✔️Becoming Human, Like You (R...

By Nearryyy

7.8K 216 48

Gavin still harbors all of his earlier hatred and animosity towards Androids. So, when his new partner is, it... More

1^ Gavin Doesn't Want A Partner
2^ Just For Tonight
3^ As Close As Humanly Possible
5^ An Upgrade
6^ Connor's Mistake
7^ Muted
8^ I'll Be Here In The Morning
9^ Vocal Units
10^ This Isn't Fair
11^ Answers
12^ Remember Who You're Fighting For

4^ In The End, I'll Choose You

661 19 0
By Nearryyy

Nines wakes up with Gavin's naked body in his arms. The Android scans him to find light brushing on his cheeks, where someone must've slapped him. He bristles in anger before he realizes that he did that. Nines feels better knowing that he was the one that inflicted his pain. If it was anyone else, they'd have to die.
Gavin belongs to Nines, now. No one can touch him.
Gavin stirs softly, groaning in pain. "Shit..." he mutters. His eyes open slowly, and realization spreads across his face as he sees Nines looming above him. "Good morning, tin can. You really did a number on me. I'm sore all over."
Nines smirks. "Good." He leans forward and kisses Gavin. This time, when they're both sober and rested, the kiss feels real. Gavin moans softly before Nines pulls away. "Let's get ready for work, Detective."
"I need you to rub cream on my ass. It stings.." Gavin whimpers, holding onto Nines' arm. "And, my head hurts."
"Ok. I'll be right back. You better be on your stomach and ready for me when I come back." Nines leaves the room to gather things for Gavin. He rummages through the medicine cabinet, grabs some medicine for Gavin, then he grabs some skin cream. When he's satisfied, he makes his way back to the room.
Gavin lays on his stomach. He turns to look at Nines as he enters the room, smirking at him. "Like what you see?"
"I love what I see." Nines sits on the side of the bed. He gives Gavin a few pills, and Gavin swallows them. "Now, relax. Try to stay still." Nines squirts some of the liquid onto his hand, then sets the bottle down and rubs his hands together. He carefully places his hands on Gavin's butt cheeks, causing him to shiver. Slowly, Nines begins kneading at his soft skin, working the lotion into Gavin's skin.
Gavin sighs as Nines pulls away. "Does that feel better, Detective?"
"Yes, absolutely," Gavin approves, struggling to push himself up.
Nines hands him some clothes from his closet, and Gavin gets dressed stiffly. Nines and Gavin leave the room. Gavin grabs a granola bar from his cabinet and starts eating it.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" Nines spits out abruptly.
Gavin nods his head. "Everything." He steps closer to the Android, leaning into him. "I loved it. We should do it, again."
"I want something more with you..." Nines whispers, wrapping his arms around Gavin's waist.
Gavin lays his head on Nines' chest. "I think, I love you. I just... I don't know if I should. I don't think I can make you happy."
"You make me perfectly happy, Gavin. I don't need you to be perfect to make me happy. I mean, I can't give you everything you need. I don't... have a dick..." Nines mutters, flushing slightly.
"I don't need sex to be happy."
Nines doesn't say anything. He doesn't agree, nor does he disagree. "We should go," he whispers.
Gavin sighs and pulls away. "Let's go." He leaves the house with Nines trailing him.
They begin the long drive to work. Nines looks out the window, replaying the memories of last night, over and over, again.
Out of the corner of his eye, Nines sees a dark blue car. It looks... familiar. On the side is a large scratch. The cause of it looks like the result of keying. Then, he moves his eyes down to look at the license plate.
     DSB 445.
     "Follow that car!" Nines shouts, leaning forward.
     Gavin looks at the car that Nines indicates and starts following it. "Holy shit! That's the car! That's David's car!"
     "Don't lose it, Detective! This could be our only chance."
     They follow the car in a tense silence, until it pulls into a driveway. Gavin slows down and parks on the side of the road, watching as the driver gets out.
     Nines immediately recognizes him as David. "That's him." He makes sure his gun is in his pocket, and he gets out.
     Gavin follows him, shaking in equal parts fear, excitement, and lack of coffee. He rushes to meet Nines, struggling to match the Android's long strides.
     Nines tries the door to find that it's unlocked. He pushes it open, entering the house. He looks around a bit before moving in slow, deliberate steps to the downstairs. Gavin follows him, staring around as he goes.
     "Well, well, well. Finally found me," someone says.
     It's David.
     "Put your hands in the air, and get on your knees, and no one gets hurt," Nines orders.
     David pulls out two guns. After a quick scan, Nines finds that they're the same gun - and, they both have one bullet in them. David raises the guns in the air, signaling that he won't shoot. "What a strange predicament you find yourself in, huh, Taylor?"
     Muffled cries come from behind him, and Nines recognizes the voice as Taylor DeFranco.
     "I'll tell you what, piece of plastic-"
     "Don't call him that!" Gavin snaps.
     "Oh? A human? In love with an Android? Isn't that something I'm familiar with..." he trails away, shaking his head.
     "Are you in love with Taylor?" Nines asks, slowly stepping forward.
     "Was in love." He shakes his head. "But, love gets boring, fast. Now, I'm stuck in this cluster fuck of a situation."
     "Surrender now, and, I promise, all will be well," Nines promises, inching closer.
     "Hah, right. Of course. No." He backs away. "Let's play a game."
     Nines shakes his head. "We're not-"
     "Russian Roulette!" David shouts over Nines, drowning him out. "There are six rounds in each of these guns. One of them is loaded. First to die loses."
     "Nines, he's a kid. We can easily take him," Gavin urges.
     "He's a kid with two guns. Unfortunately, neither of us are bullet proof. Fine, I'll play your game," Nines agrees.
     David slides one of the guns over to him. "Play by the rules, Android. I don't take kindly to cheaters."
     Nines takes the gun and spins the barrel, counting the clicks. "Of course. Shall we begin?"
     David raises the gun to his head, and so does Nines. Gavin holds his breath as they pull the trigger, together. None of their guns fire. Gavin releases a breath.
But, it's not over, yet. They pull the triggers, again and again, but nothing happens. Nines knows exactly what he's doing, but Gavin doesn't. Gavin panics, certain that Nines will shoot himself with each passing second.
"Last round, tin can. Was this planned? Did I do this on purpose? Or, is this just luck?" David goes on, pushing Gavin to the edge. "I hate to do this, but you've given me no choice." David rounds on Taylor and shoots her. At the same time, Nines shoots David, ending the game.
Nines wins.
"I'm contacting an ambulance, as we speak," Nines says, immediately taking charge. "Taylor's still alive; we can still save her. Don't bother with David. He's dead."
Gavin stares at the corpse of David. "Nines, I'm gonna throw up."
Nines walks over to him with Taylor's body in his arms. "Come on, Gav," he murmurs. "Let's get her up there, then I'll comfort you."

"Well, you two did it," Fowler praises. "Taylor's in the hospital, recovering. Good job, you two." He sits on his desk. "That, also, means that you are no longer partners."
Gavin's eyes widen. Of course. He forgot that they're not permanent partners. He can feel his heart drop.
"Unless?" Fowler continues. "Have you decided whether or not you want to be permanent partners?"
Gavin doesn't say anything. Nines doesn't say anything. They glance at each other, reliving memory after memory of things that they'd rather keep to themselves.
Gavin thinks of that first time he ever met Nines. He didn't hate the Android. He was just angry that he had to be partnered with someone. Then, he had cried right in front of him. And, Nines had comforted Gavin. He had tried his best for Gavin. And, yet, Gavin still denied him.
Then, Nines had fucked Gavin. He had made Gavin feel good. He had done things to Gavin. Things that he likes.
Gavin swallows hard.
"Captain Fowler," Nines begins after a long silence. Nines wants Gavin. He just doesn't think that he can truly satisfy him. "I... It's up to Detective Reed."
Fowler looks at Gavin.
"Wha-!" Gavin cuts himself off. "I am in no position to make these kinds of decisions!" Gavin protests.
"And, why not?" Captain Fowler asks.
"Because!" Gavin snaps. "I'm... emotionally confused."
"It's a simple fucking question, guys!" Fowler snaps, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Do you wanna work with each other? Yes or no?"
"Yes!" Nines shouts at the same time that Gavin shouts "No!"
They look into each other's eyes, and they know that they've fucked up, somewhere.
     "I'm gonna kill you two," Fowler growls, massaging the bridge of his nose.
     Gavin looks away. "Things have happened between us that I don't want to explain. It's all confusing and scary, and I don't know how to deal with it. I don't know what to do. I-I'm... I can't make you as happy as you'd like me to, Nines. And, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't get your hopes up. I-I just.. I'm sorry."
     Nines glares at Gavin. "Can we have a moment, Captain Fowler?"
     He nods and leaves the office. "I'll be back in five."
     As soon as the door shuts, Nines explodes. "What the hell do you mean, you can't make me happy?! I told you that you make me happy, Gavin!" he cries. "For fuck's sake!"
     "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Nines! I just can't... I'm... afraid," Gavin whines.
     "Afraid of what?!"
     "Afraid of... being hurt..." Gavin looks away, wrapping his arms around himself. "Please, just forget about me, Nines."
     Nines takes Gavin's hands. "I won't."
     Gavin jerks away. "You will have to!"
     "Fine! I'll forget you. I'll forget you, Gavin." Nines walks towards the door. "I'm going to have Captain Fowler transfer me to another police station, and I'll forget you, Gavin. If you change your mind, and you realize that you do want me, then you have until 10PM. I'll be here, until then. After that time, you'll never see me, again, and I'll forget you."
     Gavin watches Nines leave, feeling empty and broken.

Gavin sits in his living room. He eyes the clock. It's 9:45. 15 minutes, and Gavin will never see Nines, again. It's almost too much to bear. Gavin doesn't even know why he decided to not partner up with the Android.
Gavin wants Nines. He does. But, he's afraid. And, the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that he's wrong. So what if he can't satisfy Nines? Nines has made it perfectly clear that he's happy with Gavin. He's made it perfectly clear that he wants Gavin.
Gavin stands up and grabs his keys, certain of what he wants. He rushes to his car and starts it, not bothering to buckle himself in. He speeds off to the DPD, all the while checking the clock obsessively. Seconds become minutes faster than he anticipated.
Soon, he pulls into the parking lot. It's exactly 10. He doesn't bother to park properly. He opens his door and throws himself out.
Nines exits the precinct with a disappointed sigh.
When Gavin spots Nines, his heart leaps into his throat, choking him. "NINES!!" he screams, sprinting for the Android.
Nines turns around to see Gavin running towards him. He freezes in place.
Gavin embraces Nines, hugging him tight. "I'm sorry, Nines!" he sobs, shaking as he begs Nines to stay. "Please, stay! Please, don't leave me! I changed my mind! I wanna be your partner! Forever! Please, just stay."
Nines kisses the top of Gavin's head. "I'm not going anywhere, Gav," he murmurs, holding the smaller in his arms.
"P-Please... I'm sorry," Gavin cries. "I need you. Really, I do."
"Hush, hush, Gavin, baby," Nines soothes, rubbing his hand up and down his back. "It's ok, really, it is. I'm not mad. I'm here."
Gavin sniffs and pulls himself together in Nines' arms. "C-Can we go home?" he asks.
"Of course, Gavin."

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