By ellyreiv

21.6K 285 111

[ COMPLETED ] "Blue." I heard a deep raspy voice that came close as I was sitting alone scanning through my l... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5

CH. 0

1K 44 14
By ellyreiv

London, England

July 7, 2020

"Then fuck all of you!!!"

"Get the fuck back here!" I hear my father screaming from downstairs.

I barged into my bedroom and slammed the door angrily as I feel my fists shaking in anger after having another unhealthy argument with my dad and my elder brothers who think they're always the better sons because they follow our dad's orders. Orders, orders, fucking orders even if it isn't something you want to do. I shove all the clothes I can pack inside my luggage angrily, grabbing one after another, no longer checking what shirt, shorts or trousers that I was putting in. I can't be in this household anymore because it's too toxic even though the people living in this home is my own family.

"Harry!" Mum barges inside my room and walks towards me. "What in bloody hell are you doing?"

"I can't be here anymore mum." I answer as I shove more boxer briefs inside my luggage.

Mum follows me, "You don't have to leave. Please honey, just apologize to your dad and tell him you'll follow his steps and--"

"Why is everyone in this household so selfish?!" I stopped from packing and exclaimed loudly at my mom who looked shocked that I cut her off. "I told you and dad what I wanted to do with my life and if no one will support me on it then I'm leaving." I grabbed my luggage, my surfboard and stepped out of my room while my mum follows me and tries to continue leading for me to leave.

I reached the living room where my father is looking at me hatefully together with Elvis Styles, our eldest, and Frank Styles, the second son. Mom joins us as she pants while chasing me and pulling the luggage from my hand as I tried pulling it away from her.

"Harry you know this is a bad decision." Elvis tells me, the always Mr. Right among the three of us.

"When was my decision ever right in this house anyways Elvis?" I asked him angrily.

Frank walks towards me, and unlike Elvis, he's more gentle and less like dad or Elvis. "You can't leave Harry. We can always talk this over, right dad?" He asks as he looks over our dad.

Dad stares at me angrily and with a lot of disappointment in his eyes. He never looked at me with pride in his eyes because ever since I was young, I have always been the son he has hated so much because I am the only son that never follows his command in this household unlike Elvis and Frank.

"Harry honey please you don't have to leave us." Mom cries as she hugs me on my side.

"The house wont be the same without you." Frank adds.

I never grew up under my dad's care because I have grown up under my grandmother and grandfather's house since my parents had a separation before I was born. Dad cheated on my mom when she was carrying me so mom went back to her parents house bringing me with her as soon as I was born and leaving my two brothers with my strict father.

When I was six, my mom and dad got back together and we had to go back to my dad's house but I still spent most of my weekends since it was more of a home to me than this house with my dad in it. I have always been distant to my father and my two brothers because they never made me feel as if I was a part of this family. My dad never made me feel as if I was his son because he never seems to listen to what I want to do, instead he forces me to plan things for my life and decide things for me.

"Why don't you let the black sheep of this family finally leave. Let's see what a complete failure he already is with all this surfing madness he only prioritizes in his life." Elvis, my dad's perfect copy, commented with despise.

"What's your fucking problem?!!" I rushed towards him and slipped out from my mom and Frank's grip as I grab onto Elvis collar with one hand before I threw a strong punch right on his face. Elvis crashes to the couch and accidentally hits the vase with his hand which caused it to shatter.

"Frank stop Harry!!" Mom screams.

Frank runs to me quickly pulling me away while dad gets in the way and pushes me hard that made me fall to the floor. "Harry! Stop fighting! You're already hurting mom." Frank says.

Elvis stares at me angrily as he winces on the spot I punched but before he can throw a punch at me, dad pulls him away. "Enough Elvis." He said strictly.

Dad looks back at me as I try to stand on my own even though Frank tried to help me. "Why didn't you let your most favorite son hit me, huh?!" I yelled at my father. "He's always has been right in front of your eyes ever since anyways!!"

Mom pulls me back while she continues crying. "Harry please. Please that's enough."

"No it isn't enough! Ever since from the beginning dad, you were never proud of me! You've always thought the lesser of me because I always disobeyed you. I always knew you're embarrassed to have me as your son! And I don't blame you, because I am as fucking stubborn as you!"

"Harry! That's enough." Frank sounded authoritative.

"Oh shut up Frank. We both know how you hated becoming a director!" I snapped out.

I glued my eyes on my father who still chose to remain silent towards me. "You know, what? Ever since I was a kid, I have always wished that you were never my father!!" I screamed.

Dad landed his huge fist on my face causing me to stagger while Frank thankfully catches me.

"If you want to leave then get out of my house!!" Dad screams at me, pointing at the door.

"Jackson!!" Mom screams as she wraps her arms around me. "You don't mean that! You're not letting Harry leave! This is his home!!"

"This is not home." I answered mom.

She looks at me with so much tears in her eyes as I travelled my eye back to my father, "This was never my home. No one really saw me as a son in this house aside from you, mom. Let's all admit, Elvis is a famous music producer as what dad wanted him. Frank is now an award-winning director as what dad wanted him. Then there's Harry Styles, a son that dad never wanted to have." I say.

I feel my tears flooding my eyelids as I tried my best to hold it back, "You know what dad, or shall I say, Mr. Jackson Styles? You can be happy now because the son that you despise the most is now leaving this hell that you have created for me! You cant force me into becoming something that does not make me happy! I'm never going to be in the same household as you! I hate you and I hope you bring those words with you in your grave!" I grabbed my luggage and my surfboard and headed out of the house while I hear my mom calling out to me.

She chases me out towards my car, begging me not to go. "Harry, honey.... Please... Please my baby don't leave us. Please Harry." She cries as she holds my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry mum. Take care of yourself okay?" I kiss her forehead. "I love you." I got inside my car and drove away, leaving my mom crying by herself.

When I reached the road, my tears began to flood my cheeks as I tried to blast some pretty loud music inside my car to void out the anger and sadness I am feeling inside me. I clenched tightly onto my stirring wheel as I continued crying by myself thinking about leaving my mom like that.

I meet up with my friends in a restaurant where we usually hang out and tried to look fine as I dried my eyes the moment I parked my car. I walked to the table where Liam and Louis were waiting for me and they already know what happened to me a few minute ago. I took the seat in front of them as Louis chugs his bottle of beer while looking at me and Liam sits there also looking at me reluctantly.

"Beer?" Liam offers.

Louis puts the bottle down, "Man you look dreadful."

"You actually have to say that Louis." Liam scolded. "Here, have a beer." He handed me one.

I accepted, "Thanks."

"Look Harry." Liam leans closer to me, "Don't let it get in your head, man. We have this huge surfing competition coming up next week and you cant let something ruin your focus."

Louis nods in agreement, "We all know your dad has always been not very supportive of you and your surfing career from the beginning so that's not really shocking anymore."

"I'm not sad about that Louis. I'm sad about my mom. I left her like that."

"Hey, you can always call her and check on her without staying in that house." Liam encourages.

I take a long drink from my bottle of beer as Liam asks, "So where are you staying tonight?"

"I've called up Maddie and asked if I can crash her place and she said yes." I answered.

"Of course she can never say no to you. Maddie's utterly obsessed with you." Louis says a fact.

"Well I am utterly obsessed with my boyfriend Louis Tomlinson." I look over to my right and found Maddie already sitting next to me. She kisses my lips and I wince as I felt hurt from dad's punch.

"Hi baby." I say over lips.

She smiles before turning her attention to Louis, "Is there something wrong with being obsessed with my own man?" She asks him.

"Well hi Maddie. It's nice to see you too." Louis answers with a smile.

I smile as I lowered my head down so Maddie won't see me laughing. Maddie cups my cheeks with both her hands and forces me to stare at her, "Are you okay baby?" She asks.

"I am babe. Thank you for coming here despite the time."

"Awe baby, it's nothing." She smiles at me.

We stayed in for a while and talked for a little bit before we finally decided to call it a day. I drove to Maddie's house where I'll be staying over for the night. She carried my luggage for me as I carried my surfboard all the way inside her apartment. Maddie has always been here for me and its not the only reason why I am keeping her, but she's just always there for me. She loves me too much and I am quite scared that I am actually not giving her the same amount of love I ought to give her as my girlfriend.

We kissed for a while after we had sex and laid over her bed like how we usually do. We started off as friends with benefits after meeting her over Tinder and ever since then I kind of forced myself to be in this relationship with her since she was also trying to help me void out my problems with my dad. I guess my world only revolved around surfing and having sex with Maddie to keep myself busy.

"Your dad hurt you again?" She asks.

"What's new." I answer.

"So what are you planning to do now?" She asks me and she's always worried about me. "You left home. What about your mom?"

"Maddie, I don't really want to think about that now. Please." I answered, sounding annoyed and intending to. "I have this surfing competition and you know it's really important to me. So just drop it."

"I'm sorry." She says softly before she positions her naked self over my body and hovers over me. "So this competition coming up, you'll be busy with Louis and Liam."

I nod at her as I rub her thighs with my palms. "Why?"

"We both know there'll be more women flocking around you after." She sounded jealous and I hate how she acts like this.

"Maddie they're just fans. And you're really not helping my mood right now."

She pouts before landing her lips over mine, "I'm sorry baby."

"Why don't we just fuck again before we sleep?" I cooed.

She nods before kissing me as she carefully placed my hard erection inside her.

Somewhere in London, England

July 14, 2020


Sunny Day, Temperature 23

Days passed and it was finally the day for the surfing competition. It was a perfect sunny day and the waves looked absolutely stunning. Louis and Liam joined too but on a different category as me. There were prominent people here who are known in the surfing world and this surfing competition will be very helpful for me to be more popular. I see a few professional surfers who were going to do an exhibition act for the crowd and I cannot wait to take photos of the people I idolize.

Around eight in the morning, it was my turn for the category I signed up for, I prepared my surfboard as Louis and Liam kept cheering for me. They kept reminding me to remain calm and never do something outrageous to avoid any accidents but they know I am stubborn. I was insanely nervous because this was the biggest surfing competition in all over England but I have a good feeling that I am going to win this since I have never lost a surfing competition before. I know I should not be complacent and I still have to do my best to win this and shove it my father's face that I can be professional even I am not going to be like him.

"You've got this Harry." Liam cheers me on.

"Win the crowd. Good luck, bro." Louis adds.

"Thanks lads." I say as I clipped the string attaching the surfboard to my ankle.

"Remember, don't catch bigger waves that you can't handle. You don't know the waters in here. Let me tell you that the waves is huge and the current will really pull you down" Liam reminded.

I belly paddled my way to the shallow water where bigger waves were found as I was competing against a Portuguese who came all the way from Portugal just to join this competition. I rode one big wave from another and performed a few tricks that I have been perfecting for months now which all came to perfection as I portrayed them. I feel speed as wind passes through my face and the awesome feeling of being connected to this wonderful energy through the surfboard. The roars and the taste of salt still amazes me as I stand on my surfboard with huge adrenaline from the sheer power that I am dealing with. The pay-off is a real mountain-top experience of human accomplishment.

As I was about to perform my last trick trying to impress the crowd and the judges who were clapping and cheering my name as soon as I saw a bigger wave, I didn't hesitate. I remember how Liam would always scold me not to try a catching bigger wave than what we have been practicing because it will be risky for me in case I perform it during a competition. I let it slip my head and tried riding the bigger wave which will probably make me a champion. It's now or never.

Out in the spur of moment, I was caught off guard when I lost my balance riding the big wave and I was suddenly tossed around in the powerful surf off the central coast. I held my breath under the water trying to swim back up for some air but the waves we too big and the current is pulling me down. I was getting into trouble being under the deep waters fighting against the very strong current as I held tight onto the string that was attached to my ankle.

I no longer cared about the competition because I was already fighting for my life.

I kept swimming up because I was almost out of breath and I need air. As soon as I was finally able to rose my head out of the water, I see a 40-feet plus wave about to wipe me out and it was too late for me to swim away as it crashes right over my head pushing me down deeper to the water. The strong current broke the string and pulled me off deeper away from my board.

Shit, the current is going to pull me deeper into the ocean if I don't get out from here.

Suddenly I accidentally felt something sharp struck on the back of my right thigh and there were blood instantly. I look over to my leg and found a huge elongated coral poking through my right thigh, I groaned under the water as the pain was utterly unbearable. I forced to pull thigh off the coral even if it was terribly hurting and when I did, there were more blood surrounding me and I panicked as thoughts of sharks came into my head. I grope onto my thigh as I felt the growing pain beginning to hurt even more and started feeling as if my entire right leg was getting numb.

I was completely drowning as I screamed for pain and help under the water, running out of breath before I lost conscious when I hit my head on a bigger coral as the strong current under the water was dragging me around lifelessly.

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