Who are you, Percy Jackson or...

By GoBlueNYC

3.9K 65 16

After the Giant War, Percy was broken. He had lost everything. However, so had another family. Moira Queen, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

336 6 1
By GoBlueNYC

AN: Hey guys, I know it's been a while, I've been busy, and I haven't had the best internet, so I wasn't able to post. Anyway, for this story, I will be doing in depth recaps for each episode of Arrow, but eventually, I might start jumbling them together and recapping them with just the important bits, as it might get long and boring. Also, I wanted to let you know that I will not be updating every day or even every few days. I am going to be a senior in high school this year, and this year academically is the most important year of my life, so I won't always have time to update this story, especially since the chapters are quite long. However, I will do my best to make sure I upload as much as possible, and I hope you guys understand. Anyways, please enjoy!


Percy sighed. "Honestly, it's too hard, just to keep all these secrets, of my past life, of my current life, it's just too hard. I just want to give up, and just succumb to that feeling, but I know I can't. Honestly, I miss my friends, especially Annabeth, but I hope she went for rebirth and she'll move on. Honestly, I'm finally ready to move on. You asked me to save the city, to right your wrongs. I will. I swear," Percy said, not wanting to swear on the Styx just in case something happened.

"However, I can't be Oliver. I can't just be Oliver. I need to be Percy too," Percy said. "However, I don't want to dishonor your son's memory, but to save the city, I might have to, I'm sorry Robert," Percy said, before walking away back to the car, but not before gesturing for workers to dig up his tombstone.

"Will you be going out tonight, sir?" Diggle asked.

"Definitely," Percy said, before heading into the car.


Percy was training in the lair when he thought about his identity as Oliver. He knew the rest of the Queens, especially Thea, could never know that he wasn't actually Oliver. He knew that his mission given to him by Robert would take priority over his life as Oliver, but he wanted to make sure Thea was safe.

He took a look at his list, and recognized a name from the news. James Holder. His corporation had been putting defective smoke detectors in low income housing in the Glades. There have been too many fires and funerals, and it must end.

Percy took out his bow and put Anaklusmos on his hip, not wanting people to question why his sword comes from a pen, and vapor travelled to an apartment building and changed his appearance to his old raven hair.

He quickly entered the building and calmly pulled out his bow, swiftly taking out two armed guards. He used the water vapor in the air to sense other guards, but found none, so he ran up to the roof.

He approached silently, and fired an arrow into the bottle of beer Jason Holder was carrying, causing him to yelp in shock.

"I have armed security inside. All I have to do is call out," Holder said nervously.

"Call them," Percy replied simply. "They can't hear you," he said, dropping the two guns of the guards.

"What the hell do you want?" Holder asked.

"How many people died in those fires?" Percy asked. "How many died due to your selfish actions?"

Jason Holder just stood there. Unknown to both men though, there was a man a rifle in the building across from them, lining up a shot.

"The courts say you don't owe your victims anything, but I disagree," Percy said.

Percy pulled back his bow, and nocked an arrow. "Jason Holder, you have..." he started, before he heard a gunshot come from across the way. Percy sensed the man was in the building across, so he fired two quick arrows and ducked behind part of the structure.

He heard another shot, which ricocheted off something. Percy looked back at Jason Holder, who was lying face down in the pool, gunshot wound to the chest. He grimaced, and saw part of a bullet in his arm. "Skatá," he swore, before vapor travelling back to the warehouse.


When he got back, he quickly removed the bullet and started to stitch it up, but he started to feel a little bit woozy. He ignores it, and crosses James Holder's name off the list. He wasn't surprised Holder was killed by someone else, considering how corrupt he was. He stood back up, but his vision started to blur. He realized the bullet had poison in it, and he stumbled to the ground. Before passing out, he used his powers that Hestia gave him to heal himself of the injury.

When he woke up, he realized it was morning. "Shit," he swore, before vapor travelling back to the mansion.

When he got there, he saw Diggle leaning against the wall, and Moira talking to some officers. "What happened? Is Thea okay?" Percy asked.

Diggle sighed. "Cops brought her home. She and a few friends broke into a store and tried on a few dresses," he replied. "Lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree."

Percy sighed before walking past Diggle and to Moira, Thea and Walter. Percy watched as Moira looked at Thea. "Last time it was public intoxication, this time breaking and entering. Moving up the criminal world, are we?" Moira asked seriously.

"You know, once you pay off the owner, you should really check out the stuff there," Thea said nonchalantly. "They have some cute outfits."

"Thea, go get ready for school," Moira said with a sigh.

Thea stopped. "You know what, I'm not really feeling it. Imma just take a sick day."

Moira sighed. "Fine, go to your room."

Thea walked away with a smirk, before stopping in front of Percy. "You look like shit," she said, before waltzing up to her room.

"You're letting her just do that?" Percy asked. "Come on Moira."

"It's best to leave her like that," Moira replied.

"She's testing you," Percy said. "Look, I don't know much about parenting, but seriously? She's just walking over you."

"And where'd she learn that from?" Moira asked.

Percy sighed. "Look, I didn't want to do those things. It's just the image I was placed into. Looking back at what Oliver and I were allowed to get up to, I think you should parent her a little bit more," he said, walking away.


After a little while, Percy went down to his lair. He needed to look at the bullet he pulled out and figure what kind of poison it was. After running some tests, he came to the conclusion that the bullets were laced with curare, which would be the shooter's MO. Curare was a rare poison, so it would be hard to get, and not many people would use it.

Thanks to Hera removing his scent, he was able to actually use technology, and was able to find the shooter; Deadshot. He has killed all over the world, Chicago, Markovia, Corto Maltese.

Percy wanted to give Holder a chance like he did for Hunt and Somers, but this Deadshot had no morality. He just kills for money, which makes him just as dangerous as anyone on the list, and someone he wanted to take down immediately.

Later on in the day, Percy took Diggle and Tommy to the warehouse. "What do you think? Great spot for a nightclub?" Percy asked. If this worked, he would be given an alibi about where Oliver Queen spends his nights.

"Sweet," Tommy said. "What are you thinking about naming it?"

Percy ignored the question, as he was still thinking about it. "Private office," he stated, pointing at a specific place. "For the private one on one or even two on one meetings," he said, causing Tommy to chuckle.

Tommy turned to face Percy. "Man, are you sure you wanna do this?" he asked. "You don't really have any experience at all running...well anything."

Percy looked at Tommy. "How about we go scope out the competition? There's a new club opening, it's called Poison, Max Fuller owns it," he suggested.

"Max Fuller? I slept with his fiancée at the rehearsal dinner," Percy said, wanting to stab himself for doing it.

"That's technically before the wedding," Tommy said, chuckling. "Besides, who stays mad at a castaway?" he asked as his phone started to ring. "Shoot, gotta roll. Thanks man, cool place," he said before walking off.

As Tommy walked off, Percy turned to Diggle. "So, what do you think?" he asked.

"Well, I'm here to provide security, not commentary," Diggle replied.

Percy sighed. "Come on, Dig, speak freely. I don't really care what you say, just give me your honest opinion," he said.

After a few moments, Diggle sighed. "Well, this is the Glades, right? None of your rich white friends would come here."

Percy smirked. "Well, I am Oliver Queen. People would line up for hours if I opened a club."

Dig gave a small smile. "And no one in the Glades would see a penny of those charges."

Percy smiled. "We can make it a successful business, gentrify the neighborhood."

Dig sighed. "I was wondering when we'd get to that," he said, causing Percy to raise an eyebrow. "The white knight coming in all on his own to save the disenfranchised."

Percy whistled. "You really don't think much of me, do you Dig?"

Dig smirked. "No, sir. I actually have a very high regard for how perceptive you are," he said, causing Percy to smile. He could tell Diggle was trying not to laugh, and continued to hold it in as he walked away from Percy.


Percy was walking by where Holder was shot, and he was recalling where the bullet ricochetted to. He took in his surroundings before spotting the bullet. He then parkoured up the side of the building and was able to wedge it out of the building. He examined the bullet before vapor travelling back to the basement.

While there, he was able to figure out the size of the bullet, and where it came from. It was a 7.62 mm round, and the money trail led back to the Bratva, the Russian mob. Percy smiled, he had lucked out. He put on a baseball cap and changed his appearance and vapor travelled away.

He reappeared near a Russian garage, and turned back into Percy before opening the door. He walked in and saw two men working on a car. "I'm here to see Alexi Leonov," he said in Russian.

"There is no one here by that name," one of the men replied in the same language.

"Not in your garage," Percy said, shaking his head. "But maybe in the basement underneath us," he said, causing one of the men to come forward with a gun. Percy quickly grabbed the gun and twisted it away from the man's hand, breaking his wrist. He took out the clip and disassembled his gun.

He pulled down the collar of his shirt to reveal a tattoo on his chest. "I'm Bratva," he said. "I want to see Alexi Leonov."

The first man stepped forward. "Pleased to meet you," he said in English, giving Percy a small bow, which Percy returned with a nod of the head.

Alexi led him down to the basement. "I apologize. I meant no disrespect to a captain. Particularly an American one," he said. "So, how can I be of assistance?"

Percy sighed. "I'm in the market for a hired gun," he started. "We've used him before. His MO is a 7.62 mm round laced with curare."

Alexi shook his head. "I know no man who uses such tools."

"But you will find out who does," Percy pressed.

Alexi poured out two drinks. "First we will drink to each other's health, and then I will find this man," he said, raising his glass and downing the shot. "I will also confirm you are really Bratva captain. Should this not be the case, I will send my mechanic to take care of your family."

Percy nodded and left the garage.


That night, Percy and Tommy went to Poison.

"This is gonna be killer," Tommy said with a crooked grin.

Percy sighed. "If Max Fuller is here, he will be."

"Well, you gotta take a few risks if you wanna run a business," Tommy said as he and Percy passed the bouncer. However, Diggle was stopped.

"I don't see you on the list, sir," the bouncer said.

"Mr. Queen," Diggle said.

Percy turned around. "I've never met this man before," he said with a confused expression and gave Dig a wink before walking into the club.

After a little while, Percy spotted Laurel out of the corner of his eye with her friend. Please don't let Tommy notice them, he pleaded. However, he never really had good luck, as Percy saw Tommy walk up to them.

"Doesn't going out break some sort of law?" he asked, looking Laurel up and down.

"Thanks Tommy," Laurel said sarcastically. "I see you two are up to your old ways."

"Just seeing what passes for fun in Starling City," Percy said, trying not to show his boredom.

"I'm sure you'll find it isn't the same without you," Laurel said sarcastically, going back to her drink.

"Big brother!" Thea said, coming up to him and giving him a big hug. "Ugh, I am so wasted right now. There are...two of you."

"How are you here? I thought mom spoke you to," Percy said.

"Thanks for that, by the way," Thea said.

Percy looked at Thea. "You're done for the night."

Thea looked at Percy. "What you gonna do, tell mommy?" Thea asked with a smirk.

"Thea," Percy said sternly. "You are hanging with the wrong people."

Thea raised her eyebrows. "Your one to talk, Mr. I drink and smoke all day," she replied.

Percy sighed. "I'm different now," he muttered.

"Besides," she continued. "How much do you know about your so-called friends over there," she said, pointing at Tommy and Laurel.

"Whoa, Thea, maybe you shouldn't..." Tommy started.

"Tommy, chill dude," Thea said drunkenly. "I think your BFF deserves to know."

"Thea, let's go," Percy said before the situation escalated any further.

"Well, I guess they never told you. They've been screwing while you were gone," Thea spat.

Laurel and Tommy looked away from the siblings as an awkward silence came over the group.

"Look man," Tommy started.

"Tommy," Percy said gently. "I don't blame you, and you have every right."

Percy turned his attention back to Thea. "You and me, we're done for the night," he said, grabbing her arm.

"Take your hands off of me," Thea spat. "You aren't my father, and you're barely my brother." I'm not your brother at all, he thought sadly. Percy sighed as Thea walked away.

"Well well well, look who it is," a voice said.

Percy turned around to see a smiling Max Fuller. He walked up to him and put on a fake smile. "Max Fuller. How you been?" he asked.

Max's smile turned into a frown. "Happy you drowned."

Max led him to the back, before socking him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Percy knew he could beat them up with one hand, but Oliver Queen was a weak playboy, so he led the body guards pummel him.

Eventually, Tommy and Laurel got involved, and Laurel ended up saving the day, and they got banned.

After Laurel beat up the bodyguards, Percy called out to Laurel. "What Thea said," he started.

"Oliver, Tommy and I don't need your blessing," she told him. "And I don't need your forgiveness."


Diggle drove the two of them to a Big Belly Burger. "Why don't you two take a seat, while I grab a couple of burgers and some ice," he said.

Tommy looked at the waitress, who Diggle waved to. "She's cute," he said.

"She's my sister-in-law," Diggle said stiffly.

"Who I will never again look at or speak to," he said slowly. "Imma go grab a booth."

Percy turned to Diggle. "No ring. Brother out of the picture?"

Diggle took a long look at her. "You could say that."

Percy took a seat at the table across from Tommy.

"Look man, about Laurel," Tommy started. "I was gonna tell you, I just couldn't figure out how."

"To tell someone you slept with their girlfriend after they were presumed dead," Percy said. "What, there's no greeting card for that?" he asked, causing them to chuckle.

"Look, it was wrong, and I'm sorry," Tommy stated, causing Percy to shake his head.

"Tommy, yes, you might have made a mistake, but if you have to blame anyone, it's me," Percy said, causing Tommy to give him a confused expression. Percy sighed. "Look, I cheated on her with Sara, her sister, so she probably would have broken up with me when she found out. Since I wasn't here, we couldn't technically break up, but yeah, we were broken up."

"Oliver, you are my friend, dead or alive, and me being with Laurel violated that friendship," he said.

"Thank you," Percy said. "But it's fine. Honestly."

"Why are you so chill about this?" Tommy asked, as Percy's phone rang.

"Hello," Percy said. Recognizing the call, he quickly said something in Russian. "It's a Russian model calling me," he said, causing Tommy to chuckle. "Can I have a minute please?" Tommy put his hands up and walked away.

Percy waited a few moments before going back to his call. "So I checked out?" he asked.

"You did. His name is Floyd Lawton," Alexi Leonov responded. "Last time he was in Starling, he stayed at 1700 Broadway, Pape Hotel, Room 52."

"Let's hope he's a creature of habit," Percy muttered.

"You'll leave us out of this, yes?" Leonov asked. "Assuming Mr. Lawton doesn't kill you first."

Percy hung up the phone, ready to strike.

Later that night, he went to the Pape Hotel, ready to take on Lawton. He stood in front of room 52 and sense a presence inside the room. He waited a few moments before kicking down the door. He saw a figure sitting in the chair, and he quickly fired an arrow at the man, hitting the chair where he once was.

Lawton quickly ducked behind the bed, and fired a few rounds from his gun on his forearm. After firing a few rounds, he had to reload, and Percy came from behind the wall and fired multiple arrows at Lawton, who was able to use the bed again to block the arrow.

Lawton took the opportunity to fire more rounds, causing Percy to go behind the wall again. Lawton used this to jump out of the window and escape, crashing through the glass and disappearing.

Percy swore under his breath and looked around the room. He saw a laptop filled with bullet holes and grabbed it, hearing police sirens in the distance, and vapor travelled away.


The next day, Percy walked into Queen Consolidated with his bullet-ridden computer to the tech department.

There he saw a blonde haired woman with bright red lipstick and a red pen in her mouth. She's quite pretty, Percy thought. He cleared his throat. "Felicity Smoak?" he asked.

The woman turned around to see him, and he gave her a smile. "Hi, I'm Oliver Queen," Percy said.

"I know who you are, Mr. Queen," Felicity said.

Percy shook his head. "No, Robert was Mr. Queen, I'm just Oliver," Percy said.

"Right, but he's dead, he drowned, I mean, but you didn't, and you've come down to the IT department and listen to me babble," Felicity rambled, causing Percy to smirk.

Percy gave another smile and pulled out the computer. "I'm having some trouble with my computer," Percy said. "I can't get anything off it, and they told me you were the person to come and see."

Felicity gave Percy a skeptical look. "And why are you having trouble?" she asked.

"I was at my coffee shop working late last night, and I spilt coffee on it," Percy lied.

"Are you sure? These look like bullet holes," Felicity responded.

"It's in a bad neighborhood," Percy responded with a smirk. Felicity gave Percy a long look. "If there is anything you could salvage from it, I'd be very grateful." Felicity nodded and took a look at the computer.

After a little while, Felicity pulled something into her desktop. "These look like blueprints of the Exchange Building," Felicity said. Percy gave her a confused expression. "The Exchange Building is where the Unidac Industries auction is taking place."

Percy gave Felicity another confused expression. "I thought this was your laptop," Felicity said. Percy nodded. "Look, I don't really want to get into the middle of, whatever this is," she said, gesturing with her hands.

Percy gave her yet another confused expression. "Mr. Steele, your stepfather, is trying to buy Unidac Industries, and you have a company laptop associated with one of the guys he's competing against," Felicity informed him.

"Floyd Lawton," Percy stated, causing Felicity to give him a confused expression in return.

"Err, no," she replied. "Warren Patel. Who's Floyd Lawton?"

"He's an employee of Warren Patel, evidently," he lied, hoping Felicity wouldn't get the double meaning. "Thanks so much Felicity," he said, grabbing the laptop and the hard drive with the blueprints and heading back to his base.

When he got there, he analyzed the blueprints thoroughly. While he still had his dyslexia, he had gotten better at controlling it. He realized that he couldn't protect the whole area and all the targets without revealing his powers, so he knew he needed to get help.

That night, he vapor travelled to the precinct, and waited for Detective Lance to exit. When he did, he grabbed him and pushed him against the car, holding his shooting arm behind his back.

"You son of a bitch," Lance exclaimed.

"Quiet, detective," Percy said.

Lance struggled in Percy's grip and turned around to face him. "You've gotta pair pulling this, you know that?" he said.

Percy looked down at the detective."Floyd Lawton is the one targeting the buyers for Unidac. Interpol calls him Deadshot because he never misses. You can look this up, after I go," he said.

"Yeah, and stop chasing you, huh?" Lance replied.

"Warren Patel hired Deadshot," he said. "I can't tell who they are targeting, might be the buyers, but I can't protect everyone. I need your help."

"Yeah, professional help," Lance replied.

Percy sighed. "Lawton laces his bullets with curare, make sure your guys wear Kevlar," he said, letting go of Lance and vapor travelling away, leaving an arrow stuck in his car and the laptop with the blueprints.


Percy changed back to Oliver and made his way to the exchange building. He was overlooking everything, and watched as a policeman took Warren Patel away. He took some time walking around the building when he ran into Quentin Lance.

"Oh, don't you scrub up nice," Lance sneered.

"Just here to support my family," Percy replied coolly.

"Oh, me too," Lance said.

"Thank you," Percy said solemnly, causing Lance to scoff and walk away.

He walked over to Diggle. "Hey Dig, got your eyes open?" he asked.

"Yes sir, that's what I'm here for. And to answer patronizing questions," Dig responded coolly.

Percy sighed. "This guy's out of time. If he's gonna do something, it's gonna happen before the auction," Percy thought aloud.

Dig looked at him with a confused expression. "Sir?"

Percy looked over at Dig. "Nothing, I just heard it on the radio," he said nonchalantly.

"Oliver," Walter said, causing Percy to walk up to him.

"So please you could attend," Walter said as Percy reached him.

"Walter, the police said some of the bidders were murdered," Percy said carefully. "I just think we should be more careful. Moira's already lost one husband."

Walter sighed. "Well, if Moira shared your concern, then she wouldn't have come," Walter said, moving to get a champagne glass. "And she definitely wouldn't have brought your sister."

"Skatá," Percy swore as he went over to Thea and Moira, motioning Diggle over to them.

"Oliver, what a nice surprise," Moira said. Percy looked past Moira and Thea, and to Diggle.

"I need you to get them out of here, right now," Percy said calmly. Right after he said this, a shot was fired, which narrowly missed Walter due to Detective Lance knocking him out of the way.

When the first shot rang out, multiple people started screaming, and more shots followed, Deadshot calmly picking people off one by one.

Percy followed Moira and Thea out of the room, and brought Thea's face to his. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Percy asked. Thea shook her head quickly. "Moira?"

"I'm fine, where's Walter?" Moira asked. Percy looked across the room and saw Lance taking Walter out of the room.

"Walter's fine," Percy said. "Diggle get them out of here."

"Sir, I need to get you out of here," Diggle said.

"No, John, them," he said forcefully.

Percy quickly went to the stairwell and hurried up the stairs, getting his hood and bag from a trash can and continuing up the stairs.

Percy got on his outfit, and zip-lined across to the building where Deadshot was, and broke the glass on his way in, dodging Lawton's bullets before firing off an arrow.

Percy ducked behind a pillar as Lawton fired more bullets at him. Percy peeped out and fired another arrow, and heading back to behind the pillar, just narrowly dodging more bullets.

As he stood there, Lawton stalked him quietly, and slowly came up to the pillar he was standing behind. Percy could sense him, and stayed put. When he got close enough, Percy brought out Anaklusmos and stabbed Lawton in the shoulder, causing the assassin to yell out in pain. Percy then kicked him, causing Lawton to fly backwards and hit a pillar.

However, he recovered quickly, and Percy quickly ducked behind a different pillar as Lawton fired off more rounds.

Percy stood behind the pillar as Lawton raised his wrist gun, ready to fire.

"Drop your guns, Lawton," Percy said.

"I admire your work," Lawton replied. "Guess you won't be extending me professional courtesy."

"We aren't in the same line of work," Percy replied. "Yours is murder."

"You've taken lives," Lawton replied.

Percy clenched his jaw. "Yes I have, but for the good of others. You're only out for yourself."

Lawton smirked. "Of course I am, aren't you?"

Percy's mouth formed a thin line. "You know nothing about me, of the suffering I've faced," he said calmly.

Percy sensed as Lawton put down his guns, but Lawton quickly fired off a few rounds, and Percy grabbed an arrow and fired it quickly where he sensed Lawton to be, and quickly hid behind the pillar. When he heard a body fall to the ground, he came out and saw Lawton with an arrow through his right eye.

However, Percy turned around, and saw a bloody John Diggle with a stray bullet in him. "Skatá," he swore as he grabbed Diggle and vapor travelled back to his base.

When they got there, Percy lay Diggle down on the table, and using the herbs from Lian Yu combined with his powers given to him by Hestia, he slowly began to rid Diggle of the poison.

After a while, Percy changed back into Oliver, and started to train, when he sensed John waking up, he went back to the computers across from the table, and watched his bodyguard struggle to sit up and gain his bearings.

He watched as Diggle slowly sat up and looked at him, his eyes widening. "Hey Dig," he said.

AN: Hey guys. I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. I am really struggling with writing, as I have a lot of work to do due to being a senior in high school, so I won't always be able to update. That said, I appreciate your support so far, and I just want to thank you all for it. Anyways, thanks so much, and please review!

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