The Tales of Miriela: Shadowb...

By RSmJoseph

705 240 23

Thrones are difficult to take and easy to lose. These words haunt Kline Wullmont's mind day and night. He too... More

Chapter 1: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 2: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 3: Odwin
Chapter 4: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 5: Odwin
Chapter 6: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 7: Tallion
Chapter 8: Odwin
Chapter 9: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 10: Tallion
Chapter 11: Thomas Siln
Chapter 12: Liam Bannister
Chapter 13: Thomas Siln
Chapter 14: Briggston
Chapter 15: Odwin
Chapter 16: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 17: Odwin
Chapter 18: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 19: Tallion
Chapter 20: Vicar Alaine
Chapter 22: Alina Morione
Chapter 23: Vicar Alaine
Chapter 24: Edward Reed
Chapter 25: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 26: Odwin
Chapter 27: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 28: Edward Reed
Chapter 29: Tallion
Chapter 30: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 31: Odwin
Chapter 32: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 33: Briggston Reed
Chapter 34: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 35: Odwin
Chapter 36: Kline Wullmont
Chapter 37: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 38: Thomas Siln
Chapter 39: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 40: Alina Morione
Chapter 41: Briggston Reed
Chapter 42: Tallion
Chapter 43: Odwin
Chapter 44: Sia Jurjrey
Chapter 45: Vicar Alaine
Chapter 46: Briggston Reed
Chapter 47: Thomas Siln
Chapter 48: Liam Bannister
Chapter 49: Tallion
Chapter 50: Sia Jurjrey
Chapter: 51 Briggston Reed
Chapter 52: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 53: Liam Bannister
Chapter 54: Rebecca Wullmont
Chapter 55: Thomas Siln
Chapter 56: Odwin

Chapter 21: Tallion

8 4 0
By RSmJoseph

Tallion still waited in the tunnel. The thunderous hoofs had become pattering footsteps drawing nearer towards him. He couldn't tell, however, if it was coming from the well where he waited, or above him near its entrance.

He decided to delve deeper into the tunnel, fearing the thought of being caught alone by the Vanguard. He hastened his step, moving as fast as he could through the dark. But it in the dimly lit tunnel, it was far too easy to lose step. Tallion's breath became heavy, sweat dripped from his forehead and fell into his eyes. Fear continued to engulf his mind. Further and further he moved through the tunnel, trying to keep his breath quiet, and his steps soft.

Desperately he searched the darkness for any sign of the Revolution. And eventually, Tallion found that he was not alone, after all. The light of his candle, painted a face in the darkness, then another, and another still. A group of faces, all painted against a black canvas stood before him.

Tallion composed himself and stepped his way towards the Revolution, who were waiting for him, just as Alina said, armed and prepared to fight. He whispered as he moved closer still, "My friends, it is truly a relief to," A loud noise echoed through the tunnel. It was unmistakable, the sound of the well's cover, being pulled back open.

Tallion's relief was quickly interrupted by a return of fear, that trickled down through his spine and sent chills across his skin. His head turned to point his eyes towards what his ears had heard, but the candle light was no match for the thickness of the dark.

Tallion composed himself and remembered Alina's instructions. He was to lead the tunnel ambush. He turned quickly back towards his men, as he whispered, hoping the tunnel would not carry his words to the oncoming Vanguard.

"There is no time for fear, no time for uncertainty. We know the tunnel better than our enemy. Take to the walls and await the sound of a whistle, this will be your que. Take their light. The tree will stand strong today, brothers," Tallion said. His words were accompanied with a swift gust of breath, as Tallion put out his candle. There was nothing but darkness. Tallion made his way towards the wall of the tunnel. The revolution had prepared the walls of the tunnels, carving out sections of the stone wall, voids in which they could hide in.

Tallion reached towards the wall of the tunnel, feeling the cold, rough stone. He continued his hand along it, searching for a void. But his hands, searching the dark, could not find what he was looking for.

The steps of the Vanguard grew louder, and their approach nearer. Tallion continued to desperately search. The other men were still, no sounds surrounded him and he again felt alone, engulfed by the darkness.

Tallion ran his hand along the wall yet again, this time moving his hand with a great pace. His soft flesh met a sharp corner in the stone that cut his skin and drew blood. But he went unphased.

Tallion was more concerned with his survival than a simple wound or a tear of flesh. His breath grew heavier still, and the steps of the Vanguard were now accompanied with voices. They were close, very close.

Tallion's hand, suddenly slipped from the wall, falling into an empty space. He had found it. He gathered himself, and stepped into the void in the wall, now almost entirely covered, hidden by the stone. From the void in which he stood, Tallion saw a sliver of light that wrapped around the bend of the tunnel.

The light began to illuminate the tunnel, and slowly the darkness began to give way. This darkness, however, was unlike any other. The light of the candle could not combat it, not fully. The candles showed the Vanguard their feet, and nothing more. Tallion peered from the wall, and anticipated the bloodshed to come.

Suddenly, they appeared. The formation of the Vanguard filed through the tunnel. The light of their candles bounced off of their armor, and cast shadows amongst the walls that made them appear as giants.

They were well equipped and well armored. But they were unaware and maybe that meant the Revolution had a chance. Tallion closed his eyes and took a deep breath inward. His eyes opened and his lips drew forth a loud whistle.

Instantly, the Vanguard pulled their swords. Some of the torches were dropped, others were not, but whatever light the Vanguard brought with them, was nearly gone. Upon Tallion's signal, the Revolution plunged from the hiding places in the wall and cast their steel towards the waiting Vanguard. The men clashed in the dimly lit tunnel. The sound of knives cutting through fleshy throats, replacing air with blood, echoed throughout the tunnel. Tallion thrust his sword through the dark, aiming for any shimmer of armor, or any sound of chainmail.

Amidst the chaos, a strong voice called out. "Order arms! Battle ready!" A clash of sword and shield followed, along with a loud, unified grunt. Tallion wonder if they had underestimated the Vanguard, as he heard the sound of soldiers assembling themselves into a single unit.

High pitched rings of clanking swords and deep thuds of fists to skulls made the dark battleground a pit of confusion. Tallion continued, attacking into the darkness, hoping his sword would find the chest of a Vanguard soldier.

But he saw almost nothing. The few torches that still burned, only held a small flame. But although he could see little, Tallion knew that the attack around him was not going as planned.

The breath of a sword passed over his right shoulder; another again over his left. Warm blood spewed across his face, and mixed with the sweat of his forehead. Yet he continued to strike forward, for there was no other way to go. War surrounded him, and was closing in, soon to take him as well.

Tallion shoved his blade through the dark again, this time, meeting flesh on the other end. But the darkness would not reveal whether it had met friend or foe. Tallion furthered the steel with a forceful push and shrieks of sorrow continued to filled the hopeless tunnel.

As he recalled his sword, a heavy blow struck Tallion across his head, and cast him to the ground. The sword was no longer with him, knocked into the darkness as he fell. Tallion crawled, blood, sweat, and dirt now formed a thick clay across his face. His hands scavenged the ground for a weapon, something to defend himself. But the darkness hid such things very well and Tallion only found the dirt and blood which surrounded him.

But the darkness lay like a blanket over him, keeping him hidden from the chaos. The torches began to die down, some already extinguished, and the screams grew fewer and fewer, as the sounds of war began to lessen.

Tallion remained as quiet as possible, wondering who remained with him in the tunnel. Amidst the darkness, there still lay on torch, a dying ember, a red point in a wall of black. Tallion quietly moved towards it and reached out his hand. He kept it low to the dirt, trying not to draw any attention.

Tallion took the flame to his lips and softly blew his breathe, providing a source for the flame to grow. The torch cast a light, just enough to see out past his feet. Tallion crawled further, on his hands and knees, not knowing if he was moving towards or away from his enemy.

He searched for the wall. He knew that the Revolution had placed torches in some of the wall's voids. If he could light one, he may have a chance at survival. If not through victory, he may at least escape. As he searched, he heard nothing but his own breath and his legs dragging through the dirt.

Tallion reached out his hand and felt the stone wall. He followed it, as before and located another void. He pulled himself up, still slightly disoriented, and stepped into the void. A torch sat fixed upon the wall. The torches were all connected, if one was lit the others would follow. Tallion had helped line the tunnel walls with them, long ago. Tallion's flame touched the torch's wick and it lit.

A great burst of light filled Tallion's eyes, as the torches all throughout the tunnel's walls began to ignite in flame. A burst of white light sent the darkness scurrying away. As his eyes finally adjusted, Tallion peered out from his hiding place in the wall. What he saw stole any sense of hope he may have held before.

His men lay dead across the ground, covered in pools of their own blood. Their bodies, dismembered, and torn from violent strikes. Tallion's eyes refocused as he followed the streams of blood. They all trickled towards a common center, a spot of origin, organizing themselves the way that rivers join the sea.

The trail of blood suddenly stopped, at the boots of a Vanguard soldier. These boots were not alone, however, and Tallion's eyes were suddenly able to see the entire Vanguard unit; still standing ready in formation, all unharmed.

He knew that even though he stood in the void, he would soon be discovered, the light would betray him. The hope that was brought forth in lighting the torches was mistaken for the grief of his own death.

The Vanguard Captain called out to his men once again. "Search the tunnel further, there may be more." The unit of men dispatched and began to search the walls. They now noticed the voids from which the attack had come, easy to see in the light, and searched them well.

A pair of Vanguard soldiers approached and Tallion's heart stopped. This was the end. The end of him, the end of the Revolution. Perhaps the end of Alina herself. He thought of his brothers. He deeply cared for them both and despised the thought of never seeing them again.

They saw him. "Sir! Here in the wall. You, come out at once. You have committed treason against The Realm, and King Wullmont himself!"

Tallion froze. He couldn't move. The face of death was too large, too frightening, too intimidating.

"Bring him to me at once! Do you think this criminal has any honor? This rat will run like the rest. Take him yourselves and bring him to me," The Vanguard Captain ordered his men.

Tallion felt the grip of the Vanguard soldiers push tightly up against his chest as they tossed him from the wall to the dirt. He was afraid, but he was also prepared. He knew that today might be his last and that one can never truly be ready to face death. Tallion trembled as he crawled to his knees before the Captain.

The Vanguard Captain drew his sword and stepped toward Tallion, now an arm's reach away. "You die here, in your sewer, you pathetic rat. Your men are dead, your cause is dead, soon Alina Morione will be captured and taken to the High Council." The Vanguard soldier raised his sword above his head, prepared to deliver a deadly blow. "I hereby sentence you to death, upon treason and conspiracy against The Realm, and the," He suddenly lowered his sword and his words seized.

The ground began to shake, the intensity grew more and more. Vanguard soldiers soon began to lose their balance, falling to their hands and knees, unable to keep their footing. A strong, rolling noise, like a growing thunder filled the tunnel. Tallion was just as confused as the Vanguard seemed to be. He wondered if it was Guthrum or Rowland, leading their men to assist.

The Vanguard had all turned, they faced away from Tallion and towards the other end of the tunnel, where the great sound was coming from. Tallion saw the opportunity, and tried to stand to his feet. He stood, and took several steps, only to fall violently to the ground. But the Vanguard were no longer considered with him. For the sound had finally revealed itself and from the end of the tunnel emerged a monster that not even the Vanguard could kill.

The distinct sound of rushing water filled the tunnel. "Forget the rat! Retreat! Retreat to exit the well!" The company Captain bellowed the order to his men as the Vanguard began to run.

The Vanguard soldiers, however, were weighed down, dressed in battle dress chain mail, and full helm. Tallion regained his footing once again and ran for the ladder that led to the surface.

His legs ran faster than they ever had before. The sounds of rushing water slamming armored soldiers against stone walls, echoed behind him. Another turn, and another, still the tunnel's winding continued, and the rush of water approached closer to Tallion. Screams were silenced, as more of the Vanguard were drowned in the water's whirling rush.

Tallion saw the end in sight. There was the ladder, ready to propel himself out of the grave that he stood in. He could smell the brisk water running to catch him. He outstretched his hand, grasped the ladder's rungs, and began his ascent.

The water crashed against the stone of the well just below his feet. He continued his climb, but the water seemed to climb quicker.

It caught up to Tallion, and pulled him from the ladder. Now floating, Tallion had no choice but to swim. He swam with haste but his arms grew tired, and his body begged to take another breath. His vision became hazy and his chest filled with fire.

But just as he thought death was unescapable, Tallion emerged from the well, breathing back in life. He plunged out of the well, and fell to the ground, where his ailing mind succumbed to unconsciousness.

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