Mon Chéri

By kaleN_08

57 6 0

***starts in 2017 before HS1 tour starts and goes all the way through until fine line*** Rhys Ambros, otherwi... More

Chapter Two : London

Chapter One : The Arrival

40 4 0
By kaleN_08

Mornings are probably one of my favorite things. I hear the birds chirping and feel the cool breeze coming in from the window, bringing the ocean smell in with it; nothing's better than that.
I wipe the slumber from my still tired eyes, placing my feet on the cool, hardwood floor that always creaks with the first couple steps you take. I slowly stumbled to the kitchen to make myself my usual cup of tea and set out for my balcony; my favorite place in my little apartment.
As I sit down in one of the chairs, I hear shuffling and clicking on the hardwood floor and that's when I know Bailey is up. She's my best friend, well my English Shepherd best friend, and has been since day one. When I moved out here to Malibu I knew I needed her right here with me; my little Bean. My grandpa calls her Beetle Bailey just like his old race car I helped him fix up one summer. I smile as I clutch onto the necklace around my neck and put my feet up on the metal rail of the balcony.
As I take in the first rays of sunshine I get interrupted by the phone ringing from inside. The only person who ever calls me on my house phone instead of my cell phone is my human best friend, Bella. I place my cup of tea on the worn wooden table besides me and climb back in through the window to pick up the phone.
"Hey B what's up? Why are you up this early?" I tease her, "You feeling alright?" I chuckle.
"Oh please Ray, don't play with me right now," she actually sounds serious and that startles me.
"Guess what today is Rhys?!" The serious tone in her voice has now turned to excitement. That didn't last long.
I stand there over my bowl of grapes plucking one off the vine. "What is today B..." I know exactly what today is,
"Today I get to launch my new clothing line!" I can practically see her jumping up and down in her room right now.
"How could I ever forget B," I laugh, "you wouldn't let me."
"That's right! I'll be by tonight to celebrate! Brining the best bottle of champagne I can find!" She exclaims.
"Sounds like it's going to be a long night,"
"Best kind of nights Ray! Alright I'd love to stay and talk but I really got to go meet Matt, talk to you later?"
"Of course! Drive save love."
"I will!"
"Okay," I laugh, "Bye-bye."
I think that's the shortest call Bella and I have ever had.
I look down at Bailey who is waiting patiently at my feet for her breakfast. As I place the bowl down, it reminds me that I need some breakfast too. I go back into my room, tripping on the clothes I threw on the floor last night, and making my way to my closet. I grab my favorite Rolling Stones tee-shirt, my red, corduroy pants and rummage through the bottom of my closet to find my black sneakers. I then move to my dresser to grab my black golfers hat and some jewelry and with one look in the mirror I nod my head, walking back out to the living room.

As I grabbed my bag, guitar, and keys I see Bailey laying in front of the door,
"You want to come with me Bean?" I say in my high pitched voice that I always use around babies and animals.
Her tail starts to wag and she gets up, ready to go. I was going to take my bike to the cafe this morning but since I have Bailey I'll just walk.
When we get out and start our walk I feel a rush of warmth. I love feeling the morning sun and I can tell Bailey does too as the sun rises higher in the sky, and the street signs cast their shadows on the sidewalk. It's always so nice to walk the streets of Malibu while it feels like everyone else is still asleep. Plus, I don't have to worry about the fact I didn't put on any makeup this morning.
As I turn the corner I see the bright blue door against the brown stone and instantly smile. The Beachwood Café. As I open the door and the bell chimes from above I hear my favorite voice,
"Ray! Good morning my love!" Rosie exclaims, throwing her arms up in the air.
Rosie's Dad owns the place but since he's gotten too sick to come in, Rosie and her older brother Finn have since taken over the place. They are doing a pretty good job, and I know their Dad would be very proud of them.
"Good morning Rosie," I give her a big smile, " I'll have my usual please,"
"Alrighty, a bagel, toasted, with cream cheese and your black coffee coming right up!" she writes it down on her little notepad she just pulled from her apron pocket.
"Thank you," I pretend to curtsy.
"And you say I'm extra?" She laughs and shakes her head.
"I'm not extra, I'm polite," I laugh as I walk over to my usual seat in the cozy corner with the book cases. As I lean my guitar against the wall, Bailey lays at my feet until she jolts up when seeing Finn make his way over. He always comes over with a bowl full of water for her.
Finn is one of the cooks so he is mainly in the kitchen but sometimes he wonders out to serve but as he puts it, "only if he likes who he sees". He has dark brown hair, some would say maybe even black, broad shoulders but gets smaller down towards his hips, Bella always says he looks like an upside down pear. Which is mean I know, but I can't help but grin everytime I see him as that courses through my mind.
"How's the one and only Rhys Anne Ambros doing this fine morning?" he mumbles from his crouched position beside the table, level with Bailey.
"First of all, my middle name isn't Anne," I say with sass, "It's Anna," I smirk, "After my great-grandmother," his smile drops and I break my serious tone, "I'm kidding Finn! My morning has actually been very nice so far, how's yours?" I place my elbow on the table and my head in my hand.
"Well, now that you're here," he stands up while locking eyes with me, "it's going better." Finn loves to flirt with me; it happens every single time I come into the Beachwood. Rosie and Bella bust him for it because they know Finn isn't my type of guy; he doesn't have the same passions as me. He views the world differently; negatively. I can just see too many conflicts down the road with him and I. But, he is still very charming and handsome.
"Well," I say, raising my eyebrows with a smirk to tease him, "I'm glad I can be of assistance." I pretend to bow, making him laugh as he shakes his head.
"So umm..." he pulls a chair from the table next to me, sitting right across from me. No one has sat there in a long time. I swallow hard.
"What are your plans tonight? Is the infamous Rhys Ambros finally free to go out with me?" His eyes are hopeful.
I shake my head, "Oh, damn Finnely, you know tonight I actually have to go home and pack with Bella. We are going to London, remember?" Before he could answer Rosie is walking over with my food,
"To go expand her horizons!" she places the plate and cup on the wooden table, "and a Harry Styles concert." She chuckles and walks back to the counter.
"Harry Styles?" Finn looks confused. " I- I thought you didn't like Harry Styles?"
"Finn, we probably would only go because we'll be in London when he is," I take a mouth full of bagel once again, "but Bella and I might not have time for that."
"I thought you said you didn't like his music?"
I swallow my food, "I just said I don't listen to his music, never said I didn't like it."
"Well look Ray," he stands up and pushes the chair in, "whenever you get back and you're free you know where to find me okay?" His voice fades as he continues to walk back towards the kitchen.
I feel bad that everytime he asks me to go out, but this time I genuinely can't. I hope he doesn't think that I just lie to get out of it.
Once I'm finished my breakfast and see that Bailey is napping, I leave the cash and a tip on the table, grabbing my guitar,
"Is it all set for me to play Rosie?" I call to her as I walk up to the stool placed on the back wall.
"Sure is love!" She calls back smiling. She grabs the microphone from behind the counter and turns it on. "Alright everyone, today I would like to introduce your favorite local singer and songwriter, Ray Ambros!" She announces me like a game show host as she does every time.
I laugh and look out to the few tables that had bodies in them. The first couple was Don and Besty, they are the cutest old couple ever; I see them here every morning. Then I see Dean and Katie who are also here every day, sometimes bringing their friends too. There's a few other familiar faces I see sitting by the door which then swings open causing the bell to ring.
"Come on in!" She waves to the two guys dressed in hoodies with hoods up and heads down, "Our friend Ray here was just about to put on a show!"
I feel my face turn red as the people start to clap and the two men sit almost directly in front of me. "Thank you Rosie for that wonderful introduction," I laugh, as does the crowd as I take the mic from her hands, "Today I'm going to sing a song that I wrote a couple years back, it's um, it's quite special to me so I uh, I hope you guys enjoy." As the people begin to clap again I place the microphone on the stand and strum my guitar a few times to make sure it's in tune.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I start to pluck the strings and try to picture myself out on my balcony as I always do when I perform here,

"That boy take me away into the night
Out of the hum of the street lights and into a forest
I'll do whatever you say to me in the dark
Scared I'll be torn apart by a wolf in mask
Of a familiar name on a birthday card
Blow out all the candles
Blow out all the candles
"You're too old to be so shy"
He says to me so I stay the night
Just a young heart confusing my mind
But we're both in silence
Wide-eyed, both in silence
Wide-eyed, like we're in a crime scene
Well, I have brittle bones it seems
I bite my tongue and I torch my dreams
Have a little voice to speak with
And a mind of thoughts and secrets
Things cannot be reversed
We learn from the times that we are cursed
Things cannot be reversed
Learn from the ones we fear the worst
And learn from the ones we hate the most,"

As I continue to sing I get goosebumps as I always do when I sing this song. I wrote this song with my little brother Beau about two years back when we snuck out of the house the night before I was leaving to move out here; last time I sang this song it was in the hospital.
I finish and I open my eyes to see all ten people standing as they always do. I laugh and bow, "Thank you, thank you!" I take off my guitar and head back to my seat.
I sit down and pet Bailey, "How was that?" I ask her, placing my guitar beside me and grabbing the book I'm currently reading.
As I open the book and turn the page a familiar voice speaks,
"Excuse me," they pause as I close my book, "That song you sang, it was beautiful."
"Oh," I feel my cheeks fulster, "thank you so much." I give him a nod. It's the guy in the hood, why does he sound so familiar?
"Sorry about interrupting your reading," he gestures to the book in my hands.
"Oh no don't be," I shake my head. I look down to Bailey who is frantically wagging her tail. I laugh at her and stick out my hand, "I'm Ray by the way,"
He seems shocked when I go to shake his hand but he still takes it, "Ray," he pauses for a second, taking off his hood. Oh my God!
"Oh my God!" I exclaim as the person who stands before me is my youngest brother Beau. Tears fill my eyes as I can't believe it. "Beau! Oh my God! What are you doing here? Your voice-it's so deep now, and weren't you not supposed to be here until Wednesday!" I ramble as I hold Beau tight in my arms.
"We wanted to surprise you," the other guy in the hoodie speaks, "Surprise!" he takes off his hood,
"Grayson!" I quickly release my grip from Beau and move it to Grayson.
"Ray," he says softly as he squeezes me. "Oh how I've missed hearing your voice."
"So you guys heard the song!" I look into Beau's blue eyes as they tear up. "Aw, come here." Although Beau is nineteen and taller than me at this point, he's still my baby brother that I wrote the song for.
"I wish I would've gotten a heads up though guys, my place is a mess." We all laugh. Just like old times.
"Hey, don't worry about it, we'll help you clean up a little." Grayson smiles as he pets Bailey.
I spot Rosie walking past us, "Hey Rosie! Come here for a second!"
"What is it suga'?" She then moves her eyesight from me to Grayson "Oh, who are these beautiful young men."
I laugh because I know right off the bat she thinks Grayson is hot, "Rosie, these are my brothers Beau," I pause as they shake hands, "and Grayson."
"Nice to meet you Rosie," Grayson smirks as he shakes her hand.
I roll my eyes, "Anyways, they'll be staying at my place for a few months, looking after Bailey while I'm in London."
"Oh that's great!" Rosie exclaims, eyes still locked on Grayson. "You guys can come down here anytime and we'll make you feel right at home."
"Sounds perfect," Beau says as Grayson looks dumbfounded.
"Hey Gray, why don't we head back to my place so you guys can settle in. I'm sure you two are exhausted from traveling."
Beau nods his head rapidly, "I can speak for both of us."
I laugh and grab all my stuff, "Alright Rosie, we'll see you soon! Try not to trip over that tongue of yours!" I call out to her as we make our way to the door.
"Ha ha, very funny," She crosses her arms, "you three have a good rest of the day."
When we make it back out to the street Gray finally speaks, "You didn't tell me you had a hot friend here."
Beau and I both roll our eyes, "I did tell you about Rosie,"
"Not the fact that she is gorgeous!" Grayson's eyes are wide.
Beau laughs, "You're such an idiot." He shakes his head.
"So Ray, how are you feeling about London?" Beau cuts off Grayson. I swear sometimes it's like Beau is the oldest out of the two.
"Um, well I'm excited because I've always wanted to go, but I'm kind of nervous too I guess." I fix my guitar strap over my shoulder.
"Why's that?" Gray asks, taking the leash from my hand.
"I don't know, I guess I just- I'm gonna be half way across the world and-"
"You moved all the way across the country," Grayson interjects.
"Well yeah, but I had Bean with me. Now, she's staying here with you guys and-"
"You'll have Bella," Beau swings my hand as we walk down the sidewalk.
"I know. You're right. I guess I'm just going to miss everything around here." I look around at the now busy streets of Malibu.
Around this time of year most tourists are leaving since school starts soon for most people. I graduated last year from Berkeley with a degree in Studio Arts. It was probably the best four years of my life. Plus, that's where I met Finn. Ironically. Part of me misses school, it kept me busy and motivated and distracted from everything else that was going on in my life at the time. Now that I live alone, that's all I think about; what's going on in my life.
"I'm right up here!" I point to the street sign. "Wow, you're close to the rich people's neighborhood." Beau states as he looks around at the house lining the streets.
"Have you ever seen anyone famous!?" Grayson eagerly asks.
I shake my head, "No, I don't think anyone famous lives around here; just some millionaires." I chuckle and so do the boys. "Here's me!" I walk up to the tall cement building.
"This place looks like it should be in New York," Beau looks up.
"That's how I knew it was perfect." I walk in the front doors, through the lobby. "Hello Fred!" I greet my door man.
"Ray! How are you today! See you've brought some guests." Fred walks around the desk.
"Ah yes, these are my brothers, Beau and Grayson. Guys, this is my wonderful doorman Fred."
"Oh hush," he waves me off with a little chuckle.
"Nice to meet you sir," Beau shakes his hand, as well as Grayson.
"They're gonna stay here until I get back from London."
Fred's eyes light up at my words, "London. That's right you're going to London."
I nod my head happily, "Don't worry I'll bring you back something," I wink at him and we both laugh.
"You three have fun!" Fred calls out as we make our way to the elevator.
"We will!" I call back as the elevator doors close.
As the boys fight over who gets my room or the guest room I open my journal and date the top of the page,
Monday, August 6th, 2017
Before I can write anymore the fourth floor bell rings and the heavy gold doors open. I lead the way down the hall and stop at the eighth door on the left. Number 1964; I like to think of it as the year my Dad was born. That's how I knew it was the perfect apartment for me.
I stick the key in the doorknob and as I open the door, Bailey rips loose from Graysons grip on the leash and makes a break for the couch. As I place the keys on the little table besides me and hung my bag on the hook I turn to Beau and Gray, "This is it. Home Sweet Home."
"Wow," Grayson leaves his bags by the front door, "this place looks amazing."
He makes his way to the living room, looking at the paintings that line the walls. Beau skims his fingers over the keys of the piano,

"Do you remember when you and Grandma would always play Piano Man on Christmas Eve while Dad sang?"
"Of course I do; that was my favorite part about Christmas." I give a soft smile as I touch the necklace around my neck. I clear my throat, "So, um, there's a bathroom down the hall,

and one in the guest bedroom,

my room in the one at the very end of the hall,

"the guest one is-" before I could finish what I was saying, Beau bolts down the hallway, Grayson following shortly after him. I laugh at the thought of them fighting over the rooms as I go to the kitchen and tidy up a little and make them some real food.
Once the boys are done with their bickering about the rooms they finally come out and sit at the kitchen table.

"Are you two done with your childish bickering?" I tease.
I place the two sandwiches on the table in front of them and Beau's eyes light up. "Is it turkey?"
I nod, "Yep,"
"With pickles and cheese?"
"And mayo and-"
"Yes and tomato. Now eat!" I've known my brother's sandwich 'order' since I've been in the sixth grade when I used to have to make them lunch since Mom was normally still at the hospital.
Beau gives me a gentle smile and so does Gray for their sandwiches. It's nice having them here; having anyone here.
"So," I clap my hands together, "what should we do on the first night?"
Grayson finishes chewing, "Um, sleep." I can tell he hasn't in days.
"Well I was thinking since I wasn't even going to have a night with you guys, we should do a little something before I go."
Beau groans as he tries to swallow his food, "I agree Gray. We haven't all been in the same place in over a year."
"Alright, fine. But where are we gonna go? Beau isn't old enough to drink." Grayson does have a point.
"Hmm," I think as I pop a grape in my mouth. "Oh! Why don't we go to the beach! It's in walking distance from here! And I know an even shorter way. What do you guys think?"
Beau and Gray exchange a look and smile, "We're in." They say at the same time.
"Awesome! I got extra boards too if you guys are up for it."
"Um, hell yeah we are!" Grayson and Beau high five each other.
Growing up on an island in a state that is called the "Ocean State" with beaches that take up the entire right side of it, you start to fall in love with the water; and surfing.
While the boys finish their food and get the boards from the top of my car, we're off. I take them through the path my Dad and I found that goes through the brush in the back of my apartment complex. It comes out to a little spot where you can see the beach, but the beach can't see you. That's where we built our pergola. My safe place.
"Woah, now this is a beach." Gray says as he places the board down in the sand.
"You got that right," Beau squats down next to his board, getting ready to wax it. "You come here everyday Ray?" He looks up to me.
"Pretty much," I take a deep breath and feel the slight breeze. "It's the one place that reminds me of home."
"Hey Ray, give me a hand real quick?" Gray asks as he needs help zipping up his wetsuit. "Thanks."
"Bobo hurry up!" I call up to Beau who is still trying to put on his wetsuit.
"I'm coming, I'm coming one sec!"
Gray and I laugh as we watch him struggle at the top of the hill. Once he finally figures it out, he grabs his board and runs down to join us.
"You crazy kids ready?" Gray asks, smirking.
"Fuck yeah!" Beau replies which causes me to give him a dirty look, "Hell yeah!" He changes his response.
We all laugh as we run into the water; like old times. The waves were the best they've been in a while. We surf for what feels like hours until we get so tired we sit on our boards.
"Now I get why you moved out here Rhys. It's like a dream." Grayson says looking out on the water.
"Yeah, this is definitely a plus." I joke.
" I still miss you." Beau blurts out, "You know, at home and stuff. With mom and Mars."
I give Beau a soft smile, "I know Bub. I miss it too. Trust me. But hey, I'll be visiting you guys more often once next summer rolls around. I promise."
There's a pause until Beau notices one of my tattoos, "Hey, what's that?" He points to the words on the back of my arm. "What does that say?"
"Cerise" I say in my French accent. Both my brothers look at me like I have seven heads, "It means Cherry in French."
I see Grayson's eyes widen, "Wait really," He moves his boards closer to mine and reads my arm. "Ray, I didn't know you got that," It sounds like he's getting choked up.
"Of course I did. That name has been such a huge part of me; of us as a family. I knew I wanted to get it one day so I think two months back I finally pulled the trigger."
"I love it. It looks great." Gray says holding my arm, still examining it.
"I'm glad you like it," I smile but it fades once I hear a low grumble from off in the distance. "Hey, I think it's about to storm, let's head in before anything starts."
The boys agree and we paddle our way back in, drying off under the pergola. Once we get back to my place and change into our comfortable clothes; sweatpants and sweatshirts, I get a text from Bella,

Hey Ray! I'm heading over now, want me to pick up any snacks on the way?

I look at my brothers who are trying to find a movie to watch and I respond,

Hey B! Sounds good, and yes please! Pick up the ice cream, popcorn and those fudge cookies Bobo loves!

Bella didn't know the boys were coming today either so I'm sure when she sees my text she'll be ecstatic.
"Guys, Bella is on her way over to help me pack." Once I say this I see Beau shift in his seat.
"She's coming now?" He asks.
I give him a weird look, "Yeah why?" I ask as he then stands up and makes his way back down the hall.
"Hey, what's up with him?" I ask Gray who just shrugs his shoulders. About two minutes later, Beau comes back out to the living room and instead of wearing a sweatshirt, he's now wearing a blue shirt that makes his eyes more prominent.
"Alright, I'm back." He plops back down on the couch.
"What- why did you change?" I ask, pulling on his t-shirt.
"Well if Bella's coming over I don't want to look like a complete bum,"
"Beau, she's coming over looking exactly like we are right now. Plus, why would she care if you look like a bum?"
Gray turns his head fast as he just now started listening to the conversation. Beau and Gray look at each other and then back at me,
"What? What's wrong?" I ask, confused as to what's going on.
Beau scratches the back of his head, the way that he always does when he is nervous.
"Guys, what's going on?" I ask one last time.
"Look," Gray leans forward, "Bella reached out to Beau a few months ago to just check in and stuff and-"
"Yeah, and we started to catch up a little. That's all." Beau's lying. I know he is.
"Then why'd you change your shirt so you don't look like a 'bum'." I mock him.
"Because I-" he stumbles when he looks me in the eye, "okay, okay fine. The reason we came a few days earlier was so Bella and I could go out once before you guys left."
My mouth opened to say something but nothing came out, "Ray, they were just going to catch up it's not like they were-"
"She would've told me." I blurted out finally. "B would have told me."
"I know, she wanted to but then she said it wasn't a good idea. She felt guilty for going behind your back so she pulled the plans."
"Yeah but our tickets were already booked to come out earlier so we still came to surprise you." Gray interjects.
I'm not mad. At either of them. I mean ever since we were little Beau had a crush on Bella. I just wish they didn't lie to me. "It's fine." I say softly, moving my attention to the TV.
"Really? Cause Ray I completely understand if-"
"It's fine Beau," I snap back. I feel bad, "I told you it's fine."
Beau nods his head and leans back into his seat on the couch, Gray does the same. About twenty minutes later there's a knock on the door. Great this is going to be weird.
"Come in!" I yell out. I then here the key turn in the door and the door open. As Bella steps in Bailey jumps on her.
"Hi Bean, hi!" She uses her animal, high pitched voice.
I get up from the couch to greet her with a hug, "Hey B," I squeeze her tight. "Here let me put these in the freezer. The boys are in the living room picking out a movie."
Instead of going to say Hi to the boys like I thought she would, she follows me into the kitchen,
"Ray I need to tell you something," She says softly, "It's about Beau. Well you see, we were going to go get some lunch and I never told you because-"
"I know he told me before you got here." I say closing the fridge.
She looks surprised, "Oh. Okay. Well I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for not telling you and then having to put you in this position, I just-"
"B, it's okay." I say finally looking at her. "I'm not mad."
Her shoulder's fall, less tense, "Really? Thank God. I was so worried you'd be mad and-"
"Why would I be mad?" I say, grabbing a bowl from
the cabinet, "I mean at least you didn't do it and then not tell me."
"Exactly that's why I called it off. I just felt too guilty." I can tell Bella was truly sorry and was really stressed about this whole situation.
"Come here," I say softly, pulling her in for a hug, "I'm not mad at you guys. Next time just let me know. That's all."
Bella lets out a deep sigh, "I will. Love you Ray."
"I love you too B. Now go, go say high!" I send her off into the living room.
The movie is almost over and I still don't really know what's going on. This whole time I was thinking about this new song I've been wanting to write. I can tell Bella hasn't been paying much attention to the movie either. I look over to the window and see that the rain has almost let up. Thank God.
"Hey," Bella whispers to me, "on my way up here I saw that old homeless guy you always talk to down in the pouring rain," she pauses, listening to the movie, "it looked so sad."
I hate the way people say that homeless people and their situation look sad yet still look at them as filthy animals or something. I stand up from the couch and make my way to the door.
As I put my boots and take my raincoat off the hook besides me Beau asks, "Ray where are you going? The movie isn't over."
I put up my hood and grab my bag, "I'm going to help a friend,"
"It's this homeless guy that sleeps-" Bella tries explaining.
"His name is Pete and he's my friend who needs my help. So, if you will excuse me that's what I'm going to go do." And with that I grab my keys and head out the door.
When I make it down to the lobby Fred is sleeping which makes me giggle but I try not to make too much noise. I get out onto the street and turn the corner of the building to see Pete laying on a piece of cardboard.
"Pete!" I call out, "Pete!"
"Ray? Oh Ray! What are you doing out here in this pouring rain?" He asks me furrowing his brow.
"Helping you! Here come on," I hold out my hands to help him to his feet, "come with me!" We run to my car that is parked behind my building.

Once we get in the car I put the key in the ignition and start to back up.
"Thank you suga'. It was getting real windy and cold out there." Pete says as he leans forward in the seat, not wanting to get it soaked.
"Of course Pete. I thought it was gonna let up but now it looks like it's getting worse." I reach my right hand to the back of my seat trying to reach the cardboard box I placed there yesterday while also keeping my eyes on the road. Pete sees this and helps grab it for me.
"In that box are some dry clothes. Choose whichever ones you want. You can change when we get to the Beachwood." I make a left turn.
"Oh honey I don't want to-"
"Trust me Pete, they need to be put to good use." I sit up a little straighter in my seat.
As we pull into a parking spot in front of the cafe Pete hands me the clothes he chose so I can put them in my jacket until we get inside. We make a break for it and run inside.
"Ray?" Rosie rushes to me.
"Here Pete, take these and go change, the bathroom is right back there," I point to the sign in the back of the cafe.
"Ray, sweetie what are you doing here? It's really bad out there you shouldn't be on the road." Rosie takes my drenched coat from me as I sit down.
"Pete was laying out in this. On a piece of cardboard. So, I brought him here for some warm food and to keep him dry until the rain passes." I take off my sweatshirt hood and put my hair in a ponytail.
Rosie shakes her head and she goes to hang up my coat, "You and your acts of kindness,"
"It's the right thing to do Rosie." I say firmly.
"I know, I know." She walks to get her pen and pad, "So what do you want to order?"
"I'll take a hot coffee, and a burger since I haven't had anything to eat yet." I then hear the bathroom door open and out walks Pete in the black sweatshirt and the tan cargo pants. I also could tell he grabbed the pair of socks that were in there too. I smile wide, "Pete what would you like to eat?"
"Oh, suga' you don't need to get me anything I-"
"I take two of those please," I turn to Rosie as she writes another order down.
Pete shakes his head as he sits across from me, "You are the only person that would do that for me, you know that?"
I reach for his hand, "Well that's because everyone else is too busy worried about themselves,"
"You know, when I was a kid I wanted to be a doctor. Oh man did I want to be a doctor." Pete laughs, making me smile. "My Mama always told me I would do it one day; she said "Pete-Peter you are the most intelligent little boy I know around here. You gonna make it big one day; Mama promises you that." But I never did. Look at me." Pete throws his hands in the air.
"Hey, Pete, don't look at it like that." I squeeze his hand.
"I blew all my money on medical school only to get thrown out! Thrown out and no place to call home." His eyes look down at his lap.
"Hey, everything happens for a reason. Okay? I know it's hard since you think, "why did that have to happen?" or "why me?" Well, it's because you're the strongest person I know Pete. Everything you've gone through made you this person. I know this isn't the life you've dreamed of but your life isn't over yet. Keep your hope, keep your faith and keep you smile," I nudge him which makes him laugh, "because in the end, you'll keep your promise to your Mom and you'll be something great." A tear rolls down my cheek and reaches my lips.
Pete grabs my other hand with his and looks into my eyes, "Thank you Baby, bless you and your kind soul." He kisses my hand and places them back on the table.
Soon the food is out and Pete gets eating right away. I look to my right out the cafe window to see the rain has calmed down a bit.
"Hey Pete, is that cardboard all you have to sleep on?" I ask Pete as he chews his burger.
"Mhm, all I got is that board and my saxophone."
I think for a minute knowing what I'm about to say is going to get turned down.
"Well, I was thinking, I need to go get some things from the store for my trip to London..." I trail off looking at him. He looks up from his food when I stop talking,
"Well, and I was thinking maybe we could get you a tent to sleep in! For now of course and get one of those foam mattress toppers to put on the ground and oh! Get a sleeping bag and some blankets too for when it gets cold at night. There's also some like little lanterns so you can see at night and-"
"Rayray you don't have to spend all this money on me. I-"
"No. I'm not taking no for an answer this time. You can't go back to sleeping on that soaked piece of cardboard. Plus I'm going to be gone for three months and it will make me feel better knowing that you at least have a covering over your head." My stomach flips.
He sees the worry in my eyes, "Alright," shakes his head,
"Really!" My eyes widen.
"Yes, if it makes you sleep better at night then yes. We can go pick up a few things."
I clap my hands, "Yes, yes, yes!" I finish the rest of my burger fast so we can leave. I place the cash on the table and yell out to Rosie that I'll be by in the morning.
We finish loading up the car and with that, we make our way back home. The car ride is just full of us singing Bill Withers and Otis Redding while watching the rain come to a stop. I pull into my parking spot and immediately hop out of the car, getting everything out for us to set up.
"Okay first things first, the tent." I bent down to grab the bag.
"Suga' I can,"
"Hush Pete. Are you gonna help me or what?" I huff and puff as I carry the stuff to the cardboard on the ground.
Pete laughs as he helps carry some of the load, "Alright this should be easy since it said 'pop up tent'." I say trying to read the instructions. Before I finished reading the third step Pete already had it open and had it ready to pop up. "Oh wow. That was easy." I say laughing and putting the instructions back in the bag.
"Alright now let's grab this stuff," I say grabbing the sleeping bag, mattress topper and one of the lanterns as Pete grabs the battery powered fan and heater, along with the small rug.
I open the mattress topper and place it on the ground on the left side of the tent. I then place the sleeping bag on top of it and grab the pillow and extra blanket behind me. Once I finish by putting the lantern by the top of the 'bed' I turn to see Pete putting the batteries in the fan and heater, placing them side by side on the ground. I smile at his concentration trying to make sure they are evenly spaced. Rolling out the rug in the middle of the tent of the last and final piece to Pete's new space. Once it was done we stood up and took a step back.
"What do you think?" I fan out my arms as I smile wide.
"It's- it's," Pete breaks down crying. I pull him in for a hug.
"Aw, Pete it's okay." He shakes in my arms as he cries.
"It's perfect Rayray. It's perfect." He finally gets out, "This is the most I've had in two decades."
I feel tears start to roll down my face, "I'm glad I could help," I say as he squeezes me tighter.
"You did more than that Baby." He pulls away and lays on the foam mattress, "Wow. This is more than I could have hoped for."
"I can paint you something too! So you can have a little sense of home: anything you name it." I look into his glassy eyes.
"Paint me my Mama." He says with a smile stretching across his face.
He reaches for something in his back pocket and pulls out a wallet. He then hands me a worn, black and white photo of a beautiful woman in a dress, standing in the middle of a garden with a small shovel in one hand and a basket in the other. "Her dress was yellow," Pete says softly. "That was her favorite color." He smiles as another single tear rolls down his cheek.
"Mine too," I smile softly at him while I look closer at the picture, "she's beautiful Pete. Absolutely beautiful."
"Damn right she is," he lets out a laugh which then turns into a sigh, "She was the strongest woman I've ever seen. She knew what was right and wrong with the world; she was wise. Just like you suga'."
"Hush I have no idea what-"
"That's where you got your flaw." He interrupts me. "Take credit for what you are."
I give him a hug and put the picture in my sweatpants pocket. I make sure he is all comfortable and set up and that's when we say goodbye.
"I'll be Wednesday," I tell him, "I'll stop by on my way out okay?"
"Mhm Baby, I'll see you Wednesday." He turns off his light by his head and rolls over.
I smile as I zip up the tent, pick up the trash, and make my way back into the building. When I walk in Fred is up. Shit.
"Hi Fred!"
"Ray? When did you leave?" He looks confused.
"You uh- you fell asleep. So when I came down here you were out."
"Oh geez, sorry about that." He laughs embarrassed.
"Don't be! I love a good nap," I say walking over to the stairs, "you have a good rest of the night Fred."
"You too Ms. Ambros!"
As I walk up the stairs I check my phone and see that I have four missed calls from Gray, six from Bella and twelve from Beau. Geez. What do they think I got kidnapped?
I put my key in the doorknob but before I could open it myself, the door flies open,
"Where were you?" Beau says firmly with his hand on his hip. I walk past him and make my way to my trash can.
"You can't just walk out when there's a storm to go help a homeless guy and not come home for three hours!" Grayson backs.
"We thought you got kidnapped or something!" Knew it.
"Looks guys relax. First off, his name is Pete," all three of them roll their eyes, "and secondly, I was gone for so long because I made sure he ate, had dry clothes and a place to sleep tonight. He would not kidnap me. He is my friend."
"Okay Rhys but you have to understand that from our perspective, you had us worried sick." Beau's eyes look at mine with distress.
Now I remember why I liked living alone. "I'm sorry guys. I didn't think it would you guys would be so worried about me."
"Of course we were!" Grayson is still yelling which makes Bella roll her eyes.
"Look, we just wanted a text or something. That's all." She says lightly.
"I doubt there will be a next time." Gray says under his breath.
"He's right. There won't be a next time," Grayson and I lock eyes, "I'm sorry."
He walks over to me and pulls me in for a hug, "It's okay. I was just worried that's all." I pull away from the hug and look at Beau who I know wants a hug too.
"Come here!" I say walking towards him, "I love you Bub."
He squeezes me tight, "I love you too. Now," he pulls away from me, "don't you have some packing to do?"
I laugh and we all make our way to my room as the boys vote yes and no on clothes to bring and Bailey lays in my suitcase. I turn on the old record my Dad used to play while we all ate dinner together and as we all danced and laughed the rest of the night away. When the boys eventually went to bed and Bella fell asleep on the couch, I grab my journal from my bag and make my way to the balcony. I open to the page that headed,
Monday, August 6th, 2017
I write what has been in my head all day,

"I feel a little nauseous and my hand are shaking,
I guess that means you're close by
My throat is getting dry
And my heart is racing"
I then lift my pen and look out to the city,
"I think of that night in the park
It was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time"
I get goosebumps as a breeze blows in from the ocean,
"You cling to my body like you wanted it forever
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie"
I put my pen in my journal to keep my place as I go back inside to grab my guitar. Once I sit back down I start strumming some chords and as I go I write the ones that I like down. I think this is my favorite part about night.
When it's just me and the stars as I write a song and think about what has caused me happiness and even pain.
But with my note to self I remember;

Don't seek to be relevant, or liked, seek to be undeniable. Seek to be compassionate. Seek integrity. Seek humility. But most importantly, seek Light, for it is always there even in the darkest of nights.
Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my Harry fanfic! This chapter you get to know Ray and her character, friends and family. Let me know if this interest you guys and if you'd like to read more for I wrote this back in the beginning of quarantine so I have about half of it written!

Also full credits to the songs I used in this chapters, (La Lune by Billie Marten and What A Time by Julia Michaels)

Thanks loves :)❤️

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