Operation BakuDeku

By bkdk4everr

129K 3K 27.3K

Izuku Midoriya added Ochaco Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki, plus 17 others to "Class 2-A :)" Izuku Midoriya: Hey guy... More

Who Is Jared?
The Art of Falling...In Love
The Rise of Fergus
Grocery Shopping As a Date? How Romantic...
United Nations
Arcade Love - Part 1
Arcade Love - Part 2
Arcade Love - Part 3/3
Deku's T H I C C C
Chapter 9 - Reverse (Cha Cha Real Smooth)
And That's The Tea Sis
How To Compliment a Nerd: A Step-by-Step Guide
How To Compliment a Nerd: A Step-by-Step Guide (Part 2)
Before the Paint Haul
[Insert That One Justin Bieber Song]
The Universe Has Left The Chat
The Ships Have Left The Dock (Except for the OTP)
The Mysterious Case of Kacchan's Love Interest
The Adventures of Sherlock Deku and Dr. Kacchan
Be My Cane <33

Walking In A Winter Wonderland: Part 1

5.3K 111 1.2K
By bkdk4everr

Okay so, waking up with Kacchan was something he might have imagined in his dreams - and spilling milk on his U.A. uniform, but we don't talk about that - but actually waking up with Kacchan in his lap in real life was something he would never have imagined. (Those sentences are quite contradictory, but we all know how Izuku loves paradoxes)

So when Izuku saw a relaxed spiky-haired blond with his head resting on Izuku's stomach, and his arms wrapped around Izuku with a blanket pulled over him, the green-haired teen for a few seconds, blinked at the sight, and then realized that: yeah, we're dating. He still couldn't believe it.

Izuku didn't move his legs or any of his lower half because Kacchan was literally asleep right on top of him. He smiled warmly at his boyfriend before he brought one of his hands that was resting on Kacchan's back to rest on the blond's hair, and ran his hand through his soft, straight locks slowly, not wanting to wake the teen using him as a huge pillow. But something conflicted his thoughts of drifting back to sleep when he wondered how they got into this position in the first place.

Izuku shut his eyes and started to think about how it was midnight, how Kacchan still believed in Santa Claus, how he completely missed his amazing analogy on Santa being different for everyone, how Izuku cheered him up, how Kacchan agreed to catch Santa next Christmas with a ouija board and Tokoyami-kun present, how they kissed goodnight - Izuku smiled fondly at the memory - and then how they stayed in each other's arms until sleep drove them off into another land.

So two questions: One - where did this blanket come from?

And Two - how did they end up like this?


"Okay Inko-chan!" Izuku snapped his eyes open as he heard Auntie Mitsuki from over the stairs, awakening him from his sleep, but still drowsy enough to fall right back into his dreams. Izuku nuzzled into the solid, yet soft structure in front of him, as Izuku clung to whatever it was, his arms wrapped around the middle. Izuku also noticed that he was leaning on this figure, whose back was against the armrest of the couch and wait, this isn't my house.

He heard gentle footsteps coming over to where he was situated and Izuku peered one of his eyes open to take in his surroundings.

Ohmygod, it's Kacchan! I fell asleep on Kacchan! In his house! We just started dating and now I'm sleeping on top of him! WHAT WILL HE THINK OF ME?! Izuku's face started heating up at his thoughts, and luckily, Auntie Mitsuki was like a second mother to him. "Izu-chan?"

Izuku instantly got up, rubbing at his eyes fast to clear his vision and rid him of sleep. The action caused him to see colourful circles when he set his hands down in his lap and then looked over at the blond under his Aunt's stare.

Izuku couldn't help but think how cramped and awful Kacchan's body would be in the position that he's in right now...especially his back up against the arm rest, and then one of his legs draped over the side of the sofa, while the other bent inwards at the knee, giving Izuku's body some cushion when he was on top. Izuku was also surprised how the blond hadn't woken from his sleep but shuffled just a little, eyebrows forming into a knot in the middle at the loss of the warmth on top of him, and then mumbled something under his breath before continuing to sleep.

"He's a heavy sleeper," Izuku turned his head to find Auntie Mitsuki staring down at her son, hands on her hips as a small smile appeared on her lips while looking at his relaxed state. Once she turned back to face Izuku, that smile, turned into a devilish smile, and Izuku gulped, his thoughts racing from "so that's where Kacchan got it from," and "I'm not scared, nope. Not at all. Did I do something that should make me scared? I have nothing to hide. Nothing to worry about. Did Kacchan tell her that we're dating? Well he was with me the entire time, and I don't recall him telling me that he told Auntie, so I'm going to conclude that he didn't, and she just found me and him sleeping on the couch in each other's arms in the middle of the night and-" Izuku froze knowing how he was the one who was going to have to explain everything to Kacchan's mom, and then his own, but first he had to deal with keeping the red down and not let it cross his neck.

But he failed. Immediately. Under Auntie Mitsuki's smirk that is, and holy crap was it not the most nerve racking thing he's seen in his life. Especially when it's directed at him. "So, Izu-chan, do you want to explain all of this?" She vaguely gestured to the couch.

"Um. D- Do I have an option to not explain?"

Mitsuki chuckled at Izuku's reply, before shaking her head from side to side. "You know," she started, a soft gaze on Kacchan as she bent down to reach out and press her thumb in the middle of the blond's eyebrows, causing them to slowly loosen from the stressed knot at the touch, "he planned this entire night for you."

Izuku's eyes grew wide as he took in Kacchan's sleeping state. His body relaxed, his face calmed, the steady rise and fall of his chest. His awfully sweaty hands as he slept. Izuku smiled, as the green-haired teen's face grew into a more curious one, and he crossed his legs, awaiting for Auntie to explain more. She only averted her eyes from her son to look at Izuku, smiling. "You always loved stories..." Mitsuki drifted off into her own memories before locking eyes with Izuku, "it's not very long, Izu-chan."

Izuku jumped slightly towards her, "Please!- " Izuku exclaimed before shooting a look at Kacchan, sighed in relief when the blond didn't even move a muscle, and then spoke quietly, "please tell me," he whispered and smiled, "I don't mind how long it is."

"Okay, okay," Mitsuki smiled at her son again, running her hand through the blond's hair before sitting down on the coffee table they had in the middle of their living room, "don't tell anyone I'm sitting on this crap, okay?"

Izuku nodded and giggled, a hand coming to his mouth to stifle his laughter. "Good. Well to be honest with you, the very rare times he called home, somehow you were brought up, and it wasn't hard at all for this brat's mother to connect the two together."

Izuku smiled at the thoughts he was sure Kacchan would never tell him, and looked fondly at the sleeping blond. Mitsuki continued, "Izu-chan, I can't believe he had the damn guts to ask you." Izuku chuckled as she happily exclaimed, "and now you guys are dating right?!"

Izuku jumped back slightly at the immediate shout, and whipped his head towards the blond and then remembered once again: he's a heavy sleeper, right. Izuku stifled down a laugh. Auntie Mitsuki just urged on, "you HAVE to tell me, Izu-chan!"

Izuku nodded rapidly again, "y-yes! We are!"

Mitsuki only got more curious as Izuku really wanted this conversation to end or have Kacchan wake up and deal with this. He could deal with his own mother, but Auntie was something else entirely. Even if she was sweet and nice to him, her more "chaotic" side seemed to always frighten or shake his nerves even when he was a kid. He guesses those habits stuck, because he's seventeen now and still very much so nervously sweating under her gaze.

"You have to tell me the details!"

"I'm sure Kacchan would tell you!" Izuku accidentally yelled.

"No, he wouldn't! He never talks to me!"

"Maybe he'll tell Uncle Masa-"

"Of course he will with pressure! That's a great idea, Izu-chan! Force him to tell Masaru!"

"No, wait, that's not what I meant-"

"I can already tell you're a great match for the brat! A smart and sensible person like you will definitely stop him from going overboard!"

"Auntie, I'm seriously not that sensible and-"

"If you're so sensible why did you fall in love with this thing?" Mitsuki questioned out of the blue, pulling at Kacchan's cheek lightly as she spoke the last few words. Izuku wasn't offended that Mitsuki didn't hear him, but instead, looked at her as if the answer was clear as day, "because he's amazing, Auntie."

"Lies, but go on."

Izuku watched as Mitsuki transferred her gaze to Kacchan then back at Izuku, smiling, allowing him to continue, "and he's my hero, Auntie."

Izuku knew Mitsuki could feel how deep those words actually resided in Izuku, because she knew how much of an effect All-Might had on him as a child, how much he admired him. Now, when the term "my hero" was out of Izuku's mouth when he talked about the blond, Mitsuki could sense how deeply Izuku had cherished her son from when they were very young to how they are now. How Izuku truly liked him for who he was. Not just his good characteristics. All of him. Mitsuki knew that Izuku was the only one who actually saw him grow in character throughout his entire life and by the way her lips curved into a heart-warming smile, she knew that Izuku had accepted all of her son, and was proud that he was the one to see how kind and caring Kacchan could actually be.

Mitsuki took a few steps to envelope Izuku in a hug. Izuku didn't hesitate to hug back. "I can't believe you said yes, Izu-chan." Izuku hugged Auntie Mitsuki tighter, "I couldn't have after he bought me chocolates, and a present, took me out for hot chocolate, almost ran us both over by a car, caught me from falling on my face after I slipped on ice, brought me along one of our childhood favourite trails in the forest, played a round of how well we know each other and we both answered every question correctly, raced me a top of a bridge, started his confession off by saying how attractive I was, who even does that?" Izuku chuckled before continuing, "kept telling me how amazing I am, when he should know that he's amazing, that he's perfect, and then when he finally told me he liked me, and when I was saying it back, he didn't even let me finish because he kissed me! He could've let me finish, Auntie! It was just one word too! You know how much of a bother it is to not finish your sentence once you started it!"

"But did you finish it after the kiss?"

Izuku took a second to think, then answered, "no, because my mind had gone elsewhere and I kissed him back after we pulled away, but I should've finished my sentence!"

"So you got distracted?"


"By a kiss?"

"Yeah! Kacchan's kiss!"

"Wow, Izu-chan. I honestly didn't think you would tell me anything about the confession when Katsuki was sleeping." Izuku pulled away from the hug as his eyes grew wide when the words resonated in his mind. His cheeks began to flush deeply. Mitsuki began to snicker. "Don't worry. Your rambling habits are honestly really cute, and I'm positive Katsuki finds it adorable too. Oh! And I'll pretend I heard nothing when I ask Katsuki about it later." She laughed some more at Izuku's flustered state.

"Oh would you look at the time! It's nearing 1:30am! Why were you guys up so late?"

"...Kacchan wanted to catch Santa..." Izuku mumbled out.

"He- what?" Mitsuki shot Kacchan a confused look, her eyes lingering on the still sleeping blond before she turned her head back to Izuku and shook her head disapprovingly, "I don't even want to know."

Izuku laughed again, with a hand over his mouth, along with Mitsuki, before a yawn filled the room instead of their laughter.

"Oh! I'm so sorry for waking you Izu-chan, I was honestly just coming down here to throw a blanket over you two..." her voice trailed off as she gave another smirk over to Izuku, "but I didn't know you guys were keeping each other warm."

Izuku flushed red as he began to fiddle with his hoodie's drawstrings. He looked away and focused on the carpet underneath the table, following the patterns and shapes over top of it to keep his mind off of everything going around him. Mitsuki's voice cut through his carpet thoughts, "I'll leave you two alone now, you seem to be warm enough too, although, Katsuki does sleep shirtless so he doesn't accidentally blow up the damn house, and I have no idea how he hasn't yet."

Izuku's eyes followed Mitsuki's as they landed on Kacchan. She was right. Sleeping shirtless was a way to have less heat to not sweat as much and then not create a huge explosion to blow everything around him. Izuku reached for the blond's hand and the second he held it, his lips turned downwards into a frown. Kacchan's been sweating a lot...this is really dangerous...

But then another thought crossed his mind: Hasn't he gotten in control of his quirk over the years? Even in his sleep? It seems like something Kacchan would want to master...

He turned his confused gaze over to Mitsuki, who stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, trying her best to hide the smirk playing on her lips. It was like she read Izuku as how his mother or Kacchan would have because she said, "I mean sure, these little accidents were more frequent when he was a kid and these are very rare now, but I think we both know how there's still always a small percentage that he could explode some crap around here or there whenever he slept."

Izuku knew she was right, but he still believed in Kacchan's ability to control his quirk. "But how small is the percentage?"

Mitsuki shot back, "do you really want Katsuki to blow up our designer table?"

Izuku waved his hands innocently in front of him as he shook his head, "N-No!"

Mitsuki then gave him a look that made Izuku feel all weird on the inside and caused him to fiddle in his seat a little and look back at the carpet he was almost done engraving in his brain from before. "So Izu-chan, I'm going to leave the decision up to you, but remember, your mother's also in this house."

Hah?! Oh crap- Huh?!

"Oh, and here," Mitsuki tossed Izuku a blanket out of the two set to the side. She held the other in her own arms and Izuku quirked up an eyebrow at the act. "Oh? You guys were sharing a couch, I think you can share a blanket with the brat over here."

Izuku really couldn't believe this. He had forgotten how similar Auntie and Kacchan were. Izuku held in the sigh that was willing to come out, because he seriously was completely done with this entire conversation and did not want to think about how he would get a sleeping Kacchan to take off his hoodie and then transfer into some other position that would keep them both warm for the rest of the night. Izuku let out the sigh. Mitsuki smiled. "I'll be on my way then! Have a great night! And don't worry about waking up on time, Inko and I will take care of it!"

Izuku nodded and wished her a great night as well, smiling as he did so, and heard her footsteps get quieter as she was reaching her room farther away from the two of them. Once he heard a faint noise of a door closing, Izuku turned his entire attention to the teen who was partly splayed out across half of the couch. Izuku seriously didn't know how to go about this. This was nothing like when they had sleepovers as kids. He never was the one responsible for the blond and his nighttime routines! If his bedtime attire was part of his nighttime routine. Izuku didn't know! Sometimes he slept in a shirt, sometimes when it was warmer he slept shirtless, sometimes he slept in a hoodie when it was colder. He didn't know how Kacchan dressed in different weather! Even though it should be the same, but you never know! Plus, they were never dating back then...

But this just meant he had an advantage, and that was that he was his boyfriend, so he could do this. He trusted him, and valued Izuku. He really wasn't an extra anymore. But this wasn't the time to cry over his happiness. No. He was going to fix Kacchan's posture and then find a way so that they both stay warm! Yeah! He got this!

First things first: Wake him up and get his sweater off

Sidenote: Nobody said this was going to be easy

Warning: Don't focus on his abs

So Izuku got his first step down, and he was ready.

"Kacchan?" Izuku whispered, reaching over to shake the blond's arm. "Kaaccchhaannn."

Kacchan didn't seem to wake from his sleep, so Izuku started shaking more aggressively, hoping he wouldn't have to jump on top of the blond to wake him. Luckily, a low grunt was heard and Izuku let out a breath, but then smiled at a drowsy Kacchan in front of him, rubbing at his eyes and trying to blink to resurface back into reality from whatever dream he was having.

His voice was low and quiet, not as cracky and raspy since he hasn't been asleep for long as he asked, "what time is it?"

Izuku was definitely not over the butterflies that he felt a few hours ago from when they both confessed and seeing such a sleepy and calmed Kacchan was not helping him at all. So instead, without thinking twice, he removed Kacchan's hand from his eyes and quickly placed his lips on the others. Kacchan lowly grumbled out another question as he stared at Izuku's smiling face, "and what did I do to deserve that?"

Izuku tilted his head just a little before answering both questions, "1:37am and exist."

Kacchan let out a huff of laughter before shutting his eyes again, and Izuku luckily remembered his mission at the time. He was already failing, getting distracted by Kacchan and all. He needed to learn to control himself, but honestly, it would take some time getting used to these overgrowing feelings. "Kacchan wait! Wake up!"

"What is it, Deku?" He asked in his sleep, and Izuku wasn't sure how he would phrase his mission in a way that wouldn't cause Kacchan to roll his eyes and fall back asleep, but he didn't have to since the blond shot up from his spot and grabbed onto both of his shoulders as he locked his eyes into Izuku's. Izuku's eyes grew wide at the contact and he froze. Izuku's face confused as to what caused this and concerned for how fast Kacchan had jolted from his spot. "Don't tell me you caught Santa Claus!"

Izuku couldn't believe this. His face fell flat as he brushed Kacchan's hands off his shoulders. He was most utterly done. Why was he waking up this big baby in the first place? Oh right. "No," Izuku glared at the blond, "I was just trying to get you to fix your sleeping position." A blink from Kacchan made Izuku elaborate, "isn't your back hurting right now?"

Kacchan blinked a few more times before he placed his hand on his lower back. Seconds later, his face twisted to show his discomfort and he looked at Izuku, "now that you say it, it's pretty damn sore." Izuku let out another sigh. He really was a big baby. "Wait, am I growing old? Did I get hit with an age quirk? Why is it so damn sore?"

Izuku let his mouth fall and then closed it a couple of times. Kacchan waited for him to say something and Izuku couldn't believe that he was dating "U.A.'s infamous bad boy". His list of things he couldn't believe were growing by the second.

Izuku ended up rolling his eyes as Kacchan still awaited an answer from him. "Kacchan, your back was against the arm rest while you slept."

Kacchan mouthed "oh" as realization struck, and then brought his leg that was draped over the side of the sofa, on top of the couch, and straightened both of his legs behind Izuku, as he started to lie down with the armrest being a pillow for his head.

"That's going to cram your neck in the morning, Kacchan." Izuku said, not believing how Kacchan's IQ had dropped all because he was half-asleep. Kacchan opened his eyes as he begrudgingly sat up once again, crossing his legs as Izuku's, and mouthed "oh" once again. Izuku wondered how many times he could roll his own eyes.

But he had a mission. He got this- or maybe he didn't when Kacchan started to fall on top of him. "Kacchan!" Izuku yell-whispered and brought his arms to catch the sleepy blond. His face had fallen directly on to his chest and Kacchan decided to snuggle into the warmth of his body and the hoodie, when he didn't move to sit up once again. Izuku let out a huff into the blond's hair.

"Kacccchhhhaannnn," Izuku whined, trying to push the heavy weight off of him. It was long after when Kacchan finally turned his head to face Izuku's. He didn't sit up straight, he instead, rested his chin on Izuku's hoodie, their faces a few centimetres apart from one another. Izuku couldn't believe a sleepy Kacchan had the audacity to pout and make himself look ten times more adorable than before. Who was Izuku kidding, an infinite times more adorable. How long was his list of things he couldn't believe again?

Izuku found it hard to focus on his mission at this point, but he had to. He didn't want to chance their designer table being exploded! "Kacchan, look," Izuku started, after memorizing Kacchan's face for eternity, "Auntie said you were going to blow up the table if you kept your sweater on, and-"

"I can handle my quirk, Deku. I only exploded things when I was little." Kacchan mumbled, returning his face back into Izuku's chest, snuggling in.

"I know that Kacchan, but there's always a chance." Izuku pulled away a little to see Kacchan's face, and it showed complete and utter confusion. The blond pulled away completely, now sitting up as he spoke, "so I know those aren't your words because I also know you truly believe I can handle myself, so the fuck put that in your mind?"

Izuku didn't say anything. Mostly because he did just say Auntie Mitsuki was the one who told him that Kacchan was going to blow the table, and secondly, Izuku thought the blond was smart enough to figure it out. "Are you going to say the name, Deku?"

Izuku needed more paper for his list of things he couldn't believe. "Were you listening to me before?"

"Yeah!" Kacchan said defensively, "you said the Old Hag told you I was going to blow the table up and then told me there was a chance I was going to explode the damn thing!"

Izuku raised an eyebrow, as he pulled on a blank face, waiting for Kacchan to catch up to his own words, "and?"

"And?" Kacchan asked back before a few seconds passed with the blond blinking at Izuku, and Izuku just stared back, emotionless. Realization struck Kacchan as he mouthed "oh" a third time tonight.

Izuku shook his head in disbelief, "I'm glad we're on the same page now, but for you to not sweat as much, you need to take your hoodie off."

Kacchan yawned before he grabbed the waistband of his hoodie. "Okay," the blond easily said and Izuku prepared himself for what was about to come. It's not like he hasn't seen his abs before. He's seen it in the change room, and it's the exact same. So why was he getting so flustered over this? Maybe it's the fact that we're boyfriends and he's clearly undressing right in front of me. OHMYGOSH HE'S UNDRESSING IN FRONT OF ME! OHMYGOSH-

A hand to his forehead caused Izuku to snap out of his thoughts. "Oi Deku, you okay? You're getting very red." Oh thank you for pointing it out, Kacchan.

Izuku gave him a quirky smile, showing how much he appreciated Kacchan for calling him out before something different flashed in the blond's eyes. And then, a smirk. The blond sat on his half of the couch before he instantly pulled Izuku on to his lap. "K-Kacchan!"

At least Izuku knew Kacchan wasn't in sleep-mode anymore. But at this point, with Kacchan wrapping his arms around Izuku's waist, in the middle of the night, with him pulling Izuku flush against himself, Izuku wished that Kacchan stayed in sleep-mode.

"I got a great idea," Kacchan started, smirk growing wider by the second, Izuku threw his arms over the blond's shoulders as his legs were hugging the other's middle. When Izuku didn't say anything, Kacchan continued, his eyes darting to the red Izuku was sure was on his cheeks, "I really don't think I'm going to explode the table, but if you're so concerned about it, maybe you can take my sweater off for me."

Izuku couldn't believe any of this. "You're so annoying," Izuku said as he reached for the blond's waistband. Kacchan placed his hand on top of his, stopping him from removing the hoodie. "What?" Izuku asked.

"You're not going to rebuttal?" Kacchan asked, inching his face closer to the green-haired teen's.

"No. I'm not Kacchan," Izuku calmly stated, "I want to get back to sleep. I think you're forgetting we have the Winter Wonderland today."

Kacchan immediately froze. His smirk fell right off of his face as his eyes screamed how he had totally forgotten. He looked like he was just caught cheating or the police had found him for vandalism or something along those lines. Izuku took the minute to laugh.

"This isn't funny, Deku! We need to get to sleep now!" Kacchan exclaimed as Izuku's laughter grew louder. "You're so annoying, Deku."

"Mhmmm, and what happened to the seducing Kacchan that was present a few minutes ago?" Izuku teasingly asked, his finger pointing onto the blond's chest lightly as he smirked. That smirk turned into a smile, which turned into a few failed attempts at holding in his laughter, a few chuckles, and then full-blown laughter.

Kacchan watched it all before he scowled and shoved Izuku off of him onto the other side of the couch. While Izuku was howling over with laughter, Kacchan pulled his hoodie over himself and threw it on the other sofa near theirs. The blond took another look at Izuku wiping his tears of laughter, and deepened his scowl before he rested his head back on the armrest, lying back down, and kicked his legs atop of Izuku. "Will you shut up about it now?"

"Awww but Kaccchhann~" Izuku said, as low, cocky, and as raspy as he could, pushing the blond's legs off of him and crawling atop of the spiky-haired teen, smirk teasingly pulling at Izuku's lips again.

Izuku watched as Kacchan's eyes darted all over his face, a small dusting of pink crossed his cheeks and Izuku knew he had won. "Weren't you trying to get me to remove your hoodie?"

"Oh, it's off Deku, and I could remove yours right now too, if you want," Kacchan spoke without missing a beat. Izuku's eyes grew wide as the blond's words hit him. When did he take it off? Izuku looked down and holy Sugar Honey Iced Tea, that was a mistake. He was a top of a shirtless Kacchan and Izuku couldn't think straight at all. Forget what he said earlier, he had lost. And he wouldn't mind doing it again.

Izuku's eyes flew down the blond's torso and then back up to match Kacchan's soft gaze on him. "You know, Deku, I don't mind taking my hoodie off to shut you up," he said playfully, a corner of his lips pulling up into a smirk. "Oh, and FYI, I'm all yours."

Izuku let out a small huff as his own lips turned upwards from the corner of his mouth, his eyes covered with a fond gaze over the blond beneath him. "I know," was all Izuku said as he brought one of his hands to gently rest on Kacchan's abdomen. Placing the pads of his fingertips first and then the rest, rubbing the spot softly, keeping his eyes on the skin underneath him as he did so. His abs were hard as he had imagined, but the skin was so soft, Izuku wondered if the blond moisturized, or another advantage of his quirk was that his skin was always moisturized because of it.

"Don't tell me you're analyzing my skin or some shit like that," Kacchan spoke as he brought his own hand to cup Izuku's cheek and traced his freckles with his thumb.

Izuku pretended he didn't just get read like a book, "Whhhaaattttt?" He said playfully, his voice raising at the end as in question, but expecting no reply back.

Kacchan smiled at his silly response, and Izuku couldn't believe the blond was smiling for him, at his reaction, because he liked him, he liked Izuku. And there were the butterflies fluttering about in his stomach. He was seriously into Kacchan. All of him.

"Sooooo, about your sweater, is that coming off orrrr?"

Izuku had forgotten all about the second half of Kacchan's statement from earlier. "Oh right. But then how are we supposed to stay warm if one of us isn't relying on the other for warmth?"

Kacchan looked at him quizzically, and then eyed the blanket on the floor beside the couch. "What's the blanket there for?"

Izuku turned around to see the blanket Auntie had given him earlier. "Right."

Izuku faced the blond as the latter spoke, "but only if you're okay and you think the blanket's going to keep you warm."

"What about you?"

"I'm okay," Kacchan said and continued when Izuku didn't believe him, "really Deku. It's fine."

"I think that's why I'm here Kacchan, to keep you warm," a pause, "and why Auntie only gave me one blanket." Izuku reached down to pull his own sweater over his head, and was a little disappointed when Kacchan didn't place his hand over his to stop him and say something seductively stupid, but his expression after was worth noting.

The second after he pulled his hoodie over and threw it on the same sofa where Kacchan's hoodie lied, Izuku placed both hands flat over the blond's chest and sat over his lower abdomen. Yeah, he maybe kinda sorta also wanted to have a little fun. Come on, he wanted to spill milk on Kacchan's uniform earlier. And he was 17. Are we going to talk about hormones-

"Fuck," Kacchan swore under his breath as his face was growing a deeper shade of red as a minute flew by between the two. In the short time they had been together Izuku had concluded that Kacchan did like it when he was more assertive. So, he took it upon himself to run his hands up from the blond's abs to his shoulders as his eyes memorized their look and his hands memorized how they felt. Wow. Who knew Izuku could get like this-

"Fuckin' Hell, Deku." Izuku's green eyes met with red as he knew his own cheeks were flushed red, and offered a small smile from the corner of his lips.

"Deku, your scars-" - oh right - "-they're so fuckin pretty." Oh. :);)):)

Izuku flushed even more, and whatever confidence he was building up, simmered right down at the compliment. He didn't know how to do this. He never had done this with anyone else. He had no experience whatsoever, all of those thoughts caused him to drag his hands back down towards himself and he bit his lip in thought because what in the heck was I doing?

"Wait, no, Deku-" Kacchan reached out to Izuku's hands and held them while maintaining eye contact, "that was really attractive."

Izuku couldn't help it, he leaned down and kissed the blond. He retracted his hands from Kacchan's gentle grasp to trace up his frame, around his shoulders and land his hands into spiky locks as he pushed his lips into the teen's he has been waiting on for years.

Kacchan didn't hesitate to place one of his hands on Izuku's lower back and drag his other across Izuku's stomach, and chest, bringing it up to the green-haired teen's shoulders and then to his cheek.

Izuku pressed his entire body weight atop the blond's, and only held his head and shoulders from Kacchan with his elbows, continuing to kiss him. His mind was fuelled by how cute Kacchan was acting in his sleep, and how attractive the blond actually was. The blond on the other hand, was starting to move his hands up and down Izuku's frame, trying his best to feel every square inch of Izuku's top-half in their moment.

Kacchan slid his hand up Izuku's body once again to push upwards at his shoulders. Both parted for air, as Kacchan pushed Izuku off of him and back onto the sofa on his side. Izuku's back was gently placed onto the couch with Kacchan on top of him, and when the blond was leaning down for another kiss, Izuku placed his hand on top of the blond's chest, causing him to stop and stare into green eyes, both also slightly panting. "Wait, Auntie warned me to not go too far."

Kacchan chuckled at Izuku's comment before replying, "we're on a couch, Deku. And we're in my house. With both of our mothers upstairs. And my dad too," he paused, "and if that isn't enough, we're also underage."

Izuku flushed red, and brought both his arms to the blond's shoulders, resting his hands on his nape. "R-Right. I wasn't thinking about going too far if you were wondering," Izuku spoke, his face deepening a shade of red as he averted his gaze from the blond's.

"Oh, I believe you entirely," Kacchan teasingly spoke, "nobody can blame how attractive I am, but if I'm being brutally honest, I just want to kiss you, and hold you, and make you fall in love with me."

Izuku bit his lip, suppressing the wobble of his lips as his eyes filled with tears. Kacchan brought his hand to wipe away the couple of tears that escaped, and smiled fondly at Izuku. "I mean what I say, Deku..." his voice a whisper.

"I don't know how I got so lucky with you," Izuku spoke, trying his best to keep his tears in and smile up at his boyfriend.

"Please, Deku, that's so fucking silly. I don't know what supernatural being made you fall for me, but I thank it every fucking night." Kacchan breathed out before leaning in and kissing Izuku. Their positions were opposite from before, but Izuku kept one of his hands on the blond's strong shoulder and the other tangled in his hair. Izuku. Seriously. Couldn't. Believe. This. At. All.

Kacchan had flushed their entire bodies together as Izuku had done previously, and was kissing Izuku more passionately than before. Them parting for air and going back in for another. Izuku transferring his hands to the blond's middle, tracing up and down his stomach, and then wrapping around, pulling him in closer as if they weren't close enough. Both feeling a little adventurous and overwhelmed with love and longing, the friction being created by each other with their lower-half and-


The grandfather clock had rung and Katsuki pulled away from their deepened kiss. The fuzz in his brain, and the fire in his stomach was disappearing rather quickly when his mind came to a conclusion that it was now 2 a.m. and they had to wake up at 8. Fucking Shit!

Deku's widened eyes meant that he had realized the same and at this point, Katsuki hated his clock more than his coat, and that was surely saying something.

"Kacchan! We should sleep!" Katsuki grunted in agreement with Izuku's haste suggestion, although his pounding heart wanted to continue. He knew he needed the sleep, but he didn't want to lose this contact he had with Deku. So, he did what any sane boyfriend would do in this situation. He plopped right down onto Deku.

And he should've known that that would've led to his boyfriend squawking out his name in surprise. Katsuki held his ground, if he was being forced to sleep, he at least wanted to fall asleep the way he wanted to.

He had heard a sigh and then more fidgeting for Deku to get comfortable, which resulted in him getting a cushion to place on the armrest and lay his head there, while he tossed the blanket set on the side on top of Katsuki and brought his hands to envelop the blond in a hug as well. Katsuki didn't hesitate to do the same.

The ticking of the clock was the only sound lulling him back into his dream from before, and the warmth underneath him was adding onto his drowsy mind before he was close to drifting off when he heard Deku whisper, "goodnight, Kacchan," in a happy and sweet tone. Katsuki felt Deku's chest vibrate as he spoke, and without thinking, he sleepily replied, "goodnight, babe."

It was also just his luck that he fell asleep right before Deku froze in surprise and became a flustered mess, mumbling to himself and to Katsuki as if he was awake. Who knows how long he spent talking to himself before Deku fell asleep, all because of a common pet name couples call each other. Who also knows how Katsuki slept through his boyfriend's entire mumble and how in the ever living fuck Deku stopped and fell asleep.

Whatever the answers were, weren't any of Katsuki's concern at the moment, because all he wanted to do now was dream about their first date together at the Winter Wonderland, and in all honesty, he couldn't wait for the stupid festival to come sooner.


So that's how we ended up like this...

Izuku smiled at last night's events as he kept running his hand through the blond's hair. Izuku's attention was only brought elsewhere once he heard the tinkering of pans and the smell of pancakes. He could also hear quiet chatter amongst his mother, Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru in the other room and he eyed the clock to see it was 9:50am.

Izuku's eyes almost shot out of his head when he took in the time but remembered that they were supposed to reach the festival near 6:30 so it was completely fine that they slept a couple hours past their scheduled awakening time. Plus, he got to spend more time with Kacchan this way.

Speaking of Kacchan, he was still out like a log from last night, and Izuku knew that he liked to get his 8 or 9 hours of sleep before the next day, so he was sure the blond would wake soon, but in the time being, Izuku only wished the clock would tick slower, and that the world would still.

They had to go back to Izuku's house and grab better clothes near 5, and then catch a train to the festival at 6, so they still had plenty of time before then to stay in each other's company, and not drench themselves in their responsibilities for the festival.

Izuku watched the teen in his lap carefully, he was shuffling around a little but wasn't opening his eyes just yet. Izuku knew he was a few minutes away from waking, and growing chatter amongst their guardians only meant that breakfast - or lunch - was almost ready. Pancakes for lunch haha!

Izuku laughed inwardly at the thought, and wondered if everyone else was as excited as he was for the festival, what his friends were doing right now, how All-Might was doing since he left the party along with the others, and if Kacchan was now more excited over the Winter Wonderland than before. It was their first date after all, like the other couples in their class, and Izuku truly believed this was the first out of many to come.

More shuffling, then heavy lids opened to take in their surroundings, and then they met Izuku's. A small smile was placed on the blond's lips and Izuku returned it ten fold, knowing that Kacchan was running over last night's memories through his mind.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Izuku started, and was returned with a hum from the blond as he hugged Izuku tighter.

"A few more minutes..." Kacchan spoke, his voice raspier and low from sleep, as he pulled the blanket up to his shoulders and clung to Izuku for warmth. Izuku couldn't quite necessarily feel the sweat Kacchan would've produced in his sleep if he was wearing his hoodie, and all in all, the night was a total success.

Mission accomplished.


It was the day of the Winter Wonderland Festival. Also, it was Christmas. But surprisingly for Momo, it was the festival she was more looking forward to this year. Mostly because all of the students in Class 2-A as well as a few students from Class 2-B put in a lot of effort towards this event. She honestly couldn't feel more proud.

They were almost done the last minute prep before they had to begin running the festival. Tasks and shifts were given to class members before the break had begun. Momo and Todoroki were to run the Ice Slide during the beginning portion of the festival before they were to switch with Ojiro-kun and Hagakure-kun (Both seemed overjoyed when they had heard they were assigned a shift together and Momo had hidden a knowing smile behind her palm). In fact, she had spent almost a whole night drafting up the teams so that each class-member would feel comfortable during their shifts. She made sure to keep Monoma-kun and Bakugo-san at completely different shifts and places after that particular incident. Honestly, she just wants this festival to run as smoothly as possible.

Which is why she paired Bakugo with Midoriya-kun instead. And at first glance, it may seem as if she's made a mistake with that decision but ever since pairing them together for the banner, the two teens actually have been getting closer rather than apart. See? Momo knows what she's doing. Even Todoroki-kun thought it was a great idea! Well, actually, when she asked him what he had thought of the decision, all he said was, "You're the Vice-President and I voted for you for a reason," and then he had turned around to order a bowl of cold soba from the cafeteria, leaving Momo to tend to her racing heart. Oh Todoroki-kun...

Speaking of the boy, Todoroki was currently using his ice quirk to create the slide, while Iida was helping smoothening out any sharp edges that could potentially injure a participant. As she watched, she wondered how this festival was going to go with Todoroki as her date. Oh my gosh, I'm going on a date with Todoroki-kun!

Maybe she was watching her boyfriend- Oh my gosh, he's my boyfriend!- for a bit too long because she zoned back to Kaminari who was apparently in a conversation with Mina, Jiro, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Kirishima and Sero. When did they get here? Oh dear, was she part of this conversation, too?

"Do you think our plan worked?" Kaminari asked, in the midst of wrapping a string of lights around a low tree branch. They were a bit too close together and Momo opened her mouth to ask the blond to separate the lights a bit farther from each other when Jiro stepped up beside him.

"Dumbass, these are too close together," she muttered with a scowl before bringing up her hands to spread them farther apart from each other.

Kaminari turned to her with a grin before leaning in to land a smooch on her forehead. "Thanks, Jiro-san!"

Jiro froze in place, lips twitching as if she was about to implode. Before that could potentially happen, because Momo was definitely not going to take any chances today, Momo cleared her throat to ask, "Umm, what plan were you talking about, Kaminari-kun?"

The blond turned to Momo to answer her, completely oblivious to how much his previous action had affected Jiro. At least it wasn't a bad effect, she thought and the tiny smile Jiro tried to hide only proved that fact.

"The Operation: BakuDeku plan obviously!" Kaminari exclaimed before leaning in to whisper, even though it wasn't quite at all a whisper in the slightest, "do you think Baku-brontosaurus and Mido are together yet?"

Momo blinked. Baku- what?

"I don't know, bro," Kirishima spoke up from where he was making snow angels with Mina. Momo had to blink again at that. What was happening?

"I mean, they seemed normal when they came back from the hot-chocolate haul yesterday," Kirishima continued as he got up carefully to admire his work before dusting himself off and reaching out a hand to Mina.

"What do you mean they looked normal?! They were practically glowing!" Mina exclaimed, taking Kirishima's hand with a grin as he pulled her up. "Obviously something happened during their little trip!"

"That sounds so fucking wrong- I did not need to know that," Sero grumbled and Momo's eyes widened at the implication. Oh dear, how would Iida react to that? Almost immediately the group turned to Iida expectantly who was already facing them with a tired expression before turning away with a sigh to continue helping Todoroki polish the slide. "As long as it's not on school property," Iida mumbled.

Sero snorted into laughter at that while everyone turned to each other with questioning looks. When did Iida-kun start to sound like Aizawa-sensei?

Kaminari mumbled, "the dad disease," under his breath before turning to Jiro with a panicked expression. "Oh god, Jiro! I'm a dad! Oh shit, let me be the fun dad please, Jared, if you can hear me-"

"Um," Tsuyu-Chan interrupted from behind her huge scarf. Out of everyone here, she was the most bundled up, which made sense since Tsuyu was more sensitive to the cold. "I don't think Midoriya and Bakugo participated in those 'activities,' kero-kero." Ochaco stood beside Tsuyu with a horrified expression and Momo couldn't help but relate. This wasn't what she was expecting to be discussing on Christmas morning.

"That's not what I meant!" Mina yelled, startling them all with the abrupt rise in volume. "I meant that Baku-Biscuit must've confessed to Midoriya-kun during the time!"

Everyone blankly stared at the pink-haired teen for a moment before Sero interrupted that awkward silence. "I don't know, dude. To me, it honestly didn't seem like anything happened between them."

Mina rolled her eyes at the boy. "That's because you've never been in a relationship, Sero."

Sero spluttered at that while some choked in response. Oh dear. Momo turned to the Class Rep to see him continue to polish down the slide while Todoroki was now finished with his work and just blankly staring at Iida working. It's as if Todoroki could sense her eyes on him as he immediately looked up before walking over to stand beside her. The action oddly reminded Momo of how a dog would excitedly run over to its owner upon seeing them. Todoroki sent a small smile her way and turned to face the commotion that was going on in front of them. Momo tried to fight a blush down at the loo- wait, commotion?!

She snapped her head to see Kiri holding Mina back while Kami held Sero back as they yelled at each other. Everyone else continued to stand there and watch the fight. Ochaco still had the horrified look on her face.

"You just got into a relationship like two seconds ago and now you're some expert?!" Sero snapped.

"You wanna go, Sero?!" Mina yelled back while Kirishima struggled to keep her from charging at the boy. Kaminari didn't seem better off.

"Oh yeah?! Let's go! I got pointy elbows! I ain't afraid of you!" Sero yelled back.

Sero flexed his elbows from behind Kaminari's hold on him, the action looking a bit ridiculous that Momo had to bite her lip to hold back the sudden urge to laugh. She quickly shook her head. This wasn't funny (it was hilarious) and she needed to stop this quickly. She sent one last questioning look at Iida only to see him humming to himself wearing- headphones? Where did he get those from?

Kaminari suddenly speaking up caused her to turn back to the commotion. "Yo, guys! What the shit? It's Christmas! Sero put your pointy elbows down! They're going to poke me in the eye!" Kaminari exclaimed, continuing to dodge as Sero kept swinging his arms around. "Kiri, bro, you gotta help me, man- Kiri, are you crying?!"

Momo turned to see that the redhead was indeed crying. "I'm sorry," Kirishima sniffled as he continued to hold onto Mina. "It's just Mina's so cool."

Kaminari furrowed his eyebrows as his voice took on a more somber tone. "Bro, no... that's simp behaviour. You can't do this to me, dude."

"What is going on..." Momo murmured under her breath.

"It's just the Christmas spirit, kero-kero," Tsuyu spoke up and Momo turned to her in confusion, not missing that Ochaco was still frozen beside her. Should she be concerned? "They're just really excited for the festival. We all are."

"Yeah, I guess idiots have a special way of showing it, though," Jiro said, walking up to stand beside them. She sent Momo a lopsided smile but that quickly wiped off as Jiro's eyes drifted to somewhere behind the other girl. Momo furrowed her eyebrows before a familiar song playing from behind her caused her to whip her head back. The sight that greeted her made her let out a tired sigh. Is it possible to retire from an unpaid position?

Todoroki stood in front of her with a microphone created from his ice quirk and his coat hood pulled over his head. There were also...sunglasses on his face? Where did he get those from? It's near night time. The source of the music seemed to be coming from Iida who tiredly stood beside the boy with his phone raised.

Momo snapped her eyes from the Class Rep to see Todoroki raise his mic to his mouth. "Bullying, knock it off."

Oh dear.

"Racism, knock it off."

She turned around to see that both Mina and Sero had calmed down and was facing towards Todoroki with a bewildered look. Kaminari and Kirishima had somehow quickly gravitated towards each other and were now singing along with a solemn expression on both their faces. Momo turned back towards the main 'singer' and wondered how on earth they even ended up here.

"Bigotry, knock it off. Crime-"

Momo blinked back to reality at the abrupt silence to see Jiro returning Iida his phone. Ah, so Jiro must be the one to stop the 'music.' Momo made a mental note to thank her later.

"Todoroki, my son, that was beautiful," Kaminari spoke up, wiping a fake tear from under his eye.

Kirishima nodded from beside him. "Yeah, bro. Look! Mina and Sero aren't even fighting anymore." Kirishima walked to stand next to Todoroki before putting a hand on the latter's shoulder. "You solved bullying, bro."

Momo furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't think-"

"What the fuck is going on?" A voice interrupted from behind them and they all turned back to see Bakugo and Midoriya walking up to them. All eyes immediately zoned in to their hands clasped in the middle. Mina was the first to interrupt the silence that took place.

"I knew it!" Mina shouted before turning to point at Sero while sticking out her tongue. "See, Sero! I do know a lot about relationships!"

Sero just scoffed. "They're just holding hands, Mina. They've done it before so it probably doesn't mean anything."

"Wait so Bakugo got friendzoned after all?" Kaminari asked, turning to face the duo with a sad look. "Dude...I'm so sorry."

"What the fuck are yo-" Bakugo started, raising his mitten-covered hand angrily before he was interrupted by Todoroki.

"But I thought they were childhood friends?" Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows in thought and Kirishima gasped from behind him.

"Bro, you were friend-zoned way back then?!" Kirishima exclaimed, turning to the spiky-haired teen with an incredulous expression.

"Wait, Kacchan, you were friendzoned?" Midoriya asked from beside Bakugo and Momo could hear the blond sizzling in anger from where she was standing.

Okay, she needed to stop this like yesterday, but before she could open her mouth, Mina suddenly shouted, "WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO WHEN YOU WENT TO GET HOT-CHOCOLATE YESTERDAY?!"

"Tch, nothing," the blond responded, head turned down while he kicked snow around with his boot. Midoriya tilted his head in confusion.

"Nothing?" Sero repeated as he narrowed his eyes at the duo, pointedly glancing down at their jointed hands and then back up. "You're telling me that absolutely nothing happened while you guys went out for hot-chocolate."

Bakugo huffed, looking up to glare at the boy. Sero seemed to be unaffected. "Yeah, Tape-Arms."

"But you guys were gone for so long," Mina piped up and Bakugo raised an eyebrow at the girl.


"Bro, you didn't even return with any hot-chocolate," Kirishima added, his words trailing off into a sad pout and Kaminari nodded from beside him with the same expression.

Sero turned to the duo with a pointed look. "So, that means something did happen between you two during the trip, right?" He asked.

Bakugo stayed silent, eye twitching slightly as he stared back at the other boy. Meanwhile, Midoriya brought up a hand to his chin as he hummed in thought before his eyes suddenly widened in realization. "Oh right! Something did happen!" The green-haired boy exclaimed.

Momo blinked at the boy in shock and so did everyone around them. Even Ochaco seemed to have snapped out of her daze to turn to Midoriya with an even more horrified expression. "Oh no," she muttered under her breath. Todoroki looked back and forth between everyone's expressions before settling his blank stare at Midoriya once more. Iida stopped his polishing, which she believes he didn't really need to work on anymore, and faced the duo with an unreadable expression.

"Please tell me you were at least safe," Iida said with a measured tone.

Midoriya blinked at the Class Rep before nodding vigorously. "Oh, don't worry, Iida-kun! I was!" He then sent a teasing look towards the blond beside him. "But Kacchan wasn't."


Bakugo seemed to freeze, eyes staring widely at the snow beneath his feet and back going rigid at those words. Midoriya didn't seem to expect that reaction from the boy as he sent Bakugo a questioning glance. Momo could feel everyone's eyes on the duo as they took in Midoriya's words. Iida looked as if he had aged a couple hundred years in just a span of a few seconds. Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were rapidly blinking as if they had malfunctioned. Ochaco looked as if she was seconds away from collapsing while Tsuyu, Mina and Jiro joined Momo in staring at the two boys in front of them. Todoroki still looked lost.

"Honestly Kacchan," Midoriya suddenly spoke up, breaking the tense silence as he turned to the blond with a wary look. "You should've been prepared! We were heading to the forest too! What did you even expect?"

Oh god.

And that's when everything erupted into chaos.

Iida moved his hands through rapid 90-degree motions as he opened his mouth to scold the teens but nothing came out since he was probably in shock. Kirishima and Sero stood frozen while Kaminari collapsed on the ground, only to begin making snow angels. Todoroki turned to everyone in confusion and sent Momo a questioning glance before making his way over to Kaminari to join him in making snow angels. Momo couldn't really help Todoroki as she was too busy trying to find what on earth she was supposed to do in this situation. Nowhere online did any website mention what she's supposed to do in her role as the Vice President with this situation.

Ochaco suddenly speaking up caused Momo to snap out of her daze and turn her attention to the girl who seriously looked as if she was about to keel over. "Deku-kun- oh god I think I'm going to faint."

Midoriya widened his eyes at that and immediately flailed his one arm as the other was still holding onto Bakugo's. Speaking of the boy, Bakugo was still frozen in the same position, eyes blinking ever so slowly indicating that he was still alive. "Wahhh?!" Midoriya screamed, turning to Ochaco with concern. "Uraraka-san!! It's okay! I made sure Kacchan was prepared for tonight! It won't happen again!"


Bakugo choked, effectively snapping back to normal with those words and turned to Midoriya with a disbelieving look. "Nerd, what the fuck are you talking about?!"

Midoriya turned his distressed eyes to the blond, worriedly glancing between a hyperventilating Ochaco and Bakugo who looked as if he was seconds away from sending an explosion to his face. "Huh? Your shoelaces, of course!" Midoriya yelped before turning to everyone with wide eyes. "That's what we were talking about, right?"

Shoelaces? They were just talking about shoelaces? Oh thank god. It's just shoelaces. Momo has never felt so relieved before but that moment was soon interrupted by Sero.

"No, we thought you two had se-" Sero immediately got cut off as Mina quickly leapt from her spot beside Ochaco to tackle the boy into the ground. Momo let out a breath she was holding in. The amount of almost heart attacks she's had today should be concerning.

"Yes! That's exactly what we were talking about! Midoriya-kun," Mina spoke up as she pinned a struggling Sero to the ground. "Tell us exactly what happened last night!"

Those were all the words Midoriya needed to continue on with a happy expression as he'd just been glancing back and forth between everyone with a frown. "Oh right! Well, Kacchan didn't tie his shoelaces and ended up tripping over them but he didn't fall over which is good because we ended up taking a shortcut through a forest and he could've gotten seriously hurt if he tripped over something which is why I made sure he tied them extra tight for today's festivities and-"

The green-haired boy got interrupted by Todoroki who sat up from the ground in the middle of creating his snow angel to regard Midoriya with a confused look. "Wait, where are the shoelaces?" Todoroki asking the important questions. Momo bit back a small smile before realizing that the boy had a point. Everyone turned to the duo to stare down at the blond's boots which held no visible shoelaces.

"They're inside the boots!! Can you believe it?" Midoriya jumped up excitedly before turning to the boy beside him with a giant grin. "Kacchan, show them!"

Bakugo took one look at Midoriya's face with a scowl and huffed before crouching down. Momo's eyes widened at how quickly the blond had given in. It's happened quite a few times before but usually Bakugo would've put up a fight before subtly-but-not-so-subtly giving in. This time there wasn't any fight from Bakugo. Maybe something did end up happening after all?

Momo was brought out of her thoughts when Bakugo peeled back the top part of his shoe to reveal the shoelaces hidden inside. Everyone 'oohed' and 'aahed.' Mina got off of Sero to get closer while the boy slowly stood up to shake the snow off him.

"Those are so cool! Where did you get them?" Mina asked and Bakugo let out a scoff.

"Tch, the old hag wanted me to test out these for her stupid company."

"No way!" Mina exclaimed. "That's so cool! I keep forgetting that your parents work in the fashion industry."

"It's not a fucking memorable job anyway," the blond grumbled, rising back up on his feet and stuffing his hands in his pockets, which consequently brought one of Midoriya's hands into his pockets as well since their hands were still connected. Bakugo either didn't notice this or didn't seem to mind and based on Midoriya's face, it seemed the same for him except the little red dotting on his cheekbones giving him away.

"That's not true! Your parents run one of the most popular fashion industries in all of Japan!" Mina yelled, waving her arms around for emphasis.

"How do you trip on your shoelaces if they were inside?" Kirishima muttered and Kaminari sat up from the ground to face the redhead with a serious look. "They're shoelaces and they're evil. They always find a way..."

Todoroki nodded from beside Kaminari while Kirishima tilted his head to consider his words before shrugging.

"Woah, hold on," Sero interrupted while glancing warily at Mina from his spot. "You said you took a shortcut to the forest. If it was supposed to be a shortcut, why did you take so long?"

Everyone turned around towards the duo, curious as well. Bakugo rolled his eyes at how quickly they snapped their heads towards them before Midoriya let out a gasp.

"Oh! That's because Kacch-" Midoriya abruptly cuts himself off by raising a hand to cover his mouth. He glances at Bakugo with wide eyes and turns to the rest of them, mumbling out a 'one second please,' before dragging Bakugo by their intertwined hands not even a meter away from the group. The blond made sure to let his annoyance of the action be heard but didn't really put much of a fight. Again, another instance where Bakugo quickly gave in.

"What the fuck is your problem, nerd?!" Bakugo yelled once Midoriya released him.

"Shh! Kacchan!" Midoriya whispered, bringing a finger to his lips.

"Don't fucking 'shush' me-" The blond started before getting cut off by the other teen.

"Can I tell them?"

"Haah?!" Bakugo yelled and Midoriya flailed his arms around in panic as he hissed out a "Shh Kacchan!!" which went ignored by the blond.

"What the fuck are you on about?" Bakugo continued in his normal volume rather than following Midoriya's request to keep a quiet tone.

"Can I tell them that we're together?" Midoriya asked, leaning in closer to the blond as he spoke.

"I literally don't give a fuck, nerd," came Bakugo's response and Momo blinked at that. That means something did happen last night and that 'something' turned out to be Bakugo confessing to Midoriya. And from the looks of it, it seemed that Midoriya accepted. The thought of the two boys finally getting together brought a smile to her face as she watched the teens continue to argue less than a meter away.

"They do know that we can hear literally everything they're saying, right?" Kirishima said and Momo turned back to realize that the entire group's attention was on the two boys who were currently oblivious to the staring as they continued to "whisper" to each other. Momo opened her mouth to suggest that everyone should give them their privacy when the sudden raise in Midoriya's tone caused her to snap back to the conversation.

"What? I thought you did mind!" Midoriya exclaimed and it took Momo a moment to realize he was talking about revealing their relationship. Well, they all know now so Momo didn't really see how they could keep it hidden now. Worse comes to worse, she can always pretend as if she didn't hear. She doesn't know about the rest of her classmates, however. "You didn't say anything when they asked about the hot-chocolate trip!" Midoriya continued.

"That's because I thought you wanted to keep it a damn secret!" Bakugo snapped back.

Midoriya paused before turning to the blond with an offended look. "Huh? What makes you think that?"

"Because when they asked, you brought up my fucking shoelaces, dumbass," Bakugo scoffed.

"I thought that's what they were talking about, Kacchan!" Midoriya reasoned and that's what caused Bakugo to snap.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY BE TALKING ABOUT MY SHOELACES?!" The blond yelled and Midoriya didn't hesitate to match his tone.



"I actually think it's pretty cool." Everyone turned from the two teens screaming at each other to Todoroki who sat there with a blank expression.

Midoriya had a triumphant grin on his face as he turned back to the blond. "SEE, KACCHAN? TODOROKI THINKS- Oh my gosh, we're yelling."

Midoriya quickly covered his mouth with his hands as he turned to everyone with wide eyes, his face turning red under their gazes. No one spoke for a moment as they took in the fact that Midoriya and Bakugo were now in a relationship while Bakugo muttered "dumbass" under his breath.

That was all that was required for them to snap out of it as Mina turned to them with an overjoyed expression. "OH MY GOSH! YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER?!"

Midoriya seemed to blush harder at that and brought a hand to scratch the back of his head nervously before mumbling out "um, yeah we are..." All eyes turned from Midoriya to Bakugo for confirmation.

The blond rolled his eyes in response. "Yeah we are together, you extras got a problem with that?" He yelled, scowling at them intimidatingly, although the slight pink on his cheeks did ruin the impact. Bakugo's words were all they needed to start cheering and many ran over to bring them into a hug, leaving Momo, Todoroki, Jiro and Iida behind to watch the group fondly. She couldn't help but smile wider when she noticed the small smile on Todoroki's face as he regarded the group. Honestly, she felt a bit relieved herself. Two of her classmates are finally together and happy. That's all she could ask for.

"I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY YES!" Mina yelled out while clinging onto Bakugo and Midoriya. The green-haired boy blushed but awkwardly reciprocated the hug while Bakugo yelled at her to get off, hands coming to push her away. Ochaco seemed to be back to normal as she hugged Midoriya tightly from the other side, screaming her congratulations while Tsuyu calmly congratulated them from beside the brunette. Kirishima gave a friendly punch to Bakugo's shoulder and laughed when the blond tried to punch him back but couldn't because of the vice grip Mina had him in. Kaminari and Sero alternated with letting out 'whoops' every so often.

Iida let out an amused sigh. "They're acting as if the two got married," he said before adding, "which is not allowed on school grounds!"

Jiro laughed. "Calm down, Class Rep. Everyone's happy 'cause we've been waiting forever for these two idiots to get together." She then turned to the boy with a knowing look. "You can't tell me you're not relieved that they finally got their heads out of their asses and confessed."

"Well, I wouldn't put it in those terms," Iida cleared his throat awkwardly before turning to her with a serious expression. "But yes, I am happy that they are now comfortable with each other."

"I'm just happy I don't have to give Bakugo advice in the locker rooms anymore," Todoroki said, walking over to stand beside Momo once more.

Momo furrowed her eyebrows and turned to the boy with a confused expression. "Anymore?" Todoroki nodded and before Momo could question him further, Kaminari suddenly spoke up.

"Wait, so Bakugo actually confessed?" He asked, turning to the blond in question, but it was Midoriya who answered instead.

"Yeah! It was amazing!" He grinned at them. "Just like Kacchan!" Everyone smiled at that while Bakugo huffed, turning away with a slight blush. "There were barely any swear words either!" Midoriya added, causing almost everyone to let out a gasp.

"No fucking way," Sero marvelled and Kaminari shook his head in disbelief, mumbling "that's not possible" under his breath.

Bakugo scoffed at the bewildered expressions and was about to open his mouth to say something before he immediately got interrupted by Kaminari.

"Well anyway," Kaminari said, coming up to rest an elbow on Bakugo's shoulder before ducking behind Kirishima as the boy turned to him with a snarl. "Congratulations you guys! Now, when's the wedding?"

Oh no.

"Th-The what?!" Midoriya spluttered while Bakugo stood frozen beside him.

Kirishima quickly turned to the spiky-haired teen with wide eyes. "Ooh! Can I be your best man bro?!"

Mina let out a gasp before turning to Bakugo as well. "And I can be your maid of honor!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Is that even allowed?" Jiro asked.

Kirishima tilted his head in thought for approximately two seconds before turning to her with a shrug. "Sure."

"If that's the case," Todoroki spoke up from beside Momo and raised a hand to place on her shoulder before turning to Midoriya with a determined look. "I'll be Midoriya's best man and Yaoyoruzu can be the maid of honor."

Momo actually choked on her spit at that one and Todoroki turned to her with a concerned look, gently patting her back.

"Uh, Wait guys-" Midoriya started when Ochaco cut him off by bringing his face closer to hers by squishing his cheeks between her palms. Midoriya's eyes widened at the intense look in her eyes.

"Will there be food?" She asked and Midoriya had no choice but to nod vigorously. Momo was a bit relieved he chose that option because there's no knowing what would've happened if he hesitated even for just a second.

"Wait, when's the wedding?" Sero asked and for the second time today, Momo wondered how on earth they even got to this point.

"Did I hear someone say wedding?" Everyone turned back to see Aoyama walking towards the group with Hagakure by his side as they both carried bags over to them. Aoyama then turned to the duo, bringing a free hand to frame his face, the action somehow causing sparkles to suddenly appear around the boy. "Mon chérie, you can definitely count on me to make it the most exquisite wedding you'll ever have!"

That seemed to be the last straw for Bakugo as the boy immediately yelled out "WE'RE NOT GETTING FUCKING MARRIED IDIOTS!"

Everyone paused and blinked at the duo while Bakugo was slightly panting from his outburst. Oh no. They seemed to have pushed the blond a bit too far. Momo sighed inwardly. She shouldn't have let this go on for so long. One look at Iida's face confirmed that he too felt the same. They both stepped forward, about to apologize to the two boys when Midoriya silently sneaked his hand into Bakugo's to give it a comforting squeeze, and just like that, the blond almost immediately relaxed his shoulders. It didn't even seem that Bakugo had even noticed how the gesture had quickly calmed him down and Momo had a hard time believing that they had just gotten together despite acting as if they had been dating for a while now.

Midoriya turned to the group with a sheepish smile. "Uh yeah, sorry guys just boyfriends for now, plus we still got school so..." He trailed off into nervous laughter. It didn't go unnoticed that the boy didn't outwardly reject the idea and one look at the small blush on Bakugo's face confirmed that he didn't completely reject the idea either.

"You guys are boyfriends?!" Hagakure squealed so suddenly, causing a few to get startled at the sudden break in silence. "Oh my gosh!! I'm so happy for you guys!!"

"Oui!" Aoyama nodded, emitting a few more sparkles somehow. "But to be honest, I thought you two were already dating."

"I can see that." Ochaco said, sending a teasing smile to Midoriya and Bakugo before turning to point at the bags in the other teens' hands. "Ooh! What's in the bags?"

"Oh! These are just the costumes for those with the first shift!" Hagakure exclaimed, handing Midoriya and Bakugo the two bags while Aoyama turned to Todoroki and Momo with his set of bags. She accepted hers with a smile as Hagakure continued. "We actually came over to let you guys know that the festival is gonna start soon so we should probably get ready."

Momo froze at that before quickly pulling out her phone to check the time. Oh my god, the festival is going to begin in thirty minutes! They didn't realize how much time had passed by as they chatted.

"It's 7:00 pm already! We only have half an hour more!" The Class Rep exclaimed before quickly turning to fix everyone with a serious expression. "Those who have first shifts, quickly go change and anyone who needs to use the restrooms, do so now! We will meet back here in fifteen minutes, alright?"

He was met with nods and affirmations. Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima saluted while yelling out a "sir, yes, sir!" And with that, everyone quickly dispersed, excited to finally begin the festival they've all been waiting for.


"Fucking Hell, I'm going to kill Pinky!" Katsuki yelled out, pulling the abomination out of the bag with disgust. He actually ended up forgetting that he had to wear this piece of shit costume today as he was too busy figuring out how to confess to the nerd. So to see this familiar looking garbage definitely soured his mood. No way in hell he could start his first official date with Deku looking like a fucking cartoon character.

"What? Why? What did Ashido-san do?" Deku asked from where he was currently pulling the candy-cane patterned stockings over his thighs and Katsuki didn't really bother looking away. Maybe he should. Maybe he should be a good boyfriend and give Deku his privacy- oh, whoops. Too late. Deku's already done putting the stockings on. Maybe next time.

"Kacchan?" Came Deku's voice but Katsuki's attention was still on the boy's legs. Did he work out his legs more? What workout did he use? Maybe if he stared at them longer, he'd get the answer.


The blond hummed in response.

"Are you just watching me change?" Deku asked.

"Yeah," he replied nonchalantly.

"You're not even going to try and deny it?" Deku turned over to face the blond with his hands crossed across his chest- oh damn, he's shirtless now. Would you look at that? See, Katsuki would turn around and give his boyfriend some privacy now but Deku just asked him a question and he was facing him. Therefore, Deku was having a conversation with Katsuki and it would be fucking rude to turn away in the middle of one, so he can't turn around. Because Katsuki Bakugo isn't rude. He's such a good fucking person.

Oh shit, he had to respond.

"Nope," he answered and Deku just narrowed his eyes at the blond. Katsuki must've zoned out because it took a lot of willpower to resist to flinch when he suddenly felt something pressed against his forehead. He snapped back to reality to realize he was face-to-face with Deku's abs. Nice.

What wasn't nice, however, was the fact that Deku had a hand up to his forehead and was looking at him in concern. That was all Katsuki needed to snap out of his daze.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He scowled, glaring up at the nerd but Deku didn't look the slightest bit bothered. In fact, he just flipped his hand to now rest his palm against Katsuki's forehead. Like that would make a fucking difference.

"Checking to see if you have a fever," Deku mumbled, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and Katsuki immediately felt a surge of annoyance at his words.

He slapped the offending hand away and let out a scoff. "What the fuck- like hell, I'd have a fucking fever!"

Deku stepped back and tilted his head. "Then what's wrong?"

Katsuki grabbed the horrid costume in one hand and thrusted the scrunched up material to Deku's face. "What's wrong is these shitty ass costumes Pinky made us."

"Huh? I don't think they look bad!" Deku exclaimed before taking the cloth from Katsuki's hands. "And don't do that! It's gonna wrinkle!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he watched the nerd straighten out what seemed to be the top part of the costume. It was a green shirt which honestly looked more like a shitty dress if anything as they just reached the top of his thighs. There was supposed to be candy-cane patterned long-sleeved shirt that matched the stupid stockings that was supposed to be underneath the 'dress.' Then there was a belt that was supposed to be tied at the waist. Oh, and don't get Katsuki started on the shitty fucking hat and shoes with stupid bells attached. "Well, obviously you don't think it looks bad."

Deku paused and turned to Katsuki with an offended look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Katsuki ignored him and continued. "Stupid Icy-Hot and Ponytail got better costumes than us."

"They're supposed to represent the Ice Prince and Ice Princess because it's related to their shift!" Deku exclaimed as if that was supposed to justify anything. "Just like the elf costumes are related to ours!"

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the nerd and brought up his knee on the bench so he could prop his elbow on it to rest his head in his palm. "How the fuck are the elf costumes related to our shift?"

"Well we're supposed to be in charge of admissions, right? Welcoming people in!" Deku replied and brought his hands together in excitement. "Don't you think kids would feel excited seeing us?!"

"If I was a kid and I saw someone dressed in this shit, I'd fucking run, Deku." Katsuki deadpanned before tilting his head to reconsider his words. "Or beat them up, yeah, probably that." That sounded more accurate.

Deku turned to him with a bewildered expression. "What? Why?"

Katsuki let out a sigh. "Deku, I get that you're fucking blind to good fashion sense-"


"But these are both terrifying and annoying," Katsuki continued, completely ignoring Deku's outburst.

Deku frowned. "But-"

"Terrifyingly annoying," Kastuki added.

Deku let out a huff. "No way, Kacchan! These are definitely cute!" The nerd held the top up against his chest and turned to face Katsuki with a bright grin. Katsuki stared at Deku's face, eye twitching slightly at how he could basically count all the freckles on the boy's face under the light.

"No, Deku, you're cute. These are fucking ugly," Katsuki blurted out before realizing what he had fucking said. Before Deku could say anything he immediately hissing, "shut up."

Deku didn't listen, however (how fucking surprising), and turned to Katsuki with wide eyes, his face slowly beginning to colour red. "Y-You think I'm cute?"

"Shut up," Katsuki repeated but Deku just faced him with a shy smile.

"Don't worry, Kacchan! I think you're cute too!" Fuck.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled and Deku pouted.

"Why?" Deku asked. "We're dating now! Isn't that what boyfriends are supposed to do? Compliment each other?"

"No," Katsuki replied casually and Deku spluttered in response.

"Wha- Kacchan! You literally did it to me last night!" He exclaimed.

"Haah?! No I fucking didn't!" He yelled back even though he so fucking did. Maybe he didn't want to admit he was a fucking softie for the nerd just yet. And maybe it was fun to tease Deku.

"Yes, you did Kacchan! On the couch and oh!" Deku let out a gasp before pointing at Katsuki. "You called me babe!"

"Haah?! What the fuck? No, I didn't," Katsuki denied and revelled in the frustrated look in Deku's eyes. Yep. It was definitely fun to tease the nerd.

"Yes, you did, Kacchan!" Deku nodded insistently before mumbling, "and I liked it!"

Katsuki blinked. He liked it? That's good to know because honestly, Katsuki didn't really mind it either. But for now, he bit back a smirk as he turned to the nerd. "You're delusional, Deku," he said before wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Besides, who the fuck calls their boyfriend 'babe?'"

Deku spluttered out a "w-what?! I-Are you serious?" Katsuki just shrugged in response enjoying that Deku was taking this so seriously.

"Kacchan, what do you think boyfriends do?" Deku asked, eyes wide in anticipation of the blond's response. Katsuki took a deep breath, drumming his fingers on his knee in thought before responding.

"Go mountain climbing together."

Deku blinked and waited for a few seconds before realizing that Katsuki wasn't going to say anything else. "What- That's it?"

Katsuki nodded and bit back a laugh at how Deku's eye actually twitched at the action. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Kacchan, you can do that with literally anyone!" Deku exclaimed, turning to Katsuki with an incredulous look.

Katsuki stared right back into Deku's eyes challengingly. "But I want to do it with you, shitty nerd," he said, smiling on the inside at how the boy's eyes widened fractionally. "No one else fucking compares."

"I-You-I," Deku stuttered, cheeks quickly turning red at those words. "You can't do that!"

Katsuki tilted his head. "Do what?" He calmly asked.

"You can't just randomly say stuff like that!" The boy continued while looking seconds away from exploding. And Katsuki thought he was the one with that quirk.

"Why? I thought you wanted me to say 'stuff like that,' Deku." He turned to the green-haired boy with a teasing smile and Deku spluttered in response before breaking off with a sigh.

"Ugh, you know what? Just get changed, I give up," Deku said and Katsuki smirked at successfully winning whatever this was. That smirk quickly turned into a frown as Deku dropped the disgusting costume onto his lap before walking over to where his own costume was on the other side of the room. "Yes, you're wearing the costume, Kacchan!" Deku called over his shoulder before turning to Katsuki with a small teasing smile that had his heart skipping a fucking beat. "Unless you want Iida-kun to lecture you."

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the nerd before turning away with a scoff. Picking up the ugly costume he quickly put it on, not wanting to stare at the wretched thing any longer. As long as he avoided any mirrors and windows, he should be fine. Besides, it's only one shift. Katsuki was in the middle of buckling the stupid belt around his waist when he realized something.

"Oi, Deku," He called, turning over just as he finished with the belt only to see the boy struggling with his own damn belt. Katsuki rolled his eyes before starting to make his way over to the nerd. Just when he took a step he heard the jingle of the stupid bells from his shoes and hat. He froze and took a deep breath before he'd end up exploding the stupid costume off.

Finally walking over to the nerd while trying his best to ignore the annoying jingles, he stopped in front of Deku to grab the belt from his hands. Deku blushed and sent Katsuki a sheepish smile. Katsuki shook his head at the idiot as he focused on bringing the belt through the loops.

"What about you?" Katsuki started and Deku hummed in question. "What does being boyfriends mean to you?"

"Oh umm," Deku blinked and tilted his head in thought. "I guess, to me, it means like being partners? Like a team? Like..." He trailed off before letting out a gasp. "Oh! Like being two halves of a whole!" Katsuki raised an eyebrow at that while Deku brought up a hand to rest on his chin as he mumbled, "hmm, but I guess now that I think about it, we were already like that, right? So then, I guess nothing's really changed?"

"Tch, Shitty Deku," Katsuki scoffed as he finished buckling the belt before resting his hands on Deku's waist. "Everything's changed because now, I can do this."

With that, Katsuki raised a hand to tilt Deku's head towards him and held eye-contact with the boy before leaning in to press his lips against Deku's, only closing his eyes when the other did so. He still wasn't experienced at this but Deku didn't seem to mind as he eagerly moved his lips against Katsuki's causing the blond to smirk into the kiss. After a moment, he pulled back to see Deku slowly open his eyes with a giant grin on his face. This fucking idiot, Katsuki thought as a small smile pulled on his lips.

"Oh, r-right! We can do that!" Deku nodded, the grin not faltering as he stared happily back at Katsuki.

The blond rolled his eyes. "Of course, you'd forget that, dumbass."

Deku turned to him with an offended look. "I didn't forget it!" He exclaimed.

Katsuki quirked an eyebrow at the nerd before pulling back with a shrug. "Whatever babe," he said, quickly turning around and smirking at the gasp from behind him. "Let's go, we gotta meet the extras in two minutes." He then began walking towards the exit. It took a few seconds before Deku jogged up beside him.

"Wait, Kacchan! You called me babe!" He cried while Katsuki grabbed their coats and tossed one of them to the nerd.

"No, I didn't," Katsuki said, stepping through the door and into the chilly air. He was satisfied that Raccoon Eyes at least made their shoes appropriate for the snow. It's still ugly though.

"Yes, you did, Kacchan! Just now!" Deku insisted, tugging on Katsuki's sleeve as he walked beside him.

Katsuki shook his head, smiling to himself as Deku furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. "No, I didn't."

Deku opened his mouth to argue further before shutting his mouth with a huff. "Kacchan's mean," he said before mumbling out a "baka."

Katsuki quickly whipped his head towards the nerd, yelling out a "HAAH?!" But Deku was already running down the path towards the meeting spot. Katsuki grinned and took off after the nerd. "You really think you're gonna surpass me, nerd?!"

He relished in the delighted laughs coming from the boy and found himself laughing along. Okay fine. Maybe he was a fucking softie for this shitty nerd.


They both reached the meeting spot to see the entirety of Class 2-A crowding a distressed Glasses with Dunce Face and Shitty Hair standing beside him, both wearing sheepish grins on their faces.

"I thought you two said you had everything under control!" Glasses cried while Ponytail tried to calm him down.

"We did, Iida-bro! They'll show up soon!" Shitty Hair replied with a wavering grin on his face. Dunce Face nodded albeit a bit hesitant.

The Class Rep turned to the two teens with an incredulous look."Soon?! The festival is about to start in a minute!"

Katsuki and Deku shared a look before the latter turned to Round Face with concern etched onto his face. "Um, what's going on?"

"The horse carriages aren't here yet," she whispered back. "And since Kaminari-kun and Kirishima-kun were in charge of it, they're getting chewed out by the Class Rep."

Katsuki scoffed. Figures the idiots would mess up. Although, Katsuki didn't get why Glasses had to flip out like this. It honestly should've been expected by the two local dumbasses. Sure, it was a little hypocritical of Katsuki to suggest someone should calm down but honestly, he didn't really think Glasses should freak out when they obviously had the entirety of Class 2-B here who would serve as perfect substitutes for the horses. Especially a certain Monoma Bitch. Katsuki is a goddamn genius.

"It's okay, Iida-kun, maybe we can skip the horse carriage rides or try and call any horse-carriage rentals to see if we can book last-minute?" Ponytail asked and the two boys beside him winced at the sharp sigh Glasses let out.

"It's Christmas, Yaoyoruzu, I don't think any stores would be open right now," Glasses sighed before turning to look at the entrance. "It would have to be a Christmas miracle for..." As the Class Rep trailed off, everyone turned to face the entrance in confusion only to drop their jaw in awe at the sight.

"No fucking way," Katsuki found himself muttering.

"Is that," Deku started from beside him. "Is that Koda-kun?!"

Lo and behold, sat on top of a horse and leading a stampede of them behind him was the fucker Koda. The same fucker who had gotten on a fucking bear and hightailed out of the dorms one night. That still felt like a fever dream.

Katsuki's eye twitched when he heard a familiar tune getting louder as the boy got closer. Was that.. Was that...

"Oh my god, is he playing 'Old Town Road?'" Raccoon Eyes asked while Tape-Arms mumbled, "fucking legend" under his breath.

They all watched as Koda soon came to a stop in front of them, all the horses behind him stopping in unison. "I have returned," the fucker said.

No one spoke as they continued to stare at the boy in bewilderment before Dunce Face interrupted with a cheer. "Hell yeah, dude! You made it!"

"Bro, we thought you weren't going to make it," Shitty Hair spoke up from beside Dunce Face. "You made Iida panic, dude."

"I'm sorry I was late. There was traffic," Koda meekly replied while continuing to sit on top of the horse with that stupid song playing in the background. Where the fuck was it coming from anyway? Koda seemed to finally realize that it was still playing and quickly pulled out a giant speaker from his pocket to turn it off before stuffing it back in. What the fuck?

"Wait, so this was what you meant by 'you know a guy' when you volunteered for this task?" Earphones asked and both the idiots nodded. "But Koda was gone, how did you-"

"We don't have time. Koda-kun, we're glad to have you back," Glasses interrupted, turning to Koda with a nod. The boy nodded back. Glasses then turned back to the class with a serious expression. "We can talk later but right now, the festival is going to begin and we must take our positions."

Glasses turned to point at the entrance way in which people were just beginning to filter through. "Class 2-A," the boy called. "Our mission today as a class is to ensure that all these civilians will have a wonderful Christmas day, spending it at our festival. Are you ready, class?"

He was met with a bunch of excited affirmations. "Okay, Class 2-A! Let's do this! Go beyond!"

"Plus Ultra!" Everyone shouted before running off towards their designated areas. Katsuki took off towards the entrance with Deku beside him and turned to the boy with a grin which Deku returned with one of his own. Katsuki pumped his legs faster. They were going to make this the best fucking festival UA High has ever seen.

Merry Fucking Christmas.


"Next time on Operation: BakuDeku!"

"What the fuck? I thought this was the last chapter."

"It was... but then we didn't get to film the entire thing, remember?"

"Shit yeah, with our fucking paperwork."

"Yeah, and we're going away on a mission tomorrow so it's gonna be hard to film!"

"It's fine, nerd, we'll finish it once we come back."

"But I really wanted to film it this week! Like we were gonna go on the horse carriage ride together and decorate cookies and it was our first official date!"



"We already went on our first date, this is just recreating that."

"I knew that!"

"So, it's not the fucking same."

"But it is, Kacchan!"

"No, Deku we're gonna be fucking acting."

"But we get to make cookies again!"

"I fucking knew it."


"You're disappointed over not being able to film because of the fucking cookies."


"Fucking called it."

"But I just wanted to film too! It's been a while since we posted anything, I just feel bad."

"They can understand, nerd. We got shit to do. Besides, it's not like we're dropping this."

"That's true! We'll continue filming right after we're back from the mission. We promise!"

"It's almost done anyways."

"We're still very sorry for the wait."

"I'm not."

"He is! I promise!"

"No, I'm fucking no-" *Bakugo and Midoriya get interrupted by a beeping sound.*

"What's that?"

"Oh shit, the popcorn's ready."

"The what?" *Midoriya watches as Bakugo gets up and exits the room.* "Kacchan?" *Midoriya turns back to the mic* "Umm, so, he'll be back with, uh, popcorn so... uh I guess we'll wait."


"Well, while we're here, I guess we can catch up, um... How are you? For those who have school, is it going well? For those who have work, is that going well too? I know Kacchan and I complain more frequently about our work but we do genuinely love it! Especially since we get to do it together. The only thing that annoys us is paperwork, I guess, but no one really enjoys that... Well, no one except Iida-kun- which is fine! Honestly, it's really impressive actually, he can fill them out so fast! And so accurately too! Never challenge him to a 'filling out paperwork contest!" ...do those exist?"

*Bakugo walks in with a bowl of popcorn* "Tch, doesn't matter, I'll beat him!"

"Kacchan! Ooh popcorn!" *Midoriya reaches out to grab some and Bakugo rolls his eyes as Midoriya shamelessly brings the bowl to his lap.*

"You know I made that for me, right?"

"Hmm, but sharing is caring!"

"Do I look like I fucking care to you?"

"Of course, Kacchan!"

*Bakugo turns to the camera with a deadpan expression while Midoriya continues to munch on his popcorn, letting out content noises. Bakugo shifts his eyes and watches the other eat with a fond expression.* "Enjoying that?"


"So then am I going to have to be the one to end the preview or..."

*Midoriya freezes before turning to the camera with wide eyes* "Oh shoot! Right! We'll see you guys next time then! We'll really miss you!"

"Go beyond bitches."

"Plus Ultra!"

*End of screen recording 23*

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