A Love to Remember

By magdeletimeye5

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#1 Book of the Reyes Brothers series Action/Romance Four main leads More

Part 1
The Reyes Brothers
The Golden Age
Birthday Bash
The Woman in the Silver Dress
Rude Awakening
Family Distress
Café Rouge
Part 2
The Unknown
Jerrold Harris
The Pranks
White Roses
Jacob Harris
Macy & Luke
The Package
Sunny's Story
Finding Waldo
Snow Angels
A Million Things
Luke's Secret
Luke's Hope
Thank You
God is Love
Shawn and Chris
Plans in Motion
Eva's Predicament
Chance Encounter
The Reunion
The Truth
Part 3
The Internship
Robot falls for the Rose
Reaching Out
The Great City
Awkward Meeting
A Love to Remember
Natural Bliss
Trouble Brewing
Smoke and Guns
What are friends for
Always Brothers

Heartless Bachelor

12 0 0
By magdeletimeye5

Its a cool Sunday afternoon as Marco Tarantino's eyes opened to the familiar sound of a birthday song. He sits up quickly as his parents, Cristiano and Luciana Tarantino who holds his little brother Alex in her arms enter his room. A large smile goes on his face as he felt the grateful tears in his eyes. But a jab of pain hits him in the chest and he couldn't figure out why. He didn't care at the moment and looked to the cake being held by his father who holds a giant smile.

"Happy Birthday, Marco." Cristiano says, holding the cake out to his oldest son in pride.

"Thanks, papa." Marco says, he looks to Alex who was just two years old at the time.

"Happy birthday mijo." Luciana smiles, Marco smiles back at his mother before he blows out the candles.

Then the scenery changes to a worn down laundromat building. Marco runs into the back halls of the building and burst through to see Theo Reyes boxing with his dad, Emilio Reyes. The two stop and smiles at the young eleven year old boy.

"Happy Birthday, Marco!" Theo shouts, but then falls to the floor as Emilio catches him off guard, "Oof!"

"Never get distracted, son. You know this already. Happy Birthday Marco." Emilio smiles, as Theo glares at his father before he runs out of the ring and wraps his arms around his best friend.

"Eleven! Your gonna get one hot girl this time." Theo winks, Marco rolls his eyes as Emilio sighs to himself.

He makes a mental note that he really needs to keep Theo away from his brother, Julio.

"Girls, are not what I'm after. I wanna be a Doctor!" Marco says, causing Emilio to feel proud of his best friends son. But also sadness as he knows that Marco is unfortunate to be born in the world of the mafia.

"How's Alex?" Emilio asks, thinking of the smaller boy of the Tarantino's.

Alex was born with a rare blood disease and had many appointments with many doctors to find some type of cure or a way to keep him healthy. It brought distraught on Cristiano as he knew the medical insurance was expensive during this time.

"He's doing good, I believe he's gonna be healed!" Marco says, Emilio smiles as he pats the young boys head. He knew the reason why Marco wanted to be a doctor.

Alex is a great blessing to Marco who was undeniably excited to be an older brother. Marco loved his brother and would do anything for him. He wanted to be a doctor to help his baby brother, it pained Marco to not be able to do anything. Emilio could see how determined the young man was to be something he may never reach. Not because he couldn't do it but because no matter what...Marco was stuck being in the mafia.

"We got you something!" Theo says, Marco smiles but winces as his back and left shoulder stings. He gasps as the pain hits him harder and he falls back onto the floor.

This time however an older Marco is in the alley, his head turned on its side staring at Theo Reyes who is much older now. Rain falls down on him as he lays on the floor in his own blood. A man holding a gun at his face and Marco wondered why his best friend and brother would let anyone do this to him.

"Why..." he whispers, tears fall down his face as Theo turns away...
*end of flashback*

Alistair Robertson jolts up in his bed as his alarm blares him awake. Sweat runs down his face and neck as he looks around himself. His over cleaned room greets him back in the dark as he sighs turning off his alarm. Moving his legs over the bed, he turns on the lamp and winces as his left shoulder tenses up. Rubbing his shoulder, the light from the lamp shines on a bullet scar and a large jagged scar on his back. Ignoring the pain he walks to his bathroom and begins his daily routine.

It's a normal Monday, and Alistair couldn't go back to sleep even if he wanted to. His green eyes scan his face as he gelled back his hair. Already in his suit, his tatted hands and neck were then his next target. Grabbing a Maybelline foundation he begins to dab his hands and neck to cover the tattoos. After his wash and ready routine, he goes into his kitchen and makes his daily breakfast. A protein shake, three eggs, almond milk, granola, some kale, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. As the blender goes off, his apartment phone rings and is sent to voicemail.

"Alistair! Happy Birthday! I'm going by your office today so be nice okay? And actually talk to me...or I will make you regret it!" A woman's voice comes across the empty area. Hitting Alistair's deafened ears, he won't ever listen to the voice that belongs to that woman ever again.

Drinking his milkshake, he hears his doorbell and his heart races as it does every year on his birthday. A feeling he has yet to ignore and try to enjoy a day where he isn't bothered; walking to his door he looks through the peephole. An annoyed gasp escapes him as he is met with bright blue eyes of his best friend, Matt Zelling.

"You going to let me in, or am I gonna be out here yelling until one of your neighbors HEAR ME-!" Matt begins to shout as Alistair opens the door, and pulls the man with a mischievous grin he walks into the place, "Man, I've been out there all day!"

"How are you always...yapping so early like this?" Alistair asks, waving his hands at Matt in a very judging way.

"It's called being completely high with life. Which you are not since yet again...your awake at five in the morning!" Matt retorts, Alistair rolls his eyes before grabbing a coffee cup. Matt sits at the counter where Alistair's protein shake is at and he makes a disgusted expression.

"Be careful before your face stays like that forever." Alistair says, setting down the cup of coffee in front of Matt.

"How can you drink that poison?" Matt asks, shivering as Alistair takes a big gulp of his shake.

"I think I need to ask you that about Tequila." Alistair retorts, Matt snorts before looking at the cup of coffee.

"You know what? I think I'll wait until we get to the building." He says, pushing the cup away as Alistair shrugs and dumps it into the sink, "Such a waste."

"You didn't want it. So don't complain about it." Alistair mumbles, Matt raises an eyebrow as his friend walks to grab his things. Thinking for a moment, Matt's eyes become large as he snaps his fingers at Alistair.

"Happy Birth-"

"Finish that sentence and I will end you...bring you back to life...and stab you." Alistair says, Matt closes his mouth instantly before shaking his pointed finger at the apartment door.

"Shall we?" Matt smiles, Alistair rolls his eyes before walking out the room. The blonde man follows behind shutting the door, "This is why they call you the heartless bachelor."

"I don't care what anyone calls me." Alistair says, as the two enter an elevator with an eighty year old woman.

"Well, I mean at least show some emotion for something other than work. Your like a walking work-zombie." Matt says.

"At least I do my work. Instead of finding woman who are defenseless and emotional." Alistair retorts, the eighty year old woman turns to Matt who scoffs.

"I would never!" He says, "Besides since your last threat, I've been working my ass off to get all that work done. I didn't even get to see Heather the entire week."

"At least there's a woman who resists your..." Alistair looks to Matt who smiles largely, "Nope. Can't see any charm in you."

Matt smile drops as he rolls his eyes as the elevator doors open and the two men let the old woman walk out. She makes a point to step on Matt's toes who sucks in a pained breathe.

"You know I take it back. Happy freaking-" Matt stops talking as Alistair gives him the death glare, gulping back his fear he gestures to the parking lot, "Shall we?"
INKO Corp. is a company that helps cancer patients and any patient of any disease. It's the first building to find any alternate methods of medicine other than chemotherapy to help cancer patients. It is founded by Alistair and Matt who built the company from the ground up. The building expanded to not only through New York City, but around the US. Alistair became CEO when he and Matt connected with his mentors, Mr. Tomlinson and Ms. Barbara. Seeing his full potential as well as Matt, the man and woman signed to help Alistair build his business into what it is today. A fifty story building, which held labs and many other branches within. Alistair became known as the Handsome Bachelor who was engaged to a Brazilian model named Tanya Goodman. Then he became known as Heartless Bachelor when he broke things off with the model. He gained fame and shame in a matter of seconds but only Matt knew why he had called off the engagement. Alistair didn't care that people thought of him that way. All he wanted was to help those who couldn't afford such blessings as in medicine.

As Matt drives up to the building entrance, Alistair ignores the many press in front of the building. About six months before, he has announced hopes of new alternate medication to help pancreatic cancer patients. So as a result everyone wanted to speak to him and they couldn't have chosen the worst day. Breathing in and out Alistair opens his door as swarms of press surround him. Pushing through the throng of people, he finally enters the building where the security guards stop all press from entering. Leaving poor Matt to defend himself as the blonde man stumbles into the building.

"Animals. Savages I say!" Matt says, Alistair sighs wondering how he came to be friends with the man.

"Mr. Robertson." A woman with wavy blonde hair and a red dress says, walking up to the said man as Matt smiles flirtatiously at her.

"Heather, you look rather beautiful today!" He says.

"Mr. Tomlinson has requested for you to look at his proposal again." Heather says, ignoring Matt as Alistair nods his head.

"Thank you, Heather." Alistair replies, he then walks towards the elevators as Matt pouts following after the woman.

"Not gonna talk to me?" He asks.

"In your dreams, Zelling." Heather mutters, as she walks off as well leaving the man smiling in awe after her.

"She totally loves me." He says, "Heather! Wait up!"

As Alistair and his friends head to work, in downtown New York City at a butcher shop. Two black vans parked in front of the building as a Hispanic man with tattoos on his hands and neck are shown peeking out from his black suit. His name is Luke Valencia. His hair slicked back and his white shirt unbuttoned to the nape of his chest. His dark brown eyes looking around as loud banging sounds inside the butcher shop. Turning he isn't surprised as the owner of the shop is thrown out. Landing on the floor with a thud, the man stands wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"What the hell, Reyes? I thought we had an agreement!" The owner says, as men in similar suits walk out of the shop. Surrounding the owner to cut him off from any escape route he would take.

"We did. You didn't hold your side of the bargain. You think I'm stupid? You think I don't know your using my money to buy coke?" A deep voice says, the Hispanic man turns to a dirty blonde male with bright grey eyes. Theo Reyes has light tan skin contrasting his eyes which hold fire. Another man, taller than his friend next to him stands behind. Eric Woods, who is more muscular with long wavy blonde hair laying on his shoulders. His blue eyes looking bored as his expression is blank.

"L-Look I'll get the money. I-I swear!" The owner says, Theo smiles before he kneels down.

"I'm sure you will. Let's get out of here." He says, then stands and walks to the black van as Luke stands next to Eric.

"That was boring." He mumbles.

"I'm sure the boring one is you." Eric says.

"Well is it shit on Luke today? Damn, I just thought-"

"Luke! Eric! Now!" Theo says, "Hurry up! I'm starving."

"See? Like what's with today?" Luke mutters, then Eric smacks him behind the head, "What the hell?!"

"Idiot." Eric says, as they walked to the car as Luke complains about being hit.

As the vans drive off, a young couple speaks to the other people around them. Wondering who the men were and an old lady gasps at them.

"Those men are the mafia group known as The Reyes Brothers. The one who kneeled before the owner of the butcher shop? His name is Theo Reyes. While the two he yelled at are his adoptive brothers...Luke Valencia and Eric Woods." She says, the couple turn to her.

"Mafia group?" The couple asks.

"Yes, but they aren't like any other. They are much better. Although today is a sad day for them." The lady says.

"Why?" They ask again.

"Because they lost their dear brother, Marco Tarantino. Eight years ago on this day." The woman says, and as The Reyes Brothers drive off to their home.

Theo Reyes ignores his men and arguing brothers as he felt the pain in chest. His grey eyes look around the city as they pass through as his tatted hand goes to his face. A pained sigh escapes him.

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