Harry Potter and the Vampire

By MidnightDeamon

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What if James Potter also had a daughter? More

Harry Potter and the Vampire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

645 1 0
By MidnightDeamon

Chapter 1

10 1/2 years later

HillaryMondala's POV

We were running. Death Eaters were following us. Their wands were pointed at me and mum.

"Stop! Get back here!" one shouted. They all had masks and hooded cloaks on.

We continued running. We rounded a corner and I ran into someone. He grabbed my arm.

"Help!" I screamed. The man put a cloth over my mouth. It smelled sweet.

My vision started to blur. I saw a flash of green light and mum's body fall to the ground. I tried to scream but I couldn't make a sound.

The last thing I saw was Death Eaters disapearating.

                                                                            *  *  *

When I woke up I was on the ground in the middle of the street. I looked left and right but I only saw houses. I looked a the street sign. I was on Privet Drive. I looked for a house that looked like someone was home. Only on house had a car in front. It was number four.

I stumbled to the door. When I got to the door I fell and almost past out. I stood up again and rang the door bell.

"Harry, get the door!" a shrill voice yelled. I heard rushing feet.

The door opened to reveal a boy my age. He had black, messy hair and peircing green eyes. He also had a scar on his forehead.

He looked at me and gasped. Maybe he thought I was beautiful.

My vision started to blur again and I started to sway. I fell to the ground and heard yelling and footsteps.

"Aunt Petunia, come help." the boy yelled.

"Boy what are you going on about." She said. Then I heard her gasp to. I heard footsteps and then past out.

                                                                              *  *  *

My head hurt really bad but I had something cold on my head. My body hurt like crazy. I heard someone talking near me.

I opened my eyes a crack. There was a very skinny woman next to a very plump man on a couch. I heard part of what they were saying.

"What should we do Vernon. She's injured and probably has a cuncussion. We need to get her help." the woman said.

"I think we should call Dr. Cole to come here. I don't think we could take her to the car without being seen." the man said, he had a very husky voice.

I opened my eyes a bit more. The woman noticed and said, "Dudders, come in here. She's waking up."

A pudgey boy with a purple face walked in. He saw me and sat next to his mum.

I opened my eyes fully and stared at the room. There was samon pink on the walls and a tan, very clean carpet. But I didn't like it. I thought it was tacky and ridiculus.

I tried to search my head for memories. All I found was my name.

"Honey," the lady asked, "do you know your name?"

"Hillary. Hillary Mondala." I said.

"Do you know anything else?" she asked.

I shook my head. She smiled, gleefully. She looked at the man and he nodded.

"You're our adopted daughter. You've lived here since you were two." she said. I didn't question  them I went along with it. "We also have an adopted son named Harry. Don't mind him, he always causes trouble." she continued. "I'm Petunia, this is my husband, Vernon and our son, Dudley." she gestured to the two beside her."Follow me I will show you to your room."

She took me to the stairs and I noticed a cupboard. It looked better than anything in the house. I turned back to Petunia and walked up the stairs.

That was the begining of my new life.

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