☆ Chapter 4 ☆

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[MJ's POV]

"Screechhhh" *braking of bike sound*

Jinjin pressed the brake on the bike to stop moving, and I lifted my head to look at him.

Why did he stop? Is he shock at my confession? Does he not feel the same to me? Does he want me to get lost? Does he not want to be friends with me anymore?

He turned his head around and as he stared back at me, our eyes met. We had a moment of silence, as we continued to look at each other, without breaking eye contact.

It was quiet enough to hear the blowing of the wind in the trees, and the rustling sound of the leaves and in the bushes.

After a minute of silence, he finally broke it and said,

"Let me give you the answer now.."

He paused for a moment and stood up from the bike. He took my hands that was resting on my thighs, and pulled me down from the bicycle making me stand up on my feet, and he said,

"Myungjun, I like you too, a lot actually. I didn't know what was love, but whenever I see you, I kept getting butterflies in my stomach, and that's when I knew about my feelings and started falling for you. This might sound cheesy, but I meant what I just said."

[MJ's POV]

I stared back at him, with my hands still holding onto his, and said, "You know, I was scared to confess. I thought you wouldn't like me back and you would say you don't want to be friends anymore and leave m-"

I didn't get to finish what I wanted to say as my words got cut off when Jinjin leaned in and his lips crashed onto mine.

My eyes widened and I froze for a moment, not registering what just happen, and before I knew it, he pulled away.

I blankly stared at Jinjin as he pulled away from me and he said, "Myungjun.. You wouldn't shut up. I'm sorry, was that too sudden?"

It took a while to realise that I wasn't just imagining it. Jinjin had just kissed me.

I noticed that Jinjin had a worried look as he slowly lowered his head, and begin to mumble to himself.

Seeing this, I slowly pulled him towards me and lifted his chin. I closed my eyes and kissed him. This stopped his mumbling, and there was a pause in him before he was kissing me back.

[Jinjin's POV]

I didn't imagine that my first kiss would be like this. I never even thought that we would ever kiss. I've always thought that Myungjun would just be my one-sided love, and I didn't expect him to return my feelings.

I felt Myungjun's smile through the kiss, and I lifted myself up a little to lean in more, while Myungjun leaned downed to match my height. Our kisses were slow, sweet and gentle, and soon after, it slowly turned into a deep one.

After a while, we slowly pulled away. I felt that my cheeks felt warm as I touched my cheek, and when I looked up at Myungjun, I noticed that his face were beginning to turn red too. Since it was our first kiss, we were both awkward and didn't know what to react next. At times we would smile at one another, and other times we would look away when our eyes met.

After a while, Myungjun broke the silence and said, "So.."

"Be my boyfriend." I spoke as I smiled at him

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