Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)

By HanaDE238

166K 4.5K 1.6K

There's a new bad girl in town that makes Jade West look like kitten... Elizabeth Smith is a 17 year old girl... More

Chapter 1 - Sugar We're Going Down
Chapter 2 - Kryptonite
Chapter 3 - Teenagers
Chapter 4 - Despacito
Chapter 5 - Juicy
Chapter 6 - I don't do boys
Chapter 7 - Fill Me In
Chapter 8 - Kings & Queens
Chapter 9 - Come See About Me (Part1)
Chapter 10 - Come See About Me (Part2)
Chapter 11 - Complicated
Chapter 12 - Freak the Freak Out
Chapter 13 - Take A Hint
Chapter 14 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 15 - I'm the Bad Guy
Chapter 16 - You Don't Know Me
Chapter 17 - How to Save A Life
Chapter 18 - So Many Miles
Chapter 19 - Complicated
Chapter 21 - Don't Break Me Too
Chapter 22 - Love You Like a Love Song
Chapter 23 - Party All The Time
Chapter 24 - Earned It
Chapter 25 - Ride Wit Me
Chapter 26 - Stacey's Mom
Chapter 27 - Don't Start Now (Part 1)
Chapter 28 - Don't Start Now (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - Fourth of July
Chapter 30 - Edge of Seventeen
New Story
One Shots
New Story!

Chapter 20 - IDGAF

2.7K 81 7
By HanaDE238


Jade found out how her mother knew Bridget from her sister Max. Jade decided to tell everyone how she felt through song. Claire feels dreadful and Jade may have just lost a new friend.


**5am - 10 hours after accident**

Beth POV

I have been awake for a couple of hours, I see my mom and my sister asleep in the chairs on the either side of my bed. I tried to move to get more comfortable but a sharp pain burst through my body and I gasped loudly.

"Oh my god!" My mom gasped, moving towards the door. "Nurse! She is awake." She called out, then moved towards my bed, "Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Like I've been in a car crash." I whisper, sarcastically.

"Well she is definitely back." My sister said laughing, she moved closer to the other side of the bed, grabbing my hand. "You gave us quite a fright, you only got yourself a girlfriend that night."

"How is Jade?" I ask, sipping on the water mom gave me.

At that moment, the nurse came in with a chart. She proceeded to ask me if I knew my name, if I knew what day it was and so forth. After that she said that the doctor would be in to explain everything that happened and what I would be allowed out.

"So, Jade?" I ask, looking at my mom and my sister.

"She is fine, at home resting, though she put up one hell of a fight with her mother to stay here, with you." Esmeralda said, smirking.

"That does sound like her. Have they come to you about the other driver yet?" I ask, I know not to say anything about my grandmother coming to see me and telling me about the person who crashed into us, my mom would ring the mental health ward straight away, claiming I was bewitched by a Bruja.

"No, not yet. Detective Vega and Officer Solomon will be coming soon, now that I am sure the doctor has told them you are awake. They have been wanting to talk to you urgently." Mom said, squeezing my hand.

"What about my belongings? Did my phone make it out alive?" I know I kept asking a lot of questions but I need to know what has happened.

"Yes, god, you are such a teenager, your phone made it out alive." My sister said, pulling open the bedside cupboard door and taking out a bag with my belongings in. I noticed that the clothes were stained with a lot of blood. I saw my mom look away. I grabbed the bag and quickly pulled my phone out and shoved the bag back to my sister.

I looked at my phone and saw hundreds of messages from that night, all from the family, asking where we were. I quickly deleted them, no need to bring back that night. I look through more of my messages and I saw that Jade had continued to message me throughout the night. I read her most recent one.

JadeyGirl😍🔥 4.06am
How is it whenever I find a new sort
friend or adult to look up to, one of my
parents always ruin it for me.

JadeyGirl😍🔥 4.09am
I can't do this anymore, Lizzie.
I need you.

I reread the message and panic, what the hell has been going on? I try to ring her but it goes straight to answer phone. I sigh heavily, wincing when pain shot through my body.

"You okay, baby?" Mom asked, reading the worry and pain in my face.

"Something has happened with Jade and her mom and her phone is going straight to answer phone." I answer, trying not to clutch my side, to show I was okay physically.

"I am sure everything is okay, baby, maybe she just forgot to charge her phone." Mom said diplomatically.

"That or she smashed it up in a tantrum." A new voice said, I look up and see Max standing at the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, nodding my head, inviting her into the room.

"Jesus, babe, you are not looking too hot." Max laughed, sitting slightly on the side on my bed.

I lightly push her, "You look like shit, do I want to know?"

"Eh, she found out about mom and didn't take it well. She is actually here at the moment getting some stitches." Max said casually.

"What?!" I yelled, then violently started a coughing fit as I haven't used my voice in while, especially that loudly.

"She's okay, got a little overzealous trashing the basement. Seems like a piece of large glass got lodged into her hand because she decided it would be a good idea to trash everything with glass." Max answered, stroking my arm, to calm me down. I rolled my eyes at the dark haired girl and rung the buzzer for the nurse. "What are you doing?"

The nurse entered the room, "Yes, Miss Smith?"

"Hi, could you get me a wheelchair and also find out where a Miss Jade Louise West is located? She is family." I asked, nicely. The nurse looked like she was going to say no, "Please? I can and will be more difficult if you don't." I say fluttering my eye lashes.

The nurse huffed and put both her hands on her hips, "okay, but one little gasp of pain and you are back in that bed."

I nodded gratefully and waited for the wheelchair to come. I look to the side of me and my mom just looking at me shaking her head, I just smiled and shrugged.

After the wheelchair and the nurse turned up at the room and I tried my hardest to keep every gasp that wanted to come out, in, we made our way to Jade. The closer we go to one of the curtained beds I could hear my princess loud and clear.

"I said, get that syringe away from me before I shove it up your ass!"

I pull the curtain back and tut, "Now, now Jadey, that's no way to talk to a nurse." I watched as Jade's head whipped around to look at me, I then saw a myriad of emotions cross her face.

"Lizzie?" She questioned, softly, "Is that really you?"

"It is, Princess, but you need to let the nurse help you. I need you healthy." I answered, wheeling myself closer to the bed. "Can she sit on my lap? She won't do it otherwise."

"I really just need to numb her hand, I wouldn't care if you hit her with a frying pan at this point." The male nurse responded.

I glared at him then looked to Jade, who looked frightened as hell. I hold my hand and made a gesture for her to come, "Come on, Jade."

"I don't want to hurt you." She whispered, placing her hand in mine.

I smile and pull her towards me, "I don't give a fuck." As soon as her butt hit my thighs, I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her middle. I felt the tension leave her body instantly.


Okay so Beth is awake, Jade is hurt and hopefully we will find out what the police know soon.

Thank you all again for continuing to rad and vote on the story, it really means a lot to me.

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