Azur Lane X Doctor Doom

By BlagojPejov

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what if during the battle against the marvel heroes at doom homland latveria an energy portal appeard sucking... More

chapter 1 Doctor Doom is found
Chapter 3 Doctor Doom as a Commander
Chapter 4 Operation Clock and Dager
Chapter 5 Rescuing the royal maindens
Chapter 6 Discuising the mental cube
Chapter 7 convincing the fifth carrier division to join azur lane
Chapter 8 Preparing for the battle of midway
Chapter 9 the battle of midway
Chapter 10 returning to azur lane
Chapter 11 stoping the orochi
Chapter 12 the unification of azur lane with the crimson axis

Chapter 2 Doctor Doom meets the Shipgirls

698 9 4
By BlagojPejov

location:azur lane base


we zoom at the azur lane base where the shipgirls are waiting for enterprise and the others to return with the male they will be meeting known as doctor doom  as they didnt have to wait as enterprise and the otherse  arrived with doctor doom jumping on the docks 

doctor doom:its an honor to meet you all my name is victor von doom or you may call me doctor doom the ruler of my nation of latveria its an honor to meet you all

belfast:its an honor to meet you master doom my name is belfast the others with me are dido sirius endirburg and shiefield along with hood queen elizabeth warspite price of wales king gergeo v and iliustrious along with unicorn

doctor doom:its an honor also hello littile one 

unicorn:will you become my oni chan or big brother mister doom

doctor doom:of course littile one i will become your big brother 

unicorn:yay she hugs doom which made him cry a bit of tears of joy 

belfast:are you okay master doom you are crying a bit

doctor doom:im fine those are tears of joy anywhey from what i presume two of your allies are enemies i presume

enterprise:yes you are corrected doom the sakura empire and ironblood had leaft the alliance in order to use siren technology against the sirens which will end badly for them 

doctor doom:strange perhaps the fox sisters are trying to bring back someone from the dead 

queen elizabeth:that might be a plausable idea we need more information 

doctor doom:that is why i propose several spies are sent to the sakura empire to find out what they are planing 

belfast:master doom i propose shiefield and endirburg are the spyes experts in infultration and sabotage 

doctor doom:wery vell hoever we must also ensure they are extracted from the sakura empire before they are found by the crimson axis i presume their is no commander in charge here

enterprise:yes you are corrected on that will you become the commander of the azur lane

doctor doom:oh well ill do it besides this isnt my first time commanding i rule my coutry latveria in my universe dealing with paperwork will be easy i also presume i have to choose i secreatary for this job

belfast:yes you are correct on that master doom so who do you choose

doctor doom:i will need time to decide on who i choose belfast

belfast:i understand master doom 

doctor doom:i decide i will choose enterprise as my first  secreatary followed by hood as my second do any of you objected

enterprise:sure i dont have a problem with that 

hood:i also dont have commander 

doctor doom:good im going 

to the commander office

 to take a good night sleep tommorrow

 my work day begins as a commander of azur lane and with that doctor doom uses he s teleporting powers and teleports to his bedroom in the commander room where dresses and falls asleep with his doombots which he built from those siren warships he destroyed on the island he has been as alarms to alerted him incase of the sirens or the crimson axis attacked and with that doctor doom had fallen asleep with the rest of the shipgirls following him going to bed stay tune in the next chapter of doctor doom becomes a commander 

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This story owner is SonicPrime972 and I like this awesome story. That's why I decided share here. Well, I hope you like it.