Harry Potter and the Vampire

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Sorry if there are any spelling errors I don't have any way to correct it.

xX Aj Midnight Xx


Caira Mondala POV

The air felt cool against her skin. Her eyes were closed but she could see everything around her.

The green grass beneath her feet shivered in the wind. The sky was a light purple. It was morning. Her light blonde hair made her skin look even paler than it was.

Her eyes opened revealing blood red eyes. There was no doubt she was beautiful, but it wasn't what she liked to look like. She was a vampire.

Her stomach which was usually flat had a bulge. In it was her pride and joy... and horror. She didn't know what it would be.

The baby's father was human and ever so handsome. But he didn't know he was the father of her child. A week after she learned of her child he had gotten married. And now she was left alone with a child to care for.

She knew that she had to tell him but she didn't know where they were, nor did she want to ruin their relationship.

At that moment she felt a great pain in her stomach. She let out a small scream and ran inside, clutching her stomach the whole time. She laid down on the bed muffling her screams of pain with a pillow. She grabbed the phone on her bedside table and dialed the number for St. Mungo's. An elderly witch picked up. "Hello, can we help you?" she said.

"Get a doctor here now. I'm having my baby." I yelled in to the phone. She yelped and I hung up.

Five minutes later a doctor appaerated into her room. "Hello, miss." he said. He strode over to her bed. He waved his wand and the pain retracted a bit.

"I want you to push, OK?" he said, completely calm.

The pain came back but she pushed while screaming. The pain suddenly stopped. She heard a small cry.

"Miss, you have a little girl." the doctor said. I looked in his arms and almost cried. A girl with pure white hair with black stripes and brown eyes. She was gorgeous.

"Hillary." I whispered. She looked at me and smiled.

I didn't realize the doctor was still there until he said, "Miss, I need to ask for you and your child's name."

"Caira and Hillary Mondala. Thank you." I said. He nodded and disappaerated. I was alone again.


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