By Musicsan_123

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"Yep, somebody fed those damn things again.." More



219 3 5
By Musicsan_123

Narrator POV:
Gizmo was only surprised When he hear that phrase, that phrase belonged to the Mogwais/Gremlins leaders that Gizmo killed few years ago. 'I-it Can't be..' Gizmo tough being scared. Hank was getting dangerously close to Gizmo with a fierce smile. Starly and Kevin also approached Gizmo when they saw that their new leader approached him, minus Bob, the grayish Mogwai was very scared that he was not able to do the things that his leader and their partness were doing. Gizmo was getting more and more away from those Mogwais, when Hank got close enough to hurt Gizmo, he put his hands on his neck with the intention of choking him...

"¡Hey, guys!, ¡I'm back!" Kevin and Starly returned were Bob was. A door opened showing Carl holding chicken wings for each Mogwai. Hank seeing that Carl came, he put his hand away and walked away glaring at Gizmo returning with Bob, Starly and Kevin

Carl: Sorry for being late, .I had to bandage my injured hand and ask my mother if she could fry some chicken wings that were left over from last night for all you. ¡So, here you go! *He said offering the chicken. Hank, Starly, Bob and Kevin start eating* ¡Wow, you guys were really hungry! *He said surprised seeing that the Mogwais were eating fast* .. Hey Giz, ¿You want some? *He ask putting the last chicken wing towards Gizmo* ¿You want some Chicken? *He asked with a smile*

Narrator POV:
Gizmo denied scared looking at Hank, the poor Mogwai was so scared that he wasn't even hungry. He could only see Stripe or Mohawk in his mind by remembering the phrase that Hank said previously to him

Carl: ¿No?, Alright.. ¡Then more for me! *he said eating the last chicken wing*

Kevin: *loud burp* ¡ehehehe! *he laugh with a calm look*

Carl: *starts laughing* ¡That so funny, Kevin! *He said petting Kevin, Kevin started to purr* ¡Aww, you sound cute!♡ You like It, ¿Don't You? *Kevin noods* ¿Yes? I'm glad *laughing* ¿do you want caresses too, Bob? *Directing his hand towards Bob*

Narrator POV:
When Bob saw the hand approaching his head, he immediately began to dodge the hand while shaking, Carl was confused

Carl: ¿What's wrong, Bob? *He ask worried still trying to pet him*

Narrator POV:
Bob kept avoiding his hand, the Poor Mogwai was born being already scared, he was afraid of all kind of things. One of them was to be petted

Carl: ¡C'mon Bob, being caressed won't hurt you! *Worried still trying to pet Bob*

Narrator POV:
Bob was still scared, and Carl kept trying to pet him. At that, the distracted Mogwai, Kevin. He immediately notice that Bob is very scared and about to cry. So Kevin went to Bob and Carl pushing Carl's hand away from his friend pacefully

Carl: ¿Don't you want me to pet Bob either, Kevin? *He asked*

Kevin: *hugs Bob* No, no *Denying with his head* .. He not like caresses right now.. *still hugging Bob with protection*

Narrator POV:
Bob reciprocated the hug from his tall friend, Kevin. Kevin's hug seemed to calm him down, so Kevin stayed close to him. Carl and Gizmo looked curiously at the 2 Mogwais. ¿Bob and Kevin were destinated to be Best Friends? That was cute

Carl: ¡Aww, they are hugging!, ¡How cute!♡ *Joining hands tenderly*

Starly: ¡Chicken!, ¡chicken!, ¡chicken! ¡More! ¡More! ¡More!♡ *He exclaimed*

Carl: ¿You want more, Starly?

Starly: ¡More!, ¡More!♡ *He said with a cute smile bitting the bone of the chicken wing that he ate

Carl: But Starly, ¡I Don't have more chicken! :(

Starly: ¡B-but t-there was a last one!💔 *Almost crying*

Carl: Oh.. Uhm, i'm sorry.. i ate it *with a clumsy smile*

Narrator POV:
At that moment there is some grunting from Starly, Carl was confused. Starly just wore a rather annoyed expression showing his razor-sharp teeth. Gizmo, Hank, Bob and Kevin walked away from Starly

Carl: U-uhm.. ¿S-starly? *He asked nervous* ¿W-what's wrong budd-

Starly: ¡¡¡MY CHICKEN!!💢

Narrator POV:
Starly screamed dangerously being really angry because Carl ate the leftover chicken wing, then the black Mogwai jumped on the kid's face biting his nose wanting revenge. Carl started to scream of pain, ¡Starly was digging his teeth very deep into Carl's nose! The kid started screaming trying to shake the Mogwai off but it was useless. The other Mogwais were so scared of Starly's behavior. Gizmo was very scared, Bob was very scared too, Kevin was surprised hugging Bob trying to keep him saved. Hank just gave an evil and proud smile to Starly

Carl Asked for help screaming still trying to take off Starly. Billy heard his son's screams and ran to the kid room

Billy: ¿¡C-carl!? ¿¡What's wrong?! *Worried*

Carl: ¡¡DAD, HELP!!, ¡¡STARLY IS BITTING ME!! *He screamed in agonny*

*Kate and Callie comes in*

Kate: ¿¡What's wrong?!

Callie: ¿¡W-who is s-screaming?!

Narrador POV:
It took a couple of minutes to get Starly out of Carl's nose. Callie, Carl and Billy among the 3 had to force themselves to separate the Mogwai from the kid. The Peltzer family and the other Mogwais were in the living room watching Starly happily eat some cookies next to Hank, Gizmo, Bob and Kevin

Kate: *Puts a plaster on Carl's nose*

Carl: ¡Ow!, ¡I-it hurts, mom!

Kate: I'm sorry, honey *sad*

Callie: ¿I-is your n-nose ok, C-carl? *Worried*

Carl: Yes.. It hurts but not so much anymore..

Starly: *nom* *nom* *nom* ^w^🍪💞

Billy: Why you had to wet Gizmo... *With a hand on his Face*

Carl: Dad, ¡Don't worry!, ¡It was an accident!

Kate: ¿An accident..? Uhm, Carl ¿You sure?.. *Disaproving*

Carl: ¡Yes!, He bite me for a good reason. He bite me because i eat the last chicken wing, Starly want it ¡And then he bite me! *He explain pointing his nose with a smile*

Kate: Carl you are taking everything with a lot of optimism.... *She said looking at the Mogwais*

Starly: *Still eating the cookies* ... *Look at Hank, Bob and Kevin* ¿U want some? *With an inocent smile offering cookies*

Bob: *Being scared he clings to Kevin* ¡N-no t-thanks!

Kevin: No.. Ur dangerous.. *hugging Bob*

Hank: ¡Give me some, partner! *Evil and proud smile*

Narrator POV:
Starly gave some of his cookies to Hank, and Starly and Hank ate the cookies while Kevin and Bob weren't hungry after watching the show that Starly make on Carl's room. Billy didn't want to put his family in danger, but his children wanted the Mogwais to stay with the family, he had no choice, he have to keep the little creatures. Billy could only wish that nothing make them eat at midnight

After Starly's bite. The family acted as if nothing, according to Carl it was an "accident". All the Mogwais except Hank got along with Callie and Carl. Kevin and Bob when they were in Callie's room. They were amazed by the big talent that Callie possessed with the piano. And Carl learned that he always had to leave some leftover food for Starly, because if you didn't, the Mogwai's kind appearance would turn evil. Hank tried to eat after midnight many times, but it was impossible. Billy was always watching him, and that frustrated him. He wanted to become a Gremlin inmediatly, He couldn't stand that defenseless form he had

But after 4 days, the Mogwais finally achieved their mission


Billy: Honey, i have to go for a couple of hours

Kate: ¿¡What?!, ¿¡At this hour?!, ¡It's time to sleep, Billy!, ¿¡Where you have to go!? *Kate asked*

Billy: I know it's not the time for go, but my father called me to help him to create a new invent that he is making.. *Kiss Kate's check* Don't worry, Kate. I will come back to home ¿Ok? *Smiling to Kate*

Kate: *sighs* Ok.. *worried looking at Billy*

Billy: And one thing..

Kate: ¿Yes?

Billy: Don't let the new Mogwais eat at this hour, ¡It's midnight! *Serious*

Kate: *noods* Don't worry, i will..

Billy: Thank You Honey♡

Narrator POV:
Billy said and then crossing the door going towards his parent's house. But a certain Ginger Mogwai hear the conversation that Kate and Billy had. Kate was sleepy, Callie, Carl, and Gizmo were sleeping, and Billy wasn't home. And it was midnight. Hank just smiled with evilness looking for Kevin, Starly and Bob so he and the other can make cocoons together. The Mogwais were asleep on the couch, and Kate obviously fell asleep too, Hank went to wake up the 3 Mogwais Whispering for not to wake up Kate

Hank: Hey... Hey.. ¡Hey, wake up! *Whispering* ... ¡Grr!💢 ¡There are some left chicken wings!💢 *Talking to Starly*

Starly: *wakes up* ¡Give me all, Give me all!

Hank: ¡Shh!, ¡Shut up, you fool! ¡You are gonna wake up the stupid human wife!💢 *Whispering and Pointing Kate who was sleeping*

Kevin: *wakes up too* Uhm.. ¿What is happening?.. *Scratching his head being sleepy*

Bob: *He wakes up suddenly* ¡Ah!, ¿¡Where are we!? ¿¡H-Have we die!? *He asked scared*

Kevin: Relax, Bob. We are not dead, Hank just woke us up.. *putting his hand on Bob's Shoulder with a calm smile*

Starly: ¿Why you woke us, Hank? *Sleepy* ¿And where is the fridge chicken?

Hank: ¡You idiots, it's midnight! ¡And we are Mogwais that they need to turn into Gremlin like all Mogwais!💢

Kevin: But i'm not hungry..

Hank: ¿Are you a bored Mogwai? *Annoyed*

Kevin: No

Hank: ¿Are you like Gizmo? *Annoyed*

Kevin: No

Hank: ¿Are you a good Mogwai? *Annoyed*

Kevin: No

Hank: ¿Are you stupid? *Annoyed*

Kevin: Maybe *smiling calmed*

Starly: Well. ¿How we are gonna eat? We can't open the fridge

Bob: T-there is an o-open window Right t-there... *Pointing an open Windows scared*

Hank: ¡Good eye, Bob! *Evil Smile going towards the open window*

Starly: ¿But isn't it wrong that a Mogwai break the most important rule? *Following Hank*

Hank: ¡I'm not going to keep this stupid plush form! ¡I wanna look Evil!💢

Bob: B-but i'm scared, ¿What if we regret doing It? *Scared*

Kevin: It's not that bad, it can be fun to have a new form and do whatever we want without having to worry about anything *he explain with a calm smile* ¿What do you say? ¿Do you want to take a new form? *He asked smiling to Bob*

Bob: ... A-alright, l-let's go...

Narrator POV:
And then the Mogwais ran away from home by fleeing through the open window. They looked for a place that had good food so they could comfortably make cocoons Hank was willing to become a gremlin, Starly did not mind eating at midnight, Kevin did not mind eating at the forbidden hour either but Bob was the only one insecure. After a while searching, they found an ice cream parlor. The ice cream was the perfect food. Now the goal was to get the ice cream. The 4 Mogwais were hidden under a table

Kevin: ¿What are we gonna do now?

Hank: Steal.. *watching people eating ice cream*

Bob: ¿¡S-steal?!

Hank: Yes.. first we will see a person who have our ice cream and then we eat it and we start to make cocoons *Evil smile*

Kevin: But we don't scare in this forms..

Hank: That's not a problem *looking at Starly with evilness* ¡Hey, Starly!

Starly: ¿Yes?

Hank: ¿You want to eat a ice cream?

Starly: Uhm.. Sure *cute smile*

Hank: Hmm.. Look at that little girl *pointing a Blond girl eating ice cream* ¿You see her? Well, She is eating a strawberry ice cream

Starly: ¿S-strawberry?✨😮🍓

Hank: Yes, but she's eating your ice cream. ¿Will you let her eat your ice cream? *Bothering him*

Starly: ¡¡NEVER!!💢

Narrator POV:
Starly sneakily went to the girl to scare her away. Bob, Kevin, and Hank just watched their bipolar partner. When Starly was close enough, he jumped on the girl's face. "¡¡¡¡¡DROP MY ICE CREAM IMMEDIATLY!!!!!💢💢" He screamed at the innocent girl to then bite her nose making her scream and droping the ice cream going away scared crying

Hank: ¡Yes!, ¡Perfect, Starly! *Hank was very happy of Starly's savage behavior*

Bob: ¡L-Let us s-some, p-please! *He said scared of Starly*

Starly: ¡Sure!, ¡Here you go! *He said with a cute smile decorated with the girl's blood on his teeth*

Kevin: Starly, You are so savage.. *Kevin said staying next to Bob*

Starly: ¿I am? *He said confused* I did not know *he said and then start cleaning the blood of his teeth with his tongue*

Hank: ¡Let's eat before it's to late! *He said starting to eat some ice cream*

Kevin: I know I shouldn't eat at this hour.. but it will be fun breaking the rules *he said with a calm smile to then start eating*

Narrator POV:
When the 4 Mogwais ate, they went inside the ice cream parlor to a special place to make cocoons where no employee could find them



(•Here is a pic of Starly that i draw•)

(I don't even know how to draw hands)

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