Fiction Traveler: Into The MCU

By asgards_librarian

4.6K 175 22

Y/N has just been given a magic book and pendant that transfers her into a fictional universe, the Marvel uni... More

1 - The Avengers
2 - S.H.I.E.L.D
3 - Steve Rogers
4 - Mind Reading
6 - I Understood That Reference
7 - Agent Coulson
8 - We Have a Hulk
9 - Battle Of New York
10 - 2012

5 - Shakespeare In The Park

363 15 4
By asgards_librarian

We were in the quin jet. Below us, I could see multiple Loki's forcing the public to kneel before him. He was such an attention seeking twat. I could barely see the old man that stands up to Loki. But he was there. And he was about to die. Steve didn't see him. He was busy talking to the pilot. Bloody hell these guys were useless. 

"Uh, Steve! The guy down there is about to die!" Steve rushes over, sees the threat, and jumps. He lands in front of the man just as Loki takes his shot. It hits the shield, leaving both men unharmed. Loki is thrown to the ground. Steve says his line but I can't hear it. Damn it I needed to be closer. 

Without thinking, I jump. It's going to hurt, but I do it. Bracing myself, I land on the ground and roll not-so-gracefully, landing on my back. Loki's eyes flicker to me and glares at me before looking back at Steve. 

"The soldier. A man out of time." I gesture to Cap as he makes his comeback. 

"I'm not the one who's out of time." Natasha brings the jet closer and brings out the machine gun. 

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Loki aims his staff at the jet and takes a shot which Nat expertly avoids. Cap goes after Loki, hitting him with his shield they start fighting. Steve is knocked to the ground by Loki. Standing over him, he points the scepter tip at his helmet.

"Kneel." 'Not today,' I mouth quietly before Steve says the line himself. They get at it again and I look expectantly at the jet, waiting for Stark to make his entrance. Music echoes through the sky and I smile, looking for the man in red and gold. He arrives, dramatic as ever, and shoots a blast at Loki who is flung to the ground. He then activates his weapons and says one of my favorite lines out of the entire MCU.

"Make a move Reindeer Games." There it is. I can't help but smile. Loki's armor and helmet disappears as his illusion drops. "Good move." Tony deactivates his missile and puts his hands down.

"Mr. Stark." Cap greets

"Captain." Stark turns to see me. "Hey Skydive. What are you doing here?" 

I shrug. "Saving your universe apparently. And I managed to convince Fury to let Cap take me along for the ride. It wasn't hard, he's been waiting to get rid of me ever since he got landed with me after you." I think he smiled, but I couldn't tell through the armor. Nat lands the jet and everyone helps cuff Loki and get him loaded onto the ship. I was looking forward to meeting Thor, but I didn't say anything.

Loki remained silent the entire trip, although he kept staring daggers into my skull. "Will you stop staring, and no I'm not a witch." He just looks at me pointedly at the fact that I read his mind. I was still getting used to this whole mind reading, telepathy thing, so I honestly had no control over it at all. 

'When I am free, I will make you suffer you mewling quim.' 

Right. I was sick of his crap. I stand threateningly, and go to at least punch him in the face, but Cap's hand catches my arm and he hold me back. 

"Y/N. Don't. He's just aggravating you." Yeah I knew that. It was the fact that he was succeeding which was messing with me. But I didn't argue and just sat down. I heard Fury's voice, over by Nat. 

"Has he said anything?" 

"Not a word."

"Just get him here. We're low on time." Tony and Stark started whispering and I concentrated on talking to Loki.

'You're a jackass, you know that?'

And you are a pathetic excuse for a witch.'

'I am not a witch.'

'And yet you read the mind of a god.'  I snort.

'Oh come on, your not much of a god if you're not even Asgardian.' Loki's glare could have melted the ice caps. 'Yeah. I know about your asshole father taking you from Jotunheim.' His eyebrows are raised when I call Odin an asshole. 'I'm not a witch. I come from another universe where you guys are from movies.' I think I just gained his interest even more. 

'A movie? And who may be your favorite character?'  I blush deeply. 'It's me, isn't it?'

'Shut up.' He only smirks.

'I haven't said anything.' Jerk. I glare at him and thunder rumbles across the sky. It's Thor time. Loki looks nervously around the area. 

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" Steve taunts

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki catches my grin. 

"I hope this lightning doesn't hurt you." His forehead creases as I say the punchline of the joke. "If it does, you might be a little Thor." 

Now he gets it. He rolls his eyes and a loud thump can be heard from outside. Tony puts his helmet on and I grab Loki as he tries to prepare himself for escape. "Oh no you don't." 

Tony opens the door and Thor jumps down onto the ramp, punching his hammer into Stark's chest. He looks at me for a second and I gesture to Loki, who he grabs by the throat before launching himself out of the jet. 

"And now there's that guy." 

Nat swivels her head around. "Another Asgardian?" 

Steve stands up from where he was. "Thinks he's friendly?" But Stark doesn't care. 

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the tesseract is lost. Watch the kid." Stark walks over to the edge of the jet. Cap takes a step forward.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack." I smile, knowing the words to come. 

"I have a plan, attack." He jumps from the plane and into the empty sky. Next thing I know, Steve is grabbing a parachute. 

"I'd sit this one out Cap." Nat inputs

"I don't see how I can." Easy. Put the chute down, sit your ass in a seat. Wait for it to be over.

"These guys come from legends they're basically gods." Steve just continues to tighten the straps. 

"There's only one god ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." He grabs his shield and jumps to join Tony. Now it's my turn. I'm not missing out on the fun. 

"Don't even think about it." Nat doesn't even look around but she knows what I'm thinking. 

"Aw come on! I'm not missing out on Shakespeare in the park!" She looks at me in confusion. "Never mind. I'm going anyway." Before she can say anything, I jump. Oh shit. I forgot a parachute. I am now free falling towards the earth at 88 miles per hour I may as well be shot into 1955 (Back To The Future reference there). Screaming, I brace for impact but instead of dying, I hit a soft substance that saves me and breaks my fall. When I'm done panicking, I look down at a glowing green light which disappears quickly, causing me to hit the ground with a thump. I look up and see Loki and Thor staring at me. 

Thor had picked Loki up from the ground and had his brothers armor scrunched in his hands. In a raspy voice that I have picked up from my impact, I say, "Thanks for saving me. Really appreciate it. Okay. Go back to where you were. Can't believe he's alive, mourning and stuff." 

Thor turns to Loki. "I thought you dead." After a quick look at me, Loki repeats what I said. 

"Did you mourn?" It took all of my strength not to snicker. 

"We all did. Our father-"

"Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?" Loki sneaks a glance at me. I think he was wondering if I knew or not. 

"We were raised together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?"

"I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I was and should be king." Wow. He really was hurting. 

"So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights. No. The earth is under my protection Loki." 

The god of mischief only laughs. "And you're doing a marvelous job. with that." Alright. Almost time for Stark to come in. I was getting bored of their brotherly fighting. Even if Loki was hot. As if he heard me, Loki gives me a smirk before continuing with his monologue. Stark still hasn't come yet. I see him arriving and wave him down. The Iron Man suit changes direction at seeing me and heads straight for Thor. 

"You listen well brother-." Thor is tackled off the cliff before he can finish and I'm left alone with Loki. 

"I'm listening." Love that line. When he realizes we're alone, Loki walks towards me. "So, do you really find me 'hot'?" Oh. My. God. It had totally escaped my mind that Loki could read minds. My cheeks change to a deep shade of crimson. "Oh don't be embarrassed Love. I wouldn't expect anything else from my biggest fan." Crap. My skin changed to an even darker shade of pink. 

"Ugh. You're impossible." I try to find a way down the hill, not wanting to miss the fight. Instead, my foot slips and I slide down the rock, scratching my skin on sharp rocks on the way down. "OW SHIT!" That hurt. But no time for that now, time to make it to the park. 

I get there as Tony says... "Weareth her drapes?" NOOO! I missed it! Ugh that sucks. 

"This is beyond you, metal man." Damn it damn it damn it. Well the good part is over now. No need to rewatch the fight I've already watched over and over again. I throw my hands up in exhaustion and start walking back to where Loki was standing. At least he was interesting to talk to. I was starting to walk off when a tall pine tree starts to fall. Well that's bloody fantastic. I don't even scream, but run to jump out of the way, the tree just narrowly missing my body and falling onto my lower leg. 

"Shit!" My leg was stuck under a branch and I struggled to move to get out of the way of Thor and Tony's battle. 

"Hey!" From beneath the tree, I heard the familiar patriotic man. "That's enough." 

I tried dragging myself out from under the wood but failed miserably. Tony was hit away by Thors hammer and landed close by. "Hey Iron ass."

"Hey kid... Kid?! Ugh. I'll be back for you in a sec." Yeah. Love you too. Uh oh. Uh oh. UH OH! Mjolnir connected to the vibranium and a shock wave echoed through the forest. The tree on top of be was hit by the blast and swung away from me. Thank god! But I couldn't move my leg. I think it's broken. But I had to get out of the battle's path.

A familiar pale face and Raven hair appeared next to me. "Hey it's Reindeer games." I was a bit drowsy from the pain. 

"Shut up. Do you want my help or not?" With a nod, he picks me up from under my arms, and drags me out of harms way. 

"Is it broken?" Loki studies my leg. With a wave of his hand, the pain lessened and I give a sigh of relief, despite the pain that still remained. 

"Not anymore. Still wounded but the bone is not broken." Damn he was good looking. 

Why thank you.'  Crap. 

"Why are you helping me? I thought I was a witch?" Loki just rolls his eyes. I focus on his face. 

'Because you intrigue me Y/N. I was fascinated the moment I lay my eyes on you.' I smirk at him. 

"Okay, this isn't an X Reader fanfiction." 

He looks confused then mad. "Please don't read my mind." Hypocrite. 

"Only if you stop reading mine." When everyone else had recovered, Tony walked over to where I was lying, pushing Loki out of the way. 

"You alright?" Oh, so now he remembers me. 

"No. That tree you guys broke fell on my leg." Stark kneels by my injury and examines it. 

"Not broken." Thanks Loki. "It'll be sore for a while though." Yeah I gathered that much myself thanks. He picked me up in his arms bridal style, and I flinched when the cold metal connected to my skin. 

"Loki's still here." 

I heard a sigh beneath the metal. "Yeah I gathered that. Lets just get you to the jet."

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