The Missing Pieces

By LaurenWhitley1

24.7K 1.2K 460

Something happens to Pentatonix that leaves the group with numerous injuries, Mitch's being the worst. What h... More

The Accident
Back at It!
Getting It Out
Making Changes?
Sorry Not a Chapter
Please Accept Me...
Turn of Events
The Road to Recovery
Something Special
Hello and Goodbye?
On The Road Again...Again
It's Over
Touring Again
Free Day!
New Cover????
Q and S L A Y
Who I Am.
The Confrontation.
The Last Chapter
Sequel is Up!

Talk It Out

639 35 7
By LaurenWhitley1

*Kirstie's POV*

I walk to the bus, trying not to cry at what Mitch said.

He's never spoken that harshly to me...

I get inside and slam the door shut. Avi is sitting on the couch.

"Hey Kirst," He looks up at me. "Woah, what's up?"

"It's nothing I'm just having a bad day." I reply.

"Kirst I know you from top to bottom. Something's wrong. You're doing the face. The cry face."

I just start crying again. "Mitch got mad at me and...and I didn't even do anything! I was just trying to talk to him about why he's sad!"

Avi pulls me into a hug. He's like a boyf- me.

"What did he say?"

I tell him. Everything.

He stands up. "Where's Scott?"

"He's somewhere around here. He and Mitch also got in an argument, so I don't know what's up with them."

"Okay...Kevin's in the shower. Tell him I went to find everyone if he asks." Avi says and leaves.

I just sit there and wait for Avi to return.

I start to think about the time Mitch and I dated.

It didn't work out, obviously, so I replaced Mitch with Avi.

No! Stop it, Avi is one of your best friends you do NOT like him.


*Avi's POV*

I try to hide it from Kirst, but I'm really mad at Mitch.

Kirstie is really sensitive, and I know that what Mitch said hurt her, no matter what it was.

I hope that they'll work it out.

I walk in the door and run into Scott.

"Avi! I was just about to come look for you!"

"Same," I said. "Can you fill me in on what's going on?"

He sighed. "Well...Kirstie and I have noticed that Mitch hasn't been himself lately. He looked really sad, so Kirstie went to talk to him. Apparently, whilst Kirst was trying to comfort him, Mitch called her a liar and lashed out. Then, when I tried to talk to him, he wouldn't respond. I might've gotten a little too upset with him, but he definitely upset Kirstie."

"Do you know where he is?" I ask.

"I think he might be hiding in the bathroom, but I'm not sure."

"Do you wanna go find him? I left Kirstie on the bus and she's pretty shaken up."

"Yeah, go tell everyone that we're running a little late. Thanks Avi."

I walk outside to the bus.

Me and Kirstie can finally be alone! (Kevin's oblivious to a lot of things so)

I mean...

Me and Kirstie can talk about thinks as just-friends to make her feel better.


I get on the bus and sit with Kirstie.

"I just talked to Scott," I say and sit next to her. "He's looking for Mitch and going to talk to him."

She doesn't look up. "Great."

I lift her chin up. "Mitch is your best friend. You know this is hard for him right now. Please don't be sad. It hurts." I say and dramatically clutch my chest.

Kirstie smiles a little. "You really care about me, Avi. I like it."

My stomach does a flip.

"Of course I care. I always will."

"Y'know, I bet you pick up a lot of girls with that voice, you sexy bassman."

I smirk. "You admitted it. You like me."

She blushes. "N-no I didn't..."

"What if I told you I felt the same way?"

There was a pause.

"I'd do this." She said and kissed me.

The door opened and we pulled away.



Oh my goshhhhh my grades are bad but my outfit for tm is cute so

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