The Sealed Alpha

By SaharChristian

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Nyla Brooks is a beautiful, strong, and independent 19 year old girl college student who hides herself. She t... More

Chapter 1 - The Call
Chapter 2 - The Meet pt. 1
Chapter 3 - The Meet pt. 2
Chapter 4 - The Meet pt. 3
Chapter 5 - The punch
Chapter 6 - The Awkward Ride Home
Chapter 7 - Confrontation
Chapter 8 - Changing
Chapter 9 - Remember
Chapter 10 - The Warden
Chapter 11 - Breather
Chapter 12 - Betrayal
Chapter 13 - Girl's Day
Chapter 14 - Problem (Girl's Day)
Chapter 15 - Rage
Chapter 16 - Retaliate
Chapter 17 - Own It
Chapter 18 - Hash It Out
Chapter 19 - Grow Up
Chapter 20 - We'll Try
Chapter 21 - Hidden Power
Chapter 22 - Gone
Chapter 23 - Disrespected
Chapter 24 - We Make Up
Chapter 25 - The Ultimatum
Chapter 27 - First Time
Chapter 28 - The Council Meeting
Chapter 29 Attack & Defend
Chapter 30 - The reveal part 1
Chapter 31 - The Reveal Pt. 2
Chapter 32 - The Reveal Pt. 3
Chapter 34 - The Reveal Pt. 4
Chapter 34 - The Reveal Pt. 5
Epilogue - Our Bond

Chapter 26 - It's Time

46 1 0
By SaharChristian


"I can't keep doing this with her. She always leaves!" I said with anger as I sat back down in my chair.

"And why do you think Nyla leaves? It's because she's fed up with your behavior. I mean did you not hear what she just said?! You cannot remain on the fence with your relationship and have others like Simone's ho ass to interfere!" Linda snaps.

"Then what am I supposed to do?!" I asked.

"Figure it out Kaius! You're on your own on this one!" Linda shouted.

"I want her! I love her and I want to be with her." I said.

"Then you need to prove it and end this shit!" Evan said.

He's right I do need to stop. I shouldn't have never continued on with Simone nor let her come around. I should've just ended things responsibly earlier. I saw the signs for many years, but I didn't care nor listen. Now its nearly costing me my relationship with Nyla. Karma is a bitch and this is biting me in the ass.

"Alright... William, about Simone, she's gone too far." I said.

"Did you want us to kick her out?" William asked.

"No, she can stir up trouble which is what I don't want for the pack and I don't want Nyla harmed. But I know that she can't stay here." I said.

"I might be able to help you with that. You know Jojo showed up to speak to me earlier today. We had an interesting conversation about Simone and what he's found out." Evan said.

"On what?" I asked.

"Given where we are at, I won't say it aloud nor through the link." Evan said, but types it out on his phone and hands it to me.

I read what is on his phone, 'Jojo said he thinks Cole's & Lisa's death are related.' I passed it on to William for him to see and looked back at Evan.

"Wow. Really?" William said and hand him back his phone. Evan nodded yes.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Talk to Jojo. He tried to speak to the others, but they are too afraid of Simone. Some are more so afraid that you will kick them out or kill them because you might believe Simone over them. Given the history between you guys. They will only talk to you if you or your mate can guarantee their safety." Evan said.

"Alright I want to hear what he has to say. Set it up Evan, he better not waste my fucking time. I'll be at home."

         "Oh Linda, here's my card and keys to the penthouse. I want to surprise Nyla, but I'm not good with gifts so you and Ashley get her what she likes. Make it romantic." I said.

         "Ok I'll help and link Ashley about it." Linda said, smiling.

         I left the restaurant and ran into the forest shifting into my wolf. Shortly after Jojo showed up, we spoke for a bit on what he knows and it was very interesting. He assured me this isn't an attempt to get Ashley back or anything, but trying to make amends with those he has hurt. I warned him that this a dangerous path that he is walking on, but he understood and left. The wheels are now set in motion and now I just have to wait for the next move.

Next day

         Lying in my bed alone, thinking about last night, about Nyla. How her lips tasted like honey when I kissed them, her body felt so good and soft in my hands when I touched her. Along with the sound that her ass made when I smacked it, which made my dick hard instantly. I knew she was turned on from it, I smelled her arousal. However, she keeps walking away from me.

Why does she always do that, walking away from me or putting her guard up, I hate that. That damn woman does something to me that I can't explain. I know that I fucked up last night at the restaurant. I've said the wrong things to her as if she didn't matter to me and Nyla does matter to me a lot. But I really didn't think that Simone would try to threaten her.

I understand her anger from being threatened, but my mate shouldn't have left. I was worried sick and angry as fuck, wondering if she made it home or not. At least I kept some wolves around her place to keep watch and make sure she got home. Luckily, I got the word through the link that she did make it home. Thank god, but she's not walking off like that again.

Evan was right I was being a coward and a fool when I wanted to reject Nyla as my mate, because she's human. I've been alone for so long and gave up on having a mate. This feeling that I have this warmth and need to protect, its different, not just because of our bond. I'm drawn to her, yet I don't know why, and I still can't shake the feeling that I've seen Nyla somewhere before. I really want to give us a chance, I need her and I'm in love with her. I just hope that she'll listen to me this time.    

A few hours go by, I get in my car and head to Linda's parents' home. Once I pulled in the driveway, I noticed a man coming out and waving at me. "Alpha Kaius it's been a while, how's your father and mother?" George said while I got out of the car.

"Ok traveling, they should be back tomorrow." I said. "How's your family?"

"Good can't complain, I just wish that this wedding bill wouldn't be so damn high, but nothing but the best for Linda, my little princess. So, what brings you here?" He asked and smiled.

"I need to speak with someone." I said, being vague.

"You mean my niece and your mate, right?" George directly said.

"How did you, Linda." I said with a shocked expression on my face.

"I maybe human, but I'm not stupid, Linda told me and Evelyn. Honestly, I think that you are a bit old for her, but I guess that you really can't fight that mate bond, can you?" George said.

"I know I tried, I messed up and I want to make things right. Is Nyla up?" I asked.

"I think so, but come in and I'll get her... Oh and good luck dealing with my sister." George smirked.

"Who Evelyn?" I asked. "I thought she's okay."

"No Evelyn is my wife, I was talking about Janice, my half-sister, and no I haven't told her about you nor being mates to Nyla. But I think she knows. She can be mean as a snake and very protective of Nyla. So, watch yourself, she's not very fond of wolves or maybe just you." George said warning me.

"Thanks." I said.

         We head into the kitchen and there was that scent that hit me once again. I saw a girl with long brown curly hair that was just all over the place. Wearing nothing, but some pajama shorts and a tank top making coffee. It was my mate and she looks so beautiful.

"Happy birthday baby girl, can I get a cup?" I asked.

         She turned around and saw my face. "What the fuck, Kaius! ... Just what in the hell you're doing here?" She shouted.

"Nyla, language!!" George yelled out.

"Sorry Uncle G, but what in the hell is he doing here?" She yelled out.

"Alpha Kaius said he wanted to speak to you, so I let him in." George said.

"Well I don't want to speak to the fuc - man child. So, you can show him out." Nyla said, grinding her teeth.

"Since when I'm a 'man child,' I'm a grown man." Kaius said proudly.

"Humph, you could've fooled me. You never want to own your shit." Nyla said with sarcasm.

"Nyla!" Uncle George yelled out.

"You and that damn mouth of yours is reckless, it needs to stop!" I lashed out.

"How about you make me stop you sorry excuse of a man!" She fired right back.

"Don't push me woman! I'm trying to be nice to you here." I spat out.

"You know that I can easily throw hot coffee in your face right or I can tase you if you don't leave." Nyla said back at me while holding the coffee pot, but I stood my ground.

"I'm not leaving here without you." I said growling at her.

"Stop it both of you!! Nyla just talk to the man and hear him out please." George asked as he takes the coffee pot from her hand.

"Me talk to Kaius, no! I've said what I wanted to say to Kaius last night. Unless it's a rejection I don't want to see you. You can talk to him, I'll head back upstairs till the dog gets put out." Nyla walked off, but George stops her.

"I'm not a fucking dog and I'm not giving you a rejection!" Kaius yells out.

"You know something, you going to be looking like a poodle if you don't get the hell out!" Nyla yelled out again.

"I said that I'm not leaving here without you!" I yelled back.

"And I said that I'm not going anywhere with you! We're done Kaius! Why can't you leave me alone?!" Nyla yelled back, she was about to leave, but her uncle stopped her, again.

"No, no, you're not going upstairs. Nyla this is something you can't run from. You both are mates and you both need each other!" George said.

"I don't need anyone and I sure as hell don't need him!" Nyla yelled.

"Now that's a fucking lie." I spat out.

"How about you go suck a dick Kaius!" Nyla yelled out as I growled back.

"Enough both of you! Now give me the taser that's in your pocket." She takes out the taser and hands it to George. "Now give me the other one you're hiding."

"I don't have it." She said, but we knew that she was lying.

"Girl don't lie to me! You're not going to tase Kaius!" George said.

"Were you really gonna tase me?" I asked.

"Maybe?!... yes." Nyla admitted.

"Unbelievable, this woman pshh!" I said and put my hands in the air.

"Nyla hand it over, right now!" George demanded.

"Ugh fine!" She said, rolling her eyes while handing over the second taser and then turned to me.

"Stubborn girl. Go and talk to him, right now Nyla!" George yelled out. Nyla headed to the back door.

"Fine! There's always the pool anyway... Are you coming outside, or do I have to roll out the red-carpet for you dog?" Nyla said as she opened the door and I followed her outside.


         I'm upstairs and heard a lot of commotion from the kitchen, then heard a door slammed. I decided to head down stairs to find out what was going on. Once I got into the kitchen, I saw my brother George peeking out the window.

"George, what's with all the noise, I'm trying to read." I said.

"Nothing, sorry Janice." George said and continued to look out the window.

I head to the kitchen counter to make myself a cup of coffee. "So, what are you looking out the window at?" I asked.

"Just watching Nyla and Kaius. He came by to, uh, speak to her." George said.

"Hmm Kaius, the name sound familiar. Have I met him before?" I said while sipping my coffee.

"Well yeah, you have... You actually tried to turn him into a lizard when he was 14yrs old because he called you a miserable old hag, but Nyla's father stopped you." George laughed, walking over to the counter to get a cup.

"Okay, well who is he?" I asked.

"Janice, if I tell you, could you please try not to over react." George asked.

"I don't over react." I said with denial.

"Yes, you do my dear sister, all the damn time." George said with a smile.

"Will you tell me please." I was getting irritated as George sighed.

"Fine, it's the Alpha of the Evergreen pack, Kaius Richards." George admitted, calmly.

Did I hear him right? I was hoping that George was joking but he wasn't. Of all the wolves in the world why him? God must be testing me I could never stand that cocky disrespectful wolf even when he was a child. I should've turned him into fertilizer years ago especially after he hurt my niece repeatedly.

"Oh, hell no!" I yelled out and slammed the coffee cup on the counter.

I head for the door that leads into the backyard, but George blocks the way. "Wait a minute Janice, don't do this." George said in a stern tone.

"Why should I huh?!... I know his type and how he treats women. How he treated Nyla during that wolf training when she left for three weeks. Don't stand there and act like you didn't know about it. Your son is a terrible liar and I saw Nyla's memories while she slept. I'll won't that dog to hurt my niece and I don't care if they are mates!" I yelled out.

"See you do overreact. Janice you know damn well once Nyla came back here this was gonna happen at some point." George reminded me.

"What was gonna happen?" A familiar voice said.

I turned around facing the entrance into the kitchen and there was David. Wearing nothing but some grey shorts and he was shirtless. Damn, after 20 plus years of knowing him, he still looks good, nothing has changed. He still keeps his head shaven bald and still is very built. He even has the same almond brown skin complexion with greenish-brown eyes. 

"Oh, great as soon as I speak about one dog another one strolls right in." I sarcastically said.

"Well hello to you Janice." David leers at me for a minute then puts his shirt on. "Still like what you see." He grins and catches me looking at his body and sits at the counter. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Ugh. When in the hell did you get here dog?" I spat out.

George shakes his head. "Janice why are you so..." He said and was cut off by David.

"No, no, no its fine, George and Travis let me in last night." David said.

"Really, my brother should've kept you outside in the dog house because that's where really dogs belong. I keep telling you George that you shouldn't take in strays, they might have fleas." I said and stared at David.

Why does my brother do that, he knows that I can't stand David.

"Janice could you stop it! God, now I see where Nyla gets her sarcasm." George said.

"It's ok George, besides I'm use to the bitter, lonely and old witch who has been talking her nonsense for the past 20 years." David blurred out. I just smiled.

"Bitter... I got ya bitter you mutha-" I shouted and held out my hand, producing a white glowing spark. David stood up from his chair.

"Good bring it on old woman!" David growled as his eyes changed to black.

"Could you both stop it, you too are not tearing up my house. Evelyn will kill me and Nyla is right outside! So, unless you don't want her to find out that you're both a witch and a werewolf could you please knock it off!" George shouted and quickly looked out the glass door for a second and came back to us.

We both stood down even though we didn't like it, but it was for my niece, Nyla. "Thank you." George sighed in relief.

"Mongrel." I mumbled loud enough for David to hear me.

"Hag." David spat back.

"Jesus you too are worse than children!... Anyway what are you doing here David?" George asked him.

"I actually came to see my God-daughter for her birthday, and I have this International wolf meeting that I have to attend to tomorrow... Also, I can't head back to Cairo right now because I was being followed for quite some time." David said.

"Was it him?" I asked.

"Yes, I've been monitoring him. My home was ransacked. I got whatever I stashed and left through the night, out of Egypt." David said.

"How did you leave?" George asked.

"I created a diversion in Cairo which aide my escape and followed the Nile River to Alexandria. I then met up with some people that helped me get out. I had to cross the Mediterranean Sea by ship into Canakkale, then ferried & bused it to IST airport... But we need to talk, all of us. It's almost time." David said.

"Why?" I asked, but I knew what he was talking about.

"You know why Janice, just like you know why Nolan ordered you to bring Nyla back." David said. I shook my head.

"Besides the disappearances and deaths of supernaturals... Then it must be... No, no it must be that spell." I said with worry.

"Yeah, the spell conceals her powers and her true bloodline from both of her parents. Janice can't you sense it, the seal has already begun to give way. From what I've noticed, it's been that way for well over a year. Nyla is starting to remember her past. The last painting she sent me told it all, here." David said and handed me his phone.

I looked at the photo and my heart sank. I realized who it was.

"My God... That's him isn't it?!" I angrily asked. David nodded. I showed it to George.

         "Nolan told me, which was why he asked you to bring her back. I still can't believe that's him after all these years." George said.

"It is. Nyla's paintings are from her past I didn't realize they were a pattern till three months ago when I got her latest one and that's the same one that went missing." David confirmed.

         I didn't want to admit it, but I noticed for some time. The rumor amongst the wolves were true Nyla's powers where coming out.

"Are you sure?" I asked David, with concern. "There has to be another way."

"Come on Janice, we all know that your sister's spell wasn't meant to last forever now. It was cast to only to protect her until she reached adulthood... Besides, your niece has already begun to tap into her powers. Plus, whoever broke into my home already knows about Nyla. He can sense it as well." David said with worry.

"He'll come for her you know. Like he tried to do 17years ago, remember that?... You know what that cursed monster wants. She lost her parents, our sister, your friend because of that sick, twisted fucker!" I said with anger, then sighed. "Every time I look at Nyla, I see Abigail... She has so much of my sister, her voice, her colorful vocabulary. She looks more like her every day."

"But she has her father's mind and his eyes. Even when she fights and paints, its like he never left. I miss them both." David said with tears in his eyes and wipes them away.

"She deserves to know the truth, all of them do. On what really happened." George said.

"So, this means that you're going to train her again?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah, which means I'll be here for now on." David said.

"So, you'll be staying with us now? Should I go and get the doghouse ready for you. Because you're sleeping outside." I sarcastically said and I meant it.

"No, I'm going to check into a hotel and I'll ask Nolan's son if I can join the pack again." He said.

"Thank god, I thought you was staying here." I said and smiled sarcastically at David. He stands up, leans over the counter toward me and looks at my perfectly fit body.

"Aw, if you want me to stay Janice all you have to do is ask... After 20 years, you're still as fine as ever." He grins and licks his lips, teasing me. I smirked, hey the man never lied. I was still fine for a 49yr old, but I knew what he wanted and he's not getting any. I know his game.

"Fuck you David." I spat out.

"Oh, but you have, repeatedly and you loved begging for it." David continued to tease me, and it wasn't funny. Like I really wanted my own brother knowing that David and I have been sleeping together on and off for years. George would never let me live it down.

"So, it was true, you too!... And before y'all both ask me 'How did I know' Evelyn told me 10 years ago and by the way that's just nasty." George said in disgust as David laughed.

David can be a real pain in the ass, but more of a distraction. Not that I don't want him to stay and I don't. But I need to pay attention to Nyla, when she breaks her seal. Then again, Nyla would hate me it if I didn't let David stay, spite how I feel. David is the only father figure she has in her life and she loves that man.

"This is your home too and I owe you and Nyla's father my life. You don't have to ask old friend." George smiled and David nodded.

David got up and looked out the glass door. "Hey who is Nyla talking to out there, he looks familiar." He said.

"Ugh, it's that alpha Kaius Richards." I said. I was even more disgusted to mention his name.

"Really, that's Kaius!... Wow Kaius Ryan Richards, Alpha to the Evergreen pack! My, my, the boy grew up. I was wondering when those two were going to meet again. It has been 17yrs since they last saw each other." David said smiling.

"Yeah, they found each other again, that mate bond is something. Given the fact they're not ordinary mates." George said.

"What are you too getting at?" I was curious as David looked to George.

"You didn't tell her?" Said David while George shook his head no.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"On the day, Nyla was born. Her father saw the bond between Nyla and Kaius through one of his powers and he saw the Moon goddess blessed them. They have a special bond, one even the goddess herself didn't create or paired. It happened on its own accord, but she still blessed their bond. Then when Nyla turn 3yrs old, he heard Nyla's thoughts on what she called Kaius before she was sealed away." David said, but I still didn't get it.

"What?! They've only known each other for 3 months, right?" I was confused.

         "It's been longer than that. Think back, when Nyla was a child in the pack. Did you ever wonder why she would always follow Kaius around? Calling him mate." George said.

"Yeah I thought it was odd or she heard someone else say it. You're not saying..." I still didn't get it.

"Nasier lycans find their mates early sometimes. Janice, your niece has been that Alpha's mate for the past 17 years." David announced. I was taken back and not in a good way.

"Nyla has been Kaius's mate of 17yrs?!... And you didn't tell me!" I yelled out.

"Yes, they are and please keep your voice down. We're the only ones who know along with Kaius's parents who know the truth. And we're going to keep it that way till Nyla fully taps into her powers." David said.

"No wonder Nolan wanted her to come back. Kaius has been going feral after all these years. He hasn't been around his mate in so long, he needs Nyla. What have we done? Kaius & Nyla will be furious with us when the time comes." George said.

"I know, but we had no choice. Which is why we all agreed before the spell was casted. We knew this would happen, I just hope they can forgive us." I said.


         Once we were outside, we went pass the pool house away from prying ears. Then Nyla starts snapping at me. "What do you want? I thought I told you to kick rocks last night!" Nyla said.

"Actually, you told me that you were leaving and you told me to go back to my bitch." I fired back with sarcasm.

"Pshh!" She folded her arms.

"Nyla you left me at the restaurant when I still wanted to talk to you. You had me worried sick last night." I said.

"Is that all, spare me!" Nyla rolled her eyes. "I can take care of myself."

"I still care if you made it home or not damnit! ... Look, I'm sorry about last night, I didn't know that she would try and talk to you like that. Even though I told Simone to stay away from you multiple times. Nyla I'm don't want her I never did. I only want you." I said in a calm tone.

"Right, sure you do...You're full of shit." She said with the negativity in her voice, she didn't believe me.

"I'm serious Nyla, I want you!... I love you, I'm standing here saying it!" I shouted out, coming closer to her.

"Bullshit, just stop lying to me and leave! I know that you don't want me or love me!" She yells and tried to walk away, but I stop her.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." I said, right in her face.

"Kaius don't do this to me, please! Let me go, reject me." Nyla said, yet I knew she was lying to me, but even more to herself.

Her words were sharp as knives. I can understand why she hides behind them. It was her shield, her armor, but her heart wanted to speak the truth. I held her in my arms, then I chose to speak mine.

"Dammit woman, I'll never reject you, never! Do you hear me?! What part of that don't you understand?! No man or wolf is ever going to love you the way I do! You're the only one I want to be with! The only one who I want to bear my children, my pups! Since that day you walked into my life, you were mine Nyla! You've always been mine!!!" I yelled out while holding her as she struggled to break free from me.

"No, just reject me please, you can go back to your life or be with someone else!" She said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Why do you do that? You always walk away from me or when I try to talk to you and you push me away, why? Are you afraid of me loving you?! Or it is that you're afraid to love me because for once you have to let your guard down! You are the stubborn one in this and you don't want to be vulnerable!" I shouted. She turns her head away, trying to pull free, but I won't let her.

"Let go of me!" Nyla shouted.

"No, no more of you running from me! You're not doing that anymore! I said that I want you and I mean that! I know that you feel the same way about me. So for once stop lying to yourself and stop fighting me!" I shouted back and released her hands.

"Why are you doing this to me? I mean, you can't like me especially after everything that has happened between us." She cried out.

"Who said anything about liking you?" I said, wiping her tears away. Then I whispered in her ear. "I said that I'm in love with you Nyla Egypt Brooks, so don't fight me anymore." I heard her heart beat even faster the second that those words left my lips. Nyla clamped her eyes shut.

         "Look at me!" I said lifting her head as she looks at me in my eyes. "I won't ever reject you nor will I ever accept you rejecting me! ... Like I said before I don't give up that easily and you're not leaving me ever." I smirked then pressed my lips on to hers.

"You love me?" She said to me as she touched my face.

"Yes, I love you. I love everything about you. I miss your presence and mostly you telling me off. Baby you don't have to cry anymore." I said smiling and kissed her lips.

"I love you Kaius, I love you so much. So what do we do now?" She admitted as I dried her tears.

"Well, first thing first." I said and slapped her ass. "You're gonna get dressed, I'm taking you out for your birthday and then you're moving in with me!" I slap her ass again hard, which catches her off guard again with a moan.

"Ahh! Shit do you have to slap my ass like that?!" She asked while rubbing it with her hand.

"Well I can't help it. I like the sound it makes, and I also love the sound you make when I do hit it. Besides I'm going to be doing that on the regular anyway." I said flirtatiously.

"Jesus you're such a horn dog." She said.

"You have no idea, but that will be for later on tonight baby girl. Which brings me to my next decision. I'm going to mark you, I won't have my mate walk around unmarked anymore." I said holding her while looking into her big hazel brown eyes and moving her hair from her face.

"I know, I know my hair is all over the place." She said while trying to tie it up, but I stopped her.

"No, I like it this way, curly, it's a lot better than it was at that dinner party. Come on, lets get back inside." I said as we walked back.

"You remembered how my hair looked?" Nyla asked and smiled.

"Yeah I do. I knew that you were uncomfortable when I saw you tugging at your dress and holding your hair back. I take it that you don't like to dress up huh?" I asked.

"No, I hate dressing up. Linda made me wear a dress that night." Nyla said.

"I figured, but I don't mind if you wear one or not. But I like you in those shorts with your hair down." I said.

"I take it that I'm not going to get my tattoo today, huh?" She said smirking.

"Hell no!! Nyla, not today. I want today just to be about us just me and you. But I'm still annoyed at you for leaving me like that in the restaurant. It's a good thing that I kept some wolves around to watch you. Don't have me worry about you like that again!... Now, if you don't get dressed in the next 20mins, or so help me, I'll do more than just slap your ass. Are we clear?" I said in a stern voice. Nyla smiled at me.

"Yes daddy!" She sarcastically said as she turned towards the house.

Daddy, did she really just say that?! How can someone piss you off yet, turn you on at the same time and turned on I was, with a hard on. I grab her and pulled her back to my chest. Her back was facing me, I held her tightly till she felt the strong tent in my pants poking at her buttocks.

"You really enjoy teasing me huh, you're very lucky that you have clothing on and that your family is close by." I said while slowly grinding my erection against her.

"Is that your..." She said, quivering with arousal while looking at me.

"Yeah, you did that when you called me daddy. I love that shit baby girl, but don't start what you can't finish. Now you have ten mins!" I smiled and slapped her ass again.

         We head back to the door and heard someone yelling. I looked to Nyla who rolled her eyes. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's my Aunt Janice she's in the kitchen. Come on we can go through the front." She said.

"I don't mind meeting her." I said and smiled.

"She knows about you and she can be very judgmental. Fuck it, she's 20 times the bitch than I. Come on, we can go through the front and miss them." Nyla said with worry, but I stopped her.

"Nyla, I don't mind and I am not afraid. So, can we go in please." I squeezed her ass and kissed her lips. She sighed in defeat.

"Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck, you'll need it." Nyla said and we walked back inside.


We came back inside and saw my aunt making coffee and breakfast.

"Hey Auntie you making coffee?" I asked.

"Yes I am and happy birthday." My aunt smiled and hugged me. "Look who's here."

I turned to the table and I saw my godfather / uncle David. "Uncle David!" I squeaked and ran over to hug him.

"Hey sapphire, I missed you. Happy birthday." David smiled and hands me a small box.

"Ooh, what is it?" I asked while looking at the box.

"Open it." David smiled.

I opened it and saw a green and gold, winged snake necklace. "It's beautiful, what is it?" I asked as David puts it on me.

"This is a Mehen necklace, it belonged to your father and his before him. He wanted you to have it. Also, one more thing." David said and brought out a long box and opened it.

"Is this a staff?" I asked.

"Yep one of your own, it should suit your needs. Besides we gonna train in two days." David said as I opened up the staff.

"There's a silver blade?" I asked.

"Yes, when I found out that you decided to move here. I had this made for you." He said.

"Thank you." I cried and hugged David.

I looked to Kaius who appeared to be out of place, I almost forgot about him.

         "Oh, Kaius this my godfather/ Uncle David and that is my Aunt Janice. This is Kaius Richards, my uh, boyfriend." I said as David smiled at him.

I knew David was okay with it, but my aunt Janice was just itching to say something that was not gonna be good.

"You mean your mate, right?" David smiled at Janice and shook Kaius's hand.

"Yeah, he is." I said.

"We already know, George told us. A lot wolves recognize wolves, right Alpha." David said squeezing his hand.

"Uh, hi Mr. & Mrs. Brooks." Kaius said nervously.

"Um Kaius, they're not married." I said.

"Oh, sorry." Kaius said nervously.

"So, you're the pussy-hound mutt of an alpha that has been sniffing around my niece?" Janice sneered at Kaius as he lowly growled back.

Uncle David and George laughed their asses off while I was just floored that my aunt Janice actually said the word pussy again. My ears are actually ringing.

"Wow, she waste no time. no 'Hi nice to meet you too' Auntie... And she's says I have the potty mouth." I said and Aunt Janice looked at me.

"So, you know who I am?" Kaius asked.

"Only by your reputation as a ruthless Alpha. You're punishments are known to be very creative. Enough to make your enemies tremble in fear, just like your father use to do. There's something else... Oh, yes, your whoring, your harsh demeanor towards women is very well known." Aunt Janice said as Kaius starts to growl out even louder.

"Shit Janice, he still an alpha. Stop." My uncle George called out to her, but she ignored him.

"I don't give a damn. Tell me alpha, is my niece going to be another one of your conquest to conquer before you reject her? Or are you going to cheat on her again, with that whore I've been hearing about?" Aunt Janice said, tilting her head to the side. Kaius, was surprised.  

"Janice don't have anything hot on the stove right?" David asked George while looking at the stove then turned back, shaking his head no. "Whew, false alarm, we good." David sighed out in relief.

"Wait how did you know?" I asked.

"I know enough! Like you felt him betray you. Evelyn & Linda told me because they were worried about you. Especially when you was prescribed painkillers at the pharmacy that Linda works at. I can only imagine all that pain you had to endure alone." She said as I looked away from my aunt.

Feeling Kaius betray me was one of those things that I didn't want Aunt Janice to know about. I felt ashamed when she announced it. I get that she is looking out for me, but that something between me and Kaius.

         "Is there a point in this Ms. Brooks?" Kaius said with an attitude.

My aunt put her coffee cup down on the counter and got right in Kaius's face. "Listen, you maybe alpha, but you had better check that tone with me! I'm the HBIC in this equation!"

"Stand down alpha." David blurred out.

"Look, I know that you both are mates, I'm not all too keen about it. I do think that you are a bit old for her, but I know and see that you do care and love her and that's enough for me. I take it that you're here to bring her back right?" Janice said.

"Yes I am." Kaius grunted.

"Ok." My aunt said and then slapped Kaius in the face hard.

I was speechless as were my two uncles. I stood their for a few minutes trying to process what I saw. My aunt actually slapped my mate in the face and the crazy thing about it was that I wasn't surprised. I found it hilarious, but Kaius felt humiliated.

         "Did she just slap me?!" Kaius asked as his face was twitching.

"Yes she did and you had it coming." David mumbled out as Kaius eyes turned black.

"That's for cheating on my niece and for making her feel that shit!" My aunt shouted then used her inside voice. "Now, I'll only say this once. If you ever in your life hurt my niece again, sucker you gonna come up missing. Not even your pack will find you, do we have an understanding?" Janice said in a stern tone and cracked a smile. Kaius didn't say anything, but nodded.

"And the fucking witch of the east rears its ugly head." David said and grinned while I tried not to laugh.

"Fuck you David!" Janice spat out to David and I smirked.

"And once again Janice, you have... All 12inches!" David grabbed is crotch. I was done, no beyond done.

"Ahhh! Enough alright! E-fucking–nough!" I shouted, closing my ears. "Ugh, you too are not gonna have me re-live my childhood when I heard & saw both of you having sex!" Everyone looked at me as if I had two heads.

"You knew?!" Aunt Janice was shocked.

"I couldn't eat in that kitchen for a month and yes, we all knew me, Linda & Travis for years. Honestly, I really don't care, but next time keep it in the bedroom and not on the kitchen counter... I'm going upstairs. Come on Kaius." I spat out.

"He stays down here." My aunt said.

"Well duh. I'm taking him into the living room. Is Travis downstairs?" I asked.

"Yes, in the living room with an ice pack between his legs. He thinks he has a UTI or an STD. So, what did you do to him?" My aunt asked.

"What makes you think I did something to Travis?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe because you use duck tape to rip off his eyebrows the other day?" Aunt Janice said while the guys laughed.

"Wait, that was you?! No wonder, everyone was laughing at him, calling him a dildo through the link." Kaius said laughing.

"Yes!" I said with a smile. "Travis is not gonna lose his penis, it will burn for a few hours or if he keeps using his lotion. I told him to give me my money, but no, he don't want to listen." I said grinning from ear to ear.

"Baby girl, what did you do to him?" Kaius asked.

I went to the draw to give Kaius some rubber gloves and placed what I used on Travis on the counter top. Kaius picks it up using the gloves and then the bottle.

"Hot pepper extract! Oh, that's gonna hurt! I'm afraid to ask why, but why?" Kaius asked.

         "Travis gave one of his jump offs my expensive one of a kind limited edition signed New York Yankee jersey to wear. Which the girl ruined out of spite when I made her take it off. I demanded that Travis pay me back, but he refused. So I put hot pepper in his lotion." I said.

         "I'm surprised he's still walking the earth. You getting soft with those pranks!" David said and laughed.

"Yep, Travis knows better than to mess with Nyla's jersey's, that's suicide on his part." My uncle George said.

"I'm gonna get dressed." I said and walked out.

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