️
-Chapter 9- ✔️
-Chapter 10- ✔️
-Chapter 11- ✔️
-Chapter 12- ✔️
-Chapter 13- ✔️
-Chapter 14- ✔️
-Chapter 15- ✔️
-Chapter 16- ✔️
-Chapter 17- ✔️
-Chapter 18- ✔️
-Chapter 19- ✔️️
-Chapter 20- ✔️️
-Chapter 21- ✔️
-Chapter 22- ✔️
-Chapter 23- ✔️
-Chapter 24- ✔️
-Chapter 25- ✔️
-Chapter 26- ✔️
-Chapter 27- ✔️
-Chapter 28- ✔️
-Chapter 29- ✔️
-Chapter 30- ❌
-Chapter 31-
-Chapter 32-
-Chapter 33-
-Chapter 35-
-Chapter 36-
-Chapter 37-
-Chapter 38-
-Chapter 39-
-Chapter 40-
-Chapter 41-
-Chapter 42-
-Chapter 43-
-Chapter 44-
-Chapter 45-
-Chapter 46-
-Chapter 47-
-Chapter 48-
-Chapter 49-
-Chapter 50-
-Chapter 51-
-Chapter 52-
-Chapter 53-
-Chapter 54-
-Chapter 55-
-Chapter 56-
-Chapter 57-
-Chapter 58-
-Chapter 59-
-Chapter 60 // Epilogue-
For the last time...
The Autobiography //: h.s
Second Love

-Chapter 34-

5.6K 93 198
By LilacPurple

-Chapter 34-
After Niall got his good morning kiss, we both decided to set up camp. Niall started building the tent and I went to sort a few things out with the owner of the campsite. Then once I had signed a few things, I went back to the 'campsite' to find Niall struggling with the tent poles.

"You need any help?" I offered, picking up a long black metal thing from the ground... Why couldn't he have brought one of those Quechua tents that only take a few seconds to pop out?

"I'm good." Niall mumbled, his Irish accent coming through strong.

"You sure?" I asked uncertainly as Niall attempted to shove a pole into an opening of some sort.

"Positive. Go have a shower or something." Niall frowned, looking down at the instructions.

"If you say so." I rolled my eyes. 

I walked away from Nialler and went to the boot, which was left open. I pulled out my bag and rummaged through it. I took out a pair of black leggings, a black baseball 23 t-shirt, underwear, socks, my brown combat boots, and another one of Niall's stolen cardigans... What can I say? They suit me!

I also took out my wash bag and found the fluffy black towel I had packed. Placing my clothes in a plastic bag, along with my wash bag, and some flip flops, I then swung the towel over my shoulder.

 "You sure you don't need any help?" I doubled checked, even though I already knew the answer.

"I'm good." Niall smiled, looking up from what he was doing.

I nodded and headed towards the toilet facilities. Our plot wasn't very far from the loos, so it only took me a couple of seconds to get there.

I walked through the main entrance and found that it was quite quiet. Probably due to the fact it was almost one pm. I turned left and walked into the ladies shower rooms. I looked into each cubical, and picked the biggest one I could find.

Walking into the space, I jut and then locked the door. I hung my towel on the peg and dropped my bag on the shelf. I took out my wash bag and placed that on the side next to the sink. I then put my shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, and flannel on the shelf inside the shower. 

After stripping off all my clothes, I put them in a neat pile next to the plastic bag that had my fresh clothes in.

Shivering, I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. It took a minute or two to warm up, but when it did it was steaming hot.

I soaped up my body, and scrubbed away all of the grim that had made it's way onto my skin. Once my body was clean, I moved onto my hair. I poured a big dollop of shampoo into my hand, and massaged it into my scalp.

Once I rinsed out the shampoo, I squeezed some conditioner onto my hands and rubbed it through my long hair.

I rinsed that out as well and grabbed my flannel. I brought it up to my face and started scrubbing away. I was trying to get all yesterdays make up off.

When the skin on my face was throbbing because of all the scrubbing,  I turned off the water.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my shivering body. I slipped on my flip flops and secured the towel around my naked body. I pulled my wash bag closer and opened it up.

I took out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I quickly scrubbed my teeth clean and then rinsed my mouth out. Moving on to my face, I took out a Nivea wipe and took off the rest of the remaining make-up, which was mainly eyeliner. After getting most of the stubborn make-up off, I found my Nivea face cream and squeezed some onto my hand. Using my fingers I slowly massaged it into my face. By the time I had finished doing all of this, my body was now dry.

I unwrapped the towel and rehung it on the peg. I also took a hair tie and pulled my hair up into a wet mess so that it wouldn't drip all over my dry clothes.

I walked over to the plastic bag and took out my clothes. I pulled on my fresh underwear and then the rest of my clothes.

Once I was dressed, I packed up all my stuff and walked out on the shower cubicle. I walked over to the hairdryer and dumped all my stuff on the shelf. I then towel dried my hair before running the hairdryer over it a couple of times.

As soon as it was dry, I plated it into a fishtail plait. I then gathered up my stuff and exited the building. When outside, I took off my flip flops and put on my socks and slipped on my new brown combat boots.

I walked the short distance to the plot Niall had secured for us, and I smiled when I saw that the tent had been put up.

Our camp was really cute with a small tent and then a sort of canopy that had a stove, camping chairs, and a foldable table underneath.

"I see you finally figured out the tent." I smirked slightly as I dropped my bags onto a camping chair.

Niall turned around from hammering in the last ten peg. He smiled as he saw me. "I was just putting on a show." He informed me with a sly smile.

"Of course." I rolled my eyes.

I walked over to him as he finished hammering in the peg. Niall stood up and brushed his hands on his jeans. He took my hand in his, and pulled me close.

"You smell amazing." Niall grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "It's called a shower." 

"No. I mean, you smell amazing. You have a very unique smell." Niall continued.

"Really? What do I smell like?" I wondered out loud.

"Very feminine and fresh, with a hint orange and lime." Niall described. I laughed out loud at the weirdness of this situation. "What about me?" He added.

I leaned closer to Niall and sniffed his t-shirt. I grimaced. "Like you need a shower." 

"Hey, that's mean!" Niall pouted.

I shrugged. "It's the truth." 

Niall looked like he didn't quite know what to say. After a moment, he dropped my hand, and pulled me closer to him by wrapping his arms around my waist. I lent my head against his chest and smiled to myself.

This is perfect. This is exactly what I need right now; I need a weekend away from all the drama of my hectic life. I need a weekend away from everything that is my life, but most of all, I need to be taken away from all the reminders that Niall and I can't be together.


It was tea time by now. Niall and I had spent what was left of our afternoon walking around and exploring the small campsite. Right now, I'm on cloud nine because we hadn't even mentioned Barbara or any of our problems once. We talked about everything and nothing. 

I wish we could do this more often, but the way we live our lives, I'm not going to get my hopes up anytime soon.

And besides, I have a hectic month in front of me with only a week and a bit in the UK before flying off to America and Australia. This is probably going to be the only 'date' I'll have with Niall for a while. 

"What's for tea?" Niall asked, coming back from the loos.

"Guess." I smiled.

"A three course meal with cheesy garlic bread as a side bread." Niall suggested hopefully.

I shook my head. "Guess again."

"Spaghetti hoops?" He said, quirking an eyebrow.

"Jackpot!" I laughed, stirring the hoops that were currently cooking in the pan. 

Niall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and lent his chin on my shoulder.

"You're going to turn into a hoop one day." He chuckled.

"Promise?" I asked hopefully.

Niall laughed. I stirred the hoops once again and inhaled their lush smell. "You're crazy." He chuckled.

"I know." I laughed, turning off the gas hop as the hoops had started to boil. I poured the tomato goodness into two plastic bowls, grabbed the four pieces of (burnt) toast that I had been grilling very badly, two sets of cutlery, and brought the bowls over to the folding plastic table.

I sat down on the camping chair, and Niall plopped down in front of me. We tucked into the lovely food and ate away while making small talk.

Once we were done, I put all the dirty dishes into a washing up bowl along with a sponge and some fairy liquid.

"I'm going to do the washing up." I said to Niall who was packing away the gas stove. 

"I'll come with." He smiled, standing up and walking over to me. He took the washing up bowl from me, and with his free hand, he took mine.

We walked towards the washing up room, and luckily there wasn't anyone else in there. Even though there was hardly anyone else at the campsite, I didn't want to risk been recognized.

Niall set the washing up bowl down on the tin sink. I turned on the hot water and plugged the skin shut before pouring in the washing up liquid. 

"I wash, you dry." Niall ordered, playfully shoving me out of the way. 

I rolled my eyes and took the washing up towel.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Niall asked, dunking the saucepan into the soapy water.

"I don't mind, as long as I'm with you." I answered cheesy.

Flicking a bit of foam at me, Niall replied, "How about we sleep in and decided after that." He suggested.

"I like that idea." I agreed, taking the saucepan off him before he scrubbed away the metal.

"I like you." He simply said. 

"Do you now? And why's that?" I flirted.

"Because you are amazing, sweet, kind, caring, and extremely beautiful." Niall explained, dropping the plastic bowl he was washing up and turning towards me. He dried his hands on his jeans and then wrapped them around my waist.

"Am I?" I continued, snaking my arms around his neck. 

"Yes, as well as being hardworking, intelligent, inspirational, willing, loving, supportive, fun, and hilarious." He continued, backing me up against the sinks. "Your turn." He added.

"You are sweet, funny, caring, courageous, strong, stylish-" On this one Niall snorted. I rolled my eyes and continued. "athletic, adventures, joyful, unique, and handsome." I finished.

Niall didn't say anything as he leaned in to press his lips against mine. I responded, and ran my hand through his hair. 

I pulled away, but kept my face close to his. 

"Describe me in one word." I asked, wondering what word he would choose.

Niall seemed to hesitate, but after a few moments he seemed to have the answer. "Mine."

My heart beat picked up and I felt my cheek blush. 

"I love the way you do that." Niall smiled, his warm breath fanning across my forehead.

"Do what?"

"Get all flustered and blush whenever I compliment you." He explained. 

I blushed again, causing Nialler to chuckle. I had to get out of this situation before I crack and say something stupid, or worse, completely embarrass myself.

"We should probably finish the washing up." I mumbled.

Niall shook his head and removed his head from mine. He put his hands under my chin and tilted it up so that our eyes were level. 

"What happens if someone walks in?" I asked.

"Nobody will walk in. This place is half deserted." Niall pointed out. Ugh, I hate it when he's right, (or when I'm wrong).

"What happens if you didn't turn the stove off properly and it caught on fire?" I rushed out, trying to come up with an excuse-- any excuse-- to get me out of this tricky situation.

I am millimeters away from blowing up and telling him that I love him, but I can't let that happen! Not here and definitely not now.

"If this campsite was burning, I wouldn't even notice, 'cause you've been taking up my mind." Niall sang.

"Cheesy." I snorted.

"But you love it, don't you." Niall winked at me.

F*ck it. 

F*ck all of it. 

I don't care anymore.

"No, I love y-" I started but was cut off.

A male had just walked in to the room with a big bowl of washing up. He looked at Niall's and I very... sexual position and just smiled.

"Don't mind me, kids." The man grinned, as I blushed a deep crimson in embarrassment.

"You were saying?" Niall asked, turning his face back to mine with curious eyes.

"I was saying, I love-" I stopped. 

I can't do this, I can't. 

Not when I have another three months with Barbara in Niall's life. 

"The way you wash dishes." I lied.

And as if he had expect that in the first place, Niall rolled his eyes and pulled away from me.

"You win." He grinned, pecking my lips with his before moving back to the sink where the water was no longer steaming. 

You know that saying, saved by the bell? 

That man was my bell.


Later that night, Niall and I were snuggled together in our tent. I'm not going to lie by saying it was cold, because it was freezing. Luckily for me, I had my sleeping bag, two open sleeping bags laid on top of that one, a blanket, and Niall Horan.

"Can't sleep?" Niall asked.

Everything was dark and cold, but somehow I felt warm and cozy with Niall by my side.

"No, you?" I replied.

"No. I can't close my eyes knowing there is this beautiful girl by my side." He whispered.

Our faces were inches apart, our noses touching. Our hands were brushing against each others under the layers of sleeping bags, and if we weren't in a freezing cold tent I would considered this very romantic.

"You are actually really cheesy, Niall. I would have never guessed that of you." I murmured in reply.

"It's a gift. Now lets play thirty questions." He suggested.

I laughed at the randomness, but agreed. 

"You start." I smiled.

"Okay... What makes you smile?" Niall asked.

I didn't even need to think about it. 

"You, and most funny things." Niall chuckled, and I continued. "My go. What's your favourite food?"

"Ahh! That's hard... but if I had to choose, it would have to be Nando's chicken. Who's your favourite member of One Direction?"

"Harry! So you have to stop threatening his head, okay?!" I answered in a heartbeat.

Of course I was joking though, the boys are all really sweet, and I could never choose between them all, (okay, so maybe Niall when it comes to love, but other than that they are all my favourite). "What's your favourite form of public transport, and why?" I asked randomly, because I couldn't really think of anything else to ask.

"Planes because it means that I'm going somewhere new or home." Niall answered. "What's your favourite zoo animal?" 

"Panda. What's your favourite alcoholic drink?" 

"Guinness, of course. What's your favourite non-alcoholic drink?" 

"Apple juice. If you were gay who would your life partner be?" 

"What the hell? Umm, I don't know. Probably, Justin Bieber." I laughed at his answer. "What colour is your natural hair?" 

"It's brown. Funny fact: my brother always made fun of me because I had brown hair and blue eyes, something that was really weird apparently. Anyway, as soon as I could, I died my hair blond." I said. 

"Really?" Niall asked in disbelief.

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "He used to call me freaky, like all the flipping time." I paused, and then realized it was my turn. "What was your childhood like?" I questioned.

"It was a good, normal childhood until I went on X Factor. Then my childhood was cut clean, and I had to grow up pretty fast." He explained.... Could I detect a hint of regret in his voice? "My go. How did you get into music?" 

"I always used to love singing, and I sang all the time. Before I was signed, I worked in this small cafe where they had a small wooden stage. I used to sing in my break for fun. One day, Ed Sheeran came in and heard me sing. You know the rest, but actually getting into singing... I think it was Lizzie's fault. She is a couple years older than me, and always used to have music blasting out of her speakers. I remember being in my room and she was playing music, so I grabbed my hairbrush and just started singing the words to the cheesy song she was playing." I explained.

"Was the transition from living in Mullingar to London hard?" I asked.

"Yes, and no. I had four other boys who were going through the same thing and for that first year, we were each other's rocks, but I was only sixteen and there were moments where I needed my family, but they were in another country." Niall murmured. "Were you more of an artistic or sporty child?" 

"Both. I used to run and dance a lot, but when I discovered that I could really sing, I used to write songs and create clothes. I joined the art club with Olivia and the music club with Alex, but I was also on the netball team with Chloe, and the running team with Micheal. So I'll have to say that I was artistic and sporty." I smiled, remembering those times I had spent with my friends. 

I remember this one time where Micheal had decided to be annoying and came to our art club. Olivia and I got really annoyed with him, so when the teacher wasn't looking we poured green paint all over his head.

"Do you miss your old life?" I asked Niall, knowing very well that I did.

"Sometimes, but I love my new life. Sure, I can be forced to do things I don't want, and if I do do something, then most of the time people know about it and then everyone knows about it, but I love who I've turned out to be. I love the boys, and I love how I live." He paused. "Who do you look up most in the world?" 

"My sister, Elizabeth. I'm so glad that we were born so close together, and I feel like if anything happened to her it would ruin me. I love her so, so much and she is my idol." I smiled at the thought of my older sister. "Who would you want to be stuck on a desert island with?" 

"Bear Grylls, duh." Niall snorted. "If you could change your name what would it be?" 

"First of all, I love my name, and I would never want to change it, but if I had to, I would choose Coralie because that way it wouldn't change my awesome initials, and because I've always wished that my name was longer." I said. "Speaking about names, if you had children what would you name them?" I asked Niall.

"If I had a boy, Joshua or Caden, and a girl... Hannah." Niall whispered. "What about you?" 

"I don't know. I like your names. I might have to pinch them." I joked. "Are you tried now?" I asked sleepily, my voice getting lower and lower as I spoke.

"Yes." Niall yawned, shifting so his arms wrapped around my waist. "Night, Cora." He whispered.

"Night, Niall." I murmured back.


So first of all: Last night I went to see Katy Perry  and Charli XCX in Lyon (France). It was amazing and also it was my very first concert. I am still buzzing 15hrs later!

Second of all: If you click on external link (or go to the new chapter of Extra POVs) you'll get a sneak peak of Cora's new song.

I realy hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Niara are so cute!

10 votes + 35 comments = Chapter 35

Love you all



P.s: Cora's outfit in the media

s/o to @rainbows1289! She is a great girl so go check her out!

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