Everyone Deserves love (Heath...

By Orochimaru_Wife23

22.1K 287 265

Kevin is a teenager who lives in an orphanage. Who signs up for Total Drama Island for fun and hopes to earn... More

Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers part 1
Chapter 2: Not so happy campers part 2
Chapter 3 : Staying Awake
Chapter 4 : Dodgeball
Chapter 5: Gwen Dairy
Chapter 6 : Night in The Woods
Chapter 7 : Nightmare
Chapter 9 : Boney Island
Chapter 10 : Paintball Deer hunt
Chapter 11 : A Three-Course Meal
Chapter 12 : Trust
Chapter 13 : Master Chef Bootcamp
Chapter 14 : Love Poem
Chapter 15 : Meal of Disgustingness
Chapter 16: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 17 : Treasure hunt
Chapter 18 : Hide and Seek
Chapter 19: Bike Racing
Chapter 20 : Horror in the Night
Chapter 21: Wawanakwa gone Wild
Chapter 22: Tial by Tri-Armed Triathalon
Chapter 23: Stranded
Chapter 24: Abandoned in the forest
Chapter 25: Dares
Chapter 26:Final
Rewrite in progress

Chapter 8 : Facing your Fears

869 11 17
By Orochimaru_Wife23

Kevin's POV

"What do you guys want?" Come by to rub it in?" Courtney asked glaring at me and the others as we made our way over to the bonfire.

"We got some extra dessert from after our tuck shop party. Thought you might want some." Trent explained.

"So what? You're just being nice?" Courtney asked.

"Okay, Owen stank up our cabin and we need time to air out," Gwen explained.

Owen then let out a loud fart.

"Ew. Dude." Trent said glancing at Owen.

Beth was about to hand Courtney the plate of green jelly when she quickly refused.

"No! I mean, no thanks I'm good."

"What are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.

"No! I just don't like green jelly. Okay."

Beth offered it to Dj.

SNAKE!" He pushed the plate away.

"Dude, it's just a gummy worm, " Cody clarified.

"Sorry for tripping. Snakes just freak me out." Dj explained.

"I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, " Tyler said.

/ Kevin: I could see where this was going. Even if I explained my fear to them. I doubt they would understand. Yet I was was to stay anyway. /

"You're afraid of chickens?" Gwen raised an eyebrow.

Duncan let out a quiet chuckle.

"Wow. That's really lame man." He commented.

/ Gwen: " So suddenly everyone, is having this big share fest by the campfire. Like Beth went on and on about how her mortal fears being covered by bugs. Harold's afraid of ninjas. Even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers."/

"What my worst fear? I guess being buried alive." Gwen answered.

"Walking through a minefield. In heels." Lindsay stated.

"Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff." Owen said.

"I would never go up in a plane. Never!" Izzy added.

"I'm scared of hail. Small but deadly dude." Geoff said.

"Being left alone in the wood. " Bridgette said.

"Bad haircut," Sadie answered.

"Oh, okay. I change mine. That's so much scarier than a minefield."

"Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure," Cody said.

"I'm not really afraid of anything." Courtney grinned.

"Baloney." Duncan coughed.

"Oh really? Well, what exactly is your phobia Mr. Know-it all?" Courtney asked.

We all stared at him waiting for him to answer.

"Celine Dion music store standees," Duncan said quickly.

"Ex-squeeze me. I didn't quite get that." Cody commented.

"Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store standees?" Trent asked.

"Ooooh! I love Celine Dion! What's a standee?" Lindsay asked?

"You know. That cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store." Trent grinned.

"Don't say it, dude." Duncan pointed.

"Kind of like a life-size but flat Celine."

"So if we had a cardboard standee right now-" Courtney started.

"Shut up! What about you guys?" Duncan said.

"Okay, well I hate mines. Like a lot." Trent admitted."Alright Courtney you're afraid of something. Spit it out."

"Nope. Nothing." She crossed her arms confidently.

"That's not what she said last night." Duncan grinned.

"Duncan. Did you consider that maybe I was just humoring you and your stupid story?" She replied.

"Sure, sure, Princess, whatever floats your boat, " Duncan said.

"Shut up!!" Courtney fired back. "Well, what about Kevin! He hasn't told us his fear!"

Everyone soon looks at me. I sigh. "This will probably make no sense... But... Remembering my past."

"Yeah that made no sense, " Geoff said.

"Let's just say. I did something awful and there were major consequences, " I said standing up and walking back to the cabin to sleep.


The next morning we were all at breakfast. Chris suddenly walked in and started an announcement.

"Campers! Your next challenge is a little game. I like to call Phobia Factor." Chris said. "Prepare to face your worst fears."

"Worst than this?" Leshawana held up a piece of food.

"We're in trouble," Gwen commented.

/Kevin: "They are in trouble but not me. I doubt Chris has a way for me to face my fear. After all, he doesn't know anything about my past./

"Now for our first victims. Heather. Meet us at the theater. It's sumo time." Chris said causing Heather to spit out her drink onto Trent.

"Gwen. You. Me. The beach and a few tons of sand." Chris grinned making Gwen gasp.

"Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?" Lindsay asked.

"Ugh! Because we told them." Gwen facepalmed.

Beth and Lindsay exchanged a look.

"At the campfire last night." Trent remained.

"Wait? They were listening to us?" Lindsay asked.

"It's a reality show Einstein, They're always listening to us," Gwen said.

"That's like eavesdropping."

"Chef Hatcher. Didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today?" Chris grinned.

Chef gave Tyler a piece of chicken. When he bit it an alive chicken popped out of it.


We all gathered to see a bunch of bugs in a pool. Beth shrugged and hoped in. We all cheered for her getting us our first point.

Lindsay and Sadie were taken to get horrible wings put on them.

Then Owen and Izzy were taken for a plane ride.

Next Lewshawna was faced with a giant spider. Which was Chef... In a spider costume. She, unfortunately, got scared and ran off.

It was now Heather's turn. We were all walking to the theater.

"So... Why sumo wrestlers?" I asked.

"They're just so... Big! They're living death machines! They fall on you, you're as good as dead!!"

I put my arm around her, trying to calm her down. We soon make it to the theater and Heather hesitantly walks onto the stage. The sumo wrestler runs over towards a crouching Heather. The man trips over her and tumbles away. Surprisingly, that counts as facing her fear, earning a point for the team.

"You did it, Heather!" I run towards her, who slowly realizes what just happened.

"I won!" She asked. "I won! Yes!" I tightly hug her and lift her slightly up into the air. "Take that, you fat loser!!" She yells at the fallen sumo wrestler.

Gwen was then buried in the sand. Trent tries to calm her down and starts to work. I was sitting on the cabin porch waiting for Chris to attack me with my fear. I really doubt he had a way to attack me but wasn't letting my guard down just in case.


"Alright gang, we're in the ninth inning. Tyler, for hour challenge you need to get into this pen for three minutes with these chickens, " Chris said.

Tyler started sitting down and rocking back and forth.

"I'm not sure we're getting anywhere with this one," Chris said.

"Tyler, this is the last challenge. Quit being such a girl!" Courtney glared. "You have to do this or we're going to lose."

"Actually if you do the math you can't possibly win. The score's 7/3." Cody said.

"Not necessarily. We've got two more challenges set up, " Chris grinned.

"I know Kevin hasn't gone. But you can't have one for me I didn't-"  Courtney started.

"You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions" Chris grinned.

Chris then tells her that he would give her team and my triple points if we both complete the challenges.

"First up... Kevin!" I freeze up not sure how Chris is going to do my fear.

"Alright, Kevin we read through some of your journal to find out what exactly you're afraid to remember," Chris said pulling out a piece of paper.

/Kevin: "No way so he read my journal to find out about my past. He is so cruel./

"So what is it going to be, are you gonna take one for the team and let the world hear about your past or chicken out and run off?" He said. I looked down and blinked back a tear before it could fall.

"Chris you can begin when ready," I said.

"Okay then, " Chris said excited.

/Heather: "Okay. I hate Chris even more now. Doesn't he know how scared Kevin was when he told me about his nightmare? I will admit I say I don't care about Kevin but I do he a really great guy."/

"Did you guys know Kevin is an orphan?" Chris asked.

I could feel eyes on my back, I just kept looking down at the ground. "I can do this, " I mumbled to myself.

"Hey Kevin, care to explain how your parent's died?" Chris asked grinning. I just looked at Chris. I didn't respond to what he said.

"One day his parents went to woods to find a missing baby bear cub. For another day of working as Animal rescuers." Chris started.

I stood there trying not to move. I felt like I was dying, I felt myself weakening. "His parents told him to stay in the van, you know what he did instead?" Chris asked. I could feel myself weakening even more. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

"Instead of staying in the van. He got out and decided to play in the woods pretending he was an explorer. What happened next was the bear who lost her cub came and attack him and was leading him to a cliff edge. So his parents came to save him and moved him out of the way, but when they try to calm the bear and give her cub. She got even more mad thinking they took her cub. So they fell off the cliff." Chris said. "All because he didn't obey they ended up dead." I felt like my heart bleeding. The last thing he said really was the worst.

/Kevin: "Okay. I know he trying to do his job. But did he have to mention how it was my fault for disobeying them? I feel nothing but guilt everyday it the reason I don't do jokes or have much fun. I had fun and got my parents killed./

"And, you are done," Chris said. I ran away starting to cry. They all probably think I'm a horrible person now. I found a tree, and slid down onto the floor and put my knees up to where my chest was and put my arms on them and put my head down. I broke down crying. I'm a monster my parents are dead because of me.

After a good ten minutes, I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't get myself to. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name. "Kevin! You out here?" It sounded a lot like Heather. I just remained with my head down.

"There you are, you going to be okay?" Heather asked sounding concerned.

"What do you think. Everyone now knows that I killed my own parents. Now I will never be adopted by anyone. I was already not adopted for being boring, " I said with my voice cracking from crying. "I killed my own parents."

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't mean for them to die. That why you felt guilty when you told me about your nightmare and said their death was your fault. When you told me about your nightmare, " she said.

"Yeah, anyway did we win?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah, Courtney chickened out so her team lost." She said.

I nodded not in the mood to talk anymore. I just wanted it to cry.

"Hey don't cry you're not alone, " she said smiling. Here this might make you feel better. Before I could respond, Heather cups her hands on my cheek and pulls my face towards her. She gives me a small, soft quick peck on the cheek. I rubbed it, surprised, and smiled a little bit.

Heather then punches me on the shoulder. "If you tell anyone I did that, you're dead." She tried to say coldly but was smiling at me happy to see me feeling better.

"Yeah... Whatever you say. Thanks for making me feel better.


Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

A/N: I decided to have Heather know about Kevin's nightmare. I know I said it was more of a filler chapter. But it made sense to me that she would already know about his parent's death just not the actual cause of it.

Also, don't forget to comment, and vote.

Q: What was your favorite part of the chapter?

Q: What did you think of Heather kissing Kevin on the cheek?

Q: When do you hope to see Kevin get the courage to ask out Heather?

Thank you for reading 💜💜💜

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