Percy Jackson Stark

By StoryTellingGirls

27.9K 532 480

the life of Percy Jackson as Percy Jackson Stark, from Tony's point of view. watch as Percy grows up, balanci... More

chapter 1- how they met
chapter 2- Monster Teeth
chapter 3- Why?
Chapter 4- unfortunate events
Chapter 5- Dad?
Chapter 6- growing up
chapter 7- The Return
chapter 8- so i guess they're fighting
Chapter 10
chapter 11- Lost Control
chapter 12- After That
chapter 13- The Return Of Someone
chapter 14- Truths and Lies
chapter 15- sacrifices?
chapter 16- everything's okay.
not a chapter
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending
just a small note

chapter 9- the start of the war

1.2K 19 28
By StoryTellingGirls

disclaimer: i don't own anything.

sorry for the bad chapter. i seriously had no idea what to do with the story, but now i do. sorry if it's weird and if i got anyone's personality wrong. i'm trying my best :)


"Is everyone okay?" Cap yelled. They were in Tony's house, when something happened and the whole house came down. Not everyone replied. Tony was buried under what seemed to be the roof. He moved it aside and helped others move too. The moment Tony had heard the rumble of his house falling apart, his armor had automatically coiled around him, so he wasn't really hurt. Wanda had protected them a bit, but then Scott (Lang) had tripped on something and pushed her down. ( idk why it seems like something Scott Lang would do)

Tony heard a WHOOSH! And a BAAM! He turned and found Percy squirming out from wherever he had been. Tony threw a quizzical look at him.

"Used the plumbing system," Percy muttered. He looked pale. His nose was bleeding, he had a deep gash on his side and he was completely covered with dust, but other than that, he was fine.

"So we won't be using the plumbing system anytime soon," Tony said, looking at the geyser that was erupting from somewhere in the rubble.

Percy turned and shut it off. Then he stalked off, trying to find people to help.

Soon everyone was gathered together. Nobody was seriously hurt, (Morgan was dramatically leaning on Percy like the building had fallen on her only. It was her first time being in a life-death experience and she was thrilled) but everyone was shaken. Over the week, only Scott, Hope and her parents had come. Carol said that she was still trying to find the guardians, and T'challa said he needed a little time. Valkyrie was just doing some last minute organizing in her kingdom, and then she'd be coming. They had forgotten about Dr. Strange and Wong, but they had come on their own, having the same thought about Kronos. (i mean they're probably the only people with actual brain cells)

"Okay," Cap said, "how did the house fall down?"

"No idea," Tony said.

"I'LL GIVE YOU AN IDEA!" A voice boomed from behind them. With a faint golden glow, someone stepped on the rubble. He was young, Tony guessed, about 23-24, with Sandy blonde hair, handsome, but he had an ugly scar running down his face ruined it. His eyes were... Pure gold. His voice sounded like someone was scraping a knife on a stone. It made your ears hurt. He had this power of aura around him. In his hand, he had a wicked scythe. It had two different types of metals. Tony flashed Percy a look. Percy nodded.

"Who- who are you?" Bruce asked.

"I'm Kronos," Kronos sneered. "You may know me." He was addressing everyone, but his gaze turned to Percy. His lips curved into a smile. Then he looked at Thor.

"A god, yes" Kronos jeered, "but yet so weak. You are Odin's, are you not?" He laughed and Tony's ears so bad that he wanted to stick a a shoe in Kronos's mouth, but he figured that it might cause some problems. "Odin. Yes, I remember Odin. Didn't like the other types of gods, did he now? Tried to tell him that no matter where you are from, you are a god. Didn't listen. Went and hid in his little mouse hole, that Asgard. Still there, I suspect?"

"Odin is gone," Thor shouted, "Asgard was destroyed. Does that make you feel better?"

"Of course it does," Kronos said. "but I am not here to kill today." He paused, "I am here to warn. When the age of the gods is over, I shall rule. And you," he pointed his finger around all of them, "better help me keep it that way."

"Why?" Cap said in his that's-not-the-right-thing-to-do voice, "what makes you think that we will watch as you tear the world apart?"

"What makes you think that I will tear the world apart?" Kronos sneered.

"You literally just said that," Percy said, in a tired voice. His voice seemed to startle Kronos.

"What?" Kronos asked, but the voice wasn't the same as before. Then Kronos shook his head and yelled, "DO NOT INTERRUPT ME HALF BLOOD!" he bellowed.

"I didn't," Percy said calmly. "you asked a question, I answered it."

Everyone was a bit surprised at how NOT scared Percy sounded. He was the calmest person amongst them, even with the whole prophecy thing that was going on.

Even Kronos seemed a bit surprised, "I didn't ask YOU!" He bellowed again. YOU!" He yelled at Cap, "ANSWER ME!"

Cap looked confused, "you want to rule the world don't you, usually when people want to do that, they're evil."

"Don't talk of evil!" Kronos said, "everyone always things they are right. For them, whoever opposes them is evil. But that's not what evil is. Evil is wrong. Tell me, why do you think so many people joined my army? Because they felt neglected. Abandoned. Alone. The gods never cared about anyone, until they joined their enemy. What right do they have to suddenly PRETEND to care for them. I am not doing anything wrong. Your 'right' is just different from mine."

Tony had to admit that Kronos was convincing. Even Percy looked down when he said the last part about feeling abandoned. Tony grabbed Percy's shoulder and squeezed it. Percy looked up with a grateful expression.

"This is when the War starts Avengers," Kronos sneered, "let's end it here." (i thought war with a capital 'W' would be dramatic... is it??)

"No," a voice behind them said in a firm and calm voice.

They all turned to find Carol land, and behind her, a space ship. The moment her feet touched the ground, a new hope arose. 

"So be it," Kronos sneered, but in an urgent voice. "Be prepared."

Then there was a sound like someone had attacked a rock with a sword, and Kronos was gone.

—X— (<-- these things were time skips, right?)

Percy loved Rocket. And Groot. They had visited a few times before, and it turned out that Rocket and Groot also loved him. But they were all happy to see that Gamora was back.(please i wanted her to be back) Mantis and Peter were laughing about something in the corner. Drax just went around and stood VERY STILL anywhere. Gamora, Quill and Carol went to talk to the rest of the avengers. Carol went around talking to everyone. She went to Percy and told him that they last time she had visited he had been 7 years old. She told him that he had stayed up all night to hear her adventures, and when he finally fell asleep, he had drooled all over her. Percy awkwardly blushed, rubbed his neck and said he sort of remembered it.

"So," Cap said after he rounded everyone up. "Where do we go now?"

"We go to the official avengers headquarters." Tony said. Peter (Parker) almost choked on his spit. He coughed really bad. Wong had to rub his back to stop him.

"Wasn't it destroyed?" Cap asked.

"We built it again," Tony said. "I talked to T'challa. I gave him the designs and he built it."

Cap looked betrayed. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"Because." Tony said. "you can't argue with that."

Cap rolled his eyes.

"I think we should go to the HQ," Nat said. "I think it's the best idea, Steve."

Cap nodded. "We'll go there. Everyone, reach the HQ by tomorrow. Right now, go to your families, explain, and sleep. You'll be loosing that for a while."

Everyone shuffled off.

"Tony," Pepper said. "I think that-"

"Don't stay." Tony told her.

She nodded. "I'll take the kids to Malibu."

"No," Tony said, "I mean yes. But take Morgan. Percy's going to fight."

"Tony-" But Tony cut off Pepper.

"He can, and he will." Tony insisted, "he's done this before, Pep, so many times before."


"Hey Percy!" Tony called. Percy, dragging Morgan along (she was still 'hurt') walked over to him.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Do you want to stay and fight?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," Percy said in a tone that screamed "duh" is six different ways. (ah. i love when i write such descriptive sentences) 

"Okay," Pepper said, as she kissed Tony. "but promise me you'll be safe." She kissed Percy on his forehead. "Promise that you'll take care of each other and TRY your best to stay alive."

"We're always trying, mum," Percy said. "What happens is not my fault."

Pepper smiled at him, "but keep trying," she said in a strict voice.

Percy exaggeratedly nodded, making his hair flop.

Morgan punched him on the side, "no really, stupid," she said, "if you don't came back alive then I'm going to throw you off a cliff."

"Nice," Percy winked, "I'll meet Bob." (i mean like the shark they were talking about. not Bob as in Bob. ignore my tears please)

Morgan muttered something under her breath, which made Percy laugh. She seemed to have forgotten to be hurt, so she wasn't really leaning on Percy anymore.

They said their last goodbye and strode off.

"So we're going to go there RIGHT NOW?" Percy asked Tony.

"Well, yeah," Tony said, "in case you have a problem."

Percy shook his head.

"Excited?" Tony asked.

"Well," Percy said, "of only it was under different circumstances. Right now, not so much."

"You're going to the avengers HQ," Tony reminded him.

"Yeah," Percy said, "but there's like a 89% chance that it's the first and last time I'll ever see it."

"Why 89?" Tony asked. "You HAD to choose the randomist number." (i can make up words okay?)

"In my defense, they don't get enough recognition." (they don't. people'll be like "i'll be there in 5 minutes." but numbers like 4,6,7,8,9 don't get enough recognition. my opinion. any reason why they don't?)

Tony rolled his eyes. "how should we go there?"

"You're the boss." Percy said un-enthusiastically.

"Car," Tony decided. "what's the most bashed up car we have?"

"Dad," Percy said seriously, "all of them are bashed up."


"Because a freaking house just fell on them."

"Oh right," Tony said. "So we take a taxi."

Percy was about to protest and Tony knew why. Tony would get blown trying to make conversation with the drivers.

"I'm the boss," Tony reminded Percy.

"Please," Percy begged. "I'll walk but I'm not going in a taxi with you."

"The drivers like me, okay?'' Tony said.

"That's where you're wrong," Percy told him, "you're in the shotgun seat most of the time, and you try talking to the driver like they're your best friends or something. Nobody likes telling strangers if they're great uncle fought in the second World War. or their family history."

"I stopped asking for the family history!" Tony said.

"Okay, but you don't have to tell them YOURS," Percy said, "like a little conversation is okay, like where are you from and all that, but please don't ask people if their blonde hair is dyed or real."

"Alright," Tony said, "I'll shut up. Happy?"

"I didn't tell you to shut up," Percy argued. "Weren't you listening?"

They argued all the way where their taxi was waiting. (they had booked it in the middle of the argument.)

"No," Tony said and he got into the taxi.

"What no?" Percy asked, "pineapples ARE fruits. And high velocity pineapples are worst than bullets."

"How?" Tony asked, as Percy got it.

"I speak from experience," Percy said, "you don't know it's hitting you until it's hitting you."

"I mean, they surely hurt," Tony said, "but they don't kill. They CAN'T kill."

"They're prickly!" Percy protested. "And they'll not kill if you have a thick scull." (this was an actual argument i had with my sister.)

The driver coughed, and Percy blushed. Then he sat back and whipped his phone out.

"What are doing?" Tony asked.

"Talking to Piper," Percy said, "she'll kill me if I don't show up for whatever she was planning to do." (his phone MAGICALLY survived.)

Tony nodded. He stared out the window, and watched the trees zip past him. Tony felt the urge to stick his head out the window, but he held back. Soon, he found himself asleep.


Tony woke up with a start. He checked the time. 4:26 in the morning. Percy was still asleep beside him. He had a pained expression on his face, so Tony figured it was best to wake him up.

"Percy!" He said urgently in his ear.

It took Percy about two seconds to wake up. He got up with a start, so his and Tony's heads bonked together.

"Why were you so close to my face?" Percy asked, rubbing his forehead.

"I was waking you up," Tony said, as he rubbed HIS forehead.

"You could've woken me up from a distance, you know," Percy said.

"You looked sad!" Tony grinned, "I thought I'd give you a kiss!"

"Ugh," Percy complained, "I'd like it if you don't."

Tony grinned. "so how you feeling?"

"I slept for like ten minutes," Percy said, "thanks for waking me up," he grumbled.

"You can go back to sleep," Tony said, feeling a little bad.

"I was going to," Percy informed him. Then he kept his head on the window and closed his eyes. 30 seconds later he opened them suddenly.

"On second thoughts," he shuddered, "I won't."

Soon enough, they arrived. Cap, Clint and Nat were already there, waiting for them. Bruce, Thor were coming with the guardians, Carol and Peter. (he'd convinced them to give him a ride.) Bucky and T'challa were supposed to be there any minute. Dr. Strange and Wong arrived a minute after Tony and Percy did.

"You guys got some sleep?" Nat asked.

"Nope," Percy said casually. "Surprise, surprise!"

"What about you, Tony?" Nat asked.

"Well-" Tony was about to make some excuses to make it sound like he didn't sleep the entire ride.

"He slept the entire way here," Percy interrupted, "main reason I couldn't sleep."

Tony flashed him a dirty look and Percy gave him a 'what? It's the truth' look.

The way things were looking, this war was going to be tough.


i mean when are wars not tough. gods, i LOVE criticizing my own writing. fyi, Peter Parker's going to be "Peter" throughout the entire story. Peter Quill's going to be Quill. just so you guys don't get confused. how do you all like the chapters? do i interrupt too much? this was a super quick update because i'm really bored and i have nothing to do. (apart from 4 essays and 2 projects that are pending.)   

hope you're having a good day. or night :)

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