The Wedding

By itstilliswhatitis

74.2K 4K 4K

Harry needs a green card and Louis, his best friend since One Direction, immediately offers to marry him. The... More

2-The wedding
3-The morning after
4-Who really posted that?
6-The married couple
7-The power couple
8-The honeymoon
10-House shopping
11-Late late show
12-House party
13-Green card interview

1-The proposal

6.5K 274 699
By itstilliswhatitis

"I can't believe I'm getting kicked out! I'm famous for fucks sake!" Harry complained and took a big gulp from his beer.

"That doesn't matter to Uncle Sam. I can't believe you never applied for a green card, Harry. Seriously?" Liam snorted.

"But, but I'm British!" Harry huffed.

"So are we but if you wanna work here you need that green card." Liam answered.

"Hey! I'm Irish!" Niall protested.

"Of course mate, how could I forget? But you still have dual citizenship, right?" Liam questioned.

"Of course!" Niall snorted.

"Alright, I'm stupid! Great!" Harry sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"You're not stupid Harry. I can't believe your management hasn't taken care of that ages ago." Louis said softly.

"Well, they didn't." Harry answered dryly.

It was the first time they saw each other all four of them since they went on a hiatus. Niall was the one who had finally gathered them in his house for some beers and catching up. They had all been crazy busy with their solo careers.

"I guess I just have to move back to England permanently, get a new band, a new management." Harry continued and dragged a hand through his hair.

"I can marry you." Louis suggested out of the blue.

Harry had just taken a sip of his beer and spitted it out.

"We're friends Haz. It would just be on paper. We can get divorced after two years. No big deal." Louis said with a shoulder shrug.

"You know you have to live together right?" Niall smirked. He was looking between the two of them so fast he might get whiplash. This took an interesting turn.

"It will be like the old days. What do you say Hazza?" Louis grinned.

Oh, God. He really hoped that it wouldn't be like the old days when sixteen-year-old him had been secretly in love with Louis. He was done pining.
"Are you sure?" He hesitated.

"Sure, what could go wrong?" Louis smiled.

Harry thought it over. This was a solution to his problem.
"Okay then."

"Oh come on! What kind of lame proposal was that?" Niall huffed.

Harry and Louis burst out laughing.
"It's not real Nialler!" Louis said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! It's still a real marriage. Put some feeling behind it! I demand a better proposal!" Niall whined. He might have had a few beers too many.

Louis smirked and got up from his seat. He got down on one knee in front of Harry, fake coughed, and threw his arms out dramatically.
"Babycakes! Would you do me the honor to be my husband so you can get a green card to the promised land called America?" He shouted.

Harry cackled out loud.
"Well of course sweetcheeks, I thought you'd never ask."

Louis smiled brightly and got up and started to press wet kisses all over Harry's face. Harry squealed and tried to get away.
"We need rings!" Niall shouted and removed two beer rings from their empty cans and handed them to Harry and Louis with a grin.

"Wow! Thank you. It's beautiful." Harry fake gasped.

"Let's go to Vegas!" Louis shouted.

"What? Now?" Liam questioned.

"Why not?" Louis smirked.

"Eager to get married I see." Niall grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I want you both there and we need witnesses anyhow and come on! It's an adventure! Haz?" Louis said and turned to Harry with a raised eyebrow to challenge him.

"That's absolutely insane! I'm in!" Harry chuckled.

"How are we even getting there? We're all drunk!" Liam said, trying to be the voice of reason.

"Pfff, we're rich. I'll hire a limo! After all, it's not every day you get married." Louis smirked and pulled out his phone to google limousine companies in L.A.

He picked the first one and made a call. The three other boys stared at him in amusement.
"The limo will be here in ten minutes. Drink up!"

"I'll bring champagne!" Niall shouted and ran to his wine cellar.

"Shouldn't you think this through?" Liam questioned.

Louis threw his arm around Harry's shoulders.
"Where's the fun in that?"

Niall came back with six bottles of champagne. Harry shook his head in amusement. This was such a bad idea.
Louis' phone rang.
"It's the limo! Come on, guys!"

They hurried outside and took a seat. Niall opened the first bottle when the limo rolled off and Liam found some glasses and Niall poured them drinks. He raised his glass to make a toast.
"To my brothers from another mother, let's make this night memorable! And of course, to the lovely couple!" He smirked at the last part of his little speech.

They all clinked their glasses and drank while the limo took them downtown on the way to Vegas. Harry was looking out the window and all of a sudden he shouted:
"Stop here! Gucci!"

The driver pulled in and they all jumped out of the car and headed for the store. Twenty minutes later they came out again, all dressed in suits. They got back in the car and took off. They spent the four-hour drive drinking champagne and when they finally arrived they were all hammered. They were all laughing when they stumbled out of the car outside the Elvis chapel.
"Shall we?" Louis grinned and threw his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"After you." Harry smirked.

They walked inside to a reception. A girl in her twenties was behind the desk and she dropped her jaw to the floor when she recognized them. She stared at them with wide eyes.
"How...h-how can I help you guys?"

"We wanna get married!" Louis shouted.

Harry giggled exhilarated. They managed to get their IDs out and threw them on the counter. The girl stared at them in shock. She tried to collect herself.
"Of course. This way."

She showed them inside the chapel and called for the minister. Before she left she turned around to face them with tears in her eyes.
"I just want to say that I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thanks love!" Louis grinned.

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