Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two S...

Par bethanyjanebooks

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There's a new Dark One in their lives, Emma Swan, after being told she's a saviour, to protect her family and... Plus

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Par bethanyjanebooks

Killian was sat on the ground in Hades' throne room and Hades was stood in front of him. Hades was waiting for Killian to choose who had to stay in the Underworld.

Hades sighed, "Oh, come on. All you need to do is choose four of your friends to stay here. Carve their name. What's the problem? Is it the chisel? So unwieldy for the one-handed or writer's block?" Hades questioned.

Killian threw the chisel onto the ground, "I'm not doing it," He said.

"I must say... I'm not angry. I'm disappointed," Hades said and leaned down to him, "And on second thought... I'm angry, I guess it's off to solitary," Hades said and grabbed Killian by his hair who screamed in pain, before dragging him to his feet. Hades led Killian to the River of Lost Souls, where a boat awaited him, "Now, listen carefully. This is the River of Lost Souls. Touch it and it will make you lose. Reducing you to a mindless, tormented husk. So please, keep all arms and hand inside the boat," Hades said.


Brooke was sat outside the Charming's apartment as the other examined the damage that was left behind by the Cerberus. Across the road, she saw a familiar face and looked to see Peter Pan in a trench coat. 

Pan gestured her to follow him as he walked down the road to an abandoned park. Brooke rolled her eyes and followed after him but stood far from him as he sat on a swing.

"You know, the one thing Neverland didn't have was a sturdy swing," Pan said, "Join me?"

"I'd rather rot," Brooke said.

"Not so charming are you Little Lamb?" Pan asked.

"What do you want?" Brooke asked.

Pan looked at her, "That's why I like you, Brooklyn, always down to business no matter how old you get," He said and bounced to her, "I want out of this place."

"Okay, but you're talking to the wrong person," Brooke said.

"Help me and I'll help you," Pan said and walked around her, "I hear you and the pirate had a baby girl... Alicia right?" He asked and stopped in front of her, "What if I told you something."

"Don't you threaten her," Brooke said glaring at him.

"Oh, no, I'm not threatening her," Pan scoffed slightly, "Just a warning, the longer you're here looking for your long lost lover boy, the easier it is for your dear sweet Alicia to become a Lost Girl. Like mother like daughter," He chuckled.

Brooke glared at him, "The ones I have watching her will never allow that to happen. Do you think that I didn't think you'd be here? Pan, you were destined to rot here," She stepped closer to him as they both glared at each other, "Oh, and call me Little Lamb again and I'll show you just want this lamb can do. I am not the same girl so back off. I will not help as I have something you don't, self-respect. Threaten my daughter again and I will kill you," Brooke said and walked off, "Have fun in hell, I won't miss you."

Brooke walked into the apartment and saw Gold, "What are you doing?" Gold asked them.

"We're gonna get Hook, what's it look like?" David asked and looked at Brooke, "Feeling ready?"

"I wanna punch something," Brooke said, "We know Hades will have him in some sort of isolation. Meg told us there's an entrance nearby."

"So, all 45 of you are gonna slip down into the deepest level of detention in the Underworld. Hades knows you're here, he'll have put up barriers to keep the living out of all the places he doesn't want us going. You walk into his domain, you'll all be puffs of duff," Gold said.

"Okay, so we get a new plan," Brooke said.

"Correct, five of you occupy yourselves as you will... Perhaps cleaning?" He turned to Brooke and Emma, "You two and I go in with the assistant of a helpful dead people. I can extend their aura, if you will, I'm guessing you'll be able to assistant in extending their aura. So that three living souls can get through Hades' barrier," Gold said.

"Wait a minute, yesterday, you hid in your shop. Today, you're gonna lead the charge to find a man that you hate?" Brooke questioned.

"Yeah, because I realised that if I don't step in, we are never gonna get home and I want very much to get home to my wife," Gold said.

"Okay, so how do we get a helpful dead person to loan their aura so we can confront the god of the Underworld himself?" Emma asked.

"You leave that to me, I've got someone in mind. Someone I've known for a long time," Gold said.


Brooke and Emma waited for Gold and the helpful soul to join them. Brooke was looking into her compact mirror looking at Alicia sleeping in August's arms. She smiled and Emma gave her a one-arm hug, looking at her niece.

"Miss Swans," Gold said and Brooke and Emma looked at them, "I hope your daughter is well, but we have a pressing matter to attend to. There's someone I'd like you both to meet," He said and Milah walked towards them, "This is Milah, my ex-wife, Hook's ex, and also Baelfire's mother, of course. Emma knew him as Neal, they had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy, in prison," Gold said.

Emma and Brooke looked shocked at Gold's words, "Yeah, well..." Emma said uncomfortably.

"And this is Brooklyn, the girl I know you about. Recent lover of Hook, she knew Bae as a teenager and as Neal. They were in Neverland together, where she met Hook age the age of 6 and they fell in long 22 years later. Now have a baby girl, who she's left behind," Gold said and looked at Milah, "I'm sure you three will get along."

Brooke glared at Gold in anger and being uncomfortable and Emma pulled Brooke back before she did something she'd regret. The twins looked at Milah who looked at them shocked, "So, you've been with my former lover," Milah said looked at Brooke, "Had a baby with him and knew my son?" Milah turned to Emma, "And you've been with my son and had his baby? Is that about right?" She asked.

Brooke saw Gold smirking amused and she flicked her wrist and sent Gold backwards, "Brooke," Emma said.

"I'm sorry, his smirk was getting on my nerves. I might be the sorceress but even I have my limits," Brooke said and looked at Gold who's walking about to them and smiled sweetly.

"I'm sure we're gonna laugh ourselves sick about all this one day. I suggest you follow me before this get even more awkward," Gold said as he and Milah walked away.

"Too late," Brooke said and she followed them with Emma by her side.

Later, the four made their way to what is Brooke's future home that Killian picked out for them, It was where the entrance to hell's underground is located.

"The way is in here?" Emma asked.

"So, what, the gates of hell are in my future home?" Brooke asked.

"As was the Stone of Excalibur. The pirate has a knack for targeting real estate with hidden value, Gold said.

The four enter the house and saw that is was abandoned. Two baby cradles stood in one of the rooms, with toy stuffed bear and tigers underneath.

The twins looked at Gold, "Basement door?" They asked.

"Basement door," Gold said.

Emma walked up to the door and reached out to it but Brooke pulled it back, "A barrier," Brooke said looking at the door, "Strong one alright, so," Brooke turned to Gold and Milah, "What is she going to do?"

"Joining hands will be fine," Gold said.

The four joined hands, Milah's aura's transferred onto Gold, who transferred it onto Brooke, who was able to transfer it onto Emma. Milah walked in first and they followed after her, passing the barrier successful and headed towards the tunnels of hell.

"It worked," Emma said.

"Indeed, one step closer to hell," Gold said and unknown to them, as they continued to go deeper into the underground tunnels, the basement door closed behind them.

Brooke, Emma, Gold and Milah soon made their way into the tunnels and off to a staircase. They no longer had to hold hands, which they all were grateful for but they looked around.

"The spell's gone, we'll be able to pass through on our own now. Thank you, Milah. You can run back to protecting the dead children," Gold said and walked forward.

"Hang on," Emma said and turned to Milah, "Milah there's something you should know. You're son, Neal, Baelfire... When I was on my way down here on the River, I had sort of a vision of him. I think he talked to me," Emma said.

Brooke looked at them and looked at Milah, "He spoke to me too," Brooke said.

"What did he say?" Milah asked them as her eyes are watery.

"He said that he moved on and that he was happy," Emma said.

"Whatever he had to resolve, he did it," Brooke said, "Also, Milah, thank you... Thank you so much for helping us."

"Thank you, thank you so much," Milah said and looked at Brooke and nodded.

Gold cleared his throat trying to hide the fact he was effected by the news, "I hear water, this way," He said.

"That would be the River of Lost Souls. We can take it to where Hades will have Killian," Milah said.

"I'm sorry," Gold turned to her, "uh, we, can take it? If you think you can get the pirate back, I doubt he's gonna swap the blonde and a baby for the dead woman," Gold said.

Milah looked shocked at Brooke, "A baby?" She asked.

"A baby girl," Brooke smiled at her slightly.

Milah turned to Gold, "You might be dark, but sometimes you're still an idiot, Rumple," She said and Brooke laughed a little, Milah turned to Brooke, "I have my reasons, let me come with you."

Brooke looked at her and smiled, "Sure," Brooke said.


Later, Emma, Brooke, Gold and Milah were now in a boat that was leading them to where he was.

Emma was looking at the souls in the green water, "I hope this boat you found doesn't spring a leak," She said.

"This boat is the best thing we could have hoped to find. After we pick up the pirate, it will take us all the way home," Gold told them.

Brooke stood up as the boat docked, "This is it, her down there. I feel it," Brooke said and got out of the boat then kissed her promise ring then Emma got out.

Gold sat back down, "I'm not leaving the boat. It's too valuable. You two are capable fo getting the pirate of your owns, I'm sure and don't even think about using magic. Hades would notice anything this close to his home base," Gold said.

"If he's not moving, I'm not, either. If he tries to steal this thing, I'll give a shout," Milah told them.

Emma and Brooke nodded before they ran down a tunnel towards where Killian was being held.

When Brooke and Emma ran into the room where Killian was being lowered closer to the pool of lost souls. Killian was wrapped around in heavy chains and unconscious.

"Killian!" Brooke yelled as she saw him being lowered some more and breathing heavily, "Killian," Brooke said and she saw a narrow beam leading to a platform where he is.

Killian is lowered some more and Brooke looked at Emma, "Stay here," Brooke said and stepped onto the bean. She carefully made her way across the beam, "Hang on! I'm coming for you!" She said as she continued to breathe heavily.

She got to the end of the beam and attempted to cross, she almost stumbled and fell, but Brooke managed to regain her balance. Killian was about to fall into the water, Brooke reached out to him and she pulled him to safety then helped him sit up, "I got you," She said and she saw his injuries, "Oh...Killian..."

Killian looked at her, "Lyn... You shouldn't be here, nobody should," He said weakly.

"I'm stubborn, get over it," Brooke said with her eyes full of tears.

Killian gave her a small smile, "You're impossible," He said.

"And you love me for it," She said with a chuckle before pulling him into a hug.

Killian rested his head against hers and looked at her the jacket she's wearing, "Is that my jacket?" Killian asked.

"Err... Yeah," Brooke said and stood up, she carefully helped him up, "I got ya."

"Knew I'd make a pirate out of you," He said and Brooke rolled her eyes. 

She carefully helped him onto the beam, "Emma, you there?" She asked.

Emma stood the other side of the beam, "Yeah, I'm here," She said.

Brooke and Killian slowly made their way across the beam, Brooke kept Killian upright so he didn't lose his balance. Emma grabbed Killian and helped him off the beam then Brooke stepped off. 

"We gotta go," Emma said.

"Right," Brooke nodded and she looked at Killian, "Oh, honey..."

"I've had worse done to be," Killian said as Brooke put his arm around her shoulders.

Emma headed down the tunnel first and Brooke and Killian followed her.

As they came out of the tunnel they saw Gold alone and no Milah to be found, "What happened?" Emma asked.

"Hades!" Gold turned to them, "I tried to stop him. He blew my magic right back at me, Milah... I couldn't stop it. She's gone," Gold said.

"Milah was here? Milah?" Killian asked.

"She helped us get to you," Brooke said.

"Hades has much to answer for," Killian said sadly.

"Indeed he does," Gold agreed.


Later, Emma, Brooke, Killian and Gold had arrived back safely and were waiting for the others to arrive. Brooke was helping Killian to stand straight and the door opened then the others walked in.

"Killian!" Snow said.

"Good job," Henry said.

"Oh, look at you," Snow said as she looked at Killian's injuries.

"I'll be alright," Killian said.

"Gold got us in, he got us help, he poofed us back here. He ever had a boat to get us all back home, but it's gone," Emma said.

"What happened?" Snow asked.

"Hades attacked, we lost the boat and... We lost a friend," Killian said and looked at Gold, "I hear you took away my sacrifice. Everything I did to save my friends and family all went to give you back your power. I should kill you."

"Acknowledged," Gold said.

"But... You helped me get out of there, so I should say..." Killian beg.

"Thank you, no need," Gold said.

"Stay of execution, we're even for now," Killian said.

"I just wanted to get home and yes, you're welcome, Captain," Gold said.

"Well, we're sorry you lost her," Emma said.

"She made me who I am," Gold said.

"Okay, we don't have a way out, but we didn't have on before anyway. My magic's working now, so, let's do this heart split. That way, when we find an exit, we can get through it," Regina said looking at Brooke.

Killian looked at Brooke shocked, "Heart split?" He asked.

"It's a good plan, it'll work, trust," Brooke said and looked at Regina, "Do it," She said.

Regina went to remove Brooke's heart, but is repelled by magic, "Oh?!" 

"What was that?" Robin asked.

"Interesting," Gold said.

"What the hell?" Regina asked.

"What is this? Why didn't it work?"Brooke asked.


The group made their way to the cemetery, Killian and Brooke stood together as Brooke supported Killian. The group were looking at four gravestones that said; Brooklyn Swan, Emma Swan, Snow White, Regina Mills.

"Hades told me to pick four names and chisel them onto the headstones. He said whoever I picked would remain in the Underworld. I refused," Killian said.

"Well, it looks like he did the picking himself," Emma said.

"What does this mean?" Brooke said.

"It means we're such here and now we can't use your heart to save Hook," Killian said.

Brooke and Killian looked at each other, sadness in their eyes, "Well," Gold sighed, "I got the pirate our in a day, but you lot managed to find a whole new way to fail. I'll be in the shop," Gold said as he turned and walk away.

Brooke took out her compact mirror and used her magic to show her Alicia who was being fed by Tink. A tear rolled down her cheek as she watched her little girl giggle at her fairy-godmother. 

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