The Mikaelson Twin

By GemWrittenStories11

196K 6K 1.2K

Khione Aleksian Mikaelson. Twin sister to the notorious Klaus Mikaelson. Upon getting a call, she heads to My... More

The Story Of The Original Family
Chapter 1- She is The Most Brutal
Chapter 2- Just a Small Werewolf Bite
Chapter 3- A promise is a Promise
Chapter 4- You Lied To Me
Chapter 5- Dinners and Daggers
Chapter 6- A Not-So-Happy Birthday
Chapter 7- One's True Self
Chapter 8- What Happens After
Chapter 9- Where Is She
Chapter 10- Sister Dearest
Chapter 11- Dead Men Tell No Tales
Chapter 12- Ordinary People
Chapter 13- Honor Thy Father- Not
Chapter 14- Sibling Rage
Chapter 15- A Very Merry Un-Birthday
Chapter 16- Dead Parents?
Chapter 17- Walz of The Ages
Chapter 18- Mother Dearest
Chapter 19- The Ancient Tree
Chapter 20- Shakespeare and Tragedies
Chapter 21- Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter 22- Five Reasons To Kill Him
Chapter 24- Holidays and Hostages
Chapter 25- Another Day, Another Death
Chapter 26- One Last Dance
Chapter 27- Back in the Big Easy
Chapter 28- Idk what to call this one ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- Fruit of a Poisoned Tree
Chapter 32~ The Lost Wolves of New Orleans Part 1
Chapter 33- The Lost Wolves of New Orleans Part2
Chapter 34- Memory Lane
Chapter 35~ The Red Wolves Come Knocking

Chapter 23- Flashbacks and Halucinations

3.5K 105 31
By GemWrittenStories11

Third Person POV~

"Looks like I have to beef up the hybrid security detail." Kaus says as the twins turn and see Stefanin the corner if the room after entering where they were keeping Conner. "I was gonna take him. But then I figured, you went through, such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain." Stefan states.

"It's from the inquisition." Aleksian tells the Salvatore. "I thought it was a nice touch." Klaus states with his normal smirk. "What'd you get out of him?" Stefan asks as he sees various knives stuck in the hunter, all placed very carefully in places to make sure that it hurt like hell but it wouldn't kill the man.

"Not nearly enough. He's as competent as a fly on the wall." Aleksian responds and Klaus continues, "He's mum about the council fire. And he's not saying anything about the greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?"

"Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you both already figured out, our friend here can't be compelled." Stefan answers and Aleksian shrugs. "Makes my job all the more fun for me." she retorts as she grabs one of the knives stuck in the hunter and twists it, making him groan.

"Sister, please. Let's give the poor chap a little bit so that we can talk." Klaus says and looks at Conner. "You're full of mysteries aren't you?" "I told you. I don't know anything." Conner spits back with a grunt. "Thankfully, we know plenty." Klaus says and grabs his sister's hand before the three supernaturals leave the room.

"So what's with the home invasion? I assure you my sister doesn't like unwanted guests. Just ask the hunter." Klaus states after closing the door and Stefan stands close by.

"Damon said you two knew something about this guy. You know, I should've figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return." Stefan tells them which makes Klaus shrug innocently. "I was feeling benevolent." "You're never feeling benevolent." Stefan retorts back.

"Not true. He just doesn't care for you." Aleksian comments as she pours three drinks, handing one to both men.

"Who is this guy? What's the five?" Stefan asks. "So many questions for such a small brain capacity." Aleksian says with a small smirk. "Well then it's a good thing I have nothing to do today. Except get answers out of the two of you." the Salvatore responds as he sits down in a chair.

"Fine. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate seeing as Aleksian over here already refused to try." Klaus says as he walks down and sits on the couch, his twin following shortly. "Well, if you want to make a mend a with her you need to do it yourself, which you're not." she replies curtly.

"The brotherhood of the five, was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century. Italy." Klaus starts and Aleksian continues, "Our siblings and ourselves followed the Normans as they conquered the south. Feeding, turning people as we went..."


~Italy, 1114~

"But with the bloodshed, came exposure."

"These... Demons... Live among you. Passing as human. So witness with your own eyes." Alexander, the hunter, said as he opened a metal box showing a vampire who started to whine in pain as the sun hit him, before screaming as he caught on fire.

"He's putting on quite the show." Elijah states to the twins by his side. "He's nothing. I could eat him for sport." Klaus says as they continue to watch. "Still. We should the warning." Aleksian tells her brothers.

"Between you and Aleksian here, and Kol in the east. You have not been discreet. Stories of the Original vampires are spreading." Elijah says and his sister notices him trying to hide a smile. "I welcome such infamy. But if you're worried about discretion perhaps one of you should range our other sister." Klaus says as the three watch Alexander kiss Rebekah's hand before leading her away.

End of flashback ~

"So these hunters have been around for over 900 years." Stefan says, though it was more of a question. "Apparently. Though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then." Klaus responds. "And I as well. In my small travels away from Niklaus, I've yet to come across one until yesterday since 1114." Aleksian tells the two.

"Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years." Klaus says as he leans back in his seat. "And Rebekah had a thing for one of them?" Stefan asks and the green-eyed Original chuckle lowly. "She didn't just have a thing with one of them. She was in love with him." she tells the younger vampire.

"He told her all his secrets... Which I will gladly share with you... Provided you do one thing for me." Klaus starts and waits for the Salvatore's answer. "And what's that?" "Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn. And hateful. I need to make peace with her. I want her to give me some very important information which she won't do unless she believes we've made up."

"And... What's in it for me?" Stefan asks as the two men stand up. "Just get her here and I'll tell you. Oh, and Stefan-- trust me when I say this... That hunter in there, holds the answer to all your prayers." Klaus states, and with that, Stefan leaves.

"You just want the cure so you can make more stupid hybrids don't you?" Aleksian asks, and when she doesn't hear an answer she nods her head. "I thought so. Well, if we're going to do a storytime for your evil little schemes, might as well have it over dinner. What shall it be? Steak, lobster, lamb to symbolize the last of the innocence of our sister you're stuffing out?"

That makes Klaus rolls his eyes at his twin's theatrics that aren't unlike his own. "Whatever you feel like, dear sister." he answers before walking away.


"Are you comfortable mate? Are the shackles too tight? Because now that I've healed you, you should be just dandy..." Klaus says as he looks at Conner. "Welcome home, sister." he says as he turns to see Rebekah and Stefan.

"Is this a trick? How do you know he's one of the five? Where's his bloody tattoo?" Rebekah asks as she looks at the hunter. "Oh the tattoos aren't visible on this lot like they were on the last. Let's eat. Our sister made dinner." Klaus says as he walks towards the dining area.

"Thank you, my lovely. I could kiss the council for burning up all the vervain in town. It's made my life so much easier." Klaus says as one of the compelled waitresses hands him his food. "Rebekah love, eat your veggies." Klaus states and the green-eyed Original sighs, leans back her chair, and starts eating. Knowing this conversation may take a while.

"I'm not eating until you apologize." Rebekah retorts. "For which indiscretion? There have been too many." Klaus asks. "You broke my neck." "Because you threw away Elena's blood so I can't make any more hybrids." "Because you took me for granted." "That's what big brothers do sweetheart."

"Let me just name the million other people I'd rather be having dinner with right now." Stefan comments and Aleksian speeds away before speeding back with an opened bottle of wine, pouring it into her glass before handing it to Stefan. "Here. It's from 1365. The King of France, King Charles V,  gave it to me when he was trying to court me into his bed. Should do the trick to make their conversation bearable." she says and Stefan gladly takes the bottle before pouring some.

"Alright. Fine... I'm sorry. I often forget how delicate you are. Forgive me?" Klaus says with a cocky smile. "I'll take it under consideration." Rebekah answers before grabbing the bottle of wine and pouring herself some as well.

"Okay good. Ahem. Uh, why don't you tell me about Rebekah's hunter?" Stefan says looking at the hybrid.

"Right. Alexander. Nice chap, forgoing the obvious issues..."

Flashback ~

"...He was looking for creatures of the night. Which is why we felt quite safe around him wearing our daylight rings."

"I am, unaccustomed to such luxury." Alexander says as a servant girl poured them all wine.

"Well it's the least we could do for opening our eyes to the truth." Elijah tells him as he leans on the table. "Though we are quite curious to hear more about your order. Your crusade." Aleksian says as looks at the man whilst leaning back in her chair, opposite Rebekah and Elijah.

"We are but five men. Bound by fire and the last breath of a dying which to a single cause. The destruction of all vampires." Alexander answers while raising his goblet.

"And how do you hope to achieve this?" Klaus asks. "We have the ultimate weapon. Which no vampire can survive." Alexander responds.

End flashback ~

"So, that's what this is about. A weapon." Stefan asks. "Not just any weapon." Rebekah starts, but Klaus stops her. "Rebekah, love. Don't get ahead of the story.

"How is a weapon, the answer to all my prayers?" Stefan asks and the tribrid across from him smirks into her cup. At the silence of all the siblings, Stefan leans back in his chair. "Okay. Why we just skip all the theatrics and get right to the point?"

"Not quite yet." Klais starts and Aleksian speaks up. "Because in order to find this weapon we need to solve the pieces of the puzzle. Which seems to have disappeared."

"What puzzle?... The tattoo. What is it?" Stefan asks again. "A map. Leading us to its treasure." Klaus answers.

"Fat lot of good a tattoo's going to do if we can't see it." Rebekah almost yells in annoyance. "We can't. But someone else can. Why don't you tell the hybrid to bring him in, love." Klaus tells the waitress girl.

"You see, though he didn't give me much. Our dear hunter was so eager about his mysterious tattoo that he mention there was only one other person that can see them." Aleksian states as they bring Jeremy into the room. 

As Stefan tries to speed over Jeremy, Klaus beats him to it. "I wouldn't... Lucky for us, young Jeremy is a bit of an artist." Klaus says and Jeremy glares at him. "I'm not helping you with anything."

"Oh I believe you are." Klaus says as his hybrid throws him the Gilbert ring. "Tiny Gilbert. This tattoo could very well help your sister. But it can't help if none of us can see the damn thing. Be a good sport and draw it out for us in the utmost detail, will you?" Aleksian says as she hands him a sketchbook and several pencils.


"So tell me more about this tattoo." Stefan says as they get back to dinner. "My sisters suited was, unwilling to tell us anything. Rebekah however, was more than willing to... Investigate, isn't that right?" Klaus tells him with a smirk and Rebekah rolls her eyes. "I wasn't the only one." she mutters and Klaus laughs while looking at his twin sister.

"Yes that's right, Aleksian helped out a tad bit, didn't she? What was your hunter's name? Gary or something?" Klaus says. "Garret. Terrible name. Very good in bed, and he was very... Grateful... for our time together, so he released quite a few secrets." The tribrid answered with a knowing smirk.

Flashback ~

Slowly kissing her way up, Aleksian smirked and started kissing the symbols on Garret's tattoo before tracing them with her fingers lightly while looking at him. "How is it you read these?" she asks sweetly, trying to pry as much information as she can from him.

"The map took my brothers and I years to translate. The sword... Is the key to reading it." he starts and he shows her the sword that was beside the bed. "It was crafted beautifully." she comments as the traces the swords designs. "What's this one?" Aleksian asks curiously as she picks up a silver dagger.

"These, were a gift to each of us from a very special witch. Said to put down the stronger vampires. Alexander, as our leader, was gifted two." Garret told the curious green-eyed girl. "I have to go. My brother is expecting me." Aleksian said as she gets up and gets dressed. "Do you really have to leave? I'm quite liking the view." Garret asks with an adoring smile.

"I'm afraid so. Niklaus is very protective of me. If he finds me in your bed he would surely kill you." Aleksian comments, before pecking the man's like and leaving.

End of flashback ~

"Rebekah's boyfriend and Aleksian's bed mate threw a slumber party that night. They and their brothers put us all down in our sleep. Elijah, Kol, Finn... And Aleksian and I." Klaus says with a glare.

"Well how was I supposed to know? He didn't get into the specifics of the daggers before I left." Aleksian states and Rebekah glares. "How was I supposed to know?" she asks and Klaus just raises his glass at his blonde sister. "Cheers. To my sister's uncanny ability to choose men. And yes, Rebekah, I blame you. Aleksian was only with Garret to get information from him. You on the other hand... Well..."

"But I thought the daggers didn't work on either of you because of your werewolf sides." Stefan states in a confused tone, making the twins smirk coyly. "They don't." they both comment.

"Nik and I awoke and slaughter the lot of them." Aleksian tells Stefan in her cold tone. Growing tired of this story by the minute.

"Go ahead, Rebekah. Tell him. Tell him what the hunter said it leads to. What's this great weapon that could bring about the end of the vampire species." Klaus says while waving his hand about dramatically.

"A cure. He said there was a cure." Rebekah answers, looking Stefan right in the eyes.


"There is no cure for vampirism." Stefan states angrily as he follows Klaus out of the room. "I'm telling the truth, Stefan." Rebekah comments as she and Aleksian also follow them.

"They why wouldn't you have searched for it, found it?" he asks. "Because when the hunters drew their final breaths that night, the marks disappeared from their bodies. The map was gone. The brotherhood of the five, extinct. For 900 years, there was not another whisper of another hunter until our friend in there showed up in town." Klaus answers as he pours them all drinks.

"Well, now we have the map, what do we do next?" Rebekah asks. "We don't do anything. You can't be trusted, little sister. You'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy that calls you pretty. I mean, it's pathetic really, isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection. You think she would've learned by now from the endless cycle of disappointment and deception!" Klaus says loudly, resulting in a knife being thrown into his shoulder making him groan and look to see his twin with a raised eyebrow, twirling another knife in her hand. Almost daring him to keep speaking about their sister like that.

"But I haven't. Instead, I have to stay with you and let you leech every moment of happiness from my life. You know, at least I faired better than Finn. Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgment." Rebekah commented, looking at Stefan.

"No. Finn was a dullard. He was more interesting lying in a box." Klaus retorts.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan in 'cause you knew he'd help you even though he hates your guts. You know what, you can shove your cure." Rebekah yells before walking away angrily.

Once Rebekah left, Aleksian sighed. Not surprised how the evening turned out, but disappointed all the same. Klaus sighs before looking at his twin. "I suppose you're angry with me too then?" he asks. He grunts in pain when his twin shoves the other knife into his other shoulder.

"No. Just disappointed at how badly you treat our baby sister. You're going to make her hate this family one day Nik. Then what will you do? Your hybrids are a pathetic excuse of a false sense of security. You're going to need our family one day, but if you keep pissing them off and treating them like dirt, they won't help you when you really need it." Aleksian tells him before walking away to check on Jeremy.


"Lovely lines." Aleksian comments and Klaus speaks up as he walks in. "Now if you could just hurry it up along."

"That's all of it." Jeremy tells them and the twins get somewhat angry, "What is this?" Klaus asks. "That's the tattoo." Jeremy answers. "We've seen the tattoo you repugnant punk. There's more to it." Klaus says angrily as he grabs the Gilbert boy by the throat.

"That's all of it... He said every time he kills a vampire it spreads." this makes Klaus throw him back into the chair.


"And just where are you off to?" Aleksian asks as she watches her twin pack a bag. "Italy. And you're coming. Pack lightly. We'll only be there a few days." Klaus answers.

"Fine. But when we get back you need to make amends with Rebekah. A genuine one. I'm tired of this family being in separate corners. If at all possible I'd like everyone to be here and happy at Christmas seeing as no one is lying daggered in a box anymore." the end of that sentence made Klaus grimace. A notion his twin caught easily making her glare heatedly at him.

"Unless there is someone daggered in a box which I don't know about." she says while crossing her arms. "I wouldn't bother, sister. I've instructed Stefan to hide Rebekah where no one can find her. Not even you. Rest assured, once we find the cure I'll pull the dagger out as you wish. Now, off to packing." Klaus tells his twin, trying to ignore the anger hidden behind her eyes while her face remains stoic.

"I'm giving you one month. That's it. You have one month to find the bloody cure before I kill the hunter myself and get our sister back. Hunters curse be damned." Aleksian says as she stalks out of the room, making Klaus such in relief that he won't get a major beating at the moment.


"Caroline, for the last time, I can't help get your friends from the hunter, I'm in Italy at the moment for a conference." Aleksian states as she walks the streets of Sicily. "Oh come on! Seriously! You get to be in Italy and I have to be near a bunch of your annoying twin brothers minions with a hunter on the loose?!"

This makes the tribrid laugh. "And now you're laughing." "Sorry. Sorry. I'm sure Niklaus is sending someone to help out. And the next time I travel to Italy, I'll send you an invite deal?" "Only if you agree to come to the Miss Mystic Falls Pagent to help." this makes the green-eyed girl sigh. "Fine. But I've got to go, I'm late for a meeting." "Yay! I'll send you the dress code and other details later." at that, the blonde vampire hangs up.

Sighing, Aleksian was into her favorite bakery in the country that's just on the outskirts of the city, bordering the bust city life and the small town below.

(I'm too lazy to actually type the real language, just pretend in your minds the underlined words are in Italian)

"Welcome. Take any seat you like." a middle-aged woman with red hair and blue eyes said without looking up from what she's doing behind the counter. "Is that how you treat your most loyal customer and business partner?" Aleksian asks playfully making the woman look up excitedly.

"I can't believe my eyes. Khione Aleksian Mikaelson in the flesh." the woman says as she rounds the counter to hug her old friend. "Its good to see you too Jesenna." "So what brings my favorite Original to Sicily this time of year? You lot tend to come for about a week in the summer." Jesenna asks the tribrid.

"Klaus has something he needs to dig up someplace else. I thought that while I was here I'd visit and get my favorite things from my favorite bakery." Aleksian answers as the two go into the back of the bakery. "Favorites as in herbs or favorites as in baked goods. Maybe a little bit of both? The edibles have only gotten better."

That made the tribrid laugh. "I'm stocked on herbs. I was talking about baked goods. As for the special ones. I'll have to pass this time. No time for fun at the moment, we Mikaelson's are bust bees." she responded.

"Alright then. Here you go. Send me your address I'll send you some every now and again. Though word is you're staying put for a while?" "Yes. My father is finally gone so we're taking a break from moving about."

Looking at her watch, the tribrid sees she has to leave if she wants to make it back to her brother on time. "I've got to go. But here-" Aleksian pauses as she hands her friend a check. "You always overpay. With the money you give me, I've been set for at least 70 years now." the redhead complains but takes the check anyway.

"Your kind of dark magic requires expensive herbs and such." the Original tells her witch friend. "Yeah, yeah. It was good seeing you. Take care." "Always will. Thanks for the treats." Aleksian replies with a light smile before leaving.

Though the Mikaelson girl doesn't have many friends, the ones she does she always treats well. Jesenna, being one. The two had met in the 1930s in D.C. Aleksian helped her set up her small bakery in Italy shortly after learning she was a witch, and have stayed friends ever since so she thought it fitting to pay her a visit.


Once arriving where her brother was a few hours later, she hands him his favorite danish. "You went to see Jesenna?" he asks as he gladly takes the treat from her hand. "Of course. You think we could go to Italy and not get things from her?" Aleksian comments, also eating a danish.

"Did you find the sword?" the tribrid asks and her brother nods as he points to two men taking it out and dusting it off.


"Elena has killed the hunter. The sword rendered useless until we find another. I need you to prep a room in the basement to shove her in until we figure out another solution." Klaus says as he walks into his twin's room to see her in a towel while drying her hair with another.

"Hello Aleksian, lovely morning isn't it? How are you? I'm doing just fine Niklaus, is there something I could do for you? Why yes there is actually, could you please ready a room to keep my doppelganger from killing herself? Of course Nik, all you had to do was ask nicely." Aleksian says in annoyance while looking at her brother with a raised eyebrow.

Sighing, Klaus puts his best smile on for his sister. "Good morning Aleksian, my favorite sibling. I was wondering if you could please ready a room in the basement for Elena, as she has killed the hunter and I don't wish for her to take her life anytime soon." he says in a fake cheery voice, making his sister smile. "Of course Nik. Now get out so I can get dressed." she responds and Klaus walks out with a roll of his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Niklaus or I'll put a snake in your bed like Kol used to!" Aleksian yells out making her twin sigh before walking away.


The tribrid had just finished setting up a bed in the basement when her brother came in with the doppelganger.

"Let go of me."

"Certainly. I apologize for the lack of windows. It's to preserve the art." Klaus states as Elena looks around, spotting the tribrid in a chair reading.

"And of course to prevent you from taking off your daylight ring and burning yourself to death in the sun." Aleksian comments as she gets up and stands next to her brother with her arms crossed in front of her.

"I'm not gonna kill myself. I would never do that." Elena tells them. "Oh but you'll want to. We did. Problem is we're immortal." Klaus states.

"You two went through this?"

"Yes, we did. For 52 years, four months, and nine days. We were tormented... In our dreams, every waking moment." Aleksian tells the baby vampire. "Relentless never-ending torture. It was the only period of our lives I think either of us felt time." Klaus states.

"So you both knew this would happen if Conner died. Did Stefan know too?" Elena asks and the green-eyed Original shrugged. Not knowing, and not really caring.

"Only that the hunter had to be kept alive. You should have listened to him when he said he had it covered, love." Klaus tells the brunette as he walks closer.

"What else does Stefan know?" Elena asks and Aleksian replies quickly in her usual cold tone that's hinted with boredom, "I'm sure he knows a lot given he's what? 163?"

When she receives a glare from the doppelganger, the tribrid raises an eyebrow before sending the girl to the ground in pain with her mind. "Sister." Klaus says in a warning tone. "I'm off to my office. Just tell if I'm needed." she says before speeding out of the room.


"Sister." Klaus says as he leans on the doorway of his sister's home office, watching her paint a beautiful field of wildflowers he recognized as the field outside their palace in France.

Hearing a hum in response, he continued, "Would you like to go to the Grill and have a drink with me? That is if you wish to take a break from your art."

"Sure. I'm almost done and part of it needs to dry before I can continue." the tribrid replies as sue gets up and speeds away before speeding back in fresh clothing.

After a while of drinking, Caroline walks up to the two.

"Place looks pretty good considering your hybrid got blown up in it."

"Caroline. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Klaus asks as the blonde sits next to his sister, who gives the blonde a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I want you both to give Elena back." Caroline replies.

"If we do that, you may as well sign her death certificate whilst you stand here." Aleksian responds as she takes a sip of her wine.

"They sent you to sweet talk us. Well, good form, but as my sister stated, we can't do that. She needs my help." hearing a scoff, Klaus continues, "Look, I'm not going to burden you with the gory details, I know you have enough on your plate already-"

"How so? Are you alright, love?" Aleksian asks and Caroline can hear the genuine concern in her voice, so the blonde reaches and gives her hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

"That's none of your business, actually." She told Klaus. "Yes, well, just know that if Tyler was still sired to me, he never would have hurt you... I wouldn't have let him." the hybrid tells her.

"What did he do to you? Do I get to kill him?" Alelsian asks, a hint of hope in her voice, as she never did like the hybrid in question. "No, you can't kill him Aleksian." Caroline tells her friend with a small smile. "Well then, can we at least offer you a drink? And by we, I mean Niklaus since he's paying tonight." Aleksian asks, making the two blondes next to her smile.

"Yeah. Thanks." Caroline responds with a smile.


After a few drinks, Caroline checked her phone before giggling guiltily. "So here's the thing. I didn't just come here to try to get you both to release Elena."

"You don't say." the twins reply together.

"I came here to distract you so that Stefan could go to your house and break her out, which he did. And don't get mad, but then he... Lost her." at this, both twins get up quickly.

"Klaus, Aleksian-" Caroline starts but Klaus interrupts her, "Caroline. You're beautiful, but if you don't stop talking, I will kill you." "No you won't." Aleksian retorts with a small glare.

"They figured out how to stop the hallucinations." Caroline says quickly, making both Originals stop. "Okay. You have seconds to tell me. Alex, you're a better tracker than anyone else. See if you can find Elena's sent and keep her from killing herself in the meantime with you?" Klaus asks, and he watches the green-eyed woman walk away quickly before speeding away once she got outside.


"Where's your ring? Where's your ring, Elena?" Aleksian hears Damon ask as she speeds closer to Wickery Bridge. It took a little while to find the right trail, as Elena's sent was all over the town.

After hearing Damon try to speak to Elena, the tribrid finally made it to them just as the sun started to rise. Quickly, she took off her own daylight ring, placed it on Elena's finger, and held her first closed to it wouldn't slip off, before grabbing the doppelganger and speeding away with her, hearing Damon follow behind her, she stopped.

"I'll take her home and keep her away from the sun. You find her ring!" she yells before speeding away again.


Once Damon retrieved Elena's daylight ring, Aleksian put hers back on and left. Going home to take a shower, and continue her painting.

"How did Caroline get you to give up one of your stupid hybrids?" Aleksian asks, not looking up from her painting, but knowing her brother was behind her.

"She agreed to go on a date with me." he responded smugly.

Aleksian simply nodded slowly, not showing any kind of emotion.

"Does that upset you, Alex?" Klaus asks quietly, noticing the lack of emotions his sister was showing. Normally she's not like that with him. She never has to be, they can just be their broken selves around each other.

"No, Nik. You and Caroline may do as you wish." she answers in the same cold tone as before. She didn't quite know why she felt strange at the news, but she did. She just chose to hide it.

"If you say so." Klaus responds with a gentle squeeze on his sister's shoulder before taking a book and lying on the couch in her office. The two spending time just basking in peaceful silence and each other's presence.

(A/N)- I know it's been a little longer than I said, but I am finally moved!

And, since TVD is sadly being taken off of Netflix next month for reasons unknown, I'm trying to fly past Season 4 within like two weeks, and as I've said before, I don't really see a lot of episodes where Aleksian fits in the story so I'll be bouncing around episodes a lot. Sorry, not sorry.

What did you all think of this chapter?

Who do you ship Aleksian with?

What would you all like to see in the upcoming chapters?

I've been wondering this for a while, what do all think of smut?

Love it, want to see it?

Hate it, keep it out?

Don't care either way?

ALSO- if you see typos, feel free to point them out, it helps me find them. And if it's a major typo that makes no sense, comment, I'll fix it right away. Otherwise, I'll fox them when I go back and edit.

That's all for now, love you guys! ❤️ -💎

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Isabella Salvatore has never been able to live a normal life. She HAS tried over thirty times. Isa has been able to be reborn when ever she wanted, t...