TMNT 2012: A Storm Rises (Seq...

By UniqueGirl78

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THIS BOOK IS UNDER EDITING Prologue: Hi, my name is Phoebe Underwood but you can call me Bolt! I may look lik... More

Chapter Two: The Test
Chapter 3: The Date
Chapter 4: Fighting Ninjas
Chapter 5: Lie Or Truth
Chapter 6: Scars DO NOT READ
Chapter 7: Hello New York City!
Chapter 8: Meeting The Shredder
Chapter 9: Reunions
Chapter 10: Making Friends
Update #1: I'm Going To See The Turtles!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Together Again
Update #2: I Didn't Forget About You Guys!
Chapter 12: Double Date
Chapter 13: More Mystery
Chapter 14: Trust

Chapter One: Helen And Tyler

193 11 1
By UniqueGirl78

        Bolt's POV:

        Beep beep beep beep beep! "Stupid alarm!" I said hitting snooze on my beeping alarm clock. "Phoebe wake up! Time for school!" My mother called. "Can I please have five more minutes?" I asked. "No, you're gonna be late! Come on, rise and shine!" My mother called again. "Fine." I grumbled. I turned off my alarm and got out of bed. I stretched and went into my closet. I looked inside to see, orange, red, blue, and purple and green T-shirts hung up next to my leather and denim jackets. I grabbed the orange one and a denim jacket. I grabbed a pair of jeans from my drawer and some.....undergarments......and went towards my bathroom door. I took a shower, and put on my clothes. I grabbed my hair brush and started brushing out the tangles in my light brown hair that reached half-down to my elbows. I grabbed my homework off of my desk, and stuffed it into my bag. I grabbed my mask off of my nightstand and headed towards the kitchen where my mom put out breakfast. Sausage and chocolate chip pancakes! My favorite! I set my bag down and put my mask on the table. I sat down. "It looks great mom!" I said. "Thanks, sweetie. Did you remember to study for that science test?" My mom asked. My parents are very strict about my grades especially when I skipped a whole year of school. Iv'e been getting C, D's and F's. The only A I'm getting is in gym because I am the best at sports. If I don't get my grades up, my parents might take me out of my ninjistu class! That class is the only thing helping me train to become a full kunoichi! I'm not going to let a few grades stop me! Luckily, Donnie is a math and science whiz so he helped my study on video chat last night and I'm sure I'll ace it. "Yeah, mom I'm gonna get a 100! I studied hard last night!" I told her eating a piece of sausage. "I bet you did sweetie! You've been working hard lately! Well, I better get going! Bye Phoebe, have a wonderful day at school!" My mom said kissing me on my head and leaving for work. My dad walked in and ruffled my hair. "Hey baby girl! How'd ya sleep?" My dad asked grabbing the newspaper. "Good." I told him finishing up my breakfast and putting my plate in the sink. "Oh, Martin will be picking you up today." My father told me. I smiled and jumped up excitedly. "Is he going to pick me up in his AWESOME motorcycle?" I asked excitedly. My dad laughed. "I don't know, why don't you go and ask him?" My dad said laughing from my excitement. I grabbed my bag and mask and ran to the garage.

        Martin is my brother but I call him Mars because he loves outer space. He is in college and is working on being a mechanical engineer. If he isn't looking up at the stars, he's working on his motorcycle! His motorcycle goes crazy fast and looks cool! He even taught me how to drive motorcycle even though I'm only 15. Don't worry, I don't ride the day. Well, come on! It's an awesome looking, super fast motorcycle! Plus, even though I don't have a license, I can ride it perfectly fine! Plus, when I do Mars is always with me!

        I saw Mars grabbing his wrench from his toolbox."Hey Mars!" I said. "Hey squirt!" He said. "Soooooo you gonna pick me up in that motorcycle today?" I ask. Mars looked at me. "You want me to?" He asked. "YES! PLEEEEAAAASE!" I begged. He put the wrench to his chin in thought. "Hhhhhmmmm. Well.......I don't know......" He said teasing me. I gave him my puppy eyes and kneeled down. "Please!" I said. "Alright, alright! You know I can't deny your puppy eyes!" He said smiling. "YES! Can you take me to school too! That'd be awesome!" I said. Mars thought for a second. "Yeah, I could do that. My classes don't start till later and I'll have plenty of time to take you." He said. I jumped up in joy! "Alright but be ready in five minutes! No more, no less. I got to finish tightening these screws on my chair. They keep coming undone." Mars told me. "Alright! Bye!" I said running into my room.

        I shut the door and locked it. I put on my mask that hid my face to my chin up to the top of my nose. I got out my T-phone and started video chatting Mikey. After a few seconds I saw him on my phone. "Hey Bolt! What up?" He said smiling to see me. "I got five minutes to chat so I decided to call." I told him. "Sweet! I can tell you about that awesome prank I did on Raph!" He said giggling. I saw Raph in the background growl at Mikey. "YOU PUT TEN COCKROACHES IN MY BED AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA GLOAT ABOUT IT? COME OVER HERE SO I CAN WHACK YA!" Raph said chasing Mikey. Mikey dropped the phone and I saw him getting chased be Raph and screaming. I laughed. Someone picked up the phone and I saw Leo. "Uh....sorry. Raph isn't in a good mood today." Leo said. "When is he in a good mood?" I joked. "HEY!" Raph yelled at me coming into view. "Seriously dude, think about it. When are you in a good mood?" I asked. Raph was about to say something but stopped. "Whatever." He said walking out of view. I laughed. "So how have you guys been?" I asked. "Good. We haven't seen much of anything lately which is always good." Leo said. "Nice. You've really been kicking shell out there huh? I wish I could be there with you guys and get in the action." I sighed. "Me too! If you were here, nothing would stand in our way dawg!" Mikey said. I laughed. There was a banging at my door. "Hey squirt, come on. I gotta get you to school!" I heard my brother say. "Coming!" I yelled back. "Aw! You got to leave so soon?" Mikey asked sadly. "Don't worry, I'll video chat with you tonight!" I said. "Can't, we're out patrolling remember?" Leo said. "Aw Man! I can't call you sooner cause of my training! Just text me whenever K?" I asked. Mikey nodded. "BYE!" He yelled smiling and waving. We both hung up the video chat and I grabbed my bag and went into the garage.

        My brother started up the bike and was wearing his read helmet. He handed me mine. I put on my backpack and got on. My brother and I zoomed off into the streets! I looked as we passed houses quickly. Soon, I was at school and kids were looking at me and my brother in awe as I got off the bike. I took off my helmet and held on to it for later on when he picked me up. "Have a good day at school!" He said zooming off on his bike. "Well, don't you think you're cool cause you rode on your brother's bike." A voice said behind me. I turned around to see Helen and her friends. Helen is the class's bully and she doesn't bully anyone else but me. She may humiliate kids from time to time but her main goal is me. She hates me and I hate her. Her boyfriend Tyler is the quarterback for the football team and he does whatever she says. And the football team does whatever Tyler tells them too. I just glared at her and walked to the entrance to the school. Helen blocked me. "When I speak to you, you ANSWER!" she said. I just stared at her and said nothing. Helen looked at Tyler and Tyler pushed me to the ground. I took a deep breath and stood back up, not letting her get to me. Tyler pushed me down again but I landed in a mud puddle. Everything I was wearing was soaked and muddy. I growled at Helen and Tyler. "Your lucky I can't hit you!" I yelled at them. "Yes, because of your 'ninja honor'!" Helen said making a stupid face and a stupid voice while saying ninja honor. I growled again and stood back up. Tyler was about to push me again, but I grabbed his arm and flipped him. He groaned. "I thought you said you couldn't hit me!" He groaned. "I didn't hit! I defended! Big difference!" I said to him. "Your such a freak you know that? With your mask, and you wanting to be a ninja! Grow up!" Helen yelled at me. "I'm not becoming a ninja, I'm becoming a kunoichi! It's a female ninja!" I said before walking into the school. "FREAK!" Helen yelled at me. I kept walked to my locker. Helen and Tyler usually don't bully me physically since they know I can hit them back hard. Once they found out I'm not allowed to attacked them unless they are a big threat they try to push there limits by pushing me into lockers and stuff. Pushing isn't a big threat. I can just defend or block. Master Splinter told me all of this. I listen and follow every piece of wisdom he gave me. The bell rang. I didn't have enough time to go to the bathroom and clean up. I sighed and walked soaked and muddy to homeroom.

Author's Note: Yay! That's the first chapter! Next chapter will be tomorrow! Hope you all enjoyed! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I do NOT own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

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