Outside the Rabbit hole [Holo...

By OrerionAki

20.3K 464 779

Ōrerion Aki, The son of a Safari beast tamer, and a singer, goes back to their old home in japan after Studyi... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Chapter 12

Episode 0

5.5K 71 105
By OrerionAki

Some things to remember:

BOLD LETTERS- POV's, Locations
Normal letters- japanese
Italic letters- english

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Yagoo POV

-Hololive Studios-

I gathered the idols who were working today in the break room. I stood firm outside the door, and braced myself. I knocked on the door, heart pounding because of my embarassment to these girls...

"Girls..." I said as I went in.

"Good afternoon yagoo sama." Some of the girls say.

"Okay, listen up!" I said as all eyes were on me.

"I know you girls have some things in schedule, but We have to put some of them behind." I said. The girls began whining.

"Ehh but I have to prank Shion chan" Okayu says.

"I need to kill pekora In Minecraft!" Miko says.

"Peko?!" Pekora gasped.

"Uhm...is there a reason yagoo sama?" Choco said.

"Yes, there is." I said as I motioned A-chan to open the break room's television.

"As you all know, this radio station always plays at the start of your break time till the end of your break time." I said as the radio station was still conversing.

"Did you hear about Eve's one week rest?" The anchor asked her partner.

"Well, all We know, is that their location would be unknown. It would be a surprise to see them in the public." The male anchor said.

"Ehhhhh Eve is taking a hiatus huh..." AZKi mutters.

"Is there something you need us to do with the radio station?" Coco asks.

"No, all I ask, is for you guys to listen to the station tomorrow-" I was interrupted by a call.

"Excuse me." I said as I went outside the room.

3rd POV

The idols were sitting in the room filled with silence. That was until one of them decided to break the ice.

"Hey kanatan, who do you think called Yagoo san?" Coco asks.

"Eh, probably our moms." Kanata says.

"Hey, who can hear what they're talking about?" Fubuki asks.

"You have super sense of hearing...why are you asking who else...?" Shion says.

"Oh, I forgot. Ehehehehe...." Fubuki says as she scratched her head.

"Hmmm...I see.." the idols look at the source of the voice, leading them to the brown haired dog girl, Korone.

"Who is he talking to?" Flare asked.

"No idea who, but theyre talking about 'helping' the one yagoo sama is talking to, and some kinda dream." Korone says as she went back to her seat.

The door opened exactly as Korone got comfortable in her seat. Yagoo entered once again.

"Okay, girls. Are your voices ready?" Yagoo asked.

"Huh?" The idols asked.

"If you have sore throat, try getting a medicine and some rest. You'd need your throat for this project. That is all." Yagoo said as he left the room.

??? POV

-Somewhere near the city-

A group of five teenagers were walking with their luggages.

"Hey leader, why are we walking around the streets of japan again?" A girl asked.

"Relax, were here at our old house." I said as they stood in front of a very welcoming house.

"Nice house Lead." A boy said.

"Lets get in." I said.

The five teens then went inside from the gate and then from the house. They were greeted by a hallway and a staircase in the end. One goes up and the other goes down. There were two doorways on the left and the right of the hallway.

"Leave your shoes here. Now, here on the left is the dining area." I said as I led them to the dining area.

"Very nice house chief." Another boy said.

"Yeah, what my twin said." A girl said.

"Save your breath till you see our rooms and recording room." I said as I led them out the dining room.

"This one on the right is the Living room. You can place your books on the bookshelf I will provide later on as time passes." I said as I led them in the room.

"Those bookshelves up there are for some of your very important books. Your mangas will stay in your bag for now." I said as they looked around.

"Im getting tired of speaking english. We're in japan right? We should speak the language and embrace the country!" The boy twin said.

"Thats fine." I said.

"Great, lets go upstairs then." The female twin said.

"Yeah yeah..." I said as we went up.

At the second floor, was another living room. Then, along the opposite of the living room, there were four doors.

"I'll do you lot one better. One of the room is bunk bed, so no need to ask why there are four rooms only." I said.

"Who'll take the room?" The female twin asks.

"The girls will take the bunk bed room. The other rooms...I forgot if there are also bunk beds there...but each boy will have one room each." I said as they got into a room each. I also got into one and settled our items.

3 hours later

"What time is it..." I said as I looked at my computer.

Our room had similar shaped and design but the furniture are different.

"Its already 4:00 pm Already?" I asked myself as I went out my room to check on the others.

I first went to my neighboring room, my first bandmate.

"Ey open up!" I said as I knocked on the door.

"Okay okay!" I heard from the other side of the room. The door opened to see him streaming using his gaming set up.

"Oh, you were streaming? Nevermind then. Ill remember to make separate 'i am streaming, no disturbance' plates to put on the handle." I said as I closed the door but he stopped me.

"What were you gonna ask?" He asked me.

"I was wondering if you wanna come with me to the convenience store and buy snacks." I said.

"Oh, bring me the super spicy ramen! My viewers told me to eat some." He said.

"Fine. Have fun!" I said. The order of our rooms were: the girls, my friend bandmate, my first bandmate, then me. I took the nearest room from the living room since this was the room of my sister.

"Hello?" I knock on the second door.

"Hey whats up!" He opened up, turns out he was using the bed's bookshelf for his manga. And is still fixing it.

"Wanna go to the convenience store?" I asked.

"Im still busy, but do buy me some cola and chips. Gotta have that gaming feel after I set up my Gaming PC" he said as I closed the door.

"Okay, if I remember correctly.." I muttered as I walked up to the last room.

"Knock knock!" I said as I knocked on their room.

"State thy business~~" the female twin answers from the inside.

"Convenience store!" I said.

"Kinda busy, just buy us some ice cream!" Her roommate said as I sighed.

"Okay, guess I should do the Shopping tomorrow." I said as I went back to my room and grabbed the essentials.

"Wallet with money...my sling bag...cap...okay." I said as I stood up and went downstairs, put my shoes on and got outside.

"Hnnggghh...." I let out as I stretched outside the gate.

"Oh, we have a neighbor?" I heard as I looked to my left to see a...lion? Lion girl? Anyway, she had gray hair which I thought was nice, she looks around my age. Maybe we can introduce to each other and start our neighboring grounds straight?

"Hello! Well, we just moved in three hours ago. This house belong to my parents and I asked them if i can live with my friends in here." I said.

"Ehhh your living with friends too? I guess we're on the same boat." She says as she walked towards me.

"Shishiro botan." She said as she held her hand out.

"Ōrerion Aki. Pleasure to meet my neighbor." I said.

"Likewise." She said as we shook hands.

"You look like your in a hurry." She says.

"Me? Nah, im going for a trip to the Convenience store." I said.

"Ah, well why don't we walk together. Im heading there as well!" She said.

"Guess so, two is better than one." I said as we walked towards the convenience store.

Our conversation was very fun. We learned about things while also keeping our secrets private. Both of us play FPS games, we like listening to music, and many more.

Before we realized it, we already got what we wanted in the convenience store and was already walking back to our home.

"And then Marine senpai was screaming louder than the monster of the game." Shishiro chan said.

"Ehhh thats very hilarious. I never knew you were a part of Hololive!" I said.

"Eheheheh...by any chance though are you a foreigner?" She asked.

"Yeah, so are my housemates." I said.

"Im guessing america?" She asked.

"Yep, although two of them came from the Philippines." I said.

"Oh? Then will you teach me some of the language from america and Philippines sometime?" Shishiro chan said.

"Sure thing. Also, I'll send you a friend request on the FPS games I play. Maybe we can play while you stream?" I asked.

"Thats a nice idea!" She said.

"Oh, were here." She said.

"Well, you've got work tomorrow right?" I asked.

"Yeah, me and my housemates took a week of break before we started working." She said.

"Hopefully things work out for you. See you next time?" I asked.

"Yeah, seeya!" She said as we went in to our houses.

Shishiro Botan POV

-in the house-

I got in the house, took off my shoes, and placed the food and drinks on the table.

"Oh, welcome back Botan chan." Polka said.

"Oh, im back." I said as I took my food and went upstairs.

"Oh, welcome back Botan chan!" Nene said

"Yeah, your food is downstairs." I said as she rushed down.

"Lamy chan, im back!" I said as I heard a welcome back from her room.

"Ah, she's streaming." I said as I went in my room.

"Let's see." I said as I opened my PC up and checked discord. Apparently, our Senpai had to drop some work and start preparing for a Project. But I got a message from an unknown person so I checked the message to see if I knew the person.

'Yo its Ōrerion. Hopefully this is you Shishiron." He said.

"Oh, its him." I said as I replied back.

'Yep its me. Any problem?' i asked.

"Ah, well, I need to inform you that you may hear some instruments sometimes but it may be muffled. So I apologize in advance for the disturbance.' he said.

'ah, its fine. Me and the girls sometimes make noise so we're okay with it.' I said.

'Okay, just made sure. Ttynt!' he replied.

"Ttynt? Ah, talk to you next time..." I said.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 6:28 pm.

"Late already?" I said as I sighed and got out of the room.

Ōrerion Pov

-Ōrerion residence-

"Okay guys. Tomorrow, we have to go food shopping and clothes shopping. Not window shopping. It is required we all go tomorrow okay?" I said.

"Ehhh can't you just go yourself??? We wanna stream tomorrow!!!" The boy twin said.

"Yeah, what my twin said." the girl twin said.

"You two..." I said. These two were Veronica and Greene Thatch. They were twins I met back at america during college.

Veronica was one of the guitarist as well as the third person I got in the band.

Greene on the other hand, may also know guitar, but is the last member I got.

"Do you two really want me to cut your weekly allowance from 50 bucks to 25 bucks?" I asked.

"Ehhhh thats blackmail isnt it?" Veronica asked.

"Its part of work. Of course I need y'all with me." I said.

"Hahahahhaaha he got you good again Veronica!" My first bandmate, Lance Matthias, came from the Philippines. He is our Drummer as well as an all rounder.

"Jeez stop being a stooge Lancer." Filia said.

Filia Santos is also from the Philippines. She is a guitarist and, well, she is Lance's significant other.

"Okay guys, this isn't why we spent out last 10 years to be an all rounder in instrumental music." I said as they quieted down.

"I don't think our neighbors would mind us being loud, but not THIS loud." I said.

"Eh? Is there any particular reason?" Lance asked.

"Not really, but we are going to go shopping and that is final. Got it?" I said.

"Yes sir...." The four said as we began eating dinner.


Shishiro Botan POV

I woke up after my alarm rang. I dismissed the alarm and began to sit down the bed

"6:00 am..." I said as I yawned

I put on some slippers and got out of the room. I went straight ahead to the bathroom and proceeded to wash my face.

"Mmh? Botan chan? Its rare to see you this early." Nene chan said.

"We have work. Of course Im gonna wake up early." I said as I dry my face with a towel.

"Well, good thing you got up early. Lamy chan is cooking today. You would not want polka chan to devour the food." Nene chan said as she left the bathroom.

I followed behind and went downstairs to seat in front of the dining table. I began scrolling through Twitter to see if something happened at the time we were in break.


My phone buzzed as a message came to me. I looked at my notifications panel and saw that it was Ōrerion san who messaged me.

'You free for games at the afternoon?' he asked.

'Yeah, Very much actually.' I replied.

'I can't play in the morning today since me and my friends are going shopping trip. Ya know, daily necessities and stuff.' He said.

'Heh, hopefully your wallet wont go burning on you.' I replied.

'You wish WWWWWWW' He said.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'Nunya' he said.


'How long have you been awake?' I asked.

'Meh, just now actually. It's gonna be a hassle to wake the others up. ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯' He replies.


"'They are hard to wake up? Hopefully yours wake up early?'"

"Breakfast is done!" I hear lamy chan say as I began to say my see you.

'Gtg eat breakfast. This will be heavenly. Bye!' I said as I noticed.

"Why are the two of you behind me?" I asked.

"Eh?" Polka and Nene chan said as they began to scramble to get back to their seats.

"Okay, here you all go!" Lamy chan said as she served us our plates.

We began to eat peacefully and quietly. Barely any sound was heard. That was until Nene chan asked.

"So, who was that?" Nene chan asked.






"Who was the person you were talking to earlier Botan chan?" Nene asked again.

"Ah, that one? I met our neighbor yesterday. We began to stay In touch after that." I said.

"Was he cute enough for you to chat with him??" Polka chan said.

"Wait, why are you phrasing it like he's my crush?" I asked.

"Is he not?" Polka asked.

"Why would I like someone I just met? We just Had things in common so We thought it would be better to exchange discord names so that we can chat." I said as I continue to eat.

"Eh? What are you guys talking about?" Lamy chan asks.

"Where did you meet him?" Nene asked.

"Yesterday just outside. When I was about to start walking to the convenience store." I said.

"I see, I see..." Nene chan said.

The chat was very short and after a while, we finished eating. Nene chan began to wash the dishes as me and the others went to take a bath.

"Hey Polka chan." Lamy chan said.

"Yeah?" Polka replied.

"Where do you think Eve is staying?" Lamy chan asked.

"Well, Im guessing it's gotta be America...." Polka chan said as she placed her hand in a thinking position.

"Eve? Who's that?" I asked.

"Eh?! Botan chan you dont Know Eve?!" Polka chan asked.

"Uhhh of course I dont...?" I replied.

"Eve is a band which was very successful at making relatable songs. Although that's what others think. Some in the internet created a Lore or story about the events in the Music Videos they make." Lamy chan explains.

We continued to chat as we took a shower. We were having fun chatting even if it's just something little. It just shows that we're still friends.

"Man, You gotta Listen to the song 'This World to you' its very soothing!" Lamy chan said.

(This world to you, or Kimi ni Sekai is a song made by the band Eve.)

"I guess I would if I have time." I said.

After Nene Takes a bath.

Ōrerion POV

Me and the Band sit down in the living room debating what we should buy. Of course being the most responsible one, *cough* not really *cough* I was leading the discussion.

"Okay, So! Are we ready?!?!" I asked them.

"YEAH!!!" They said as We got ready. We already took a bath and ate some breakfast.

"grab your stuff guys. We're going on an adventure!" I said.

We went outside the house and went to the right to enter the garage. I went in but they stayed outside. I opened the lights and got on the car, revved it as the gate of the garage opens and I drove the car out of the garage. I Hop out of the car and went beside them.

"This baby over here has been in the house for 3 years. Hopefully we can drive without getting in trouble." I said.

"Cool...." Was all they said.

"Hop on!" I said as we got on. I drove the car to the driveway. Surprisingly, the car and the gate system was working. Whenever I pressed the button on the car, the gate would open.

"Good. Looks like its in tip top shape." I said as I drove out of the driveway and to the road. I pressed the button again to close the gate.

"Alright guys, first stop, the mall!" I said as I heard a ringtone. We all looked towards Veronica who was on her phone.

"What? I wanted to play some music!" She said.

"Just...play something nice." I said.

"Fine, fine..." Veronica says as she plays the song 'I love my car' of The Queen.


"Veronica...?" I looked at her through the mirror.

"Fine..." Veronica mumbles as she plays 'I want it that way' of backstreet boys.

"Ah here we go." Lance said.

"You are...my fire~" Greene starts.

"The one...Desire~" Veronica says.

"Believe, when I say..." Filia says.

"I want it that way~" I said.

We reached an intersection and I looked at the gps of the car and saw that we need to go right for the mall.

"Guys we only have 3 hours to shop. We gotta do something else before 11:00 k?" I say.

"Kaaaaaay..." The three say.

"Tell me why!~" I sang

"Ain't nothing but a heartache1" they sang in acapella mode.

"Tell me why!~" Lance continued.

"Ain't nothing but a mistake~" The rest of us sang.

"Tell me why~" Greene said.

"I never wanna hear you say~" We sang.

"I want it that way~" the girls sang.

Shishiro Botan POV

-Hololive Studios-

We reached the Studio after taking the train which took us half an hour. Me and the others went in our rooms to stream. As I was in the middle of streaming though...

"Okay." I shot the enemy, still undetected.

"Gotcha!" I said as I finished him off.


"Sorry bout that guys." I said.

I went to take the high ground and took out the sniper. I went inside a building and checked for the last three.

'the first one is just down the hill...trying to get up. The second one is Camping in the building across Although not on the same level as I am. The third one is running towards the one climbing the hill.' I thought.

"Let's just wait out for them to start shooting each other..." I said.

The two enemies meet and began to have a shoot out. The one climbing the hill died from fall damage. The running man got sniped by the other player, killing him.

"Now, it's just the two of us..." I said. I went to the top of the building, set up my position and began to scope the enemy out. Turns out, he was trying to rush me. He went outside the building running.

"Heh, bad choice." I said as I shot him and got a headshot.

He was left with at least 50 hp. I began to go inside and rig the stairway with c4's. I waited for a bit and He tries to shoot me through the door. Seeing as it was the perfect time, I blew him up.

"YES!" I cheered.

"Okay, lets see who was messaging me." I said as I checked discord.

'When do you wanna play' Ōrerion kun asked.

'After lunch?' I said

'Fine by me. Can't play till 12:00 pm anyway.' He replies.

"Okay, later on we have to do Duo's. Be sure to check that out guys." I said as I began to Queue for the next match.

Break time

3rd POV

All the idols began to crowd the break room, chatting and eating their lunch, waiting for the Radio station to start the program.

"Hey Botan chan, can you tell us more about the neighbor?" Polka asked.

"Hmmmm he's nice. Considerate I guess."Botan said.

"Ho...?? Did I hear Botan chan talk about a boy??" Choco said.

"Ehhh Botan has a boyfriend??" Aki said.

"You guys aren't listening... he's just our neighbor." Botan said.

"Ehhh spill the beans Botan chan~" Pekora said.

"They were messaging each other during breakfast!" Nene said.

"Ugh here we go..." Botan said as she braced herself.

"What were you guys talking about?!" -Shion

"Does he like ghosts?" -Rushia

"Is he a gamer?!?!" -Fubuki

"Guys?? The program started..." Lamy said.

'Nice save!' Botan thought.

"Today our staff said we are supposed to take random calls and answer their questions?" The anchor said.

"I wonder what they're thinking." The male anchor said.

"Okay, let's get the first number." The female anchor said.

"Hello?" The caller asked.

"Hello, this is the Radio station. is there any question you would want to ask?" The female anchor said.

"Hmmm I see...If I said that me and my friends here..." The caller said as four more voices was heard.

"Hello!" The four voices said.

"Were eve, would you believe us?" The caller asked.

"Eve? Are you kidding me? Their location is unknown. Why should we believe you?" The male anchor said.

"Wanna make a bet?" Okayu said.

"Hm?" All of the idols said.

"We bet 100 yen if the caller is Eve or not." Okayu grins.

All of the idols except okayu bet on the no, while okayu stayed on the yes.

"Bet in place?" Okayu asked.

"Bet in place." The girls said as they pulled out their 100 yen.

"Now, im not Forcing you to believe me. Im just asking my opinion." The caller asked.

"Fine. I don't." The female anchor said.

"If you don't, then I will." The male anchor said.

"Okay, whoever gets it right will get an autograph. Hahahahaha!" The caller said.

"You just told us the answer did you...?" The female anchor said.

Everyone heard a door open in the radio station.

(This specific radio station is just like news. People can see the anchors. And what's happening.)

"I present to you, EVE!" The caller, now knowned as the leader of eve, entered the room.

"Haha! Im rich!!!" Okayu said as she took the 100 yen in the table and placed it in her wallet.

"B-but...HOW?!?!?" The idols asked.

"Did you guys not get a tweet from Eve?" Okayu asked.

'Time to Crash a set people :P' the tweet said.

"Ohh is this what your tweet meant?" The male anchor said as he hugged the leader.

"Yeah, we're staying here in japan for a bit. Don't know till when, or if its permanent." The leader said.

"Well folks, please welcome our unexpected guests, EVE!!!" The two anchors said.

Prologue End

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