Warped (A FanFic)

By kaitlyn-reads17

4.7K 162 77

When Ky finally gets to go to Warped Tour she thinks it will be the only positive thing that has happened to... More

7. Johnnies P. O. V
8. (Back to Ky's POV)
14.(Johnnies POV)
15. (Back to Ky's POV)
Another A/N
27. (Johnnie's POV)
28. (Ky's POV)
29. (Ky's POV)
30. (Ky's POV)
31. (A Flashback)


293 5 2
By kaitlyn-reads17

The alarm starts to beep. I slap at it until it finally turns off. I stare at the ceiling for a moment trying to remember all the events of yesterday. Oh,right, I had a mental breakdown and now I have to start my first day of therapy. Nice going, Ky.
I finally get up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I get ready, straighten my hair,slip on my black skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt. I put in my headphones and create a new playlist on my phone consisting of everything from Blink-182 to Of Mice and Men.

I walk down to the bus stop and try to avoid everyone. But no, they have to fuck with the anti-social girl with no self confidence. I've gotten to the point where I would slap them but then I decide that would be animal abuse..

"So,I heard you have to go to therapy today." I turn around and see Beth, one of the so called "cool kids". "Yeah.." I whisper back. She laughs. "It's where emo's like you belong. Why don't you go slit your wrists?" She says and throws a pink razor at me. I jump being slightly scared of the fact she threw something at me. I bite my lip and hold back tears. I see a few sympathetic glances but I know none of them will stand up to her..

When we finally load onto the bus I sit in the front by the bus driver. I usually talk to her. Just ordinary things, like the weather, or when school is going to let out for break. But today, she knows I don't want to talk. I put in my headphones and blare Suicide Silence. I don't want to feel anything right now.

We get to school and the day goes by pretty fast. I finally get out of PE and walk to the counselor's office. I knock on the door. She opens it and greets me with a warm smile. "Hello Kylee" she says. "Hi, can you just call me Ky though?" I bite my lip slightly. She nods. "Sure thing, you can set your bag wherever you'd like and take a seat on the couch" I set my bag on the cushion next to me on the couch.

She begins with simple questions but then they get somewhat stupid. She holds up a picture of a cup that's at the halfway point with water. "Is the cup half empty or half full?" She asks. I roll my eyes. "I don't mean to be rude,miss, but why is this relevant to my issue?" I ask. She just looks at me "Please answer the question Ky" I nod and stare at the picture. "Well there's no right answer because it's both, but, just to get on with this, it's half empty." She nods. "And how full is your glass?" I raise an eyebrow. "What?" I ask. "How full is your glass? Like, how do you feel today as a percentage.?" She asks. "Umm" I bite my lip. "I guess like 40%"
She nods. "Can you tell me something that makes you happy?" I think. "Well, there's some people on YouTube that make me laugh and smile, and music is pretty great too, for expressing my feelings." I say playing with my hands.
She nods. "Who on YouTube makes you feel happy?" She asks. I shrug. "Johnnie Guilbert is my favorite YouTuber, and I also like Bryan Stars, and DeeFizzy." I smile at the thought of them. She nods again. "Alright, that will be all for this session" I get up to leave.

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