I'm Not Sick I The O.C.

By MissAllySwan

9.5K 79 5

Ryan is sick and wants to keep it from the Cohens. How long will he be able to keep the secret? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

741 4 1
By MissAllySwan

Disclaimer: I do not own The O.C. or any of its characters. Everything belongs to FOX and Josh Schwartz.

Sandy's POV

It was days since the doctor came and took a look at Ryan. He had reassured us that it was just the flu and that he would get better on his own. I was having serious doubts. It has been over a week and Ryan hasn't gotten any better. We had been hoping that by now he would have at least started to feel better, but that wasn't the case.

"How is he?" I asked Kirsten as she came out of the guest room Ryan was staying in. She frowned, shutting the door as quietly as she could.

"The same. He won't eat anything." Kirsten told me. It had been a struggle to get Ryan to eat anything the past few days. "I tried soup, and even just a few crackers but he refused." She added. "Sandy, the doctor said he should be feeling better by now." She pointed out and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know." I knew Kirsten was just as worried as I was. "Maybe we should get a second opinion." I was considering it. And I knew a misdiagnosis wasn't uncommon since no doctor was familiar with Ryan nor did they have any records. But also, I've had a bad feeling since that doctor came. "Was that doctor new to Newport?" I asked. The doctor that came was not Seth's regular physician. We usually when he was out, we would call Dr. Roberts, but he was on a business trip so we had to call in someone else. I do not recall ever hearing his name mentioned in Newport; and I knew a lot of doctors in town.

"I am not sure." Kirsten shrugged. "My father recommended him."

"Caleb recommended a doctor for Ryan?" I arched my eyebrow at Kirsten. That didn't sit right with me, with knowing how Caleb felt about Ryan.

"He didn't know it was for Ryan." Kirsten responded, clearly being able to read me. "As far as my father knows, I'm the one who's sick." She had called out the last few days when I had to go into the office. We didn't feel comfortable leaving Ryan alone. And she wanted to make sure Caleb couldn't make any comments to Ryan later on. "But I know what you mean. I don't think he's right about the flu." Kirsten didn't seem to buy that either.

"Is Ryan asleep?" I asked and Kirsten nodded. "Well, I'm going to check on him." I wanted to take a look at him before we decided to call another doctor. Especially knowing how fond Ryan would be with the idea of seeing another one.

"Try not to wake him." Kirsten warned and I nodded; I would do my best. I slowly went into the guest room and over to Ryan. I placed my hand gently on his forehead; he was really warm. I was almost completely sure his temperature had gone up.

"Sandy?" I heard Ryan mumble and then he opened his eyes a crack.

"Hey Ry," I said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Kirsten told me not to but I was concerned; hopefully she doesn't kill me for waking him.

"Can't sleep..." Ryan admitted, taking in deep breaths. "…hurts."

"I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say. I wished there was more I could do. But at the moment, there wasn't. I was sure that Kirsten already had him take some medicine. And even then, I knew the cold medicine probably wasn't helping much. "Is your stomach still bothering you?" I asked. I wanted to see if I could get him to eat.

"Not really." Ryan replied. "My head…making me nauseous."

"You really should eat something." I told him. He hasn't had much in the last few days other than water. Neither Kirsten nor I wanted to force it if he felt too sick, but we knew he had to eat something eventually. And if his stomach isn't the issue at the moment, I wanted to take advantage of it. "Kirsten bought soup or crackers…"

"She told me." Ryan sounded weak and tired. "I'm okay…"

"Really?" I decided to joke a little. "I thought you were sick."

"Not funny, Sandy." Ryan was not in the mood.

"Sorry," Ryan had to be fully aware that Seth had his humor to get it from somewhere. "But Ryan, you really should eat something. And if I don't get you to eat something, Kirsten might force you later." That may or may not have been a lie.

Ryan forced himself to sit up; I guess it worked. I grabbed the box of crackers that Kirsten left on the dresser and then opened the pack for him. Ryan took them from me and ate three before attempting to lay back down. He turned onto his side and then I caught glimpse of something. Was that a rash? I turned on the light so I could get a better look and I noticed Ryan flinch. He then put a hand over his eyes.

"Sandy…the light…" He groaned and I turned the light back off.

"Sorry," I apologized. "Ry, what is hurting you besides your head?"

"My neck." He admitted. "I think I'm having a migraine." Ryan sighed. "I guess I slept wrong." He assumed but I wasn't so sure about that.

"I'll be right back." I told him. I had to talk to Kirsten.

"Is something wrong?" Ryan asked. He seemed to catch on; he was worried.

"It's going to be okay." I didn't want to worry him. But I was worried and I had a feeling that Ryan wasn't just going to get better on his own like the doctor said; and I knew he wasn't going to like it. I left the room and then found Kirsten in the kitchen.

"Did you wake him?" Kirsten asked.

"He wasn't asleep—"

"Did you get him to eat—" I cut Kirsten off.

"We need to take him to the hospital." I interjected and her face dropped. "I know this isn't the flu. We need to take him tonight." Ryan needed to see a doctor as soon as possible.

"No." We turned around to see Ryan, whom put his hand on the wall to support himself. I could him tremble slightly as he struggled to take a step forward. His eyes were barely open, likely irritated from the kitchen lights. I rushed over to him as he attempted to take another step. He almost fell over.

"I don't think you're in any shape to argue." I pointed out.

"I'll get the keys." Kirsten said going off to get her keys and start the car.

"Sandy," Ryan sounded weak. I looked at him and I put his shoulder around my neck as I led him to the car behind Kirsten.

"It's going to be okay, kid." I promised. I knew that the idea of going to the hospital could be scary, especially with how bad he felt and with his history. But my main concern was getting him better and I was concerned that this might get worse if we didn't go right away; and I was pretty sure I knew what he might have. "Everything is going to be okay." I repeated as I helped him into the back seat and then got in the passenger seat as Kirsten started the Range Rover. Once I was in and buckled, she started driving towards the hospital, going a bit over the speed limit. I knew she was just as scared for Ryan as I was. Almost every other minute as she drove I would look back at Ryan, wanting to check on him. His head was pressed up against the window. He seemed half out of it. I shut my eyes as Kirsten then pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. I just kept thinking Ryan has to be okay.

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