Just Like Old Times

By TheShantyBanshee

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The year is 1899, and Lillian O'Callaghan, an Irish immigrant adopted at the age of 7 by Dutch Van der Linde... More

The Snow and the Cave
The Train
A Long Day
Fear Álainn
The Pickpocket
Play Things
A Small Piece
The Bed Sheets
The To-Do List
How Many Languages?
The Grave
Back Home
A Clean Slate
The Siren
Uncle Levi
Across the Sea
The Fight
Seven Drunken Nights
The Chapel
Darach ar an gCnoc
Achrann Castle
The Decision
Pickles and Ice Cream?
Black Belle
The Fishing Trip
The Bombay Shitehawks
The Watches
The Broken Oath
The Renewal
Margaret, Mistress of Fucking Danger
A Woman's Touch
The Set-up
The Ascension
Good Boys
Broken Ties
Saint Denis
Out For Blood
The Party
Fidus Et Audax
Galerie Laurent
Old Blood Feuds
Lilly's Home
Arthur's Fear
The School
The Bank
The Blind Man
The Sickness
Sisika Penitentiary
Life and Death
The Horses
Adventures Part 1
Adventures Part 2
The Bear
Tá Grá Agam Duit
The Madness
The Letter
The Oil Field
The Orb
The Goodbye

The Riddle Song

95 6 0
By TheShantyBanshee

Song is "I Gave My Love A Cherry" by Unknown. It's also known as "The Riddle Song".

As she rode on Liath, Lilly thought long and hard about what the blind man said, and as much as she tried to focus on the other things, her mind was most occupied with the last piece of information she was given.

"He's already sick," she whispered to herself. Just saying it out loud made tears fall from her eyes. She caressed her eighteen week pregnant belly and sobbed, putting a palm on her mouth to muffle the sounds as she stopped her horse. "Oh, Arthur. You promised! You fuckin' promised!"

She wiped her tears and rode along with Brian and James trailing behind her. By midday, she got near Rhodes and traveled south from there to Shady Belle. There was no one there except a few horses.

"Hmm." She went inside and found Pinkerton bodies. "Arthur?! Are you here?!"

No response. She checked all the rooms. He had been here recently, so she'd have to track. She went back outside and told the boys to find Arthur, and they headed back out.


"Arthur! Arthur's here!" Mr. Pearson exclaimed.

Abigail laughed and hugged Arthur. "Oh Arthur, you're alive!"

"Just about," he said, coughing a little. He still felt like crap.

"Did Lilly make it?" she asked him.

"Yes. We all boarded ashore separately. She should be here soon."

"Come inside, come on, it's rainin'!" They all went inside. "Hey everybody, look who's here!"

"How y'all doin'?" Arthur asked as he brushed himself off. He went to Uncle's hammock and shook it. "Hey, old man, wake up!" Charles embraced Arthur with a short hug.

"Hey, Arthur, they got John," Abigail mentioned.

"Yeah, he got arrested," Sadie said.

"He ain't hung yet?" Arthur asked as he sat down.

"Not yet, they moved him to Sisika. He's been workin' on a chain gang."

Arthur looked around and saw Micah, Hosea, Lenny, Javier, and Sean had made it back. "Where's Dutch and Bill?" he asked as he was given food.

"He ain't here yet."

"Glad you boys made it here." Arthur began chowing down into his food. "Mmm, good. I'm starvin'."

"Yeah, you look it," Sadie commented. "In fact, you look a little under the weather. You feelin' okay?"

"Not really, but I'll be fine," Arthur said. He was worried, though, about what Lilly had said about him getting sick. When he'd finished his meal, he started chatting away with everyone when Mr. Pearson burst through the door. "Lilly's here!"

Arthur got up and ran to the door. She was coming in with Brian and James but she didn't look too happy to see him. She dismounted, ran to him and almost tackled him over. He laughed and held her close, but his smile soon faded when he felt her body shaking. "Hey, what's the matter?"

She pulled back and Lilly saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "We need to get you to a doctor right now!" She grabbed his hand and started yanking him to the morgan she purchased.

"Woa, wait a minute, why?"

"Because you're already sick."

Arthur stopped Lilly and turned her around. "I am?"

"Yes. You look like shit, don't tell me you haven't noticed. Have you been coughin'?"


"Then you need a doctor right now. We need to go to Saint Denis."

"Is everythin' okay?" Sadie asked.

Lilly sighed and wiped her eyes. "I'm takin' Arthur to a doctor. He's not well."

"He sure don't look well. Alright, get along, you two."

Lilly spotted Liath and mounted up while Arthur got up on Rose. "At least they got our horses," Lilly said sadly.

"Yeah, there's that."

"Brian, James, stay." The couple road out together towards Saint Denis. "When did you start noticin' the coughin'?"

"The bank robbery. It got bad in Guarma, though."

"And ya didna bother tah tell me?!" Lilly snapped furiously. "I'm yer wife! Ya should'a told me!"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"How bad?" she asked.

"I coughed up blood."

"Shit!" Lilly increased the pace of her horse and Arthur followed suit. They eventually made it to Saint Denis and as they were trotting down the street, Arthur stopped and started coughing. "Mo chuisle, are you-"

"I'm fine, just..." he kept coughing and got off his horse. "Just..." his coughing got worse and he bent over.

Lilly dismounted and pat his back. "Arthur..."

Arthur suddenly fell over and kept coughing. "Shit, Lilly..."

"Arthur!" She knelt down next to him and watched in horror as blood came flying from his mouth. "Ó a Dhia! Arthur!" [Oh my God!]

"Don't get too close..." he wheezed.

"Oh shut up! Don't you-" Arthur coughed more and covered his mouth. "You promised me that you wouldn't get sick!"

"I know," Arthur wheezed. His breath was raspy as if he was struggling to breath, which Lilly knew he was. "I'm sorry."

Lilly helped him up. "No, it's not your fault. Let's just get you to a doctor."

Lilly whistled for the horses to follow and helped Arthur walk along the sidewalk. People stared at them as they passed but Lilly glared at each one of them.

"Lilly, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't..." Arthur let go of her and leaned against a pole, coughing and hacking up more blood. "Give me a minute, give me a minute," he groaned. He coughed more. "I'll be fine in a minute."

Lilly rubbed his back and started sobbing when she saw more blood hit the ground. "Jesus Christ..." she cried.

Arthur spit out the rest and stood up straight. "There...I'm fine...I'm so sorry I broke my promise Lilly."

Lilly grabbed him and continued helping him walk. "It's fine, don't worry about that. Come on, it's not much further."

Lilly turned the corner and helped him through the office door. A woman greeted them behind a windowless counter. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes," Lilly replied. "My husband needs a doctor, please."

The woman rang a bell. "Oh, uh, just one second, ma'am."

Lilly listened to Arthur's wheezing and shut her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. She brushed them away quickly as the doctor opened the door for them. "Come in, come in," he said.

Arthur coughed and wheezed as Lilly walked with him, helping him along. "Mister, I need some help," Arthur said.

"So it seems. And that's Doctor Mister to you."

Arthur coughed more as he fought to breath and Lilly put him down in the chair. "There we go, fear céile," Lilly said as she went behind him and kissed the top of his head. "Scíth a ligean agus análú, Arthur." [Relax and breathe, Arthur.]

"I'm sorry," Arthur rasped to the doctor."

"I was joking," the doctor replied. "Mrs. Morgan, how is your pregnancy coming along?"

"Fine, but can we deal with my husband first please?" Lilly asked with an irritated tone.

"You're right, my apologies. Now look, friend, I don't mean nothin', but you got money? I mean before I start treatin' you 'cause I got a family."

Lilly felt the urge to strangle the doctor for his crass but regretful impropriety, yet she suppressed it and cursed under her breath. Arthur reached into his bag and pulled out money to give to the man. "Yeah, I understand. Here, will that do ya?" Arthur wheezed.

"Sure, thank you," the doctor replied. "Now, what's wrong? I mean, what appear to be the symptoms?"

Lilly put her hands on Arthur's shoulders, moreso to brace herself for bad news. "Well, I think you heard them," Arthur said, his voice croaking. "I'm, I'm coughin'."

"Is there any blood?" The doctor looked inside Arthur's ears.


Lilly shut her eyes. She fought the need to wallop her husband upside the head. "Mmhmm." The doctor grabbed a stethoscope and put it on, pressing the end to Arthur's chest. "Okay, now here...breathe." Arthur inhaled and exhaled like a bubbly, wheezing, sick old man and Lilly resisted the urge to cry. "Again." Arthur breathed again but it was a little clearer. The man put the instrument down and grabbed a wooden tongue depressor. "Let me see your tongue. Now, say ahh."

He put it on Arthur's tongue. "Ahh," Arthur said. Lilly felt her little ones moving around and she held her swollen stomach. The doctor put the depressor down, got up, and walked to the sink to wash his hands. "What is it?"

"It's not good news."

Lilly shut her eyes once more and shook her head. "Well I guessed that," Arthur rasped.

The doctor flicked his hands. "You got tuberculosis."

Lilly gasped and covered her mouth and nose. "Oh God, no..."

The doctor wiped his hands dry. "I'm really sorry for you both, it's a hell of a thing," the doctor said.

"Well, what you mean?" Arthur asked as the doctor sat back down in front of Arthur.

"You're real sick, you...it's a progressive disease. You'll be...well, the best thing is rest and getting somewhere warm and dry, and taking it easy. Now, is that possible?"

"Sure, I can just take my winters in my country club in California," Arthur spat sarcastically. "No. It's not possible."

Lilly chuckled. Arthur could still be snarky as ever. She soon started weeping and kissed the top of his head again. "Doctor, is there nothing you can do?" she asked.

"Well," the doctor got up and grabbed a syringe from one of his drawers. "Let me get you a little bit more energy today, at least." He came back and stuck it in Arthur's arm, releasing the liquid inside.

After that was done, Arthur got up and walked out immediately. Lilly followed. "Arthur, slow down," she said, tears still filling her eyes.

"No, I gotta be in a rush. I am dyin', after all!" Arthur kicked a box over. "Fuck!"

Lilly bowed her head. "I don't get it. How did this happen?"

"I know how it happened! Mr. Downes!"

Lilly cocked her head. "Mr. Downes?"

Arthur put his hands on his hips. "Someone I collected a debt from. He spit in my eye while I was beatin' him up."

Lilly's eyes narrowed. "A debt? A debt Strauss sent ya on?!"

"Yes, while we was livin' at Horseshoe Overlook."

Lilly clenched her fists. She was distraught. Furious. She needed someone to blame. Strauss was going to be that person. "That...I'll kill him." Lilly said as she walked over to Liath.

Arthur turned to her. "What? Who?"

"Who the fuck do ya think?!" Lilly snapped. "He should'a sent me!" Lilly went racing down the road.


When Lilly arrived at Lakay, Arthur followed close behind her as they both dismounted. "Lilly, this ain't his fault," Arthur said.

Lilly pulled out one of her revolvers and power walked to the main shack. "STRAUSS! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE NOW!" her voice boomed.

"Oh shit!" Arthur said. "Honey, calm-"

Lilly turned to Arthur and shouted at him. "DO NOT TELL ME TAH CALM DOWN, ARTHUR MORGAN!"

"Lilly, that don't work on-"


"Lilly?" Strauss said as he walked from the shack. "What is goin' on?"

Other people came walking out and Lilly directed her attention back to Strauss. She walked over to him and put the gun to his forehead. "This is all yer fault! ALL YER FUCKING FAULT!" Lilly snapped loudly, her voice crackling and echoing throughout the swamp.

People gasped and screamed as Strauss put his hands up. He looked shocked. "What did I do?!"

Lilly's hands began shaking as she felt her whole world collapse around her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pulled back the hammer of her gun. She could hear other people begging her to stop but she paid them no mind. All that mattered at that point was that Strauss might as well have killed her husband straight out. And this revelation only made her angrier. "You. Killed. My. Husband."

"What are you talking about? He's right there!"

"Mr. Downes! He got Arthur sick!" Lilly snapped, suddenly gun whipping Strauss in the face, which made him fall down. Blood spilled from his mouth as Lilly glared down at Strauss, gun aimed at his face. "Ya doomed him to die, and now he will never meet our children!"

Lilly's breathing was heavy and all she could see was red. Arthur started whispering in her ear. "Darlin', don't do it. Please. It ain't his fault."

"Yes it is. If he hadn't sent ya on it, ya'd-"

"No. If I hadn't beaten the shit out of Downes, I wouldn't have gotten sick. Now, put the gun down, Lillian."

Lilly refused but she felt her will faltering. It wasn't like Strauss knew the man was sick, right? "Did ya know Mr. Downes was sick, Herr Strauss?!"

"N-not at the time, no!" Strauss yelped. "Please don't kill me, Lilly!"

"That's Mrs. Morgan tah ya!" Lilly growled. "We ain't on a first name basis anymore, ya cowardly little parasite!"

Arthur stood in front of the gun and raised his hands. "Lillian, please," Arthur pleaded. "Put the gun down."

Lilly slowly lowered her gun, her whole body shaking. "He killed ya, Arthur," she sobbed, then fell to her knees. "It's not fair..."

Arthur grabbed her and held her close as she cried into his chest. "I know, I know," he said, stroking her back. He picked her up in his arms. "Come on, let's uh, let's go inside."

Lilly clung to her husband, surprised that he was still strong enough to carry her. "Arthur, it's just not fair," she wailed.

"I know, baby girl, it ain't fair at all."

"How are you so calm about this all of a sudden?" she cried.

"Because you're not," he said, kissing her loose hair. "Let's get some rest, huh? I think we both earned a nap."

"Okay," she sniffled. He settled her down on a bed and they laid down next to each other. Lilly cuddled into his chest while he wrapped his arms around her. "How am I gonna raise the babies with you? What am I gonna do without you? I can't live without you!"

Arthur shushed her. "Yes you can, darlin'."

"No, I can't!" she sniveled.

Arthur kissed the top of her head. "Yes you can, and you know you can. Now stop cryin' and sleep, mo bhean chéile."

"N-no! I won't!"

Arthur sighed and got up, covering Lilly up with a blanket. "You need to calm down."

"I won't calm down!"

"Arthur," Susan said as he came up to them. "Does she need her medicine?"

"I...I hate havin' her use it, but yeah. You have her satchel?"

"Right here," Susan said as she pulled out Lilly's pipe and bag of herbs.

Lilly looked at it and sat up. "No, I don't want it!"

"Lilly, honey, be reasonable!" Arthur snapped. "I can't stand seein' you this upset so take the god damn medicine!"

Lilly sniffled. She didn't want Arthur to be upset, either, so her will to be stubborn caved in. "Okay..." she said meekly.

Arthur frowned and pulled her into his lap. "I'm sorry for yellin', I...this is hard for me too."

Lilly sniffled again, taking in his pine tree scent. "I know. You should be the one blubberin' on, not me."

Arthur laughed and kissed her softly. "You're my wife. You're allowed to cry. Now take your medicine."

Lilly grabbed the pipe, stuffed it, lit it, and took a puff. She coughed but immediately felt more relaxed. Susan took it back, put the smoke out, and stuffed the items back into Lilly's bag. "Will you be needin' anythin' else, Arthur?"

"No. Just some privacy, I suppose."

"Of course."

Susan walked away as Lilly sniveled into Arthur's chest. "Hey, you remember that song I used to sing to you when you were little?"

"Which one? You sang a lot of 'em." Lilly sniffled again, the tears still falling.

Arthur cleared his throat and started to sing, slowly rocking Lilly back and forth.

I gave my love a cherry that had no stone,

I gave my love a chicken that had no bone.

Lilly started giggling. "Oh, that silly one."

Arthur chuckled deeply. "Yes, but it always got you to sleep."

I gave my love a story that had no end,

I gave my love a baby, got no cryin'.

"But I..." Lilly yawned. "I don't want to go to sleep."

How can there be a cherry that has no stone

How can there be a chicken that has no bone

Despite not wanting to sleep, Lilly felt comforted by her husband's singing. His baritone voice and his ear for tunes was not bad at all. In fact, it was good. Lilly shut her eyes as she listened.

How can there be a story that has no end

How can there be a baby with no cryin'

Lilly felt her awareness drifting off but she fought off the sleep so she could keep listening.

Well, a cherry when it's bloomin', it has no stone

A chicken when it's pipin', it has no bone

The story of I love you, it has no end

A baby when it's sleepin' has no cryin'

Hush little baby

Hush little baby

Hush little baby

Don't you cry


Arthur looked down at his sleeping wife and sighed in relief. God, he hated seeing her so upset. And she was right, he should be the upset one, and he was, but when she raced off on the war path, he buckled himself up to stop her. And when Lilly was about to kill Strauss, Arthur was her voice of reason. And when she fell down crying, his heart broke but he picked her up and became her pillar of strength once more. But now that she was sleeping, Arthur was alone with his thoughts. He tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead, sitting down and staring at her face. At least she looked peaceful.

He lifted the blanket and gazed at her belly. His little twins. Would he live long enough to see them born? He doubted it. Still, as long as his wife and children lived, his death would be of little consequence. Lilly would mourn, of course, but she was the strongest woman he knew, so he couldn't think of a better protector of the little ones than her and he knew she'd eventually come to terms with his death. And she'd have the gang, of course...if they were still around by the time they had the money to get to Ireland with enough to plant for bountiful harvests. The gang, he felt, was falling apart. Dutch's mentality was slipping into darkness, he knew that much. Could he be saved, though?

Arthur placed a soft kiss on her belly and tucked Lilly back in before standing up and walking out to meet with the people who had been patiently waiting for him. Hosea approached first.

"Is it true, Arthur?" Hosea asked sadly.

"Yes," he sighed, "I got tuberculosis."


Lilly woke up next to Arthur from some sort of commotion going on and she groaned as she sat up. Arthur woke up too. "What's goin' on?" he asked.

"I dunno, I..."

"He's back, he's back! Lilly, Arthur, Dutch is back!" Sadie shouted.

"Heeeeeey, heh heh heh heh!" someone laughed.

Lilly and Arthur got up and joined the rest of the group. "How'd you folks find each other? What happened? Can...can somebody get me a cup of coffee or somethin'?" Dutch asked everyone.

Tilly went back to get coffee. "It was Mrs. Adler who saved us, Dutch. After the robbery in Saint Denis, she got us away from the camp before the Pinkertons turned up," Strauss explained as Tilly brought Dutch some coffee. "Then Mrs. Adler and Mr. Smith..."

Lilly had enough of hearing Strauss' voice and marched out the front door, slamming it shut.


Arthur watched her go and sighed. Dutch looked at everyone and they were all very tense. "Did I miss somethin'?" Dutch asked the people.

Strauss spoke up. "Well, uh...Mrs. Morgan is very upset with me right now."


"She blames me for, uh, well, ahem..." Strauss stopped and lowered his face.

Arthur moved ahead of people. "She's blamin' him because I'm sick."

Dutch's face turned sour. "Sick? What kind of sick?"

"The kind that I'm gonna die from, Dutch. Tuberculosis," Arthur said gravely.

"Ah, Jesus," Dutch turned and grabbed his forehead. "Son of a...but you and Lilly got two kids on the way!"

"I know," Arthur said hoarsely. "I know."

"Arthur," Dutch placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder, "I am so sorry. But how does Herr Strauss fit into all this?"

"Because Mr. Downes, a debtee, got me sick."

"Is he still alive?"



Lilly didn't know what else to feel at this point besides anger. She was angry at Strauss, angry at Arthur, angry at The Morrigan. Hell, she might as well be angry at the whole world for all that it took from her, as well as what it kept taking from her. Lilly put a hand to her stomach, feeling the wee bairns inside. Life was cruel. What good was she doing bringing two more lives into such a horrid world? How could she raise two children without their father? She felt hands on her shoulders and her head bowed as she leaned against the railing, the smell of pine trees invading her senses.

"What's on your mind, mo stór?" Arthur asked her.

"I hate everythin'," she responded bitterly. "God damn everythin'."

Arthur chortled. "Nah, you don't mean that."

"Yes I do." She turned around and glared at him. "I hate Strauss, I hate The Morrigan, and I really hate you right now."

Arthur frowned and held her in his arms. "No you don't. You love me."

"Yes, but I hate you even more."

"Liar." Arthur put her face in his hands. "I love you. And you're gonna raise our two wonderful kids and you are gonna be great at it."

Lilly shut her eyes and took a deep breath in, trying not to cry again. "Tá grá agam duit." [I love you.]

"Hey!" Bill shouted at them. "Finally!" He rushed by them and slammed the door open. "Well here you is!" Arthur and Lilly followed him inside. "Well I asked everyone I could find and eventually someone knew! Said you fools were out here!" Bill closed in on Tilly and Sadie. "Shit! Gimme a drink or somethin'!"

"Get your own damn drink!" Mrs. Adler sassed.

Lilly snorted and put her forehead to Arthur's shoulder. He wheezed a chuckle and shook his head. "In our absence, Mrs. Adler here has been looking after things. Now sit down," Dutch said, giving Bill his coffee. Someone started shouting outside.

"This is Agent Milton with the Pinkerton Detective Agency!" Milton yelled to them.

"Already?!" Dutch said.

"Aww shit," Arthur said with an eye roll.

"On behalf of Cornwall Kerosene and Tar, the United States Government, and the Commonwealth of West-"

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Lilly's voice boomed as she slammed the door open, turned into Adair, and stormed out.

"Did you fools not learn your god damn lesson in Saint Denis?!" she shouted. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"


Arthur sighed as gunfire and shouting was heard outside, along with snarling, howling, and barking from the wolves. Soon screams of agony and death were heard. Arthur grabbed a cup of coffee from Tilly and chuckled, taking a drink. "People just don't learn, do they?" he said.

"Don't learn what?" Dutch asked.

"Not to make my wife mad."

One by one, people started chuckling and giggling. Except Mr. Strauss. He looked rather ashamed which was an emotion Arthur never thought the man was capable of feeling. Soon it was quiet outside and Adair came back in, wings out and her form covered in blood. "Stupid, stupid mortals! They are such...such...Lilly, what's the word I'm looking for? Oh. Yes. Eejits!" Her wings flapped and she sighed. "Now, Lilly suggests I try...coffee."

Tilly went to fetch her one and Arthur put a hand on Adair's shoulder as some of the others gawked at her wings. "Do I even wanna know what you did out there?"

"Probably not," Adair said with a delightful giggle. "In fact, uh...perhaps the men and I should clean up so the women and Little Jack do not see?"

"That's a good idea," Sadie said. "But I wanna go see what you did!"

Sadie walked past and Tilly gave Adair a cup of coffee. "Here you go. It's hot so be careful."

Adair tilted her head to one side as she looked at Tilly. "Thank you, child." She blew into the cup and giggled at the smoke before taking a drink. "Mmm, this is good."

"Holy shit!" Sadie yelled outside. "One woman did all this?!"

Adair laughed almost maniacally. "No, a goddess accomplished all of that bloodshed, Mrs. Adler."

"Um, when did you get wings?" Karen asked.

"They're so pretty!" Mary Beth exclaimed excitedly. "Can I touch 'em?"

Adair turned around and tucked her wings in. "Of course."

Mary Beth stroked the feathers and giggled. "So soft."

"Did you get Milton?" Dutch asked.

"Unfortunately no," Adair said, sipping the hot coffee. "Little bugger slipped away again."

"How did that happen?"

"I apologize, Mr. Van der Linde, but I was preoccupied killing whoever dared to get in my way, and in that, Mr. Milton was very wise to go the opposite direction."

A deep, low chuckle came from Dutch. "I don't know who is more ruthless, you or Lilly."

"Where do you think Lilly's ruthlessness comes from?" Adair said with humor in her voice.

"Can I get a hand out here with the cleaning?" Sadie yelled out.

Some of the men came outside and gasped in awe. "Good Lord!" Bill said.

Sean giggled and kicked the body of a cut up corpse. "Right? The savagery blows my mind."

Adair walked outside. "Well, gentlemen," she flapped her wings again. "Shall we get started?"

The able bodied men, Sadie and Adair got to work cleaning up and tossing body parts into the swamp. "Well, looks like the alligators will have their fill tonight," Lenny said as he tossed a body into the water.

"You mean those foul looking creatures that inhabit these waters?" Adair asked him.

"Yes. Nasty bastards, too."

"Yes. Fear céile and Lilly had run ins with two rather large...alligators. Shall I catch one for our dinner?"

Arthur cackled as he tossed a severed head into the swamp waters. "Sure, Adair. You do that. You might need to kill more than one, though. We got plenty of people to feed."

Adair flew up into the air and started scanning the area. "How many do you think, fear céile?"

"Maybe three or four!" he yelled.

Then I shall be back with three...or four!" Adair went flying off into the distance.

Arthur shook his head and cackled. "I don't think I'll ever get used to her havin' wings."

Lenny laughed as he picked up another body. "As if your wife bein' a reincarnated Irish goddess was somethin' you could get used to."

"Ha! True enough, Lenny."

Dutch walked up to the two men as they both deposited more dead carcasses for predators to gobble up. "She saved us again, Arthur. Where'd she run off to? I need to thank her."

"She went flyin' off to find dinner." Arthur started coughing and he bent over as he grasped his chest. "Oh damn."

Dutch patted his back. "You okay, son?"


"Well, we ain't been back for more than a few days," Micah said, dragging a dead body to the water.

Arthur stood up. "What...what do we do, Dutch?" Arthur asked.

"Clearly, we need to leave. It'll take them some time to regroup," Dutch replied. "Mr. Pearson, Miss Grimshaw, start packin' up! Javier, you and Bill get outta here. Go scare off any scum still loitering about...we need a couple of days. Now! Please, gentlemen."

"Sure," Bill said as he walked away with Javier.

"What next, Dutch?" Arthur asked him.

"We just need some time. I just, I, I need some time. Now we can't go east 'cos then we'll be in the ocean, so we're gonna have to go north, I guess? I just need somebody to buy me some," Dutch slammed his hand on the wagon holding a Gatling gun, "god damn time, one of you!"

"You'll figure it out, boss. You always do," Micah assured Dutch.

"What are you gonna do about John, Dutch?" Abigail asked him.


"He's in jail."

"W-w-we'll get-" Suddenly four dead alligators dropped from the sky and people backed up with yelps. Dutch looked up, as did Arthur and the rest, to see Adair flying above them. "Adair! I thank you very much for not only savin' us, but for also gettin' us some dinner, but could you please be more mindful about where you drop the food?" Dutch scolded her.

Adair frowned. "My apologies." she said as she landed and looked around. "The fat man. Where is he?"

Arthur wheezed out a laugh. "Are you gonna scare him again?"

"Most assuredly, yes." Adair grabbed the four dead alligators by their tails and began to drag them around. "Well, where is the juicy human? I bet he would go great with alligator stew. That's what Lilly says, anyway."

Dutch, Arthur and Micah guffawed into fits and Abigail said, "ew". Dutch pointed towards the shack. "He's in there." Adair pulled the dead animals in that direction and Abigail repeated her question. "We'll get him, Abigail. Just not, not yet."

"There's talk of hangin' him!" Abigail snapped.

"It's not gonna come to that!" Dutch snapped, walking away.


"Not now, Miss, I...not now!" Dutch walked into the shack and Micah followed him.

"Why did you bring me food when we gotta pack up, Adair?!" Pearson shouted.

"Well it was either these things for dinner or you!" Adair shouted back. "If you are so worried about packing up, I will help Miss Grimshaw! These people are hungry!"

Arthur started cackling. "You know, I kinda feel bad for Mr. Pearson but...she's just so funny."

Sadie came walking over and joined Arthur. "Well, we made a quick clean up of the bodies."

Abigail approached them both. "I'm beggin' you two. He's..." Abigail made a sad, worried face. "They're gonna hang him. It would break my..." Abigail put a palm to her cheek, "...the boy's heart. Please, do somethin'."

"We will," Mrs. Adler assured her. Abigail sighed and walked off. "Okay. I'm gonna go figure out how we rescue this bastard," Sadie said to Arthur.

"Now?" Arthur asked her.

"Yes now. Meet me at Doyle's Tavern on Milyonne Avenue."

Sadie walked away and Adair approached Arthur. "May I inquire about this "John" situation? Are we going to rescue him from jail?"

Arthur stared at her suspiciously. "How often are you awake while Lilly's out here?"

"Often enough to know how much coitus you both engage in."

"You spy on us?!"

"It is hard not to. You both love each other very much," Adair said, pressing a palm to Arthur's shoulder, "and I can certainly see why. But...perhaps there is something my mother can do about your illness."

"What you talkin' 'bout?"

"Well, my mother, well, my aunt Macha is a healer. When Lilly visits Tír na nÓg again, we shall see what can be done, but I can make no promises."

Arthur smiled and pat Adair's hand, feeling extremely grateful. "Thank you. Does Lilly know?"

"Lilly is asleep. I will inform her once she awakens."


22-year-old Arthur, in red long johns and black pants, heard Lilly screaming at the top of her lungs one night and went running to her tent. Dutch and Hosea did as well.

"What's goin' on?!" Dutch yelled.

"I don't know!" Arthur snapped. The three men raced inside to see objects flying about and shaking as Lilly thrashed about in her sleep. "Jesus Christ..."

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME, PAPA! NO!" her voice boomed.

Arthur avoided the objects as he went to her and tried to wake her up. "Lilly!" he yelled as he shook her. "Wake up, sweetheart!"

Lilly continued to scream as a lantern came flying and almost hit Arthur in the head but he ducked. It crashed to the ground and broke. Hosea and Dutch braced themselves and ran in. "Arthur, we need to wake her up!" Dutch said to him.

"I know!" Arthur snapped. He shook Lilly again. "Wake up!"


Dutch and Hosea backed off and Arthur looked at them strangely as he also backed up. "What are you two doin'?"

"We don't know! We...she's-"

Lilly screamed out again. "STAY AWAY!"

Arthur stood his ground but the other two men backed up more. "I need help here!"

"I can't move, Arthur!" Dutch shouted.

"Me neither!" Hosea yelled.

Arthur went and shook Lilly again, this time violently. "WAKE UP, KID!" he shouted loudly.

Lilly's eyes opened and she looked at Arthur, gasping for air as all the objects came crashing to the floor. Lilly went to look but Arthur picked her up and covered her eyes. "Don't look, honey," he said as he walked her out of the tent.

"But why?" she sobbed.

"You had a bad dream."

"Oh no...not again..."

Arthur looked at her. "Are you okay? You've had dreams like that before?"

Lilly nodded and buried her face into his chest. "I'm sorry."

Arthur kissed the top of her head. "Don't you worry 'bout that...just relax," he cooed. "Come on, you can sleep in my bed with me, okay?"

Lilly wiped her eyes and nodded. "Okay."

He walked over to his tent and walked inside along with Dutch and Hosea, but Miss Grimshaw, Bessie, John, and Annabelle came running. "What happened?" John asked.

"She had a bad dream, that's all," Arthur said, tucking her in. "She's fine."

"But she was so loud! What the heck kind of dream was that? You scared me half to death!"

Lilly frowned at John. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, John."

John sat down next to her. "I only meant I thought someone was hurting you."

"Is she okay?" Bessie asked.

Arthur sighed and looked at everyone. "Susan, could you uh, go see about her tent, please?"

"But why? What happened?" Susan asked him.

Dutch, Hosea and Arthur all looked at each other. Dutch gave out a long sigh. "I'll show you, Miss Grimshaw, come on."

The rest of the gang left and Arthur snuggled in next to Lilly before they fell asleep. Lilly had another bad dream, but this one was about her brother dying and very few items were disturbed. He quickly picked them up and assured everyone she was fine, but he was worried. How to comfort her, he had no idea, but Arthur cradled Lilly in his arms and rocked her a bit as he sat on the bed.

"Arthur," she said, "I really am sorry."

"Nah, no need to be sorry, sweetheart. Is there anythin' I can do to make you feel better?"

Lily bit her lip. "I...my mum used to sing to me to help me feel better."

Arthur's eyes widened. "Well, I do know a few songs. Alright," Arthur said, clearing his throat, and then he began to sing.

I gave my love a cherry that had no stone,

I gave my love a chicken that had no bone,

I gave my love a story that had no end,

I gave my love a baby, got no cryin'

How can there be a cherry that has no stone,

How can there be a chicken that has no bone,

How can there be a story that has no end,

How can there be a baby with no cryin'

Well, a cherry when it's blooming, it has no stone

A chicken when it's pippin', it has no bone

The story of I love you, it has no end

A baby when it's sleepin' has no cryin'

Hush little baby

Hush little baby

Hush little baby

Don't you cry

Arthur looked down at her and smiled. She looked like she was in a peaceful sleep. He laid her down and fell asleep with her little body in his arms, and she had no more bad dreams that night.

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