The Butterfly Bracelet [Yande...

By J_C_Coltt

247K 14K 6.5K

"A single night can change the course of your entire life." . . . [Yandere Prince x Female Reader] Once upo... More

1. Dark, Stormy Night.
2. A Promise.
3. Salvation.
4. Too Good to Be True.
5. A Talk With the King.
6. Training Begins.
7. The Libraryette.
8. Too Far.
9. Apology.
10. Friends?
11. Fatigue.
12. Illness.
13. Fever Dream.
14. Recovery.
15. Long Errand.
16. Mischief on Market Day.
17. Envy.
18. Budding Romance.
19. Ilidoro Returns.
20. Past Trauma and Panic.
21. Past Trauma and Panic pt2.
22. Melting Heart.
23. Unsatisfied Revenge.
24. A Day With the Prince.
25. Final Dance Lesson.
26. To Love and Be Loved.
27. Deception Revealed.
28. Close, Yet so Far.
29. Preparing for the Ball.
30. Gala.
31. Party of One.
32. Gala pt2.
33. Flee.
34. Returning to Magnifico Manor.
35. Like She Never Left.
36. Prince of Despair.
37. Reunion.
38. Truth Revealed.
39. Immasquerade.
40. An Awkward Teatime.
41. Blooming Romance.
43. Almost Perfect.
44. Flee. pt2.
45. Unveiled Suffering.
46. Through the Northern Mountains.
47. Prince of Despair pt2.
48. Sacrifice of the First Born.
49. Captured.
50. Wilting Romance.
51. A Wedding Most Foul.
52. To Love and Be Loved pt2.
53. Reconciliation at the Last Hour.
54. Midnight Escape.
55. The Lesser of Two Evils.
56. The Long Road Home.
57. The Coronation Of a King.
58. Prince of Despair pt3.

42. What Goes Around Comes Around.

3.3K 211 136
By J_C_Coltt

It was the middle of a dark stormy night, when, unbeknownst to the rest of the kingdom, a great number of Royal Guards burst through the door of a once beautiful country house, and arrested the Head of the House on suspicion of treason and conspiring against the Royal Family.

Lord Magnifico didn't want to leave his wife and stepdaughters, but with such a serious accusation placed upon his name, he had no choice but to go willingly, to resist would mean death for himself and possibly his family as well.

The hour was so late that no one heard the sound of marching feet as Lord Magnifico's escort brought him from the countryside into the heart of the capital. The group of armed guards entered through the castle gates with only the nightwatchmen and the young prince silhouetted against one of the high windows to witness their arrival.

Dollo was forced down a spiral staircase and taken to the oldest, and the dankest section of the dungeons, reserved for traitors, spies, and assassins. Given the seriousness of the crime required to land you down there, the whole section was empty. The man was shoved roughly into a vacant cell, falling to the floor that was covered in a thin layer of moldy straw.

The guards all laughed at how pathetic he looked and informed him that he would be tried the next day before they left him in the dark. The sound of their boisterous voices faded, leaving Lord Dollo alone with his thoughts. Even though it was dark as pitch in the dungeon Dollo's confidence didn't waver. He knew that he was innocent. He had never once thought ill of the Royal Family, a fact that would be painfully obvious at his trial the coming day.

He was suddenly distracted by the faint light growing brighter by the minute accompanied by the sound of footsteps. Dollo got into a more upright sitting position as the footfalls grew closer. A figure stood at the door of his cell, holding a lantern in one hand.

The light cast his visitor's face in shadow, but after several moments of squinting, Dollo recognized him as Crown Prince Dandini, "Your Highness, what brings you down to the dungeons at the late hour?" he asked in a greasy voice.

"Why, to visit you, of course, Lord Magnifico," Dandini said in a laid back, cheerful manner. His face stretched into a smile that Dollo found rather unsettling as he added, "I wanted to see you before your execution since you are guilty of conspiring against the Royal Family."

"W-What do you mean?" The middle-aged man stammered. The cold of the damp air began to seep into his bones as his confidence crumbled. "I-I haven't been judged by the Royal Court yet!! My trial's tomorrow, you can't punish me without a guilty sentence!!"

"I am afraid that your trial has been canceled," Dandini replied in a sickly-sweet tone. "And I think you will find that I have every right to punish you. I have here a letter written in your hand, confessing to the crime of treason, any further trial would be redundant."

The Crown Prince pulled a fine piece of paper from the folds of his jacket and displayed it in the light of the lantern. Dollo's face paled in bewilderment as he saw the flourish of his own signature on the confession letter. But it wasn't right, he knew for a fact that he had never written such a document in his life.

"I never committed treason against the Royal Family!! I didn't sign that confession," He clutched onto the bars as he looked desperately at the young prince. "I-I'm innocent you have to believe me!!!"

"Oh, but I do believe you," Dandini cooed, his face twisted into a look of insincere concern. "I know that you didn't sign this confession; I signed it for you. I always did have a talent for forgery. I know that you never committed treason, but that doesn't make you innocent in my eyes; you committed a crime far worse than even betraying your king." Dandini hissed the last words threateningly, dropping his pretended nicety.

"W-What do you mean?" Dollo stammered, backing away from the door of the cell as he suddenly realized that he was much safer behind the iron bars than on the same side of them as the prince.

"Even now you still dare to play ignorant," Dandini spat, his pale face twisting in anger. "Or do you really not know? Is she really so insignificant in your eyes that you don't even remember what you've done to her?!"

Dandini took a deep breath to keep himself from losing complete control. When he saw that Lord Magnifico was still looking at him in confusion he decided to explain in full. That man needed to know why he was being punished after all.

"I am talking about your one and only child by blood, Y/N," he said, his voice so cold that it sent chills down Dollo's spine. "Y/N was the first person who has loved me for exactly who I am. Not because of my title, nor my looks, nor my wealth. She is so kind, not just to me, but to everyone she meets. She is the most genuine person I have ever met. She truly has a heart of gold, but through all these years, how have you been treating her?! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN TREATING HER?!"

Dollo's blood froze in his veins. His lower lip trembled as he realized with a sickening lurch why the prince was so delighted by his misery. "I-I-,"

"I'll tell you how you have been treating her all these years. Like she was nothing! Worse yet, you told her that she was worthless so many times that my beloved actually believes it about herself!" Dandini seethed, his black eyes crazed. "She should have been your pride and joy, your treasure of treasures... You are a disgrace of a father and a wretch of a man!"

"P-Please, Your Highness, h-have mercy!!" Dollo pleaded. Cowering against the back of the cell in fear. "P-Please forgive me!!!"

"Hearing you beg like this, I can't help but wonder... All the times that you raised your hand to strike your daughter, and she pleaded for your mercy, did you ever oblige?" Dandini asked the trembling man as he unlocked the door to the cell. It swung open with a rusty creak, and the Dandini stepped inside. "I had nine women sold as slaves just because they bullied Y/N, now imagine the things I would do to someone who had been abusing her for years..."

Beads of icy sweat ran down Dollo's face as the prince took slow, menacing steps towards him. Dandini's hands were shaking, but not from fear. Every nerve in his body was tingling with euphoria as he imagined coating his hands in the rich, warm blood of the man who had dared to bring harm to his love.

"I-I aM goiNg to do evErytHiNg thAt you hAve doNe to mY beLovEd Y/N tEnfoLd," Dandini whispered his voice dangerously calm, and his black eyes void of any emotion other than maniacal glee.

For the rest of the night, the empty dungeon was filled with the bloodcurdling screams of Lord Magnifico as he was tortured into an unrecognizable state. Dandini departed from the dungeons hours later, leaving a grotesquely mangled and bloody corpse behind him. He whistled a cheerful tune as he walked up the steps of the dungeon, a skip in his stride. His expression had already returned to one caring affection as he imagined Y/N sleeping peacefully in her chambers of the castle. It is a truly wonderful thing to be in love, he thought blissfully.


And... Dandini has officially killed someone. Wow, it took 42 chapters to get to the first gruesome death of the book. Anyway,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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