Who Are You || Astro Rocky x...

By Rille2020

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WHO ARE YOU is a romance story in which a girl, named Lee Min-a (reader), who has a tough and lonely life dec... More

☆ Chapter 1 ☆
☆ Chapter 3 ☆
☆ Chapter 4 ☆
☆ Chapter 5 ☆
☆ Chapter 6 ☆
☆ Chapter 7 ☆
☆ Chapter 8 ☆

☆ Chapter 2 ☆

238 43 48
By Rille2020

[Your POV]

As I looked down to the crystal-like pool of water below me, tears flowed down my cheeks.

"My wish is that, in my next life, I would be happier with my family, with no worries, no fear, and no problems, and I also hoped that I would be able to have some true friends so that my life wouldn't be lonely..."

I slowly closed my eyes, and jumped off the bridge. I felt the water impact hitting against my entire body as I entered the sea and slowly, I lost my consciousness...

--In the hospital--

Lying down on the hospital bed, with my eyes still closed, as I slowly began to regain conscious, I heard soft weeping tears of joy, as well as a pair of hand clenching my hand tightly.

"Thank you...thank you so much..."

Slowly opening my eyes, I turned my head slightly to see a woman, probably in her late 30's or early 40's, she has shoulder-length hair, with a blend of medium brown and light blonde, and it is half tied back.

When she noticed that my eyes are open, she stands up from her seat slowly and say,

"Are you awake..? Soo Min.. It's mom..."  She then made a gesture with her hand on her chest, giving the message of 'it's me'.

I just stared at her blankly, I don't recognize who she is.

"Eomma?" (means mom)

"Yes... I'm your mom... Do you recognize me?" She asked.

I shake my head slowly, without breaking eye contact with her. I felt my tears rolling down my cheek when I notice the woman, who claimed to be my mom, shedding tears in front of me.

"It's okay.. it's okay.. Don't worry about anything.. I'm here with you now.."  She gently cupped my face with her warm hands, wiping my tears away, and smiled softly.

[Rocky's POV]

It's been exactly 7 days ever since Kim Soo Min went missing during a school trip.

I really hope that everything will be fine and she is safe and sound. I'm very worried about her, because firstly, she is my best friend of 10 years, and secondly, she has been my crush for 5 years.

"Yah Rocky-ah. Stop daydreaming. Can you buy me lunch now, I'm so hungry. The nurse said that I can't get out of my ward so I can't buy it myself."

"Arraseo (means I got it/ I know). I'll be back then." 

I stood up and went out of Jinjin's room to buy his lunch since he haven't eaten yet.

I'm here in the hospital to visit my brother, Park Jinwoo, as he was recently admitted to the hospital, and hasn't visited him yesterday, so I decided to pay him a visit today.

[Your POV]

Ahh... I'm full now. Hmm... maybe I'll buy (your favourite drink) since I'm so thirsty after eating my lunch.

I went to the vending machine to order and quench my thirst. I turn around,


I accidentally bumped into a young lady and my wallet dropped to the ground. We both apologise and as I was about to pick up my wallet, a boy who looked like he is around my age, picked it up for me.

"Aigoo, you should be more careful."  He dusted off the dust on my purse, and handed it to me.

Oh, what a nice guy, I thought.

"Komo simida! (means thank you, but in a respectful way)"

I smiled and bowed to him, and I walked towards my way to the lift to go back to my ward.

"Ding ding." *Lift doors open*

I walked into the lift and took a sip on my drink. I pressed the button for the 5th floor, and I positioned myself at the side.

[Rocky's POV]

As I went my way towards the cafeteria in the hospital, my eyes sparkled, when I saw Kim Soo Min, my best friend of 10 years.

I walked towards her, and noticed that her purse dropped when a woman bumped into her accidentally.

"Aigoo, you should be more careful." I picked her purse up and dusted off the dust on it, and handed it to her with a soft smile.

"Komo simida! (means thank you, but in a respectful way)"  She smiled and bowed at me, and walked away.

That was... very strange...

I looked back at her, and followed her. As the lift was about to close, I rushed and placed my palm on the lift doors, stopping it from closing.

I stared at her, and she looked back at me with her wide eyes. I also noticed that the way she stared at me, was as if she doesn't recognise me at all, like a stranger.

"Are you not coming in?"  She asked, and I realized I was still standing at the same spot.

I walked into the lift, and while positioning myself beside her, I can't help myself but to keep my eyes on her.

[Your POV]

At the corner of my eye, I could sense that the guy beside me kept staring at me.

Who is he? Why does he keep staring at me? What does he want? Does he know me? Is there something on my face?

"Ding ding." *Lift doors open*

Once the lift reach the 5th floor, I picked up my pace as I exited the lift, and walk towards to my ward.

"Yah. Yah Kim Soo Min!"

Wait... Soo Min? Isn't that what my mom called me when I first woke up?

I turned my head back at where the voice is coming from, to see that the same guy at the cafeteria and in the lift, walking towards me.

[Rocky's POV]

"Yah, Kim Soo Min!"  I shouted at her so as to grab her attention, other people near me also got my attention, but I didn't care less.

I walked towards her, and pulled her into an embrace, enjoying our moment.

I'm so relieved that she's back safe and sound.

"Who are you?"  She pushed me away from my embrace.

"What? Who are you? Are you kidding me? This is not funny." I grab her hand, and headlock her while spinning around playfully.

--In Lee Min-a/ Kim Soo Min Ward--

"You don't remember anything? Not even me?" I asked.

She nodded her head. "I don't even remember my own name."

I was so shocked that my mouth was wide open. "Daebak.. (Wow)"

"Thanks for coming. Since you're here, we must be close friends right?"

"Ermm.. Maybe.."

"Beep beep"  My phone vibrated, and I shifted my eyes on my phone to check who messaged me.


Jinjin: Hey! Where are you!? I've been waiting for 20 minutes! Hurry up! I'm starving..


Oh shoot! I totally forgot to buy Jinjin's food!

"Hey, I have to go now, my brother is waiting for me. I'll come again. Bye!" I stood up and as I was about to exit the room, I walked back to her, and said,

"Once you get your memory back, you tell me whether we are close or not."  I softly patted her head and flashed my smile at her before exiting the room.

[Your POV]

Now that I think of it.. I think my name is Kim Soo Min, since both my mom, and my so-called 'friend', called me Soo Min..

I kept smiling unknowingly, at the thought of having people around me who cares about me, and this kind of feeling, feels so great...

--Next day in school--

I have planned to meet up with my girl best friend, Ji hyo, which Rocky had told me yesterday that she's my best friend in school, and I thought it was a good idea to meet up since I didn't know the way to class and I didn't want to get lost on my "first day" in school.

"Soo Mi-ah, I'm so glad to have you back."  She smiled and gave me a side hug, and then gave me a small tour before heading to class.

Aww what a nice friend >~<

Once we both step into our classroom, we immediately caught the attention from our classmates.

"Omo. What's going on? That's Kim Soo Min. She's back." Everyone turned their heads towards my direction, and started talking about me.

A boy walked towards me and pointed a plastic spoon at me and said, "Wow wow wow... Look who's finally here. The student who disappeared during her school trip and caused a ruckus. Any words?"

I just stared blankly at him, as I was very confused about what's going on.

"Just get lost MJ hyung, class is about to start and you're not suppose to be here." 

Everyone turned their head towards at where the voice came from, and I immediately recognize that student, Park Minhyuk aka Rocky, my best friend.

"Fine... I'll get lost. I was just chatting with Sanha and Moonbin before you came, and you better update me on what happened with Soo Min"  and that student, which I assume is MJ, left the class.

"Soo Min, Mr Park wants to see you at the office."

I looked up to see a boy with glasses, who looks very tall standing at my desk,

and I asked, "Where's the office?"

"Just follow me, he asked me to bring you. Oh by the way, my name is Cha Eun Woo, the class president in our class. Rocky told me about you, that you lost your memories."

He gave a quick smile at me, and I stood up from my seat and followed him to the office.

--In the teacher's office--

"Mr Park, Soo Min is here."

"Annyeonghaseyo."  I gave a small smile and bowed at the teacher.

"Oh, you're here. I wanted to see how you're doing, and you looked fine. Eun Woo, can you do me a favour to help her out until she adjust well in our school?"

"Okay, sure. I'll help her her out, it's not an issue for me."

"Okay that's great. You may go for ur classes now."

Both of us bowed at Mr Park, and exited the office.

--At the school hallway--

As Eun Woo and I was walking back to the school hallway with doors into rooms on both sides of it, I started getting stares, and whispers, from the people who were outside of their classrooms.

"Hey. Look. Is it true? I heard that she went missing? She disappeared during the school trip. She caused a huge commotion."


(The flashback shows a scene in a school, which I was alone during my classes and during lunch breaks.

It then changed the scene to a library, and in a corner of the room, I see myself alone as well, using my phone, and then also reading books. 

Afterwards another scene, in which it shows people were staring at my direction, either gossiping, or snickering about me, when I was eating alone at the canteen, and then to when I was walking pass the classroom corridors. Some students were seen staying away, maintaining a good distance from me, and in other words, avoiding me.)

I stopped at my tracks, when I started getting flashbacks of my past memories.

That.. was.. strange...

Both the school hallway, and the school uniform that the students are wearing, are both so different than this school that I'm currently in...

Did I come from a different school, and then transfer to this school..?

"Hey, are you okay?"  Eun Woo asked, as he noticed that I suddenly stopped walking.

He stopped me from getting carried away in my lost thoughts, and looked up to him and said, "Yes. I'm okay."  I gave him an assuring look so that he won't get worried.

He then turned his body facing the front, and lead me back to class.

--Time skip to end of school--

"Annyeong (bye) Soo Mi-ah."

"Annyeong (bye) Ji hyo-ah. I'll see you tomorrow!"

We smiled brightly and waved good bye and then parted ways as our routes to go home is different.

I have to wait for the traffic light to cross to the other side of the road and before the light could turned green, a black car stopped in front of me.

The car door opened, and a hand from inside of the car, grabbed hold of my hand, and pulled me into the car.

To be continued...


Hi guys! This is the 2nd chapter of my first book, "Who Are You".

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as well as the previous chapter. Do comment below what your thoughts are.

Please vote and give this book lots of love and support^^ Thank you so much for reading!♡♡

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