I Live to Make You Free (Anak...

By Melonhead15

178K 4.9K 1.7K

A princess in disguise and a young slave boy. Both destined to be more. What will happen when they meet? All... More

An Official Goodbye


7.4K 233 100
By Melonhead15

"Hey, hi, Ani!!" you heard someone say.  You and Anakin looked up from where you two were working at and saw a group of about five children run up to you both. Padmé walked over to you two as well, parts in her hands. Jar Jar, C-3PO and R2 were not too far from you guys as well. 

Anakin had brought you to an open area where he was working on the pod he had and show it to you. He still needed to tune it up and fix a few things. As he started working, you had ask him if you can help him. You didn't know anything really about pods, let alone how to fit them, but you wanted to spend time with Ani and find more out about the connection you both shared. Plus, you didn't mind spending so much time with him. His presence was comforting to you and you could tell that yours was equally as comforting to him. 

Whatever this connection was, you really hoped that you both could remain friends. It was nice to have someone your age and someone else to spend time with outside of your sister and your royal duties. 

"Wow, a real astro droid!!" one of the younger children pointed at R2-D2. "How did you get so lucky?"

"That isn't that half of it." Anakin said as he stepped towards the kid and leaned onto the pod. "I'm in the Boonta race tomorrow!"

"What??" all of the children gasped. 

"With this??" the same child that spoke before said. The nonhuman child spoke in an alien language that you were learning. He said something among the lines that Ani was a joker, obviously doubting Anakin. 

"You've been working on that thing for years." the older girl of the group added.

"It's never gonna run." the younger girl chimed in. 

 You frown at their doubt with Anakin as the group of kids decided to go play ball somewhere else. You felt sadness from Anakin at their words of doubt. Anakin looked down and fidget with the tool in his hand. You place a comforting hand on his shoulder as the other children started to run off to go play. You understood what it's like to not be able to go play with other children. What it was like to be different from the rest. Maybe that is why you and Anakin shared a special connection. 

"Keep racing, Ani. You're gonna be bug squash." one of the meaner boys teased before running off. You felt your blood boil at his meanness to Ani. You focused on the boy as he ran and caused him to fall flat on his face with your special abilities that only seemed to be getting stronger. You smiled as the boy got up confused on how he fell over nothing. Anakin must of felt your anger towards the boy and the use of your abilities, because he looked up at you in surprised. 

"Did you..?" he started to ask. 

"Shhh..." you smiled at Anakin. 

You and Anakin got back to work as you noticed the nicer boy had stayed. You smiled at him as you continued to tighten screws and attach various parts on your side of the pod. Anakin walked over to the other side of the pod and warned Jar Jar about the laser beam that will cause numbness if it touched you. Jar Jar was working on the other half of the pod that had the beam and was being very careless. You watched Jar Jar dropped a tool as Ani warned him and lifted his head up into the beam. You sighed and rolled your eyes as Jar Jar stated his tongue was numb. You finished up your work as you chose to ignore him. 

"Ow!" you hissed in pain as you quickly pulled away your left hand and cover it with your right. The part you were working with slipped and caused a good, deep cut into the palm of your hand. 

"___!" Anakin called out as he rushed to your side. You felt his worry and concern for you and you knew he felt your pain. "What happened?" 

"I'm okay, it's just a cut. The part slipped and cut me really good on my palm." you said as he took your hurt hand and looked at it. 

"Yeah, that's a nasty cut right there. It happens all the time while working on the pods." he explained as he showed you the cut he had gotten on his forearm. "You get use to it. We have to clean it up though when we get back to my house. But this should help for now." 

You nodded your head as Anakin wrapped your hand with a clean cloth he had. Anakin let go of your hand when he was finished.  

"Thank you. On the bright side, I think that does it on my side, Ani." you said with a small smile. 

"Great! I'm done on my side too!!" Ani smiled at you as he started to climb into the pod. 

"You don't even know if that thing is going to run.." the nice child stated out loud as Qui-Gon walked over to you all. 

"It will. I think it's time we found out." Qui-gon said as Ani sat down in the pilot seat. "Here, use this power charge." Qui-Gon added as he handed Anakin the power charge. 

"Yes, sir!" Ani said happily. You, Qui-Gon, and the boy moved out of the way as Anakin installed the power charge. You watched as your sister made her way to the stuck Jar Jar and pulled his stuck hand out of the engine part of the pod. She then walked over to you as you all watch Anakin successfully start the pod. You and Padmé shared a smile as Anakin happily chanted that it was working. 


"Stay still, Ani. Let me clean this cut." Qui-Gon said to Anakin as the two sat on the edge of the balcony. You stood next to Anakin as Qui-Gon finished cleaning Anakin's hand. Qui-Gon had already cleaned and wrapped your hand, but you knew and felt Anakin wanting you to wait for him. So you did, happily. 

"There's so many! Do they all have a system of planets??" Anakin asked Qui-Gon as he looked up into the star filled sky. 

"Most of them." Qui-Gon answered with a smile. 

"Has anyone been to them all?" Anakin asked as you continued to look up into the sky with him. Both of you and Anakin feeling wonder. 

"Not likely." Qui-Gon chuckled. 

"I wanna be the first one to see 'em all!!" Anakin proclaimed excitedly. "___, would you come with me to see them all??" Anakin asked you. 

"Of course!" you answered happily. But then, you remembered that it wouldn't be as easy for you to travel and explore like Anakin. You were a princess with very important tasks and duties on your shoulders. You were suppose to take over after Padmé when the time comes. 

"If the Force allows it." you added after as Anakin gave you a questioning look. 

"Ani, bedtime!!" you heard Anakin's mother call out. 

"___!! You too!!" you heard your older sister said. 

"Ow!" Anakin said as Qui-Gon finished. 

"There. Good as new, the both of you." Qui-Gon said as he glanced over to your bandaged hand.

"Ani, I'm not gonna tell you again!" Shmi said as she walked by the open door. "You too, ___. I'm sure your sister won't tell you again." 

"What are you doing?" both you and Anakin asked as Qui-Gon installed a sample of Anakin's blood into a device he had. Qui-Gon also had a sample of your blood. But you felt like that fully wasn't the reason why

"Checking your blood for infections. I will do the same with yours, ____." Qui-Gon answered. "Go on, you have a big day tomorrow, Anakin. And you need your rest as well, ___." Qui-Gon motioned for you guys to go inside. "Sleep well, Ani and ___." 

Anakin grabbed your unhurt hand and you both walked inside to go to bed. 

Qui-Gon watched you both walked into the house before activating his communicator. 

"Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon called. 

"Yes, Master?" Obi answered. 

"I need an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending to you. I also have another one." Qui-Gon instructed. Obi-Wan told his Master to give him a moment before getting back to him. "I need a midi-chlordan count." Qui-Gon added as he pressed in Anakin's blood sample in the device. After a few moments, Qui-Gon removed Anakin's blood sample and installed yours into the device. 

"The reading is off the chart for both. Over 20,000 for the first sample and almost 20,000 for the second. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlordan count that high." Obi-Wan answered. 

"No Jedi has." Qui-Gon answered. 

"What does that mean?" Obi-Wan asked. 

"I'm not sure." Qui-Gon said as he glanced over to Shmi who was standing in the doorframe. They shared an uneasy look. 

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