Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)

By HanaDE238

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There's a new bad girl in town that makes Jade West look like kitten... Elizabeth Smith is a 17 year old girl... More

Chapter 1 - Sugar We're Going Down
Chapter 2 - Kryptonite
Chapter 3 - Teenagers
Chapter 4 - Despacito
Chapter 5 - Juicy
Chapter 6 - I don't do boys
Chapter 7 - Fill Me In
Chapter 8 - Kings & Queens
Chapter 9 - Come See About Me (Part1)
Chapter 10 - Come See About Me (Part2)
Chapter 11 - Complicated
Chapter 12 - Freak the Freak Out
Chapter 13 - Take A Hint
Chapter 14 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 15 - I'm the Bad Guy
Chapter 16 - You Don't Know Me
Chapter 18 - So Many Miles
Chapter 19 - Complicated
Chapter 20 - IDGAF
Chapter 21 - Don't Break Me Too
Chapter 22 - Love You Like a Love Song
Chapter 23 - Party All The Time
Chapter 24 - Earned It
Chapter 25 - Ride Wit Me
Chapter 26 - Stacey's Mom
Chapter 27 - Don't Start Now (Part 1)
Chapter 28 - Don't Start Now (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - Fourth of July
Chapter 30 - Edge of Seventeen
New Story
One Shots
New Story!

Chapter 17 - How to Save A Life

3.3K 94 23
By HanaDE238


"Oh Liza, thank god you are here, the principal came and talked to me. It's regarding your grading." My mom said, let's just say the look on her face told me that I was not going to say goodbye to high school anytime soon. "Elizabeth Smith, I hate to tell you this."


Beth POV

"You are going to have to get a job, you have graduated." My mom said, grinning and pulling me into a hug.

I return the hug and smile, "Oh my god, finally." I yelled. I let go of my mum and get pulled into a hug by my sister and brother-in-law, I then get pulled in by my Aunt, Santana and Quinn.

After being passed around I finally find myself in front of my pale goddess, she had a little frown on her lips. I reach up and cup her cheek. "Jade, are you okay?"

She sent me a quick smile, looking into my eyes, "I am so happy for you, Lizzie."

"Then what's wrong?" I ask, moving closer, my hand on her waist.

"What am I going to do now you wont be in school with me any more? You're going to just forget me." She whispered, placing her head on my shoulder. 

"Jade West," I start wrapping my arms around her waist, holding her close to me. "There is no chance I could ever forget you, and you forget we have been apart for three years before this." 

"You are not leaving me for another three years." Jade muttered angrily into my shoulder, squeezing me tighter.

"Come on girls, we need to get going, party at the Smiths." I feel my mom touch my shoulder as she said this. I nod to her to go ahead. 

"We won't be far behind, Mom." I said, squeezing Jade one more time, before moving away from her, making her whine and look at me with a puppy dog pout. "Come on, Princess, we got to get to a party." 

Jade huffs but takes my hand to lead us to my car, I unlock the car and open the passengers door for her, "Thank you." She whispered, I am guessing she is still in her mopey mood. 

I smile anyway, moving to the drivers side and get in, starting the car and driving out the parking lot. "How did you get to the show?" 

"My mom was still in the house, luckily. She heard everything and gave me a big talking to." Jade responded, grabbing my hand and placing it on her lap, playing with my fingers. 

"Ah, okay." I say, concentrating on the road, seeing as there were a lot of people out drinking and driving because it was so close to Christmas. "Are you going to be a Pouty Peggy all night? Or is it just going to be around me?" 

"Sorry if I don't want to loose you again." Jade huffed, pushing my hand away from her, turning her body towards her window.

"Oh Jade, stop it, you know I am only playing." I said, putting my hand on the wheel, gripping it, I can not handle another argument tonight. I think to myself. "If you are going to be like this, when we get to the house, don't talk to me, I am sick arguing and I am not going to do it anymore with you." 

All I hear from Jade is another huff, I huff louder in reply and just concentrate my hardest on the traffic. We finally came up to the last junction before getting off the main road, the light turns red and I stop the car. 

I look to the pale goddess, out the corner of my eye, and I see her staring at me, wide doe eyed, tears down her face. I close my eyes and release a breath from my nose. 

"The light has turned." I hear her whisper. 

I start driving again, knowing the light was green, all of a sudden I see lights coming into the side of me, I move my right hand off the wheel and throw it across Jade. I feel the impact of the car coming into my side, the car spins, I hear Jade scream and feel a sharp pain in my side. I look to Jade, suddenly feeling tired, my arm drops from her body, I smile softly and then it was black. 

Jade POV

I couldn't help but keep screaming, I witnessed the some of the car door go through Lizzie's body. I try and find my phone, hoping to get in contact with the emergency services. I suddenly feel a hand on my arm. 

I look and see the door was open and a kind woman, hand on my arm, was talking to me but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I shake my head and everything suddenly seemed to be louder. 

"Are you okay, lovely?" I finally hear the woman ask. 

"Yeah, I think so, but my girlfriend, I saw a piece of the ca-" I stop my self by sobbing. 

"Okay, darling, what I am going to do is reach across you and take your seat belt off, is that okay?" She asks, I just nod, not trusting my voice. I feel her move to reach over me to get to the seat belt. It was a good few minutes until she straightened and looked at, "Okay, I can't get the seat belt unclipped." My heart starts racing, "Don't worry, the emergency services are on their way, but I want to get you out of the car sooner." She places a hand on her head, she clicks her fingers and points to me, "I am going to pull your seat belt out as much as I can for you to slip out okay? Are you hurting anywhere at all? Legs, arms, stomach, head?" 

I shake my head, just wishing I was out of the car, or that the ambulance was here, I look to Lizzie and gasp, I then feel a hand on my cheek, guiding my head back to the woman. 

"No, I need to keep looking at me okay?" She asks, I nod, still in shock. 

"Why are you helping me?" I croak out. 

She starts pulling the seat belt as far as she could, she smiles at me, "I wouldn't be a good police officer if I didn't help." She makes sure there is enough space in the seat belt for me to maneuverer out, "Right, I want you, as slowly as possible get out of the seat and try not to get tangled in the seat belt." 

After a few tries I was finally out of the car and on the side of the road, with the police officer sat besides me, she had found some foil blankets in her car and wrapped me in one, keep her arm around my shoulders. Tears were still running down my face as we watched the fire department cut Lizzie out of the car, as she was impaled in the waist. 

"I can't believe it," I croaked, while sniffing, "My last words to her were the light has turned, all because of my stubborn ass, it wasn't I love you." 

"Hey, she isn't going anywhere, you can still tell her." The officer answered, tightening her arm that was around my shoulders. 

"I just realised, I never got your name." I said, chuckling disbelieving, "I am a horrible person." I stated crying again.

"Right, Jade, you need to stop feeling guilty, it's not going to help in anyway whatsoever." She answered, her unoccupied hand going to my chin and making me look at her. "My name is Bridget Solomon." 

"We are taking her to the hospital now, Officer Solomon, will you be bring the young one with you?" The ambulance worker questioned. 

"Yeah, I will take her. Need to notify the parents as well." Bridget stands, offering her hand to me which I take and head to her car. Once we are sitting, she hands me a phone. "Call your folks, and probably her parents as well." 


Thank you all!! Hope you enjoyed. Hopefully more soon. 

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