Paw-sibilities [larry stylins...

بواسطة inkgoddess7

557 26 38

For as long as he can remember, Harry has always wanted a cat. People are usually surpirsied when he tells th... المزيد

The park
The texts
The movie
The beachwood cafe
The confession
The truth

The adoption

175 9 7
بواسطة inkgoddess7

The bell chimes as I walk through the door of the animal shelter. I make my way to the cats and I scan my eyes over the cages. There are about 15 cats and I take my time looking at all of them. This is an important choice.I smile when I see a black and white one. I start to head over to the cage and read the little white paper stuck to the outside of the bars
"dusty: 2 years. Loves sunbathing and treats. She will silently judge you though if you stare at her long enough."
I let out a chuckle and turn my head towards the cat. She's cute. She has a little black spot on her nose. "I think you'll make a great addition in my life dusty." I coo at her before I turn to walk to the front desk.
"Excuse me I'd like to-" I begin to say, however a boy cuts me off
"-Can't you see I'm talking, wait your turn mate,"
"Oh sorry I didn't see you there," I reply with a small apologetic smile. I almost chuckle at his outfit choice. He's wearing a simple green adidas jumper and some black skinny jeans. At least he's comfy, or maybe I'm overdressed. I look down at my floral button up, black jeans and Chelsea boots. I shake the thought out of my head, I'm never overdressed. The boy is short, he's almost fun sized, his brown hair is brushed over part of his forehead, almost like a fringe but it's not. He's slightly standing on his tiptoes to set his arms on the desk counter.
"Whatever, as I was saying I would like to adopt ted. He stood out to me the most out of all the other dogs here," The brown hair boy says rolling his eyes at Harry.
"Of course, I'll give you the adoption papers. I need you to see your ID beforehand," A blonde worker exclaims while she shuffles through papers on her desk.The boy huffs and reaches for his wallet to grab his ID. he hands it over to her and she smiles. "I'm glad you're adopting Ted, the rest of his siblings went rather fast and he was the last one. I'm sure you will give him an amazing home, Mr. Tomlinson." She responds as she hands the boy his ID back. He takes the papers from her and sits down to fill them out.
"Yes, hi love, I would like to adopt dusty," I babble.
"Yes of course, she's such a sweet cat. I would've taken her but unfortunately my boyfriend is allergic to them." She tells me while taking my license.
"Aww that terrible, I don't know what I'd do if I were allergic to cats," I reply quickly.
I Hear someone scoff and I cock my head to the side at the boy who was going to adopt ted.
"Well If you were allergic you could adopt a dog, they are better than cats anyway." He mumbles not even lookIng up from his papers.
"I'd have to disagree, cats are so much better, they are cheaper, they don't require as much work and they are super smart," I rebute.
"Cats don't listen to you, they are annoying," He shakes his head.
I laugh "Maybe cats don't listen to you, I know I wouldn't."
I watch the girl behind the counter cover her mouth as she hides a laugh.
"What's that's supposed to mean." He says as he gets up to return his papers.
"Oh, nothing, you seem a little uptight. Is that why you're getting a dog?" I question with a smirk.
He looks me dead in the eyes and shakes his head.
"No, I don't need to tell you why I'm getting a dog, it's my business not yours," He says sarcastically.
"Oh my bad, you were the one who jumped into my conversation in the first place. Anyway, I'm harry." I stick my hand out.
He raises his eyebrows and proceeds to roll his eyes again. He does that a lot.
"Louis, my name is Louis." He cautiously shakes my hand.
The lady comes back with ted on a leash and now it's my turn to laugh.
"What are you laughing at." Louis deadpans.
"Nothing... Well, ted kinda looks like you if you were a dog," I comment with a cheeky grin.
"What's that supposed to mean," He asks, almost offended.
"It doesn't mean anything, it's a saying you know, the pet looks like their owner. I hope for his sake he doesn't get your attitude." I come back with a wink at the end.
"You're a little strange, Harry," He speaks aloud.
"Yup, that's what my momma always tells me," I say with another smile.
"It wasn't a compliment. you smile too much curly, also if we're talking about pets looking like their owners your car is going to look like a garden, you dress like my sister." Louis states.
"We're on a nickname basis I see. At least I don't dress like I'm still in primary school. Also maybe you don't smile enough, people tell me all the time that it's good when I smile. It usually brightens their day, you should try it sometime shortstack," I tell Louis with a smirk.
"Hey! I'm 5'9," Louis retorts. He's definitely not 5'9".
"Whatever you say shortstack," I respond.
The lady walks back with a carrier and Dusty inside.
"Here you go, she might take a few days to adjust to her new surroundings but that's normal for most animals after they go to their new home" She comments as she hands me the crate. "If you have any questions don't be afraid to call, either of you." she glances back and forth between me and Louis.
"Thank you love." I tell her whereas Louis nods and heads towards the door. "I wonder who pissed in his tea today. He's a grump," I say to the receptionist. She starts to laugh and shakes her head.
"I heard that curly." Louis calls back as he flips me off.
"What, I'm speaking the truth shortstack," I calmly state with a cheesy grin.
I head to my car and open the passenger side door and set dusty in buckling the seat in the car.
"Are you seriously buckling your cat into your car?" Louis asks, astonished.
"I will have you know It is for her safety, if I were to get into an accident it would be a shame if she wasn't safe. However it's unlikely as I'm a good driver." I emphasize confidently.
"Whatever." He murmurs as he walks away.
"See you around shortstack" I wave as he gets in his car.
I start my car up and grin. "We're going to have a great time together dusty, I hope mr grumpy pants didn't ruin your day." I pull out of the lot and head home. As I'm almost home I see a familiar head of hair in the car next to me. I honk my horn and he turns his head. He rolls his eyes and proceeds to roll his window down.
"What," Louis huffs,
"Nothing, just wanted to say hi again." I declare with a wave.
"Listen curly, we're not friends, you don't have to act like we are." He states.
My smile falters slightly before it returns even bigger. "We can become friends shortstack, we're already on nickname terms."
Louis raises his eyebrows. "I'm not a cat person, and I doubt we'd ever see each again." With that being said he drives off.
"I think he likes us dusty, what do you think?" I gush to the cat as I press on the gas.

I wrote this bc of @/ kevintomlinson28 on tiktok. I love her account. She asks so she shall receive. Anyway tell me what you think so far.
Lots of love,

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