That Summer

By _spongecake_

913 56 35

All Quinn Schoenfield wants is to spend the last summer before senior year with her best friend. But when her... More

That Summer


97 5 3
By _spongecake_

Chapter Three ~ "Road Rage"

Quinn Schoenfield•

I sighed, leaning back into my seat. This was going to be a long night and it looked like the towing company was going to be of no help at all. I groaned mentally, before stepping out of the car to assess the damage occurred. I had never been a religious type of girl but, right now, I'm praying with all my heart that the damage isn't as severe as it sounded. Because, let me tell you, it sounded horrible!

"Is it that bad?" I asked, nervously.

Ian sighed and turned to face me, "Honestly? No, it's not. It could've been much worse. From what I can tell, only the paint job seems to have been ruined."

I bit my lip and said, apologetically, "Sorry. I really am."

How did we get into this situation, you ask? Well, let's rewind a bit, shall we?

#Earlier that morning#

I took a bite of the heavenly blueberry pancake placed right in front of me.

"Oh my god, Tasha, this is so good!" I exclaimed, complimenting our chef's oh-so famous blueberry pancakes.

"Of course, it is." Tasha laughed, her eyes twinkled. "I made it, didn't I?"

"I think my cockiness is rubbing off on you a bit too much." I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"It probably is." Tasha nodded, agreeing. "Well, aren't you going to get dressed?"

"Dressed?" I echoed, letting my fork fall to my plate.

"Yes, dressed. After all, we do have a 10 hour drive ahead of us." Ian's voice sounded, as he entered the kitchen and took a seat near the counter.

Damn, I forgot I still had to go on that 'bonding trip' with Ian!

"It's only seven, Ian." I whined, glancing at the lock screen on my phone for the time. "We don't have to leave so early."

"Yes, we do!" Ian snapped. "Driving in the dark and crossing borders is not going to be easy. We leave in half an hour. I'm not going to wait for you any longer!"

I refrained myself from flipping him off.

"Half an hour." I muttered to myself and went up to my room. "I can do this."

About twenty minutes later, I was all dressed and packed and getting ready to head out to our driveway.

"Quinn, I see you're all set and ready to leave." Dad appeared by side, looking extremely pleased at the sight of me willingly leaving.

"I am, dad." I confirmed.

"Good morning, Ian! I trust that you'll will enjoy this trip?" Dad called out to Ian, who was standing out on the driveway already, waiting for me impatiently.

"Yes." Ian replied, politely. "Quinn, can we leave yet?"

"Yeah," I nodded, grabbing my suitcase and just then an idea popped into my head. "Wait, dad!"

"What is it?" Dad asked, frowning slightly.

"Can one more person join us? Will the villa fit three?" I asked, as the devious plan formed in my head.

Okay, it's not actually devious - more like, a miraculous plan.

"Of course, Quinn," Dad laughed. "This villa can fit over six people."

"Can Kyra come with us?" I pleaded.

"But-" Dad frowned, slightly.

"Please, dad! I swear I'll be good and listen to whatever you say. I won't even trouble Ian that much if I have Kyra with me and Kyra is practically family." I begged. "Daddy, please?" I pouted, slightly. "Don't you want your favourite daughter to be happy?"

"You can call her." Dad sighed, giving in, after weighing his options for a few minutes. "I'll call Shawn - the owner of the villa - to let him know that one more will be joining. Have a lovely summer, Princess! And remember to stay away from drugs and alcohol."

"Thanks, dad! I will, don't worry." I grinned, standing on my tippy-toes, I gave him a kiss. "Bye!"

"What took so long?" Ian groaned when I reached him.

"Nothing. Are we taking my car or yours?" I asked, smiling brightly.

"Mine." Ian said, without hesitation.

"Then I get to drive." I said, firmly.

"Hell, no! It's my car." Ian protested.

"So?" I raised an eyebrow. "We'll split it. Half of the journey you drive and other half I'll drive, deal?"

"Fair enough." Ian grumbled. "But I'm driving the first half."

"Fine," I waved it off. "But we have a stop to make first."

Ian shot me a questioning look before stepping into his black Audi. Don't ask me the model because I don't know. I don't get how people can even remember the types. It's stupid in my opinion but whatever! It wasn't long before we took off.

"Stop here." I said, spotting Kyra's house. "Give me just a minute." I said, hopping out of his car and up Kyra's driveway.

I rang the doorbell continuously and before you think it was rude of me to do so, let me just mention Kyra's house is like my second house. So, I really didn't care. And Mrs. Hylland loved me, anyway.

"Oh, hello, Quinn!" Mrs. Hylland greeted, opening the front door wider.

"Hi, Mrs. Hylland! How are you doing?" I asked, politely.

"Enough with the formalities, Quinn. You know you can just call me Shailene." Mrs. Hylland said, letting me enter the house. "Kyra didn't mention that you were coming over though!"

"Yeah, I know. I didn't tell her actually but can I ask you a question?" I said, making my way to the living room.

"Go ahead."

"Well, my dad booked a villa for us at Crestville and I know this is short notice but can Kyra come with us?" I asked, praying for a positive reply "Please? It'll be safe, I promise."

"Who is the 'us'?" Mrs. Hylland asked, thoughtfully.

"Me and my step-brother, Ian Prescott." I responded. "He's very responsible, you know." I added. "I'm sure you've heard of him!"

"Well, I don't see why she can't." Mrs Hylland beamed. "She never even had plans for her summer. You can go up to her room and tell her. She might be bathing right now, though!"

"It fine. I can go help her pack her bags." I said, going up the stairs and into my best friend's room.


"What are you doing here?" Kyra asked, eyeing me skeptically.

"Can't I visit my best friend without being interrogated?" I shot back, grinning widely.

I really need to work on my lying/acting skills because I suck so bad.

"What do you want?" Kyra sighed, shaking her head as she shot me an amused glance.

"I want to go to the mall." I lied, without batting an eyelid.

Yay! One for Quinn!

"And you're telling me this because?" Kyra frowned.

"I want your company." I rolled my eyes. "Now, is that so wrong?"

"No, I'll come with you." Kyra shook her head, before heading to her closet.


I just hope that she doesn't notice that some of her clothes are missing.

"Hey!" Kyra exclaimed. "Where is my Guess jeans? And my leather jacket? Where are my black boots? Okay, I swear to god but some of clothes are missing. Are they at your place or something?" Kyra frowned, turning to me with a perplexed look on her face.

It took every ounce in me to not laugh at her frantic state. "Doesn't matter, I'll buy you new stuff. It's all on me."

"Fine, let's go!" Kyra said, bounding down the steps.

"Oh hey, Ky!" Mrs. Hylland shot Kyra a smile. "Have fun in Crestville and call me when you reach, honey!"

I mentally face palmed. There goes all my hard work.

"Cretsville?" Kyra frowned, shooting me an inquisitive look. "Oh my gosh, you're dragging me on that 'bonding trip' that your father forced you to go with Ian? What the fu-hell, Quinn?" She accused, waving her hands about, dramatically.

"What? No!" I snorted. "Now let's go!"

"You're lying!" Kyra deadpanned. "How could you do that to me?"

"Kyra, please," I begged. "I need you!"

"I'm not budging!" Kyra stomped her feet and crossed her arms.

I pursed my lips. This was not supposed to be happening. Everything was going so well until now. But I wasn't ready to let my best friend back down.

"Kyra, come with me before I drag you out by the ear!" I warned, in a grave tone.

Kyra snorted and looked in the other direction. I stomped my towards her and literally grabbed her by the ear and pulled her with me.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow,! Ow, it hurts. Stop! I'll come with you!" Kyra squealed, wriggling free from my grip.

I let go of her ear and held onto her arm to make sure she entered the car. Once she sat inside Ian's car, I sat in the front.

"Did you just grab her by the ear?" Ian stared at me, bewildered.

"It was the only way!" I shrugged, pulling the seat belt across me. "Can you put a childlock on her door? To make sure she doesn't jump out. I don't need her dead before we each our final destination. I don't want her to get hurt or anything."

Ian, wordlessly, put the childlock on and we, then, set off.

Soon we were crossing state and borderlines. I could see how different each city was. The further we went, the more the temperature began increasing - I could see it getting hotter and hotter. I must've dozed off because next thing I know, I was being woken up.

"Huh? What is it? Where are we?"

"It's time for lunch - well, late lunch but anyway - so I thought we could stop here." Ian replied. "And as for where are we? I don't know. I think it's just a small town in between some cities. Our best bet is to get some lunch here before we set off again."

"Hmm . . . yeah, I guess, you're right. How long have we been driving for?" I asked, grabbing a brush and smoothing my hair.

"About seven hours. We're only, like, two and a half hours away from Crestville." Ian replied.

Honestly, he looked quite tired. I should've taken over driving a long time ago. It was really decent of him to have let me just sleep like that. I almost felt guilty.

I nodded and grabbed my bag, "Let's go! Come on, Ky!" I turned to look at my best friend, who was texting away to glory on her iPhone.

"Coming!" Kyra murmured. "You guys go ahead actually. I'll join you'll in a minute." She said, focussing on her phone.

"Okay," I shrugged, stepping out of the car, stretching my stiff legs.

"Do you wanna check that diner out?" Ian pointed to a small diner at a corner. "It seems decent enough."

I nodded my head, "It looks okay. Let's go."


"What can I get for the two of you?" The lady behind the counter smiled at us. "I love serving cute couples like you'll."

I began coughing and Ian gaped at her.

"We're not-"

"She's not-"

"He isn't-"

"I'm no-"

"Oh, you'll aren't together yet?" The waiter smiled.

"He's actually my brother!" I exclaimed, feeling extremely disgusted.

"Oh, my apologies. You two don't look much alike." She chuckled. "Now, what can I get you'll?"

"I'll take a bacon and ham sandwich." Ian shrugged, taking his wallet out.

"I'll just have french fries." I pursed my lips. "And the lettuce salad, a strawberry milkshake, curly fries, French toast, and two large pretzel."

"You're going to eat all that?" Ian gaped at me.

"No, it's for Kyra. I'm just having the salad and french fries." I pursed my lips and scanned the surroundings.

Usually I was very picky about what food I eat and this circumstance was no different.

"That's it?" Ian frowned

I shrugged in response. "I'm not really hungry!"

"Fine," Ian frowned, turning back to the lady. "How much?"

"$12.65." She replied.

I got my wallet out to pay but Ian beat me to it.

"You know," I began, irritated. "I can very much pay for my own food."

"I know you can, but so can I." Ian countered, taking a seat at a table for three.

Soon, our food arrived and we began eating in a comfortable silence.

"You called me your brother." Ian pointed out.

Feeling irritated, I glanced at him, and my eyebrows shot up, "So?"

"So? So? So, you didn't call me your step-brother!" Ian exclaimed. "That's new!"

"Whatever!" I mumbled.

"It's cute." He smirked.

I glared at him. Note to self: Never EVER call Ian my brother AGAIN.

"So, after we take off again, I'm driving." I said, picking at my salad. "It's only fair." I added, seeing him about to protest.

"It's my car." Ian protested, nevertheless. "I can drive. Besides, I'm not even tired."

"Of course, you are. You just drove for, like, seven hours straight." I countered. "You look you just came out of a zombie apocalypse."

"I still don't trust anyone with my car." Ian shrugged.

"I know how to drive an expensive car." I shot daggers at him. "Besides, if anything does happen," I continued, rolling my eyes. "I can pay. You know I can, so you have nothing to be worried about."

Ian sighed and looked at me, "You're very persistent, you know."

"Trust me," I said, laughing. "It's one of my best qualities."

"I can bet on that." Ian grumbled. "By the way, where's your friend?"

"Kyra? She has a name, you know!" I snapped.

"Okay," Ian rolled his eyes. "Where is Kyra?"

"I don't know. I'll text her and check." I muttered, pulling out my phone.

Where are you? Hurry up, for God's sake, Ky!

By the time the two of us had finished our meal completely, it was about 3 o' clock and Kyra still hadn't shown up and neither had she replied to my text. I was starting to get worried.

"Do you think she's okay?" I asked, concern seeping through my voice.

"No, I think she's been kidnapped by bunnies and we have to pay them 2000 carrots as ransom!" Ian stated, sarcastically.

Normally, I would've snapped at him and if I was in a good mood, I might've laughed it off. But I was extremely worried.

"Let's go and check." I pleaded.

Ian pursed his lips, and nodded, "Fine, let's go. We'll pack her food though! Let's not waste it."

Slowly, we made our way back to where Ian's car was parked. It could be seen from miles away because of its colour (black) and its exquisite-ness (not sure if that's a word). In lame-man's language, it stood out because it was so expensive and I couldn't help but frown.

As I got closer to his car, I could make out Kyra's figure sitting in the backseat. Letting out a breathe of relief, I opened the driver's side door and slid in.

"What happened, Ky?" I exclaimed, twisting in my seat to face her as Ian slid into the passenger seat. "We waited for you to come, you know!"

But apparently that was the wrong thing to say because Kyra glared at me even more. She looked absolutely livid at me.

"What did I do?" I asked, hesitantly.

"What did you do?" Kyra shrieked.

I saw, through my peripheral vision, Ian flinching and bit back a laugh. I would've flinched, too, but, I guess, I'm just used to Kyra's sudden mood swings. Like that girl can go from laughing till her sides ache to shrieking and waking up the full house.

"You freaking locked me in the car!" Kyra yelled.

"What? No, I didn't!" My face crumpled in confusion.

"The child lock." Ian's eyes widened. "I forgot to remove the child lock when we left."

"You," Kyra dramatically pointed at Ian. "Locked me in the car."

"I forgot," Ian told her. "Sorry, but we got you loads of food."

"You did?" Kyra blinked, looking innocent.

"I did. Well, he paid for it though." I said, nodding my head.

"I'm hungry!" Kyra said, she sounded much more calm. "What did you get?"

I handed her the bag of food, "You'll like it. Trust me, I know you well enough."

Kyra smiled at me, like I was the nicest person to walk this planet. I almost laughed at her mood swing.

"So, let's get going," Ian tapped his feet, impatiently. "If we leave now we may reach by 5:30!"

I nodded, and reared up the engine. It wasn't long before we were on our way and closer to Crestville. After driving for about one hour, I came to realisation that we going around in mindless loops.

"Ian, where the hell are we?" I snapped, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I don't know!" Ian grumbled. "Google maps says there is left turn somewhere ahead and then we go onto to a . . . a highway!"

"There's no left turn!" I groaned. "It's deserted. This place is isolated."

"I don't know!" Ian yelled. "This is ridiculous."

"Stop yelling, you two!" Kyra snapped. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Shut up!" Ian and I chorused.

"Like brother, like sister." Kyra muttered under her breath but I chose to ignore her.

"Okay, let's find out where we are!" Ian said, trying to calm himself down.

"Your location is on, right?" I said, still not taking my eyes off the road.

"Of course!" Ian confirmed.

"So, find out where the hell we are!" I yelled.

"First off, stop yelling. Second, blame Google because, right now, apparently, we are driving inside a building. A building." Ian said, staring at phone. "Like, what the fuck?"

"Oh my god," I whined. "Your phone is as stupid as you. Take my phone and turn on Apple maps."

Ian glared at me but still grabbed my phone.

"Password?" Ian asked.

I momentarily took my eyes off the road to look at him, "Two-zero-zero-seven."

He simply nodded and unlocked my phone.

"Okay," Ian sighed, after a minute or two. "Apple maps seems to be working. Apparently we took a wrong turn somewhere but right now we are in Agarctea-"

"Where the hell is Agarctea?" I snapped, impatiently.

"I was getting to that!" Ian whined. "Don't interrupt me. Anyway, like I said, apparently, we are going to enter Agarctea. It's a town right next to Crestville, so if we are lucky we'll reach the villa by seven-ish."


"Looks like luck really isn't on our side." I grumbled.

It was already 7:45 and we hadn't even reached Crestville itself.

"At least we're not going around in circles any longer." Kyra chirped, optimistically.

She had gotten a nice nap, which is why she's so jolly, otherwise she'd be cranky as shit. But, then again, I'd rather deal with a chirpy Kyra than a cranky one.

I sighed. She did have a point though. We were following the correct route and we had just exited Agarctea. I slowed down the car slightly to look at the signs above head. But, apparently, slowing down wasn't the best of ideas because the car behind us went crazy and began honking.

I was really annoyed at them, so I purposely slowed down to the point where we travelling at 20mph. The car behind obviously got pissed off and overtook us, zooming ahead. I was never the one to reject a challenge. Suddenly accelerating the car, I covered up the distance between our car and the jeep ahead.

"Holy crap, girl!" Ian exclaimed, as the car lurched forward. "Slow down. You're going too fast!"

"That jerk. Think he can just overtake us like that!" I began muttering incoherent sentences as I drove faster and faster.

"Slow down, Quinn!" Kyra squealed, clinging onto her seat belt for dear life. "I'm going to die. My best friend will kill me!"

I frowned slightly when I noticed the jeep slowing down, until I realised it was because of the signal. I halted our car parallel to the jeep. A victory smirk plastered onto my face.

"Did anyone tell you that you have road rage?" Ian huffed. "You could've killed us or worse . . . damaged my car!"

I laughed, shaking my blonde from the ponytail, "You really need to get your priorities straight, Ian!"

"At least I don't drive like a mad woman!" Ian countered. "By the way, the guy in the jeep is glaring you, Quinn! If looks could kill, you'd be dead a long time ago."

"Let him," I smirked, turning slightly.

I couldn't really see who was driving the car but from what I could make out; it looked like some high school/college students - mainly boys, I think. At least I could tell that the one in the passenger seat and the one driving was boys.

"Don't do anything crazy!" Kyra pleaded.

"I won't." I smiled, evilly as I waited for the signal to turn green.

The moment the signal turned green, I took off at tremendous speed but what annoyed me was that the stupid jeep was travelling parallel to us. Those arrogant boys wouldn't give up. I stepped on the accelerator, pushing the car to go even faster.

"Quinn, stop! It's dangerous. Leave those guys. Let them go ahead!" Ian yelled. "I'm too young to die! Slow down!"

I realized that we were indeed going at a not-so-safe speed so I tried to slow down. Keyword being, tried. For some reason, I wasn't able to slow down and the car only seemed to go faster. Suddenly, the panic started to creep in. We were going to die and it would be my fault. I was going to kill my brother, my bestfriend and me.

"Quinn!" Kyra shrieked. "Slow down!"

"It's not slowing down!" I yelled. "Ian, what do I do?"

"Brakes!" Ian yelled. "Press the brakes! Stop the car!"

"Stop it!" Kyra yelled.

"Slow down!" Ian screamed.

"I can't!" I yelled, trying my hardest to slow down even in the slightest.

"The brakes! We're going to crash into that tree!" Ian yelled, frantically pointing ahead but I was too busy trying to slow the car down. "God dammit, Quinn, press the fucking brakes!"

Glancing up at the road, I came to the understanding that we were seconds away from crashing into a huge maple tree. I slammed my hand down on to the brakes and shut my eyes hard, waiting for the impact. The car did slow down but tree was just getting closer.

My eyes squeezed shut and the car hit the tree. Luckily, it wasn't at a great speed but we still hit the tree. And let me tell you, the screeching sound was horrible. But all in all, the impact wasn't that bad as none of us were injured.

"My life just flashed through my eyes!" Kyra breathed heavily, breaking the eerie silence.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, only now was everything sinking.

I had just crashed Ian's prized car and I felt really guilty.

"I'm so sorry, Ian! I sw-" I began, sounding as panicked as I felt.

"It's fine. No harm done." Ian cracked a smile.

I gaped at him, not even bothering to hide my shock.

"It's fine, Quinn!" Ian chuckled, while I stared at him skeptically. "I'll see if there's much damage done. You call a towing company."

Nodding, I picked my phone and dialed the number.


"Yes, hello!" I jerked in my seat. "I'm calling fro-"

The line went dead. I pursed my lips and glared at my phone. I sighed, leaning back into my seat. This was going to be a long night and it looked like the towing company was going to be of no help at all. I groaned mentally, before stepping out of the car to assess the damage occurred. I had never been a religious type of girl but, right now, I'm praying with all my heart that the damage isn't as severe as it sounded.

"Is it that bad?" I asked, nervously.

Ian sighed and turned to face me, "Honestly? No, its not. It could've been much worse. From what I can tell, only the paint job seems to have been ruined."

I bit my lip and said, apologetically, "Sorry. I really am."

"It's okay." Ian sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"How can you be so calm?" I whined. "I just crashed your car and almost killed us."

"Well, that jeep-guy was being a prick, wasn't he?" Ian looked up at me, a ghost smile on his face. "And it's not like this can't get repaired."

I cracked up a smile, "He really annoyed me. It's like he thought he could out-drive me just because I'm a girl."

"Whatever, did you get through to the towing company?" Ian asked, looking at me expectantly.

I shook my head, "They cut on me. Sorry, but I couldn't help it!"

"Well, then let's just try to start the engine!" Ian said, heading back to car.

This time, he went to driver's side, understandably. I, wordlessly, slid into the passenger seat.

"Is the damage severe?" Kyra asked, softly.

"No, I don't think it is!" Ian said, trying to ignite the engine. "Ugh! This won't start. Looks like we're stuck here for some time!"

"Wait, let me try to get through to a towing company!" Kyra offered. "We can't spend the night here. It's just absurd!"


"An hour!" I shrieked. "It's already 9:15!"

"We're apparently in the outskirts of Crestville and the closest towing company can send a van from the heart of Crestville." Kyra explained. "It'll take an hour!"

"Great!" I grumbled. "I'm hungry, I'm sleepy and I'm cranky!"

"Sleep!" Kyra shrugged. "You're less cranky when you're asleep." She added, glancing at Ian's sleeping form.

I sighed, this was all my fault. If I hadn't tried to beat that jeep-jerk we would've been at the villa two hours ago.

I must've dozed off at sometime because I felt someone shaking me awake.

"Five minutes, dad!" I grumbled, trying to change my position.

"Quinn, get up!"

"Ugh!" I groaned, sitting up, rubbing my eyes sleepily. "Wh-where are we?"

"We've reached the villa!" Ian said, softly.

"We have?" I asked, yawning. "What time is-is it?"

"11:40." Ian grimaced. "It's been a long day. Let's go inside. Wake Kyra up and come in, I'll take the luggage, don't fret about it."

I nodded, sleepily, as Ian got out of the car. Barely even registering his words, I leaned over and shook Kyra.

"Oh my god, one minute, mom!" Kyra groaned, turning away.

I chuckled, slightly, at how alike we were.

"Kyra! We've reached the villa. Let's go inside. We can sleep on a real bed." I shook her once again.

This time, it worked as she sat up, groggily.

"We've reached?" Kyra yawned. "What is the time?"

"11:40, apparently. Come on, let's go inside. Ian took our luggage in." I said, opening the door.

The two of trudged our way up the driveway to the front door, that was wide-open.

"Ian?" I called out, once we stepped inside.

"In the kitchen." Ian's voice came back. "You two head to the living room. I'll be there."

We walked into what looked the living room. It was completely dark but we could make out some of the furniture. I could see a huge L-shaped sofa in the centre, probably a flat-screen on the other side. I groped around the sides of the wall for a light switch. Finally, feeling a switch under me, I flicked it on. My eyes closing shut at the sudden burst of light. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking so they would adjust. Squinting around, I noticed that the carpet was quite messy. Frowning slightly, I turned to the sofa.

Apparently, Kyra also decided to look at the sofa at the same because both of us let out blood curdling screams simultaneously at the sight in front of us.


XxThat SummerxX

Hello, all of you gorgeous Spongecakers!

How are you'll feeling today?

I know, I know. It's a Monday and that sucks . . . because, well, Monday's remind us all that we're not actually Wattpad characters and that we have to get up and actually start working. It sucks but it's reality and nothing can change that.

But, oh, how I wish I could just be a Wattpad character. Their lives seem so much more interesting than mine.

Enough about me ranting, now tell me, what do you think about this chapter? This is definitely one of the longest chapters I've written. Hopefully the length of it satisfied you'll.

Why do you think Quinn and Kyra screamed at the end? What do you happened/they saw that made them scream? Comment and let us know your thoughts and opinions.

Also, how many of you'll have gone and checked out our personal accounts? Both, my fellow author and I, write individual books, too.

Do you think that both of our styles of writing are completely different? If yes, then what exactly? Do you think that having two authors for this book is better than having just one?

Please comment, vote, fan & share! Come on, Spongecakers, show us some love!

Until next Monday,


M & S

XxThat SummerxX

PS:- Want a bit of advice? Don't lie to a girl. They can find out everything.

Personal accounts:-

@TheQuirkyGeek @Moonlight_royalty

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